private ProcessResult PostProcess(FullCombatCharacter source, List <FullCombatCharacter> target, CombatData combatData, List <IEffect> effects) { //Set next attack time etc. if (cooldown != string.Empty) { combatData.cooldowns.Add(new CooldownModel { character =, name = cooldown, time = (source.nextAttackTime + cooldownDuration) }); } GeneralProcessor.calculateNextAttackTime(source, attackTimeCoefficient, combatData); if (oncePerRest != string.Empty) { source.usedAbilities.Add(oncePerRest); } if (mpCost != 0) { = - mpCost; } return(ProcessResult.Normal); }
//Basic Goblin, only attacks public static List <IEffect> getCommand(FullCombatCharacter source, List <FullCombatCharacter> targets, CombatData combatData) { List <IEffect> effects = new List <IEffect>(); FullCombatCharacter target = BasicAbilityProcessing.identifyWeakestTarget(targets); int dmg = (int)((source.strength * 5 / target.vitality)); target.inflictDamage(ref dmg); effects.Add(new Effect(EffectTypes.DealDamage, target.combatUniq, string.Empty, dmg)); effects.Add(new Effect(EffectTypes.Message, 0, + " has attacked " + + " for " + dmg.ToString() + " damage!", 0)); GeneralProcessor.calculateNextAttackTime(source, 1.0f); return(effects); }
public static List <IEffect> getCommand(FullCombatCharacter source, List <FullCombatCharacter> targets, CombatData combatData) { List <IEffect> effects = new List <IEffect>(); float coefficient = 1.0f; FullCombatCharacter target = BasicAbilityProcessing.identifyWeakestTarget(targets); int dmg = (int)((CombatCalculator.getNormalAttackValue(source) * 5 / target.vitality)); if (target.inflictDamage(ref dmg) == FullCombatCharacter.HitEffect.Unbalance) { coefficient = coefficient * 2; } effects.Add(new Effect(EffectTypes.Attack, source.combatUniq, string.Empty, 0)); effects.Add(new Effect(EffectTypes.DealDamage, target.combatUniq, string.Empty, dmg)); effects.Add(new Effect(EffectTypes.Message, 0, + " has attacked " + + " for " + dmg.ToString() + " damage!", 0)); GeneralProcessor.calculateNextAttackTime(source, coefficient, combatData); return(effects); }
public Combat(PlayerModels.PlayerModel playerModel, string map, int encounterSelection, Func <float> initiativeCalculator, Action onGameOver, Action onUpdate, Action <CombatEndType> onCombatComplete) { int currentUniq = 1; this.playerModel = playerModel; uniqBridge = new Dictionary <int, int>(); pcs = new Dictionary <int, FullCombatCharacter>(); npcs = new Dictionary <int, FullCombatCharacter>(); currentEffects = new List <IEffect>(); currentCharacter = new FullCombatCharacter(); this.onGameOver = onGameOver; this.onUpdate = onUpdate; this.onCombatComplete = onCombatComplete; = map; bool canFlee = true; List <PlayerModels.Models.PartyCharacterModel> partyCharacterModels = PlayerModels.PlayerDataManager.getCurrentPartyPartyStats(playerModel); List <int> characterUniqs = new List <int>(); foreach (PlayerModels.Models.PartyCharacterModel pcm in partyCharacterModels) { characterUniqs.Add(pcm.characterUniq); } List <PlayerModels.Models.CharacterModel> characterModels = PlayerModels.PlayerDataManager.getCurrentParty(playerModel, characterUniqs); bool hasPreviousCombatModels = false; if (playerModel.currentCombat == null) { combatCharacterModels = new List <PlayerModels.CombatDataModels.CombatCharacterModel>(); combatNPCModels = new List <CombatCharacterModel>(); playerModel.currentCombat = new CombatModel(); playerModel.currentCombat.currentTime = 0; playerModel.currentCombat.pcs = combatCharacterModels; playerModel.currentCombat.npcs = combatNPCModels; } else { combatCharacterModels = playerModel.currentCombat.pcs; combatNPCModels = playerModel.currentCombat.npcs; hasPreviousCombatModels = true; } foreach (int characterUniq in characterUniqs) { string name = string.Empty; int hp = 0; int maxHP = 0; int mp = 0; int maxMP = 0; int turnOrder = 0; string classType = string.Empty; int level = 0; int strength = 0; int vitality = 0; int agility = 0; int intellect = 0; int wisdom = 0; int nextAttackTime = 0; int classLevel = 0; int combatUniq = currentUniq; List <CombatModificationsModel> mods = new List <CombatModificationsModel>(); List <string> usedAbilities = new List <string>(); uniqBridge.Add(currentUniq, characterUniq); foreach (PlayerModels.Models.CharacterModel cm in characterModels) { if (cm.uniq == characterUniq) { name =; maxHP = cm.stats.maxHP; maxMP = cm.stats.maxMP; classType = cm.currentClass; level = cm.lvl; strength = cm.stats.strength; vitality = cm.stats.vitality; agility = cm.stats.agility; intellect = cm.stats.intellect; wisdom = cm.stats.wisdom; foreach (PlayerModels.Models.CharacterClassModel ccm in cm.characterClasses) { if (ccm.className == classType) { classLevel = ccm.lvl; } } } } foreach (PlayerModels.Models.PartyCharacterModel pcm in partyCharacterModels) { if (pcm.characterUniq == characterUniq) { hp = pcm.hp; mp =; usedAbilities = (pcm.usedAbilities == null ? new List <string>() : pcm.usedAbilities); } } nextAttackTime = GeneralProcessor.calculateNextAttackTime(0, initiativeCalculator(), agility); if (hasPreviousCombatModels) { foreach (CombatCharacterModel ccm in combatCharacterModels) { if (ccm.characterUniq == characterUniq) { nextAttackTime = ccm.nextAttackTime; hp = ccm.stats.hp; mp =; combatUniq = ccm.combatUniq; } } } else { combatCharacterModels.Add(new PlayerModels.CombatDataModels.CombatCharacterModel() { characterUniq = characterUniq, stats = new PlayerModels.CombatDataModels.TemporaryCombatStatsModel() { hp = hp, mp = mp }, nextAttackTime = nextAttackTime, combatUniq = combatUniq }); } pcs.Add(characterUniq, new FullCombatCharacter() { name = name, maxHP = maxHP, hp = hp, maxMP = maxMP, mp = mp, characterUniq = characterUniq, combatUniq = currentUniq, className = classType, classLevel = classLevel, level = level, strength = strength, vitality = vitality, intellect = intellect, agility = agility, wisdom = wisdom, nextAttackTime = nextAttackTime, mods = new List <CombatModificationsModel>(), usedAbilities = usedAbilities }); combatCharacterModels[combatCharacterModels.Count - 1].mods = pcs[characterUniq].mods; currentUniq++; } if (hasPreviousCombatModels) //Combat was already initialized previously, just load the previous combatants { foreach (CombatCharacterModel ccm in combatNPCModels) { int hp = ccm.stats.hp; int mp =; string name =; int nextAttackTime = ccm.nextAttackTime; List <CombatModificationsModel> mods = ccm.mods; List <string> usedAbilities = new List <string>(); MapDataClasses.MapDataClasses.Enemy enemy = MapDataClasses.MapDataManager.getEnemy(map, ccm.classType); if (!this.npcs.ContainsKey(currentUniq)) { this.npcs.Add(currentUniq, new FullCombatCharacter() { name = name, hp = hp, maxHP = enemy.maxHP, mp = mp, maxMP = enemy.maxMP, characterUniq = 0, combatUniq = currentUniq, className = enemy.type, level = enemy.level, strength = enemy.strength, vitality = enemy.vitality, agility = enemy.agility, intellect = enemy.intellect, wisdom = enemy.wisdom, nextAttackTime = nextAttackTime, mods = mods, usedAbilities = usedAbilities }); } currentUniq++; } } else //Generate a new encounter based on the map type { Encounter encounter = MapDataClasses.MapDataManager.getEncounter(this.playerModel.getActiveParty().location, playerModel.rootX, playerModel.rootY, encounterSelection); currentEffects.Add(new Effect(EffectTypes.Message, 0, encounter.message, 0)); combatNPCModels = new List <PlayerModels.CombatDataModels.CombatCharacterModel>(); canFlee = encounter.canFlee; foreach (MapDataClasses.MapDataClasses.Enemy enemy in encounter.enemies) { int nextAttackTime = GeneralProcessor.calculateNextAttackTime(0, initiativeCalculator(), enemy.agility); int hp = enemy.maxHP; int mp = enemy.maxMP; int combatUniq = currentUniq; List <CombatModificationsModel> mods = new List <CombatModificationsModel>(); List <string> usedAbilities = new List <string>(); this.npcs.Add(currentUniq, new FullCombatCharacter() { name =, hp = hp, maxHP = enemy.maxHP, mp = mp, maxMP = enemy.maxMP, characterUniq = 0, combatUniq = currentUniq, className = enemy.type, level = enemy.level, strength = enemy.strength, vitality = enemy.vitality, agility = enemy.agility, intellect = enemy.intellect, wisdom = enemy.wisdom, nextAttackTime = nextAttackTime, mods = mods, usedAbilities = usedAbilities }); this.combatNPCModels.Add(new PlayerModels.CombatDataModels.CombatCharacterModel() { name =, stats = new PlayerModels.CombatDataModels.TemporaryCombatStatsModel() { hp = hp, mp = mp }, nextAttackTime = nextAttackTime, combatUniq = currentUniq, characterUniq = 0, classType = enemy.type, mods = this.npcs[currentUniq].mods }); currentUniq++; } } playerModel.currentCombat.npcs = combatNPCModels; if (combatNPCModels.Count == 0) { throw new Exception("No NPCs were loaded :("); } calculateTurnOrder(); this.combatData = new CombatData(playerModel.currentCombat, canFlee); if (!this.combatData.combatInitalized) { foreach (int key in pcs.Keys) //Check for initial code { FullCombatCharacter fcc = pcs[key]; List <IEffect> newEffects = GeneralProcessor.initialExecute(fcc)(getAllPcsAsList(), getAllNpcsAsList(), this.combatData); currentEffects.AddRange(newEffects); } this.combatData.combatInitalized = true; } calculateTurn(false); }