public void Crossover(ref TestCitizen mate, int slicePosA = -1, int slicePosB = -1)
            Random rng = new Random();

            slicePosA = (slicePosA < 0) ? rng.Next(Genes.Count - 1) : slicePosA;
            slicePosB = (slicePosB < 0) ? rng.Next(mate.Genes.Count - 1) : slicePosB;

            // Determines if the input parameters are valid

            if (slicePosB >= mate.Genes.Count || slicePosA >= Genes.Count)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("slice position is greater than the maximum index of either the mate, or the subject!");

            // Initializes each cut List

            List <bool> cutA = new List <bool>(Genes.Count - (slicePosA + 1));
            List <bool> cutB = new List <bool>(mate.Genes.Count - (slicePosB + 1));

            // Removes the data from each subject at the splice Pos

            for (int i = 0; i < Genes.Count - (slicePosA + 1); i++)
                cutA.Add(Genes[Genes.Count - 1]);
                Genes.RemoveAt(Genes.Count - 1);


            for (int i = 0; i < mate.Genes.Count - (slicePosB + 1); i++)
                cutB.Add(mate.Genes[mate.Genes.Count - 1]);
                mate.Genes.RemoveAt(mate.Genes.Count - 1);


            // Adds the cut material back into the opposite subject

            foreach (bool b in cutA)

            foreach (bool b in cutB)