        /// <summary>
        /// Captures two sequent frames from the camera with different exposure parameter values.
        /// Each frame is captured after explicit software trigger is sent to the device.
        /// </summary>
        private static bool CaptureFramesPair(int handle, double exposure1, double exposure2, Image outFrame1, Image outFrame2)
            const int FrameTimeout = 150;    // ms

            // Flush input queue to remove any desync with device stream.

            // Calculate timeouts for frames depending on required exposure time.
            int timeoutFrame1 = FrameTimeout + (int)(exposure1 / 1000);
            int timeoutFrame2 = FrameTimeout + (int)(exposure2 / 1000);

            // Set first exposure time and capture the frame.
            GenICam.GenApi_SetFloatParam(handle, "ExposureTimeAbs", exposure1);
            GenICam.GenApi_ExecuteCommand(handle, "TriggerSoftware");

            // Await and receive first frame. If this frame gets corrupted or lost we need to explicitly react, otherwise we could
            // crash because of single frame error or desync with device stream.
            if (!GenICam.GigEVision_TryReceiveImage(handle, timeoutFrame1, outFrame1))

            // Set second exposure time, capture and receive frame.
            GenICam.GenApi_SetFloatParam(handle, "ExposureTimeAbs", exposure2);
            GenICam.GenApi_ExecuteCommand(handle, "TriggerSoftware");

            if (!GenICam.GigEVision_TryReceiveImage(handle, timeoutFrame2, outFrame2))

        /// <summary>
        /// <para>Setups and verifies capabilities of general camera device of unknown type for this demo. Usually
        /// application should be created for specific device or device class, some of this setup and verification is
        /// not obligatory.</para>
        /// <para>Device parameter setup is based on GenICam SFNC standard.</para>
        /// </summary>
        static void SetupDevice(int handle)
            Console.WriteLine("Setting up device...");

            // Device parameter setup is based on GenICam SFNC standard.

            // When selector is available, select "FrameStart" trigger in device. This parameter
            // must be set first because it determines what further parameters point to.
            if (GenICam.GenApi_GetParamExists(handle, "TriggerSelector"))
                GenICam.GenApi_GetEnumParam(handle, "TriggerSelector", true, out defaultTriggerSelector);
                GenICam.GenApi_SetEnumParam(handle, "TriggerSelector", "FrameStart", true);

            // Setup device so that it waits for software command to trigger new frame.
            GenICam.GenApi_GetEnumParam(handle, "TriggerSource", true, out defaultTriggerSource);
            GenICam.GenApi_SetEnumParam(handle, "TriggerSource", "Software", true);

            // Verify that command for software trigger exists.
            if (!GenICam.GenApi_GetParamExists(handle, "TriggerSoftware"))
                throw new MemberAccessException("Command \"TriggerSoftware\" is not defined by device description.");

            // Enable trigger
            if (GenICam.GenApi_GetParamExists(handle, "TriggerMode"))
                GenICam.GenApi_GetEnumParam(handle, "TriggerMode", true, out defaultTriggerMode);
                GenICam.GenApi_SetEnumParam(handle, "TriggerMode", "On", true);

            // Set acquisition mode to continuous - device should continue to
            // wait for triggers after each frame capture.
            GenICam.GenApi_SetEnumParam(handle, "AcquisitionMode", "Continuous", true);

            // If this device has automatic exposure, turn it off - we will be controlling
            // this parameter manually.
            if (GenICam.GenApi_GetParamExists(handle, "ExposureAuto"))
                GenICam.GenApi_SetEnumParam(handle, "ExposureAuto", "Off", false);

            // Set initial exposure value (this will also verify, if parameter is available).
            GenICam.GenApi_SetFloatParam(handle, "ExposureTimeAbs", 15000, true);