        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new logging in the central logging system
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="applicationName">String: Name of the Application</param>
        /// <param name="serviceName">String: Name of the Service within the Application</param>
        /// <param name="serviceName">String: Type used when tranferring data (FTP, FILE, ...)</param>
        /// <param name="serviceName">String: Name of the file transfered</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// 14-05-2008 : Created by Frederik Van Lierde
        /// </remarks>
        public void CreateLogging(string applicationName, string serviceName, string serviceType, string serviceFileName)
            //-- Initiate the webservice
            riziv_inami.fgov.be.logging.WebService_Riziv_Applications_BizTalk_Logging ws = new GeneralBiztalkHelper.riziv_inami.fgov.be.logging.WebService_Riziv_Applications_BizTalk_Logging();
            ws.Url = this.LoggingWebserviceUrl;
            ws.UseDefaultCredentials = true;

            riziv_inami.fgov.be.logging.LogInfo _logInfo = new GeneralBiztalkHelper.riziv_inami.fgov.be.logging.LogInfo();
            _logInfo.ServiceLogID = "0";
            _logInfo.ApplicationName = applicationName;
            _logInfo.ServiceName = serviceName;
            _logInfo.ServiceType = serviceType;
            _logInfo.ServiceState = "Started";
            _logInfo.ServiceFileName = serviceFileName;

            string result = ws.SaveServiceLogging(_logInfo);
            this.Id = result == string.Empty ? 0 : Convert.ToInt64(result);
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new logging in the central logging system
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="applicationName">String: Name of the Application</param>
        /// <param name="serviceName">String: Name of the Service within the Application</param>
        /// <param name="serviceName">String: Type used when tranferring data (FTP, FILE, ...)</param>
        /// <param name="serviceName">String: Name of the file transfered</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// 14-05-2008 : Created by Frederik Van Lierde
        /// </remarks>
        public void CreateLogging(Guid id, string userId, string nationalRegistryNb, string application, string request, string requestString)
            this.Id = id;
            //-- Initiate the webservice
            riziv_inami.fgov.be.logging.WebService_Riziv_Applications_BizTalk_Logging ws = new GeneralBiztalkHelper.riziv_inami.fgov.be.logging.WebService_Riziv_Applications_BizTalk_Logging();
            ws.Url = this.LoggingWebserviceUrl;
            ws.UseDefaultCredentials = true;

            riziv_inami.fgov.be.logging.UserLogInfo _logInfo = new GeneralBiztalkHelper.riziv_inami.fgov.be.logging.UserLogInfo();
            _logInfo.UserId = userId;
            _logInfo.NationalRegistryNb = nationalRegistryNb;
            _logInfo.Application = application;
            _logInfo.Status = "Request";
            _logInfo.Request = request;
            _logInfo.RequestString = requestString;

        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the status of the logging information
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newStatus">String: The new status</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// 2914-05-2008 : Created by Frederik Van Lierde
        /// </remarks>
        public void UpdateStatus(string newStatus)
            //-- Initiate the webservice
            riziv_inami.fgov.be.logging.WebService_Riziv_Applications_BizTalk_Logging ws = new GeneralBiztalkHelper.riziv_inami.fgov.be.logging.WebService_Riziv_Applications_BizTalk_Logging();
            ws.Url = this.LoggingWebserviceUrl;
            ws.UseDefaultCredentials = true;

            riziv_inami.fgov.be.logging.UserLogInfo _logInfo = new GeneralBiztalkHelper.riziv_inami.fgov.be.logging.UserLogInfo();
            _logInfo.ID = this.Id.ToString();
            _logInfo.UserId = "";
            _logInfo.NationalRegistryNb = "";
            _logInfo.Application = "";
            _logInfo.Status = newStatus;
            _logInfo.Request = "";
            _logInfo.RequestString = "";
