public static void SetUpModConfigMenu(WateringGrantsXPConfig config, WateringGrantsXP mod)
            GenericModConfigMenuAPI api = mod.Helper.ModRegistry.GetApi <GenericModConfigMenuAPI>("spacechase0.GenericModConfigMenu");

            if (api == null)

            var manifest = mod.ModManifest;

            api.RegisterModConfig(manifest, () => config = new WateringGrantsXPConfig(), delegate { mod.Helper.WriteConfig(config); VerifyConfigValues(config, mod); });

            api.RegisterLabel(manifest, "Watering Grants XP", null);

            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Amount Of Experience", null, () => config.WateringExperienceAmount, (int val) => config.WateringExperienceAmount = val);
            api.RegisterClampedOption(manifest, "Chance To Get XP", null, () => config.WateringChanceToGetXP, (int val) => config.WateringChanceToGetXP          = val, 0, 100);
            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Forage Seed Watering\nGrants Foraging XP", null, () => config.ForageSeedWateringGrantsForagingXP, (bool val) => config.ForageSeedWateringGrantsForagingXP = val);

            // this is a spacer due to the line break above
            api.RegisterLabel(manifest, string.Empty, null);
            api.RegisterLabel(manifest, "Crops Die Without Water", null);

            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Withering Feature Enabled", null, () => config.CropsCanDieWithoutWater, (bool val) => config.CropsCanDieWithoutWater = val);
            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Days For Chance Of Withering", null, () => config.DaysWithoutWaterForChanceToDie, (int val) => config.DaysWithoutWaterForChanceToDie = val);
            api.RegisterClampedOption(manifest, "Chance For Withering", null, () => config.ChanceToDieWhenLeftForTooLong, (int val) => config.ChanceToDieWhenLeftForTooLong          = val, 0, 100);
 protected override void InitializeApi(GenericModConfigMenuAPI api)
     api.RegisterSimpleOption(ModManifest, "Disable Growth", "Whether grass growth & spreading should be suppressed entirely.", () => config.DisableGrowth, (bool val) => config.DisableGrowth = val);
     api.RegisterSimpleOption(ModManifest, "Grow Everywhere", "Whether grass spreads almost everywhere. If false, grass spreading is limited to tillable tiles.", () => config.GrowEverywhere, (bool val) => config.GrowEverywhere = val);
     api.RegisterClampedOption(ModManifest, "Growth Chance", "The chance that grass grows or spreads.", () => config.GrowthChance, (float val) => config.GrowthChance = val, 0, 1);
     api.RegisterClampedOption(ModManifest, "Spread Chance", "The chance for each neighbouring tile that the grass will spread there.", () => config.SpreadChance, (float val) => config.SpreadChance = val, 0, 1);
     api.RegisterClampedOption(ModManifest, "Daily Growth", "The number of iterations that grass growth is applied per day", () => config.DailyGrowth, (int val) => config.DailyGrowth = val, 0, 10);
     api.RegisterClampedOption(ModManifest, "Monthly Growth", "Additional iterations that grass growth is applied at the start of each month.", () => config.MonthlyGrowth, (int val) => config.MonthlyGrowth = val, 0, 100);
        public static void SetUpModConfigMenu(TreeOverhaulConfig config, TreeOverhaul mod)
            GenericModConfigMenuAPI api = mod.Helper.ModRegistry.GetApi <GenericModConfigMenuAPI>("spacechase0.GenericModConfigMenu");

            if (api == null)

            var manifest = mod.ModManifest;

            api.RegisterModConfig(manifest, () => config = new TreeOverhaulConfig(), delegate { mod.Helper.WriteConfig(config); VerifyConfigValues(config, mod); });

            api.RegisterLabel(manifest, "General Tweaks", null);

            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Stop Seed Growth In Shade", "Seeds don't sprout in the 8 surrounding tiles of a tree", () => config.StopShadeSaplingGrowth, (bool val) => config.StopShadeSaplingGrowth = val);
            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Growth Ignores Stumps", "Trees can grow even if a small stump is next to them", () => config.GrowthIgnoresStumps, (bool val) => config.GrowthIgnoresStumps = val);
            api.RegisterChoiceOption(manifest, "Save Sprouts From Tools", "Normal and fruit trees can't be killed by the selected tools", () => GetElementFromConfig(SSChoices, config.SaveSprouts), (string val) => config.SaveSprouts = GetIndexFromArrayElement(SSChoices, val), SSChoices);

            api.RegisterLabel(manifest, "Winter Tweaks", null);

            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Normal Trees Grow In Winter", null, () => config.NormalTreesGrowInWinter, (bool val) => config.NormalTreesGrowInWinter            = val);
            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Mushroom Trees Grow In Winter", null, () => config.MushroomTreesGrowInWinter, (bool val) => config.MushroomTreesGrowInWinter      = val);
            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Fruit Trees Don't Grow In Winter", null, () => config.FruitTreesDontGrowInWinter, (bool val) => config.FruitTreesDontGrowInWinter = val);

            api.RegisterLabel(manifest, "Buffs And Nerfs", null);

            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Buff Mahogany Tree Growth", "20% unfertilized and 100% fertilized (from 15% and 60%)", () => config.BuffMahoganyTrees, (bool val) => config.BuffMahoganyTrees = val);
            api.RegisterClampedOption(manifest, "Seed Chance From Shaking", "Chance that a seed drops from shaking a tree (default: 5%, chance depends on host)", () => config.ShakingSeedChance, (int val) => config.ShakingSeedChance     = val, 0, 100);
            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Faster Normal Tree Growth", "Normal trees try to grow twice every day, still random whether they succeed", () => config.FasterNormalTreeGrowth, (bool val) => config.FasterNormalTreeGrowth = val);
            api.RegisterChoiceOption(manifest, "Fruit Tree Growth Options", null, () => GetElementFromConfig(FTChoices, config.FruitTreeGrowth), (string val) => config.FruitTreeGrowth = GetIndexFromArrayElement(FTChoices, val), FTChoices);
 protected override void InitializeApi(GenericModConfigMenuAPI api)
     api.RegisterLabel(ModManifest, "Each night", "How soil decays every night");
     api.RegisterClampedOption(ModManifest, "Drying Rate", "Chance that tilled soil will disappear. Normally this is 0.1 (=10%).", () => (float)config.EachNight.DryingRate, (float val) => config.EachNight.DryingRate = val, 0.0f, 1.0f);
     api.RegisterClampedOption(ModManifest, "Delay", "Number of consecutive days that the patch must have been without water, before it can disappear during the night.", () => config.EachNight.Delay, (int val) => config.EachNight.Delay = val, 0, 4);
     api.RegisterLabel(ModManifest, "Each Season", "How soil decays on the farm (and maps that have the `ClearEmptyDirtOnNewMonth` property) during nights between seasons");
     api.RegisterClampedOption(ModManifest, "Drying Rate", "Chance that tilled soil will disappear. Normally this is 0.8 (=80%).", () => (float)config.EachSeason.DryingRate, (float val) => config.EachSeason.DryingRate = val, 0.0f, 1.0f);
     api.RegisterClampedOption(ModManifest, "Delay", "Number of consecutive days that the patch must have been without water, before it can disappear during the night.", () => config.EachSeason.Delay, (int val) => config.EachSeason.Delay = val, 0, 4);
     api.RegisterLabel(ModManifest, "Greenhouse", "How soil decays inside the greenhouse");
     api.RegisterClampedOption(ModManifest, "Drying Rate", "Chance that tilled soil will disappear. Normally this is 1.0 (=100%).", () => (float)config.Greenhouse.DryingRate, (float val) => config.Greenhouse.DryingRate = val, 0.0f, 1.0f);
     api.RegisterClampedOption(ModManifest, "Delay", "Number of consecutive days that the patch must have been without water, before it can disappear during the night.", () => config.Greenhouse.Delay, (int val) => config.Greenhouse.Delay = val, 0, 4);
     api.RegisterLabel(ModManifest, "Island", "How soil decays on Ginger Island");
     api.RegisterClampedOption(ModManifest, "Drying Rate", "Chance that tilled soil will disappear. Normally this is 0.1 (=10%).", () => (float)config.Island.DryingRate, (float val) => config.Island.DryingRate = val, 0.0f, 1.0f);
     api.RegisterClampedOption(ModManifest, "Delay", "Number of consecutive days that the patch must have been without water, before it can disappear during the night.", () => config.Island.Delay, (int val) => config.Island.Delay = val, 0, 4);
     api.RegisterLabel(ModManifest, "Non-farm", "How soil decays outside the farm");
     api.RegisterClampedOption(ModManifest, "Drying Rate", "Chance that tilled soil will disappear. Normally this is 1.0 (=100%).", () => (float)config.NonFarm.DryingRate, (float val) => config.NonFarm.DryingRate = val, 0.0f, 1.0f);
     api.RegisterClampedOption(ModManifest, "Delay", "Number of consecutive days that the patch must have been without water, before it can disappear during the night.", () => config.NonFarm.Delay, (int val) => config.NonFarm.Delay = val, 0, 4);
        public static void SetUpModConfigMenu(ForageFantasyConfig config, ForageFantasy mod)
            GenericModConfigMenuAPI api = mod.Helper.ModRegistry.GetApi <GenericModConfigMenuAPI>("spacechase0.GenericModConfigMenu");

            if (api == null)

            var manifest = mod.ModManifest;

            api.RegisterModConfig(manifest, () => config = new ForageFantasyConfig(), delegate { mod.Helper.WriteConfig(config); VerifyConfigValues(config, mod); });

            api.RegisterLabel(manifest, "Quality Tweaks", null);

            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Berry Bush Quality", "Salmonberries and blackberries have quality based\non forage level even without botanist perk.", () => config.BerryBushQuality, (bool val) => config.BerryBushQuality = val);
            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Mushroom Box Quality", "Mushrooms have quality based on forage level and botanist perk.", () => config.MushroomBoxQuality, (bool val) => config.MushroomBoxQuality = val);
            api.RegisterChoiceOption(manifest, "Tapper Quality Options", null, () => GetElementFromConfig(TQChoices, config.TapperQualityOptions), (string val) => config.TapperQualityOptions = GetIndexFromArrayElement(TQChoices, val), TQChoices);
            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Tapper Perk Is Required", null, () => config.TapperQualityRequiresTapperPerk, (bool val) => config.TapperQualityRequiresTapperPerk             = val);

            api.RegisterLabel(manifest, "XP Rewards", null);

            api.RegisterClampedOption(manifest, "Berry Bush Chance To Get XP", "Chance to get foraging experience when harvesting bushes.\nSet to 0 to disable feature.", () => config.BerryBushChanceToGetXP, (int val) => config.BerryBushChanceToGetXP = val, 0, 100);
            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Berry Bush XP Amount", "Amount of XP gained per bush. For reference:\nChopping down a tree is 12XP, a foraging good is 7XP\nNegative values will be reset to 0.", () => config.BerryBushXPAmount, (int val) => config.BerryBushXPAmount = val);
            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Mushroom Box XP Amount", "For reference:\nChopping down a tree is 12XP, a foraging good is 7XP\nNegative values will be reset to 0.", () => config.MushroomXPAmount, (int val) => config.MushroomXPAmount = val);
            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Tapper XP Amount", "For reference:\nChopping down a tree is 12XP, a foraging good is 7XP\nNegative values will be reset to 0.", () => config.TapperXPAmount, (int val) => config.TapperXPAmount           = val);
            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Automation Harvests Grant XP", "Whether automatic harvests with the Automate, Deluxe\nGrabber Redux or One Click Shed Reloader should grant XP.\nKeep in mind that some of those only affect the host.", () => config.AutomationHarvestsGrantXP, (bool val) => config.AutomationHarvestsGrantXP = val);

            api.RegisterLabel(manifest, "Other Features", null);

            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Common Fiddlehead Fern¹", "Fiddlehead fern is available outside of the secret forest\nand added to the wild seeds pack and summer foraging bundle.", () => config.CommonFiddleheadFern, (bool val) => config.CommonFiddleheadFern = val);
            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Forage Survival Burger¹", "Forage based early game crafting recipes\nand even more efficient cooking recipes.", () => config.ForageSurvivalBurger, (bool val) => config.ForageSurvivalBurger = val);

            // this is a spacer
            api.RegisterLabel(manifest, string.Empty, null);
            api.RegisterLabel(manifest, "1: Restart Needed For Changes To Take Effect", null);
 protected override void InitializeApi(GenericModConfigMenuAPI api)
     api.RegisterClampedOption(ModManifest, "Movement Speed Multiplier", "The movement speed is multiplied by this amount. The mod's default is 1.5, meaning 50% faster movement. Set this to 1 to disable the increase in movement speed.", () => config.MovementSpeedMultiplier, (float val) => config.MovementSpeedMultiplier    = val, 0, 5);
     api.RegisterClampedOption(ModManifest, "Tool Charge Delay", "Time required for charging the hoe or watering can in ms. Normally this is 600ms. The default is 600/1.5 = 400, meaning 50% faster charging. Set this to 600 to disable faster tool charging.", () => config.ToolChargeDelay, (int val) => config.ToolChargeDelay = val, 100, 600);
 protected override void InitializeApi(GenericModConfigMenuAPI api)
     api.RegisterClampedOption(ModManifest, "Rings", "How many ring slots are available.", () => config.Rings, (int val) => config.Rings = val, 0, 20);
 protected override void InitializeApi(GenericModConfigMenuAPI api)
     api.RegisterClampedOption(ModManifest, "Seed Chance", "Chance that a tree will have a seed. Normally this is 0.05 (=5%).", () => config.SeedChance, (float val) => config.SeedChance           = val, 0, 1);
     api.RegisterSimpleOption(ModManifest, "Only Prevent Tapped", "Whether only tapped trees are prevented from spreading.", () => config.OnlyPreventTapped, (bool val) => config.OnlyPreventTapped = val);
     api.RegisterSimpleOption(ModManifest, "Retain Seed", "Whether the tree should keep its seed during the night, to compensate for trees not spreading. Vanilla SDV removes seeds during the night.", () => config.RetainSeed, (bool val) => config.RetainSeed = val);