        // This one is fascinating. We add this to our entitys animation component instance which
        // contains a list of GeneralAnimations, this method is the action that is stored in the
        // general animation. This action will then be performed in another system and can do it's
        // own stuff independently of this system later on. Good for when we want to delete the sprite
        // later on.
        public void AttachNewDeathFadeAwayAnimation(GeneralAnimation animation, int entityKey)
            animation.Animation = delegate(double currentTime)
                // if more time has passed since the start of the animation
                // then the specified lenght that we want it to run
                var elapsedTime = currentTime - animation.StartOfAnimation;

                var sprite = ComponentManager.Instance.GetEntityComponentOrDefault <SpriteComponent>(entityKey);
                if (sprite == null)

                // This will make the blood disappear in a fading fashion.
                if (animation.Length < elapsedTime)
                    if (sprite.Alpha > 0)
                        // fading rate can be adjusted here.
                        sprite.Alpha -= 0.0001f;

//                    ComponentManager.Instance.RemoveComponentFromEntity(typeof(SpriteAnimationComponent), entityKey);
//                    ComponentManager.Instance.RemoveComponentFromEntity(typeof(HealthComponent), entityKey);
//                    ComponentManager.Instance.RemoveComponentFromEntity(typeof(SpriteComponent), entityKey);

                    animation.IsDone = true;
        private void HandleTurnAroundEvent(InputEvent moveEvent)
            if (moveEvent.KeyEvent != ActionBindings.KeyEvent.KeyPressed)
            var moveComponent = ComponentManager.GetEntityComponentOrDefault <MoveComponent>(moveEvent.EntityId);

            if (moveComponent == null)

            var animationComponent = GetOrCreateDefault(moveEvent.EntityId);
            var animation          = new GeneralAnimation
                AnimationType    = TurnAroundEventName,
                StartOfAnimation = moveEvent.EventTime,
                Unique           = true,
                Length           = 220

            NewTurningAnimation(moveEvent.EntityId, animation, moveComponent);
        public void NewWanderAnimation(int entityId, GeneralAnimation generalAnimation)
            var    moveComponent = ComponentManager.GetEntityComponentOrDefault <MoveComponent>(entityId);
            var    aiComponent   = ComponentManager.GetEntityComponentOrDefault <AIComponent>(entityId);
            double start         = moveComponent.Direction;
            double target        = Random.NextDouble() * MathHelper.TwoPi % MathHelper.TwoPi;

            generalAnimation.Animation = delegate(double currentTime)
                if (!aiComponent.Wander)
                    generalAnimation.IsDone = true;

                var elapsedTime = currentTime - generalAnimation.StartOfAnimation;
                if (elapsedTime > generalAnimation.Length)
                    target = Random.NextDouble() * MathHelper.TwoPi % MathHelper.TwoPi;
                    start  = moveComponent.Direction;
                    generalAnimation.StartOfAnimation = currentTime;
                //Algorithm for turning stepwise on each iteration
                //Modulus is for when the direction makes a whole turn
                moveComponent.Direction = (float)
                                          ((start + (target - start) / generalAnimation.Length * elapsedTime) % MathHelper.TwoPi);
        // This method is called in the handleFireWeapon method to create the bullet
        // that is fired from the entity. It will give the bullet all the necessary components.
        public void CreateBullet(InputEvent inputEvent, SpriteComponent bulletSpriteComponent, WeaponComponent weaponComponent, MoveComponent moveComponent, RenderComponent renderComponent, PositionComponent positionComponent)
            // We create an new position instance for the bullet that starts from the player but should
            // not be the same as the players, as we found out when we did our test, otherwise the player
            // will follow the same way ass the bullet.
            var bulletPositionComponent = new PositionComponent()
                Position = new Vector2(positionComponent.Position.X, positionComponent.Position.Y),
                ZIndex   = positionComponent.ZIndex

            int bulletEntityId = EntityManager.GetEntityManager().NewEntity();

            var bulletRenderComponent = new RenderComponent()
                DimensionsComponent = new DimensionsComponent()
                    Height = 10,
                    Width  = 10
            var bulletMoveComponent = new MoveComponent()
                AccelerationSpeed = 0,
                Speed             = 1000,
                MaxVelocitySpeed  = 1000,
                Direction         = moveComponent.Direction
            var bulletComponent = new BulletComponent()
                Damage          = weaponComponent.Damage,
                ShooterEntityId = inputEvent.EntityId
            var bulletCollisionComponent = new CollisionComponent();
            var animationComponent       = new AnimationComponent();

            ComponentManager.AddComponentToEntity(bulletPositionComponent, bulletEntityId);
            ComponentManager.AddComponentToEntity(bulletComponent, bulletEntityId);
            ComponentManager.AddComponentToEntity(bulletSpriteComponent, bulletEntityId);
            ComponentManager.AddComponentToEntity(bulletMoveComponent, bulletEntityId);
            ComponentManager.AddComponentToEntity(bulletRenderComponent, bulletEntityId);
            ComponentManager.AddComponentToEntity(bulletCollisionComponent, bulletEntityId);
            ComponentManager.AddComponentToEntity(animationComponent, bulletEntityId);

            var animation = new GeneralAnimation()
                AnimationType    = "BulletAnimation",
                StartOfAnimation = inputEvent.EventTime,
                Length           = 2000,
                Unique           = true

            NewBulletAnimation(animation, bulletEntityId);
        // Used for animating blood when entities die.
        // They will ned to have the SpriteAnimationComponent.
        private void DeadEntities(GameTime gameTime)
            var healthEntities = ComponentManager.Instance.GetEntitiesWithComponent(typeof(HealthComponent));

            foreach (var entity in healthEntities)
                // Better yet would be to use a component to determine if they should be deleted
                // then when they should be deleted, and be able to get the associated components.
                var healthComponent = entity.Value as HealthComponent;
                if (!healthComponent.Alive)
                    // We want to remove all the components for the entity except for the
                    // spriteComponent and health, we need them still.
                    ComponentManager.Instance.RemoveComponentFromEntity(typeof(CameraFollowComponent), entity.Key);
                    ComponentManager.Instance.RemoveComponentFromEntity(typeof(PlayerComponent), entity.Key);
                    ComponentManager.Instance.RemoveComponentFromEntity(typeof(SoundComponent), entity.Key);
                    ComponentManager.Instance.RemoveComponentFromEntity(typeof(WeaponComponent), entity.Key);
                    ComponentManager.Instance.RemoveComponentFromEntity(typeof(ActionBindings), entity.Key);
                    ComponentManager.Instance.RemoveComponentFromEntity(typeof(CollisionComponent), entity.Key);
                    ComponentManager.Instance.RemoveComponentFromEntity(typeof(MoveComponent), entity.Key);
                    ComponentManager.Instance.RemoveComponentFromEntity(typeof(AIComponent), entity.Key);
                    //TODO reinsert removals
                    var lightComponent =
                        ComponentManager.Instance.GetEntityComponentOrDefault <LightComponent>(entity.Key);
                    if (lightComponent != null)
                        lightComponent.Light.Enabled = false;

                    var animationComponent =
                        ComponentManager.Instance.GetEntityComponentOrDefault <AnimationComponent>(entity.Key);
                    if (animationComponent == null)
                        animationComponent = new AnimationComponent();
                        ComponentManager.Instance.AddComponentToEntity(animationComponent, entity.Key);

                    // For this animation we need the lenght (to when we'll start fading the blood)
                    // this animation also needs to be unique, which means we won't create it
                    // every time we come to this system. Also the gametime is needed.
                    var animation = new GeneralAnimation()
                        AnimationType    = "BloodPool",
                        StartOfAnimation = gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalMilliseconds,
                        Length           = 6000,
                        Unique           = true

                    // Now we add it.
                    AttachNewDeathFadeAwayAnimation(animation, entity.Key);
        public void BeginWander(int entityId, double startTime)
            var animationComponent = GetOrCreateDefault(entityId);
            var animation          = new GeneralAnimation
                AnimationType    = "AiWander",
                StartOfAnimation = startTime,
                Unique           = true,
                Length           = 5000

            NewWanderAnimation(entityId, animation);
        public void NewTurningAnimation(int entityId, GeneralAnimation generalAnimation, MoveComponent moveComponent)
            double start  = moveComponent.Direction;
            double target = start + Math.PI;

            generalAnimation.Animation = delegate(double currentTime)
                var elapsedTime = currentTime - generalAnimation.StartOfAnimation;
                if (elapsedTime > generalAnimation.Length)
                    generalAnimation.IsDone = true;

                //Algorithm for turning stepwise on each iteration
                //Modulus is for when the direction makes a whole turn
                moveComponent.Direction = (float)
                                          ((start + (target - start) / generalAnimation.Length * elapsedTime) % MathHelper.TwoPi);
 // Animation for when the bullet should be deleted.
 public void NewBulletAnimation(GeneralAnimation generalAnimation, int entityId)
     generalAnimation.Animation = delegate(double currentTimeInMilliseconds)
         Debug.WriteLine("Bullet " + entityId + " currTime:" + currentTimeInMilliseconds + ", startTime:" + generalAnimation.StartOfAnimation + ", length:" + generalAnimation.Length);
         if (currentTimeInMilliseconds - generalAnimation.StartOfAnimation > generalAnimation.Length)
             Debug.WriteLine("Remove bullet.");
             var tagComponent = ComponentManager.GetEntityComponentOrDefault <TagComponent>(entityId);
             if (tagComponent == null)
                 throw new Exception(
                           "Entity does not have a tag component which is needed to remove the entity.");
             generalAnimation.IsDone = true;