        void GenFelnumOre()
            string text = "The clouds have been blessed with Felnum.";

            if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.SinglePlayer)
                Main.NewText(text, Colors.RarityPurple);
            else if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.Server)
                NetMessage.BroadcastChatMessage(NetworkText.FromLiteral(text), Colors.RarityPurple);
            if (!Main.gameMenu && Main.netMode != NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient)
                int  x = 0, y = 0;
                int  felnumOre = ModContent.TileType <Felnum_Ore>();
                int  type;
                Tile tile;
                int  fails   = 0;
                int  success = 0;
                for (int k = 0; k < (int)((Main.maxTilesX * Main.maxTilesY) * (Main.expertMode?6E-06:4E-06)); k++)
                    int tries = 0;
                    type = TileID.BlueDungeonBrick;
                    while (type != TileID.Cloud && type != TileID.Dirt && type != TileID.Grass && type != TileID.Stone && type != TileID.RainCloud)
                        x    = WorldGen.genRand.Next(0, Main.maxTilesX);
                        y    = WorldGen.genRand.Next(90, (int)OriginWorld.worldSurfaceLow - 5);
                        tile = Framing.GetTileSafely(x, y);
                        type = tile.active()?tile.type:TileID.BlueDungeonBrick;
                        if (++tries >= 150)
                            if (++fails % 2 == 0)
                            type = TileID.Dirt;
                    GenRunners.FelnumRunner(x, y, WorldGen.genRand.Next(2, 6), WorldGen.genRand.Next(2, 6), felnumOre);
                //Main.NewText($"generation complete, ran {runCount} times with {fails} fails");
        void Apply()
            switch (mode)
            case 0: {
                    i: (int)p.Dequeue(),
                    j: (int)p.Dequeue(),
                    strength: (double)p.Dequeue(),
                    speed: (Vector2)p.Dequeue(),
                    length: (double)p.Dequeue(),
                    twist: (float)p.Dequeue(),
                    randomtwist: (bool)p.Dequeue());

            case 1: {
                int     i        = (int)p.Dequeue();
                int     j        = (int)p.Dequeue();
                double  strength = (double)p.Dequeue();
                Vector2 speed    = (Vector2)p.Dequeue();
                Stack <((Vector2, Vector2), byte)> veins = new Stack <((Vector2, Vector2), byte)>();
                double length    = (double)p.Dequeue();
                float  twist     = (float)p.Dequeue();
                bool   twistRand = (bool)p.Dequeue();
                veins.Push(((new Vector2(i, j), speed), (p.Count > 0 ? (byte)p.Dequeue() : (byte)10)));
                ((Vector2 p, Vector2 v)v, byte count)curr;
                (Vector2 p, Vector2 v)ret;
                byte count;
                while (veins.Count > 0)
                    curr  = veins.Pop();
                    count = curr.count;
                    ret   = GenRunners.VeinRunner(
                        i: (int)curr.v.p.X,
                        j: (int)curr.v.p.Y,
                        strength: strength,
                        speed: curr.v.v,
                        length: length,
                        twist: twist,
                        randomtwist: twistRand);
                    if (count > 0 && Main.rand.Next(3) == 0)
                        veins.Push(((ret.p, ret.v.RotatedBy(Main.rand.NextBool() ? -1 : 1)), (byte)Main.rand.Next(--count)));
                    if (count > 0)
                        veins.Push(((ret.p, ret.v.RotatedByRandom(0.05)), --count));

            case 2:
                World.BiomeData.RivenHive.Gen.StartHive((int)p.Dequeue(), (int)p.Dequeue());

            case 3:
                World.BiomeData.RivenHive.Gen.HiveCave((int)p.Dequeue(), (int)p.Dequeue());

            case 4:
                World.BiomeData.BrinePool.Gen.BrineStart((int)p.Dequeue(), (int)p.Dequeue());

            case 5:
                World.BiomeData.DefiledWastelands.Gen.StartDefiled((int)p.Dequeue(), (int)p.Dequeue());

            case 6: {
                Vector2 a = new Vector2((float)p.Dequeue(), (float)p.Dequeue());
                World.BiomeData.DefiledWastelands.Gen.DefiledRibs((int)a.X, (int)a.Y);
                for (int i = (int)a.X - 1; i < (int)a.X + 3; i++)
                    for (int j = (int)a.Y - 2; j < (int)a.Y + 2; j++)
                        Main.tile[i, j].active(false);
                TileObject.CanPlace((int)a.X, (int)a.Y, (ushort)ModContent.TileType <Tiles.Defiled.Defiled_Heart>(), 0, 1, out var data);
            public static void StartHive(int i, int j)
                const float strength      = 2.4f;
                const float wallThickness = 4f;
                ushort      fleshID       = (ushort)ModContent.TileType <Riven_Flesh>();
                ushort      weakFleshID   = (ushort)ModContent.TileType <Weak_Riven_Flesh>();
                ushort      fleshWallID   = (ushort)ModContent.WallType <Riven_Flesh_Wall>();

                lesionCount = 0;
                int j2 = j;

                if (j2 > Main.worldSurface)
                    j2 = (int)Main.worldSurface;
                for (; !SolidTile(i, j2); j2++)
                Vector2 position = new Vector2(i, j2);

                for (int x = i - 30; x < i + 30; x++)
                    for (int y = j2 - 25; y < j2 + 15; y++)
                        float diff = (((y - j2) * (y - j2) * 1.5f) + (x - i) * (x - i));
                        if (diff > 800)
                        Main.tile[x, y].ResetToType(fleshID);
                        if (diff < 750)
                            Main.tile[x, y].wall = fleshWallID;
                Vector2 vector   = new Vector2(0, -1).RotatedByRandom(1.6f, genRand);
                int     distance = 0;

                while (Main.tile[(int)position.X, (int)position.Y].active() && Main.tileSolid[Main.tile[(int)position.X, (int)position.Y].type])
                    //Main.tile[(int)position.X, (int)position.Y].ResetToType(TileID.EmeraldGemspark);
                    //SquareTileFrame((int)position.X, (int)position.Y);
                    position += vector;
                    if (++distance >= 160)
                vector = -vector;
                (Vector2 position, Vector2 velocity)last = (position, vector);
                //Tile t = Main.tile[(int)last.position.X, (int)last.position.Y];
                (int x, int y, Vector2 direction, double length)startValues = ((int)last.position.X, (int)last.position.Y, last.velocity.RotatedByRandom(0.5f, genRand), distance *genRand.NextFloat(0.4f, 0.6f));
                last = GenRunners.WalledVeinRunner(startValues.x, startValues.y, strength * genRand.NextFloat(0.9f, 1.1f), startValues.direction, startValues.length, weakFleshID, wallThickness);
                Vector2 manualVel = new Vector2(last.velocity.X, 0.2f);

                //t = Main.tile[(int)last.position.X, (int)last.position.Y];
                GenRunners.WalledVeinRunner((int)last.position.X, (int)last.position.Y, strength * genRand.NextFloat(0.9f, 1.1f), Vector2.Normalize(new Vector2(-manualVel.X, 0.2f)), genRand.NextFloat(distance * 0.4f, distance * 0.6f) * (Math.Abs(manualVel.X) + 0.5f), weakFleshID, wallThickness, wallType: fleshWallID);
                last = GenRunners.WalledVeinRunner((int)last.position.X, (int)last.position.Y, strength * genRand.NextFloat(0.9f, 1.1f), Vector2.Normalize(manualVel), genRand.NextFloat(distance * 0.4f, distance * 0.6f) / (Math.Abs(manualVel.X) + 0.5f), weakFleshID, wallThickness, wallType: fleshWallID);
                GenRunners.WalledVeinRunner((int)last.position.X, (int)last.position.Y, strength * genRand.NextFloat(0.9f, 1.1f), Vector2.Normalize(manualVel), genRand.NextFloat(distance * 0.4f, distance * 0.6f) / (Math.Abs(manualVel.X) + 0.5f), weakFleshID, wallThickness, wallType: fleshWallID);
                last = GenRunners.WalledVeinRunner((int)last.position.X, (int)last.position.Y, strength * genRand.NextFloat(0.9f, 1.1f), new Vector2(0, 1).RotatedByRandom(0.2f, genRand), genRand.NextFloat(distance * 0.4f, distance * 0.6f), weakFleshID, wallThickness, wallType: fleshWallID);
                manualVel.X = -manualVel.X;
                //t = Main.tile[(int)last.position.X, (int)last.position.Y];
                GenRunners.WalledVeinRunner((int)last.position.X, (int)last.position.Y, strength * genRand.NextFloat(0.9f, 1.1f), Vector2.Normalize(new Vector2(-manualVel.X, 0.2f)), genRand.NextFloat(distance * 0.4f, distance * 0.6f) * (Math.Abs(manualVel.X) + 0.5f), weakFleshID, wallThickness, wallType: fleshWallID);
                last = GenRunners.WalledVeinRunner((int)last.position.X, (int)last.position.Y, strength * genRand.NextFloat(0.9f, 1.1f), Vector2.Normalize(manualVel), genRand.NextFloat(distance * 0.4f, distance * 0.6f) / (Math.Abs(manualVel.X) + 0.5f), weakFleshID, wallThickness, wallType: fleshWallID);
                GenRunners.WalledVeinRunner((int)last.position.X, (int)last.position.Y, strength * genRand.NextFloat(0.9f, 1.1f), Vector2.Normalize(manualVel), genRand.NextFloat(distance * 0.4f, distance * 0.6f) / (Math.Abs(manualVel.X) + 0.5f), weakFleshID, wallThickness, wallType: fleshWallID);
                last = GenRunners.WalledVeinRunner((int)last.position.X, (int)last.position.Y, strength * genRand.NextFloat(0.9f, 1.1f), new Vector2(0, 1).RotatedByRandom(0.2f, genRand), genRand.NextFloat(distance * 0.4f, distance * 0.6f), weakFleshID, wallThickness, wallType: fleshWallID);
                for (int index = 0; index < 10; index++)
                    //t = Main.tile[(int)last.position.X, (int)last.position.Y];
                    last = GenRunners.WalledVeinRunner((int)last.position.X, (int)last.position.Y, strength * genRand.NextFloat(0.9f, 1.1f), last.velocity.RotatedByRandom(0.8f, genRand), genRand.NextFloat(distance * 0.2f, distance * 0.3f), weakFleshID, wallThickness, wallType: fleshWallID);
                    if (index < 8)
                        GenRunners.WalledVeinRunner((int)last.position.X, (int)last.position.Y, strength * genRand.NextFloat(0.9f, 1.1f), last.velocity.RotatedBy(genRand.Next(2) * 2 - 1).RotatedByRandom(0.8f, genRand), genRand.NextFloat(distance * 0.4f, distance * 0.6f), weakFleshID, wallThickness, wallType: fleshWallID);
                    PolarVec2 vel = new PolarVec2(1, last.velocity.ToRotation());
                    OriginExtensions.AngularSmoothing(ref vel.Theta, MathHelper.PiOver2, 0.7f);
                    last = (last.position, (Vector2)vel);
                //t = Main.tile[(int)last.position.X, (int)last.position.Y];
                Point   caveCenter    = HiveCave((int)last.position.X, (int)last.position.Y);
                Vector2 cavernOpening = last.position - caveCenter.ToVector2();

                GenRunners.VeinRunner((int)last.position.X, (int)last.position.Y, strength, cavernOpening.SafeNormalize(Vector2.Zero), cavernOpening.Length());
                GenRunners.VeinRunner(startValues.x, startValues.y, strength, startValues.direction, startValues.length);
                (Vector2 position, Vector2 velocity)[] arms = new (Vector2 position, Vector2 velocity)[4];
            public static Point BrineStart(int i, int j, float sizeMult = 1f)
                ushort stoneID     = (ushort)ModContent.TileType <Sulphur_Stone>();
                ushort stoneWallID = WallID.BlueDungeonSlab;                //(ushort)ModContent.WallType<Riven_Flesh_Wall>();
                int    i2          = i + (int)(genRand.Next(-22, 22) * sizeMult);
                int    j2          = j + (int)(44 * sizeMult);

                for (int x = i2 - (int)(66 * sizeMult + 10); x < i2 + (int)(66 * sizeMult + 10); x++)
                    for (int y = j2 + (int)(56 * sizeMult + 8); y >= j2 - (int)(56 * sizeMult + 8); y--)
                        float j3   = (Math.Min(j2, y) + j2 * 2) / 3f;
                        float sq   = Math.Max(Math.Abs(y - j3) * 1.5f, Math.Abs(x - i2));
                        float pyth = (((y - j3) * (y - j3) * 1.5f) + (x - i2) * (x - i2));
                        //define the distance between the point and center as a combination of Euclidian distance (dist = sqrt(xdist² + ydist²)) and Chebyshev distance (dist = max(xdist, ydist))
                        float diff = (float)Math.Sqrt((sq * sq + (pyth * 3)) * 0.25f * (GenRunners.GetWallDistOffset(x) * 0.0316076058772687986171132238548f + 1));
                        if (diff > 70 * sizeMult)

                        switch (Main.tile[x, y].type)
                        case TileID.IridescentBrick:
                        case TileID.TinBrick:
                        case TileID.GoldBrick:
                        case TileID.Mudstone:
                            if (Main.tileContainer[Main.tile[x, y - 1].type] || genRand.Next(5) > 0)
                            goto default;

                        case TileID.LivingMahogany:
                            Main.tile[x, y].type = TileID.Ash;

                            if (Main.tileContainer[Main.tile[x, y].type])
                            Main.tile[x, y].ResetToType(stoneID);
                            if (diff < 70 * sizeMult - 10 || ((y - j) * (y - j)) + ((x - i) * (x - i) * 0.5f) < 700 * sizeMult * sizeMult)                              //(x - i) *
                                if (Main.tileContainer[Main.tile[x, y - 1].type])
                                Main.tile[x, y].active(false);
                                //if (y > j2 - (sizeMult * 32)) {
                                Main.tile[x, y].liquid = 255;
                        switch (Main.tile[x, y].wall)
                        case WallID.IridescentBrick:
                        case WallID.TinBrick:
                        case WallID.GoldBrick:
                        case WallID.MudstoneBrick:
                            if (genRand.Next(5) == 0)
                                goto default;

                            Main.tile[x, y].wall = stoneWallID;
                int     c        = 0;
                float   size     = 70;
                int     wallSize = 10;
                Vector2 topLeft  = new Vector2(i2, (float)worldSurfaceHigh);
                Vector2 topRight = new Vector2(i2, (float)worldSurfaceHigh);
                int     minX     = int.MaxValue;
                int     maxX     = int.MinValue;

                for (int y = j2 - (int)(50 * sizeMult + 8); y > worldSurfaceLow; y--)
                    int changed = 0;
                    for (int x = i2 - (int)(66 * sizeMult + 10); x < i2 + (int)(66 * sizeMult + 10); x++)
                        float j3   = (Math.Min(j2 - c, y) + (j2 - c) * 2) / 3f;
                        float sq   = Math.Max(Math.Abs(y - j3) * 1.5f, Math.Abs(x - i2));
                        float pyth = ((y - j3) * (y - j3) * 1.5f) + (x - i2) * (x - i2);
                        float diff = (float)Math.Sqrt((sq * sq + (pyth * 3)) * 0.25f * (GenRunners.GetWallDistOffset((x > i2?c:-c)) * 0.0105358686257562662057044079516f + 1));
                        if (diff > size * sizeMult)
                        bool change = false;
                        switch (Main.tile[x, y].type)
                        case TileID.IridescentBrick:
                        case TileID.TinBrick:
                        case TileID.GoldBrick:
                        case TileID.Mudstone:
                            if (Main.tileContainer[Main.tile[x, y - 1].type] || genRand.Next(5) > 0)
                            goto default;

                        case TileID.LivingMahogany:
                            Main.tile[x, y].type = TileID.Ash;

                            if (Main.tileContainer[Main.tile[x, y].type])
                            if (y > worldSurfaceHigh || (Main.tile[x, y].active() && Main.tileSolid[Main.tile[x, y].type]))
                                Main.tile[x, y].ResetToType(stoneID);
                                change = true;
                            if (diff < size * sizeMult - wallSize)                              //(x - i) *
                                if (Main.tileContainer[Main.tile[x, y - 1].type])
                                if (Main.tile[x, y].active())
                                    change = true;
                                Main.tile[x, y].active(false);
                                if (y > worldSurfaceHigh)
                                    Main.tile[x, y].liquid = 255;
                            if (y < worldSurfaceHigh && Main.tile[x, y].active() && change)
                                if (x > i2)//right side
                                    if (x > maxX)
                                        maxX = x;
                                    if (y <= topRight.Y)
                                        topRight = new Vector2(x, y);
                                else    //left side
                                    if (x < minX)
                                        minX = x;
                                    if (y < topLeft.Y)
                                        topLeft = new Vector2(x, y);
                        switch (Main.tile[x, y].wall)
                        case WallID.IridescentBrick:
                        case WallID.TinBrick:
                        case WallID.GoldBrick:
                        case WallID.MudstoneBrick:
                            if (genRand.Next(5) == 0)
                                goto default;

                            if (y > worldSurfaceHigh)
                                Main.tile[x, y].wall = stoneWallID;
                        if (change)
                    if (y < worldSurfaceHigh)
                        size -= 0.03f;
                    if (changed < 23 * sizeMult + 10)
                int   top   = (int)Math.Max(topLeft.Y, topRight.Y);
                float slope = (topLeft.Y - topRight.Y) / (topRight.X - topLeft.X);
                float minY;
                int   prog = 0;

                for (int x = minX; x < maxX; x++)
                    minY = top - slope * prog + GenRunners.GetWallDistOffset(x + top) * 0.4f;
                    if (x >= topLeft.X && x <= topRight.X)
                    for (int y = (int)(worldSurfaceHigh + 1); y >= minY; y--)
                        Main.tile[x, y].wall = stoneWallID;

                return(new Point(i2, j2));
            public static (Vector2 position, Vector2 velocity) DefiledVeinRunner(int i, int j, double strength, Vector2 speed, double length, ushort wallBlockType, float wallThickness, float twist = 0, bool randomtwist = false, int wallType = -1)
                Vector2 pos = new Vector2(i, j);
                Tile    tile;

                if (randomtwist)
                    twist = Math.Abs(twist);
                int    X0           = int.MaxValue;
                int    X1           = 0;
                int    Y0           = int.MaxValue;
                int    Y1           = 0;
                double baseStrength = strength;

                strength = Math.Pow(strength, 2);
                float basewallThickness = wallThickness;

                wallThickness *= wallThickness;
                double  decay     = speed.Length();
                Vector2 direction = speed / (float)decay;
                bool    hasWall   = wallType != -1;
                ushort  _wallType = hasWall ? (ushort)wallType : (ushort)0;

                while (length > 0)
                    length -= decay;
                    int minX = (int)(pos.X - (strength + wallThickness) * 0.5);
                    int maxX = (int)(pos.X + (strength + wallThickness) * 0.5);
                    int minY = (int)(pos.Y - (strength + wallThickness) * 0.5);
                    int maxY = (int)(pos.Y + (strength + wallThickness) * 0.5);
                    if (minX < 1)
                        minX = 1;
                    if (maxX > Main.maxTilesX - 1)
                        maxX = Main.maxTilesX - 1;
                    if (minY < 1)
                        minY = 1;
                    if (maxY > Main.maxTilesY - 1)
                        maxY = Main.maxTilesY - 1;
                    for (int l = minX; l < maxX; l++)
                        for (int k = minY; k < maxY; k++)
                            float  el   = l + (GenRunners.GetWallDistOffset((float)length + k) + 0.5f) / 2.5f;
                            float  ek   = k + (GenRunners.GetWallDistOffset((float)length + l) + 0.5f) / 2.5f;
                            double dist = Math.Pow(Math.Abs(el - pos.X), 2) + Math.Pow(Math.Abs(ek - pos.Y), 2);
                            tile = Main.tile[l, k];
                            bool openAir = (k < Main.worldSurface && tile.wall == WallID.None);
                            if (dist > strength)
                                double d = Math.Sqrt(dist);
                                if (!openAir && d < baseStrength + basewallThickness && TileID.Sets.CanBeClearedDuringGeneration[tile.type] && tile.wall != _wallType)
                                    if (!Main.tileContainer[tile.type])
                                        tile.active(active: true);
                                    //WorldGen.SquareTileFrame(l, k);
                                    if (hasWall)
                                        tile.wall = _wallType;
                            if (TileID.Sets.CanBeClearedDuringGeneration[tile.type])
                                if (!Main.tileContainer[tile.type] && !Main.tileContainer[Main.tile[l, k - 1].type])
                                    Main.tile[l, k].active(active: false);
                                //WorldGen.SquareTileFrame(l, k);
                                if (hasWall && !openAir)
                                    tile.wall = _wallType;
                                if (l > X1)
                                    X1 = l;
                                else if (l < X0)
                                    X0 = l;
                                if (k > Y1)
                                    Y1 = k;
                                else if (k < Y0)
                                    Y0 = k;
                    pos += speed;
                    if (randomtwist || twist != 0.0)
                        speed = randomtwist ? speed.RotatedBy(genRand.NextFloat(-twist, twist)) : speed.RotatedBy(twist);
                if (X0 < 1)
                    X0 = 1;
                if (Y0 > Main.maxTilesX - 1)
                    Y0 = Main.maxTilesX - 1;
                if (X1 < 1)
                    X1 = 1;
                if (Y1 > Main.maxTilesY - 1)
                    Y1 = Main.maxTilesY - 1;
                RangeFrame(X0, Y0, X1, Y1);
                NetMessage.SendTileRange(Main.myPlayer, X0, Y0, X1 - X0, Y1 - Y1);
                return(pos, speed);
            public static void DefiledRib(float i, float j, float size = 16f, float thickness = 1)
                ushort stoneID = (ushort)ModContent.TileType <Defiled_Stone>();

                for (int x = (int)Math.Floor(i - size); x < (int)Math.Ceiling(i + size); x++)
                    for (int y = (int)Math.Ceiling(j + size); y >= (int)Math.Floor(j - size); y--)
                        if (Main.tile[x, y].active() && Main.tileSolid[Main.tile[x, y].type])
                        float diff = (float)Math.Sqrt((((y - j) * (y - j)) + (x - i) * (x - i)) * (GenRunners.GetWallDistOffset((float)Math.Atan2(y - j, x - i) * 4 + x + y) * 0.0316076058772687986171132238548f + 1));
                        if (diff > size + thickness || diff < size - thickness)
                        Main.tile[x, y].ResetToType(stoneID);
            public static void DefiledRibs(float i, float j, float sizeMult = 1f)
                ushort stoneID = (ushort)ModContent.TileType <Defiled_Stone>();

                for (int x = (int)Math.Floor(i - (28 * sizeMult + 5)); x < (int)Math.Ceiling(i + (28 * sizeMult + 5)); x++)
                    for (int y = (int)Math.Ceiling(j + (28 * sizeMult + 4)); y >= (int)Math.Floor(j - (28 * sizeMult + 4)); y--)
                        float diff = (float)Math.Sqrt((((y - j) * (y - j)) + (x - i) * (x - i)) * (GenRunners.GetWallDistOffset((float)Math.Atan2(y - j, x - i) * 4 + x + y) * 0.0316076058772687986171132238548f + 1));
                        if (diff > 16 * sizeMult)
                        if (Math.Cos(diff * 0.7f) <= 0.1f)
                            Main.tile[x, y].ResetToType(stoneID);
                            Main.tile[x, y].active(false);