private void Payment(List <Thing> payment, bool vassalPay, bool TributePay, string factionList) { if (GenLocalDate.Year(Find.AnyPlayerHomeMap) >= year) { year = GenLocalDate.Year(Find.AnyPlayerHomeMap) + 1; } if (GenLocalDate.DayOfYear(Find.AnyPlayerHomeMap) >= dayOfMonth) { dayOfMonth = ClosestNumberOf15(GenLocalDate.DayOfYear(Find.AnyPlayerHomeMap) + 1); } if (!payment.NullOrEmpty()) { string text = ""; if (vassalPay && TributePay) { text += "FactionVassalSilverRecivedBoth".Translate(GenThing.GetMarketValue(payment).ToStringMoney(), GenLabel.ThingsLabel(payment, string.Empty)); } else if (vassalPay) { text += "FactionVassalSilverRecivedVassals".Translate(GenThing.GetMarketValue(payment).ToStringMoney(), GenLabel.ThingsLabel(payment, string.Empty)); } else if (TributePay) { text += "FactionVassalSilverRecivedTrivutaries".Translate(GenThing.GetMarketValue(payment).ToStringMoney(), GenLabel.ThingsLabel(payment, string.Empty)); } factionList.Remove(factionList.Count() - 1); DropPodUtility.DropThingsNear(DropCellFinder.TradeDropSpot(Find.AnyPlayerHomeMap), Find.AnyPlayerHomeMap, payment, 110, false, true, true); Find.LetterStack.ReceiveLetter("LetterFactionVassalSilverRecived".Translate(), text + factionList, LetterDefOf.PositiveEvent, null); } }
public override void Tick() { base.Tick(); switch ((pawn.GetHashCode() ^ (GenLocalDate.DayOfYear(pawn) + GenLocalDate.Year(pawn) + (int)(GenLocalDate.DayPercent(pawn) * 5) * 60) * 391) % (50 * (13 - ((this.CurStageIndex + 1) * 2)))) { case 0: panic = true; this.Severity += 0.00000002f; if (pawn.Spawned && pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike) { if ( != JobDefOf.FleeAndCower && ! { Job(JobDefOf.FleeAndCower, pawn.Position), JobCondition.InterruptForced, null, false, true, null); } else if ( { pawn.needs.mood.thoughts.memories.TryGainMemory(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.DreamNightmare); } } break; default: panic = false; break; } }
public static int NowToTicks(int tileId) { var day = GenLocalDate.DayOfYear(tileId); var year = GenLocalDate.Year(tileId); var ticks = DateToTicks(day, year); if (ticks == 0) { ticks = 1; } return(ticks); }
private void Finished() { List <Pair <Pawn, int> > voteTally = new List <Pair <Pawn, int> >(); foreach (Candidate candidate in this.candidates) { IEnumerable <string> votesForMe = (from v in this.votes where v == candidate.pawn.LabelShort select v); voteTally.Add(new Pair <Pawn, int>(candidate.pawn, votesForMe.Count())); } //If there ends up being a tie, we'll just assume the least competitive candidates drop out. //The chances of there being a tie after that are exceedingly slim, but the result will be essentially random. IEnumerable <Pair <Pawn, int> > orderedTally = (from v in voteTally orderby PsycheHelper.Comp(v.First).Psyche.GetPersonalityRating(PersonalityNodeDefOf.Competitive) descending orderby v.Second descending select v); if (Prefs.DevMode && Prefs.LogVerbose) { foreach (Pair <Pawn, int> t in orderedTally) { Log.Message("Psychology :: Votes for " + t.First + ": " + t.Second); } } Pair <Pawn, int> winningCandidate = orderedTally.First(); if (orderedTally.Count() > 1 && orderedTally.First().Second == orderedTally.ElementAt(1).Second) { Find.LetterStack.ReceiveLetter("LetterLabelTieSettled".Translate(winningCandidate.First), "LetterTieSettled".Translate(winningCandidate.First), LetterDefOf.NeutralEvent, winningCandidate.First); } StringBuilder issuesString = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < candidates.Find(c => c.pawn == winningCandidate.First).nodes.Count; i++) { issuesString.AppendFormat("{0}) {1}{2}", i + 1, PsycheHelper.Comp(winningCandidate.First).Psyche.GetPersonalityNodeOfDef(candidates.Find(c => c.pawn == winningCandidate.First).nodes[i]).PlatformIssue, (i != candidates.Find(c => c.pawn == winningCandidate.First).nodes.Count - 1 ? "\n" : "")); } if ( == null) { = winningCandidate.First.Map; } Hediff mayor = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(HediffDefOfPsychology.Mayor, winningCandidate.First); (mayor as Hediff_Mayor).worldTileElectedOn = map.Tile; (mayor as Hediff_Mayor).yearElected = GenLocalDate.Year(map);; winningCandidate.First.needs.mood.thoughts.memories.TryGainMemory(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.WonElection); Find.LetterStack.ReceiveLetter("LetterLabelElectionWon".Translate(winningCandidate.First), "LetterElectionWon".Translate(winningCandidate.First, this.baseName, winningCandidate.Second, issuesString.ToString()), LetterDefOf.NeutralEvent, winningCandidate.First); }
public static Thought_Memory AddDesensitizedChance(Thought_Memory thought_Memory, Pawn pawn) { if (thought_Memory != null && thought_Memory.def == ThoughtDefOf.ObservedLayingCorpse) { if (!pawn.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOfPsychology.BleedingHeart) && !pawn.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOf.Psychopath) && !pawn.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOf.Bloodlust) && !pawn.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOfPsychology.Desensitized)) { if (((pawn.GetHashCode() ^ (GenLocalDate.DayOfYear(pawn) + GenLocalDate.Year(pawn) + (int)(GenLocalDate.DayPercent(pawn) * 5) * 60) * 391) % 1000) == 0) { pawn.story.traits.GainTrait(new Trait(TraitDefOfPsychology.Desensitized)); pawn.needs.mood.thoughts.memories.TryGainMemory(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.RecentlyDesensitized); } } } return(thought_Memory); }
protected override ThoughtState CurrentStateInternal(Pawn p) { switch ((p.GetHashCode() ^ (GenLocalDate.DayOfYear(p) + GenLocalDate.Year(p) + (int)(GenMath.RoundTo(GenLocalDate.DayPercent(p), 0.25f) * 10) * 60) * 391) % 12) { case 0: return((p.story.traits.DegreeOfTrait(SyrTraitDefOf.Neurotic) == 2) ? ThoughtState.ActiveAtStage(0) : ThoughtState.Inactive); case 1: return(ThoughtState.ActiveAtStage(1)); case 2: return(ThoughtState.ActiveAtStage(1)); case 3: return(ThoughtState.ActiveAtStage(2)); case 4: return(ThoughtState.ActiveAtStage(2)); case 5: return(ThoughtState.Inactive); case 6: return(ThoughtState.Inactive); case 7: return(ThoughtState.ActiveAtStage(3)); case 8: return(ThoughtState.ActiveAtStage(3)); case 9: return(ThoughtState.ActiveAtStage(4)); case 10: return(ThoughtState.ActiveAtStage(4)); case 11: return((p.story.traits.DegreeOfTrait(SyrTraitDefOf.Neurotic) == 2) ? ThoughtState.ActiveAtStage(5) : ThoughtState.Inactive); default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
protected override ThoughtState CurrentStateInternal(Pawn p) { switch ((p.GetHashCode() ^ (GenLocalDate.DayOfYear(p) + GenLocalDate.Year(p) + (int)(GenLocalDate.DayPercent(p) * 10) * 60) * 391) % 12) { case 0: return(ThoughtState.ActiveAtStage(0)); case 1: return(ThoughtState.ActiveAtStage(1)); case 2: return(ThoughtState.ActiveAtStage(1)); case 3: return(ThoughtState.ActiveAtStage(2)); case 4: return(ThoughtState.ActiveAtStage(2)); case 5: return(ThoughtState.Inactive); case 6: return(ThoughtState.Inactive); case 7: return(ThoughtState.ActiveAtStage(3)); case 8: return(ThoughtState.ActiveAtStage(3)); case 9: return(ThoughtState.ActiveAtStage(4)); case 10: return(ThoughtState.ActiveAtStage(4)); case 11: return(ThoughtState.ActiveAtStage(5)); default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
//generate PredictableSeed for Verse.Rand public static int PredictableSeed() { int seed = 0; try { Map map = Find.CurrentMap; //int seedHourOfDay = GenLocalDate.HourOfDay(map); //int seedDayOfYear = GenLocalDate.DayOfYear(map); //int seedYear = GenLocalDate.Year(map); seed = (GenLocalDate.HourOfDay(map) + GenLocalDate.DayOfYear(map)) * GenLocalDate.Year(map); //int seed = (seedHourOfDay + seedDayOfYear) * seedYear; //Log.Warning("seedHourOfDay: " + seedHourOfDay + "\nseedDayOfYear: " + seedDayOfYear + "\nseedYear: " + seedYear + "\n" + seed); } catch { seed = Rand.Int; } return(seed); }
public static void AppendPsychologyThoughts(TaleNewsPawnDied __instance, Pawn recipient) { var victim = __instance.Victim; // Psychology did a lot of work to exclude thoughts from Bleeding Heart. if (recipient.Faction == victim.Faction) { new IndividualThoughtToAdd(Psycho_ThoughtDefOf.WitnessedDeathAllyBleedingHeart, recipient).Add(); } else if (victim.Faction == null || victim.Faction.HostileTo(recipient.Faction) || recipient.story.traits.HasTrait(Psycho_TraitDefOf.BleedingHeart)) { new IndividualThoughtToAdd(Psycho_ThoughtDefOf.WitnessedDeathNonAllyBleedingHeart, recipient).Add(); } var traitsDisallowDesensitization = recipient.story.traits.HasTrait(Psycho_TraitDefOf.BleedingHeart) || recipient.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOf.Psychopath) || recipient.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOf.Bloodlust) || recipient.story.traits.HasTrait(Psycho_TraitDefOf.Desensitized); // ALL PRAISE GOD RANDY OUR ONE TRUE LORD var randyAllowsDesensitization = (recipient.GetHashCode() ^ ((GenLocalDate.DayOfYear(recipient) + GenLocalDate.Year(recipient) + ((int)(GenLocalDate.DayPercent(recipient) * 5f) * 60)) * 391)) % 1000 == 0; // No Bleeding Heart + No Psychopath + No Bloodlust + No Desensitised + Random Genner if (traitsDisallowDesensitization || !randyAllowsDesensitization) { return; } // Gain Desensitized recipient.story.traits.GainTrait(new Trait(Psycho_TraitDefOf.Desensitized)); recipient.needs.mood.thoughts.memories.TryGainMemory(Psycho_ThoughtDefOf.RecentlyDesensitized); }
public override void MapComponentTick() { base.MapComponentTick(); if (!WorkManager.Enabled) { return; } if (Find.TickManager.CurTimeSpeed == TimeSpeed.Paused || Find.TickManager.TicksGame % 60 != 0) { return; } var year = GenLocalDate.Year(map); var day = GenLocalDate.DayOfYear(map); var hourFloat = GenLocalDate.HourFloat(map); var hoursPassed = (year - _workUpdateTime.Year) * 60 * 24 + (day - _workUpdateTime.Day) * 24 + hourFloat - _workUpdateTime.Hour; if (Settings.UpdateFrequency == 0) { Settings.UpdateFrequency = 24; } if (hoursPassed < 24f / Settings.UpdateFrequency) { return; } if (!Current.Game.playSettings.useWorkPriorities) { Current.Game.playSettings.useWorkPriorities = true; foreach (var pawn in PawnsFinder.AllMapsWorldAndTemporary_Alive.Where(pawn => pawn.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer)) { pawn.workSettings?.Notify_UseWorkPrioritiesChanged(); } } if (Settings.AssignEveryoneWorkTypes == null) { Settings.AssignEveryoneWorkTypes = new List <AssignEveryoneWorkType>(Settings.DefaultAssignEveryoneWorkTypes); } if (Prefs.DevMode && Settings.VerboseLogging) { Log.Message( $"----- Work Manager: Updating work priorities... (day = {day}, hour = {hourFloat}, passed = {hoursPassed:N1}) -----"); } _workUpdateTime.Year = year; _workUpdateTime.Day = day; _workUpdateTime.Hour = hourFloat; UpdateCache(); UpdateWorkPriorities(); ApplyWorkPriorities(); if (Settings.ManageWorkSchedule && (year - _scheduleUpdateTime.Year) * 60 * 24 + (day - _scheduleUpdateTime.Day) * 24 + hourFloat - _scheduleUpdateTime.Hour >= 24) { _scheduleUpdateTime.Year = year; _scheduleUpdateTime.Day = day; _scheduleUpdateTime.Hour = hourFloat; UpdateSchedule(); } if (Prefs.DevMode && Settings.VerboseLogging) { Log.Message("----------------------------------------------------"); } }
static public void GenerateRandomAge(Pawn pawn, Map map) { int num = 0; int num2; do { if (pawn.RaceProps.ageGenerationCurve != null) { num2 = Mathf.RoundToInt(Rand.ByCurve(pawn.RaceProps.ageGenerationCurve, 200)); } else if (pawn.RaceProps.IsMechanoid) { num2 = Rand.Range(0, 2500); } else { if (!pawn.RaceProps.Animal) { goto IL_84; } num2 = Rand.Range(1, 10); } num++; if (num > 100) { goto IL_95; } }while (num2 > pawn.kindDef.maxGenerationAge || num2 < pawn.kindDef.minGenerationAge); goto IL_A5; IL_84: Log.Warning("Didn't get age for " + pawn); return; IL_95: Log.Error("Tried 100 times to generate age for " + pawn); IL_A5: pawn.ageTracker.AgeBiologicalTicks = ((long)(num2 * 3600000f) + Rand.Range(0, 3600000)); int num3; if (Rand.Value < pawn.kindDef.backstoryCryptosleepCommonality) { float value = Rand.Value; if (value < 0.7f) { num3 = Rand.Range(0, 100); } else if (value < 0.95f) { num3 = Rand.Range(100, 1000); } else { int num4 = GenLocalDate.Year(map) - 2026 - pawn.ageTracker.AgeBiologicalYears; num3 = Rand.Range(1000, num4); } } else { num3 = 0; } long num5 = GenTicks.TicksAbs - pawn.ageTracker.AgeBiologicalTicks; num5 -= num3 * 3600000L; pawn.ageTracker.BirthAbsTicks = num5; if (pawn.ageTracker.AgeBiologicalTicks > pawn.ageTracker.AgeChronologicalTicks) { pawn.ageTracker.AgeChronologicalTicks = (pawn.ageTracker.AgeBiologicalTicks); } }
public static void AppendPsychologyThoughts(Pawn victim, DamageInfo?dinfo, PawnDiedOrDownedThoughtsKind thoughtsKind, ref List <IndividualThoughtToAdd> outIndividualThoughts, ref List <ThoughtDef> outAllColonistsThoughts) { bool flag = dinfo.HasValue && dinfo.Value.Def.execution; bool flag2 = victim.IsPrisonerOfColony && !victim.guilt.IsGuilty && !victim.InAggroMentalState; bool flag3 = dinfo.HasValue && dinfo.Value.Def.ExternalViolenceFor(victim) && dinfo.Value.Instigator != null && dinfo.Value.Instigator is Pawn; if (flag3) { Pawn pawn = (Pawn)dinfo.Value.Instigator; if (!pawn.Dead && pawn.needs.mood != null && pawn.story != null && pawn != victim) { if (thoughtsKind == PawnDiedOrDownedThoughtsKind.Died && victim.HostileTo(pawn)) { if (victim.Faction != null && victim.Faction.HostileTo(pawn.Faction) && !flag2) { outIndividualThoughts.Add(new IndividualThoughtToAdd(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.KilledHumanlikeEnemy, pawn, victim, 1f, 1f)); } } } } if (thoughtsKind == PawnDiedOrDownedThoughtsKind.Died && victim.Spawned) { List <Pawn> allPawnsSpawned = victim.Map.mapPawns.AllPawnsSpawned; for (int i = 0; i < allPawnsSpawned.Count; i++) { Pawn pawn2 = allPawnsSpawned[i]; if (pawn2 != victim && pawn2.needs.mood != null) { if (!flag && (pawn2.MentalStateDef != MentalStateDefOf.SocialFighting || ((MentalState_SocialFighting)pawn2.MentalState).otherPawn != victim)) { if (pawn2.Position.InHorDistOf(victim.Position, 12f) && GenSight.LineOfSight(victim.Position, pawn2.Position, victim.Map, false) && pawn2.Awake() && { if (pawn2.Faction == victim.Faction) { outIndividualThoughts.Add(new IndividualThoughtToAdd(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.WitnessedDeathAllyBleedingHeart, pawn2, null, 1f, 1f)); } else if (victim.Faction == null || (!victim.Faction.HostileTo(pawn2.Faction) || pawn2.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOfPsychology.BleedingHeart))) { outIndividualThoughts.Add(new IndividualThoughtToAdd(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.WitnessedDeathNonAllyBleedingHeart, pawn2, null, 1f, 1f)); } if (!pawn2.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOfPsychology.BleedingHeart) && !pawn2.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOf.Psychopath) && !pawn2.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOf.Bloodlust) && !pawn2.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOfPsychology.Desensitized)) { if (((pawn2.GetHashCode() ^ (GenLocalDate.DayOfYear(pawn2) + GenLocalDate.Year(pawn2) + (int)(GenLocalDate.DayPercent(pawn2) * 5) * 60) * 391) % 1000) == 0) { pawn2.story.traits.GainTrait(new Trait(TraitDefOfPsychology.Desensitized)); pawn2.needs.mood.thoughts.memories.TryGainMemory(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.RecentlyDesensitized, null); } } } else if (victim.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer && victim.Faction == pawn2.Faction && victim.HostFaction != pawn2.Faction) { outIndividualThoughts.Add(new IndividualThoughtToAdd(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.KnowColonistDiedBleedingHeart, pawn2, null, 1f, 1f)); } if (flag2 && pawn2.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer && !pawn2.IsPrisoner) { outIndividualThoughts.Add(new IndividualThoughtToAdd(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.KnowPrisonerDiedInnocentBleedingHeart, pawn2, null, 1f, 1f)); } } } } } if (thoughtsKind == PawnDiedOrDownedThoughtsKind.Banished && victim.IsColonist) { outAllColonistsThoughts.Add(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.ColonistAbandonedBleedingHeart); } if (thoughtsKind == PawnDiedOrDownedThoughtsKind.BanishedToDie) { if (victim.IsColonist) { outAllColonistsThoughts.Add(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.ColonistAbandonedToDieBleedingHeart); } else if (victim.IsPrisonerOfColony) { outAllColonistsThoughts.Add(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.PrisonerAbandonedToDieBleedingHeart); } } }
public static void CancelJob(ref Job __result, Pawn pawn) { Pawn partner = LovePartnerRelationUtility.GetPartnerInMyBed(pawn); if (PsycheHelper.PsychologyEnabled(pawn) && PsycheHelper.PsychologyEnabled(partner) && PsychologyBase.ActivateKinsey()) { float random = Rand.ValueSeeded((pawn.GetHashCode() ^ (GenLocalDate.DayOfYear(pawn) + GenLocalDate.Year(pawn) + (int)(GenLocalDate.DayPercent(pawn) * 2) * 60) * 391)); float random2 = Rand.ValueSeeded((pawn.GetHashCode() ^ (GenLocalDate.DayOfYear(partner) + GenLocalDate.Year(partner) + (int)(GenLocalDate.DayPercent(partner) * 2) * 60) * 391)); if (random > PsycheHelper.Comp(pawn).Sexuality.AdjustedSexDrive&& random2 > PsycheHelper.Comp(partner).Sexuality.AdjustedSexDrive) { __result = null; } } }
public static void CancelJob(ref Job __result, Pawn pawn) { Pawn partnerInMyBed = LovePartnerRelationUtility.GetPartnerInMyBed(pawn); PsychologyPawn realPawn = pawn as PsychologyPawn; PsychologyPawn realPartner = partnerInMyBed as PsychologyPawn; if (realPawn != null && realPartner != null && PsychologyBase.ActivateKinsey() && realPawn.sexuality != null && realPartner.sexuality != null) { float random = Rand.ValueSeeded((pawn.GetHashCode() ^ (GenLocalDate.DayOfYear(pawn) + GenLocalDate.Year(pawn) + (int)(GenLocalDate.DayPercent(pawn) * 2) * 60) * 391)); if (random > realPawn.sexuality.AdjustedSexDrive && random > realPartner.sexuality.AdjustedSexDrive) { __result = null; } } }
private static void _AppendThoughts_Humanlike(Pawn victim, DamageInfo?dinfo, Hediff hediff, PawnDiedOrDownedThoughtsKind thoughtsKind, List <IndividualThoughtToAdd> outIndividualThoughts, List <ThoughtDef> outAllColonistsThoughts) { var IsExecution = typeof(PawnDiedOrDownedThoughtsUtility).GetMethod("IsExecution", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic); var IsInnocentPrisoner = typeof(PawnDiedOrDownedThoughtsUtility).GetMethod("IsInnocentPrisoner", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic); bool flag = (bool)IsExecution.Invoke(null, new object[] { dinfo, hediff }); bool flag2 = (bool)IsInnocentPrisoner.Invoke(null, new object[] { victim }); bool flag3 = dinfo.HasValue && dinfo.Value.Def.externalViolence && dinfo.Value.Instigator != null && dinfo.Value.Instigator is Pawn; if (flag3) { Pawn pawn = (Pawn)dinfo.Value.Instigator; if (!pawn.Dead && pawn.needs.mood != null && pawn.story != null && pawn != victim) { if (thoughtsKind == PawnDiedOrDownedThoughtsKind.Died) { outIndividualThoughts.Add(new IndividualThoughtToAdd(ThoughtDefOf.KilledHumanlikeBloodlust, pawn, null, 1f, 1f)); } if (thoughtsKind == PawnDiedOrDownedThoughtsKind.Died && victim.HostileTo(pawn)) { if (victim.Faction != null && PawnUtility.IsFactionLeader(victim) && victim.Faction.HostileTo(pawn.Faction)) { outIndividualThoughts.Add(new IndividualThoughtToAdd(ThoughtDefOf.DefeatedHostileFactionLeader, pawn, victim, 1f, 1f)); } else if (victim.Faction != null && victim.Faction.HostileTo(pawn.Faction) && !flag2) { outIndividualThoughts.Add(new IndividualThoughtToAdd(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.KilledHumanlikeEnemy, pawn, victim, 1f, 1f)); } if (victim.kindDef.combatPower > 250f) { outIndividualThoughts.Add(new IndividualThoughtToAdd(ThoughtDefOf.DefeatedMajorEnemy, pawn, victim, 1f, 1f)); } } } } if (thoughtsKind == PawnDiedOrDownedThoughtsKind.Died && victim.Spawned) { List <Pawn> allPawnsSpawned = victim.Map.mapPawns.AllPawnsSpawned; for (int i = 0; i < allPawnsSpawned.Count; i++) { Pawn pawn2 = allPawnsSpawned[i]; if (pawn2 != victim && pawn2.needs.mood != null) { if (!flag && (pawn2.MentalStateDef != MentalStateDefOf.SocialFighting || ((MentalState_SocialFighting)pawn2.MentalState).otherPawn != victim)) { if (pawn2.Position.InHorDistOf(victim.Position, 12f) && GenSight.LineOfSight(victim.Position, pawn2.Position, victim.Map, false) && pawn2.Awake() && { if (pawn2.Faction == victim.Faction) { outIndividualThoughts.Add(new IndividualThoughtToAdd(ThoughtDefOf.WitnessedDeathAlly, pawn2, null, 1f, 1f)); outIndividualThoughts.Add(new IndividualThoughtToAdd(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.WitnessedDeathAllyBleedingHeart, pawn2, null, 1f, 1f)); } else if (victim.Faction == null || (!victim.Faction.HostileTo(pawn2.Faction) || pawn2.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOfPsychology.BleedingHeart))) { outIndividualThoughts.Add(new IndividualThoughtToAdd(ThoughtDefOf.WitnessedDeathNonAlly, pawn2, null, 1f, 1f)); outIndividualThoughts.Add(new IndividualThoughtToAdd(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.WitnessedDeathNonAllyBleedingHeart, pawn2, null, 1f, 1f)); } if (pawn2.relations.FamilyByBlood.Contains(victim)) { outIndividualThoughts.Add(new IndividualThoughtToAdd(ThoughtDefOf.WitnessedDeathFamily, pawn2, null, 1f, 1f)); } outIndividualThoughts.Add(new IndividualThoughtToAdd(ThoughtDefOf.WitnessedDeathBloodlust, pawn2, null, 1f, 1f)); if (!pawn2.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOfPsychology.BleedingHeart) && !pawn2.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOf.Psychopath) && !pawn2.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOf.Bloodlust) && !pawn2.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOfPsychology.Desensitized)) { if (((pawn2.GetHashCode() ^ (GenLocalDate.DayOfYear(pawn2) + GenLocalDate.Year(pawn2) + (int)(GenLocalDate.DayPercent(pawn2) * 5) * 60) * 391) % 1000) == 0) { pawn2.story.traits.GainTrait(new Trait(TraitDefOfPsychology.Desensitized)); pawn2.needs.mood.thoughts.memories.TryGainMemoryThought(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.RecentlyDesensitized, null); } } } else if (victim.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer && victim.Faction == pawn2.Faction && victim.HostFaction != pawn2.Faction) { outIndividualThoughts.Add(new IndividualThoughtToAdd(ThoughtDefOf.KnowColonistDied, pawn2, null, 1f, 1f)); outIndividualThoughts.Add(new IndividualThoughtToAdd(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.KnowColonistDiedBleedingHeart, pawn2, null, 1f, 1f)); } if (flag2 && pawn2.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer && !pawn2.IsPrisoner) { outIndividualThoughts.Add(new IndividualThoughtToAdd(ThoughtDefOf.KnowPrisonerDiedInnocent, pawn2, null, 1f, 1f)); outIndividualThoughts.Add(new IndividualThoughtToAdd(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.KnowPrisonerDiedInnocentBleedingHeart, pawn2, null, 1f, 1f)); } } } } } if (thoughtsKind == PawnDiedOrDownedThoughtsKind.Abandoned && victim.IsColonist) { outAllColonistsThoughts.Add(ThoughtDefOf.ColonistAbandoned); outAllColonistsThoughts.Add(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.ColonistAbandonedBleedingHeart); } if (thoughtsKind == PawnDiedOrDownedThoughtsKind.AbandonedToDie) { if (victim.IsColonist) { outAllColonistsThoughts.Add(ThoughtDefOf.ColonistAbandonedToDie); outAllColonistsThoughts.Add(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.ColonistAbandonedToDieBleedingHeart); } else if (victim.IsPrisonerOfColony) { outAllColonistsThoughts.Add(ThoughtDefOf.PrisonerAbandonedToDie); outAllColonistsThoughts.Add(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.PrisonerAbandonedToDieBleedingHeart); } } }
public override void Tick(int currentTick) { //Constituent tick if (currentTick % GenDate.TicksPerHour * 2 == 0) { Map playerFactionMap = Find.WorldObjects.FactionBases.Find(b => b.Faction.IsPlayer).Map; IEnumerable <Pawn> constituents = (from p in playerFactionMap.mapPawns.FreeColonistsSpawned where ! && p.GetTimeAssignment() != TimeAssignmentDefOf.Work && p.Awake() select p); if (constituents.Count() > 0) { Pawn potentialConstituent = constituents.RandomElementByWeight(p => 0.0001f + Mathf.Pow(Mathf.Abs(0.7f - p.needs.mood.CurLevel), 2)); IEnumerable <Pawn> activeMayors = (from m in playerFactionMap.mapPawns.FreeColonistsSpawned where !m.Dead && && ((Hediff_Mayor) == potentialConstituent.Map.Tile && m.GetTimeAssignment() != TimeAssignmentDefOf.Work && m.GetTimeAssignment() != TimeAssignmentDefOf.Sleep && m.GetLord() == null && m.Awake() select m); if (potentialConstituent != null && activeMayors.Count() > 0) { Pawn mayor = activeMayors.RandomElement(); //There should only be one. PsychologyPawn psychologyConstituent = potentialConstituent as PsychologyPawn; IntVec3 gather = default(IntVec3); bool foundBed = false; if (mayor.ownership != null && mayor.ownership.OwnedBed != null) { gather = mayor.ownership.OwnedBed.Position; foundBed = true; } if ((psychologyConstituent == null || Rand.Value < (1f - psychologyConstituent.psyche.GetPersonalityRating(PersonalityNodeDefOf.Independent)) / 5f) && (foundBed || RCellFinder.TryFindPartySpot(mayor, out gather))) { List <Pawn> pawns = new List <Pawn>(); pawns.Add(mayor); pawns.Add(potentialConstituent); Lord meeting = LordMaker.MakeNewLord(mayor.Faction, new LordJob_VisitMayor(gather, potentialConstituent, mayor, (potentialConstituent.needs.mood.CurLevel < 0.4f)), mayor.Map, pawns); if (!foundBed) { mayor.needs.mood.thoughts.memories.TryGainMemory(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.MayorNoBedroom); } } } } } //Election tick if (currentTick % (GenDate.TicksPerDay / 4f) == 0) { foreach (FactionBase factionBase in Find.WorldObjects.FactionBases) { //If the base isn't owned or named by the player, no election can be held. if (!factionBase.Faction.IsPlayer || !factionBase.namedByPlayer) { continue; } //Self-explanatory. if (!PsychologyBase.ActivateElections()) { continue; } //If the base is not at least a year old, no election will be held. if ((Find.TickManager.TicksGame - factionBase.creationGameTicks) / GenDate.TicksPerYear < 1) { continue; } //A base must have at least 7 people in it to hold an election. if (factionBase.Map.mapPawns.FreeColonistsSpawnedCount < 7) { continue; } //If an election is already being held, don't start a new one. if (factionBase.Map.gameConditionManager.ConditionIsActive(GameConditionDefOfPsychology.Election) || factionBase.Map.lordManager.lords.Find(l => l.LordJob is LordJob_Joinable_Election) != null) { continue; } //Elections are held in the fall and during the day. if (GenLocalDate.Season(factionBase.Map) != Season.Fall || (GenLocalDate.HourOfDay(factionBase.Map) < 7 || GenLocalDate.HourOfDay(factionBase.Map) > 20)) { continue; } //If an election has already been completed this year, don't start a new one. IEnumerable <Pawn> activeMayors = (from m in factionBase.Map.mapPawns.FreeColonistsSpawned where !m.Dead && && ((Hediff_Mayor) == factionBase.Map.Tile && ((Hediff_Mayor) == GenLocalDate.Year(factionBase.Map.Tile) select m); if (activeMayors.Count() > 0) { continue; } //Try to space out the elections so they don't all proc at once. if (Rand.RangeInclusive(1, 15 - GenLocalDate.DayOfSeason(factionBase.Map.Tile)) > 1) { continue; } IncidentParms parms = new IncidentParms(); = factionBase.Map; parms.faction = factionBase.Faction; FiringIncident fi = new FiringIncident(IncidentDefOfPsychology.Election, null, parms); Find.Storyteller.TryFire(fi); } } }
public override void PostMake() { base.PostMake(); this.yearElected = GenLocalDate.Year(this.pawn.Map.Tile); this.worldTileElectedOn = this.pawn.Map.Tile; }
public override void Tick(int currentTick) { //Performance reporting tick if (EnablePerformanceTesting() && currentTick % GenDate.TicksPerDay == 0 && PerformanceSetup.performanceTotals.Keys.Count > 0) { Dictionary <string, float> averages = PerformanceSetup.performanceTotals.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => (float)x.Value / (float)PerformanceSetup.performanceCalls[x.Key]); int topAmt = Math.Min(10, averages.Count); List <KeyValuePair <string, float> > avgTicks = (from avg in averages orderby avg.Value descending select avg).Take(topAmt).ToList(); List <KeyValuePair <string, float> > topTicks = (from avg in averages orderby avg.Value * PerformanceSetup.performanceCalls[avg.Key] descending select avg).Take(topAmt).ToList(); StringBuilder avgString = new StringBuilder(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, float> t in avgTicks) { avgString.AppendLine(t.Key + " (" + t.Value + ")"); } StringBuilder topString = new StringBuilder(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, float> t in topTicks) { topString.AppendLine(t.Key + " (" + avgTicks.Find(x => x.Key == t.Key).Value + ")"); } Log.Message("Psychology :: Performance Report :: Top " + topAmt + " average tick consumers:\n" + avgString.ToString() + "\nTop " + topAmt + " weighted tick consumers: " + topString.ToString()); } //Constituent tick if (currentTick % GenDate.TicksPerHour * 2 == 0) { Map playerFactionMap = Find.WorldObjects.SettlementBases.Find(b => b.Faction.IsPlayer).Map; IEnumerable <Pawn> constituents = (from p in playerFactionMap.mapPawns.FreeColonistsSpawned where ! && p.GetLord() == null && p.GetTimeAssignment() != TimeAssignmentDefOf.Work && p.Awake() select p); if (constituents.Count() > 0) { Pawn potentialConstituent = constituents.RandomElementByWeight(p => 0.0001f + Mathf.Pow(Mathf.Abs(0.7f - p.needs.mood.CurLevel), 2)); IEnumerable <Pawn> activeMayors = (from m in playerFactionMap.mapPawns.FreeColonistsSpawned where !m.Dead && && ((Hediff_Mayor) == potentialConstituent.Map.Tile && m.GetTimeAssignment() != TimeAssignmentDefOf.Work && m.GetTimeAssignment() != TimeAssignmentDefOf.Sleep && m.GetLord() == null && m.Awake() && m.GetLord() == null select m); if (potentialConstituent != null && !potentialConstituent.Downed && !potentialConstituent.Drafted && >= 1f && potentialConstituent.GetTimeAssignment() != TimeAssignmentDefOf.Work && activeMayors.Count() > 0) { Pawn mayor = activeMayors.RandomElement(); //There should only be one. IntVec3 gather = default(IntVec3); String found = null; if (mayor.Map.GetComponent <OfficeTableMapComponent>().officeTable != null) { gather = mayor.Map.GetComponent <OfficeTableMapComponent>().officeTable.parent.Position; found = "office"; } else if (mayor.ownership != null && mayor.ownership.OwnedBed != null) { gather = mayor.ownership.OwnedBed.Position; found = "bed"; } if (PsycheHelper.PsychologyEnabled(potentialConstituent) && Rand.Chance((1f - PsycheHelper.Comp(potentialConstituent).Psyche.GetPersonalityRating(PersonalityNodeDefOf.Independent)) / 5f) && (found != null || RCellFinder.TryFindPartySpot(mayor, out gather)) && (!mayor.Drafted && !mayor.Downed && >= 1f && mayor.GetTimeAssignment() != TimeAssignmentDefOf.Work && (mayor.CurJob == null || mayor.CurJob.def != JobDefOf.TendPatient))) { List <Pawn> pawns = new List <Pawn>(); pawns.Add(mayor); pawns.Add(potentialConstituent); Lord meeting = LordMaker.MakeNewLord(mayor.Faction, new LordJob_VisitMayor(gather, potentialConstituent, mayor, (potentialConstituent.needs.mood.CurLevel < (potentialConstituent.mindState.mentalBreaker.BreakThresholdMinor * 1.25f))), mayor.Map, pawns);;; if (found == "bed") { mayor.needs.mood.thoughts.memories.TryGainMemory(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.MayorNoOffice); } else if (found == null) { mayor.needs.mood.thoughts.memories.TryGainMemory(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.MayorNoBedroom); } } } } } //Election tick if (currentTick % (GenDate.TicksPerDay / 4f) == 0) { foreach (Settlement settlement in Find.WorldObjects.Settlements) { //Self-explanatory. if (!PsychologyBase.ActivateElections()) { continue; } //If the base isn't owned or named by the player, no election can be held. if (!settlement.Faction.IsPlayer || !settlement.namedByPlayer) { continue; } //If the base is not at least a year old, no election will be held. if ((Find.TickManager.TicksGame - settlement.creationGameTicks) / GenDate.TicksPerYear < 1) { continue; } //A base must have at least 7 people in it to hold an election. if (settlement.Map.mapPawns.FreeColonistsSpawnedCount < 7) { continue; } //If an election is already being held, don't start a new one. if (settlement.Map.gameConditionManager.ConditionIsActive(GameConditionDefOfPsychology.Election) || settlement.Map.lordManager.lords.Find(l => l.LordJob is LordJob_Joinable_Election) != null) { continue; } //Elections are held in Septober (because I guess some maps don't have fall?) and during the day. if (GenDate.Quadrum(Find.TickManager.TicksAbs, Find.WorldGrid.LongLatOf(settlement.Tile).x) != Quadrum.Septober || (GenLocalDate.HourOfDay(settlement.Map) < 7 || GenLocalDate.HourOfDay(settlement.Map) > 20)) { continue; } //If an election has already been completed this year, don't start a new one. IEnumerable <Pawn> activeMayors = (from m in settlement.Map.mapPawns.FreeColonistsSpawned where !m.Dead && && ((Hediff_Mayor) == settlement.Map.Tile && ((Hediff_Mayor) == GenLocalDate.Year(settlement.Map.Tile) select m); if (activeMayors.Count() > 0) { continue; } //Try to space out the elections so they don't all proc at once. if (Rand.RangeInclusive(1, 15 - GenLocalDate.DayOfQuadrum(settlement.Map.Tile)) > 1) { continue; } IncidentParms parms = new IncidentParms(); = settlement.Map; parms.faction = settlement.Faction; FiringIncident fi = new FiringIncident(IncidentDefOfPsychology.Election, null, parms); Find.Storyteller.TryFire(fi); } } }
internal static void _ObserveSurroundingThings(this PawnObserver _this) { Pawn pawn = _this.GetPawn(); if (! { return; } Room room = RoomQuery.RoomAt(pawn); int num = 0; while ((float)num < 100f) { IntVec3 c = pawn.Position + GenRadial.RadialPattern[num]; if (c.InBounds(pawn.Map)) { if (RoomQuery.RoomAt(c, pawn.Map) == room) { List <Thing> thingList = c.GetThingList(pawn.Map); for (int i = 0; i < thingList.Count; i++) { IThoughtGiver thoughtGiver = thingList[i] as IThoughtGiver; if (thoughtGiver != null) { Thought_Memory thought_Memory = thoughtGiver.GiveObservedThought(); if (thought_Memory != null) { if (thought_Memory.def == ThoughtDefOf.ObservedLayingCorpse) { if (!pawn.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOfPsychology.BleedingHeart) && !pawn.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOf.Psychopath) && !pawn.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOf.Bloodlust) && !pawn.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOfPsychology.Desensitized)) { if (((pawn.GetHashCode() ^ (GenLocalDate.DayOfYear(pawn) + GenLocalDate.Year(pawn) + (int)(GenLocalDate.DayPercent(pawn) * 5) * 60) * 391) % 1000) == 0) { pawn.story.traits.GainTrait(new Trait(TraitDefOfPsychology.Desensitized)); pawn.needs.mood.thoughts.memories.TryGainMemoryThought(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.RecentlyDesensitized, null); } } } pawn.needs.mood.thoughts.memories.TryGainMemoryThought(thought_Memory, null); } } } } } num++; } }
public static void DesensitizeViaCorpse(PawnObserver __instance) { Pawn pawn = Traverse.Create(__instance).Field("pawn").GetValue <Pawn>(); if (! { return; } RoomGroup roomGroup = pawn.GetRoomGroup(); Map map = pawn.Map; int num = 0; while ((float)num < 100f) { IntVec3 intVec = pawn.Position + GenRadial.RadialPattern[num]; if (intVec.InBounds(map)) { if (intVec.GetRoomGroup(map) == roomGroup) { if (GenSight.LineOfSight(intVec, pawn.Position, map, true, null, 0, 0)) { List <Thing> thingList = intVec.GetThingList(map); for (int i = 0; i < thingList.Count; i++) { IThoughtGiver thoughtGiver = thingList[i] as IThoughtGiver; if (thoughtGiver != null) { Thought_Memory thought_Memory = thoughtGiver.GiveObservedThought(); if (thought_Memory != null && thought_Memory.def == ThoughtDefOf.ObservedLayingCorpse) { if (!pawn.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOfPsychology.BleedingHeart) && !pawn.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOf.Psychopath) && !pawn.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOf.Bloodlust) && !pawn.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOfPsychology.Desensitized)) { if (((pawn.GetHashCode() ^ (GenLocalDate.DayOfYear(pawn) + GenLocalDate.Year(pawn) + (int)(GenLocalDate.DayPercent(pawn) * 5) * 60) * 391) % 1000) == 0) { pawn.story.traits.GainTrait(new Trait(TraitDefOfPsychology.Desensitized)); pawn.needs.mood.thoughts.memories.TryGainMemory(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.RecentlyDesensitized, null); } } } } } } } } num++; } }