         * UTMXYToLatLon
         * Converts x and y coordinates in the Universal Transverse Mercator
         * projection to a latitude/longitude pair.
         * Inputs:
         *	x - The easting of the point, in meters.
         *	y - The northing of the point, in meters.
         *	zone - The UTM zone in which the point lies.
         *	southhemi - True if the point is in the southern hemisphere;
         *               false otherwise.
         * Outputs:
         *	latlon - A 2-element array containing the latitude and
         *            longitude of the point, in degrees.

        public static GeoLocation UTMXYToLatLon(GeoLocationXY xy, bool southhemi)
            if (xy.Zone < 1 || xy.Zone > 60)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(xy.Zone));

            var x = xy.X - 500000.0;

            x /= UTMScaleFactor;

            var y = xy.Y;

            /* If in southern hemisphere, adjust y accordingly. */
            if (southhemi)
                y -= 10000000;

            y /= UTMScaleFactor;

            var cmeridian = UTMCentralMeridian(xy.Zone);
            var rad       = MapXyToLatLon(x, y, cmeridian);

            return(new GeoLocation(RadToDeg(rad.Item1), RadToDeg(rad.Item2), xy.Elevation));
        private double CalculateAngleDeg(GeoLocationXY p1, GeoLocationXY p2)
            var dx    = p2.X - p1.X;
            var dy    = p2.Y - p1.Y;
            var arctg = Math.Atan(dx / dy);

            double angle;

            if (dx > 0 && dy > 0)
                angle = arctg;
            else if (dx > 0 && dy < 0)
                angle = Math.PI + arctg;
            else if (dx < 0 && dy > 0)
                angle = arctg;
                angle = Math.PI + arctg;

            return(angle * 180.0 / Math.PI);
        public static bool IsInsidePolygon(this GeoLocationXY p, List <GeoLocationXY> poly)
            // отсюда
            // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4243042/c-sharp-point-in-polygon

            bool inside = false;

            if (poly.Count < 3)
                throw new ArgumentException("poly.Count < 3", nameof(poly));

            var oldPoint = new Point(
                poly[poly.Count - 1].X, poly[poly.Count - 1].Y);

            for (int i = 0; i < poly.Count; i++)
                var newPoint = new Point(poly[i].X, poly[i].Y);

                Point p2;
                Point p1;
                if (newPoint.X > oldPoint.X)
                    p1 = oldPoint;
                    p2 = newPoint;
                    p1 = newPoint;
                    p2 = oldPoint;

                if ((newPoint.X < p.X) == (p.X <= oldPoint.X) &&
                    (p.Y - (long)p1.Y) * (p2.X - p1.X)
                    < (p2.Y - (long)p1.Y) * (p.X - p1.X))
                    inside = !inside;

                oldPoint = newPoint;
