        //Coordinates look up based on Address
        #region latLongfromAddr
        //Get Latitude and Longtude Coorinates based on State and City
        public static async Task <RootObject> GetlatLongfromAddr(string Address)
            RootObject rootobj;

            rootobj = await GeoLocService.GetLatLongFromAddress(Address);

        public MapPoint latlangofAddr(string Address, double geoLatitude, double geoLongitude)
            MapPoint          MapCords = new MapPoint();
            Task <RootObject> task1    = GeoLocService.GetLatLongFromAddress(Address);

            // RootObject mapgeoroot = task1.Result;
            if (task1.Result.results.Count == 0)
                MapCords.Latitude   = 0;
                MapCords.Longitude  = 0;
                MapCords.MatchCords = false;
                MapCords.Latitude  = task1.Result.results[0].geometry.location.lat;
                MapCords.Longitude = task1.Result.results[0].geometry.location.lng;
                bool latValid  = (Math.Truncate(geoLatitude) == Math.Truncate(MapCords.Latitude)) ? true : false;
                bool langValid = (Math.Truncate(geoLongitude) == Math.Truncate(MapCords.Longitude)) ? true : false;
                MapCords.MatchCords = ((latValid == true && langValid == true) ? true : false);

            //scoremodel.Coordinates_Match = MapCords.MatchCords;