		public override void Render (Gdk.Drawable window, Gdk.Rectangle bounds, Gtk.StateType state)
			Gdk.GC gc = new Gdk.GC (window);
	   		gc.RgbFgColor = (Gdk.Color) Value;
			window.DrawRectangle (gc, true, bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.Width - 1, bounds.Height - 1);
			window.DrawRectangle (Container.Style.BlackGC, false, bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.Width - 1, bounds.Height - 1);
		public static Gdk.Pixbuf LoadIcon (Gtk.Widget widget, string name, Gtk.IconSize size)
			Gdk.Pixbuf res = widget.RenderIcon (name, size, null);
			if ((res != null)) {
				return res;
			} else {
				int sz;
				int sy;
				global::Gtk.Icon.SizeLookup (size, out  sz, out  sy);
				try {
					return Gtk.IconTheme.Default.LoadIcon (name, sz, 0);
				} catch (System.Exception) {
					if ((name != "gtk-missing-image")) {
						return Stetic.IconLoader.LoadIcon (widget, "gtk-missing-image", size);
					} else {
						Gdk.Pixmap pmap = new Gdk.Pixmap (Gdk.Screen.Default.RootWindow, sz, sz);
						Gdk.GC gc = new Gdk.GC (pmap);
						gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color (255, 255, 255);
						pmap.DrawRectangle (gc, true, 0, 0, sz, sz);
						gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color (0, 0, 0);
						pmap.DrawRectangle (gc, false, 0, 0, (sz - 1), (sz - 1));
						gc.SetLineAttributes (3, Gdk.LineStyle.Solid, Gdk.CapStyle.Round, Gdk.JoinStyle.Round);
						gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color (255, 0, 0);
						pmap.DrawLine (gc, (sz / 4), (sz / 4), ((sz - 1) - (sz / 4)), ((sz - 1) - (sz / 4)));
						pmap.DrawLine (gc, ((sz - 1) - (sz / 4)), (sz / 4), (sz / 4), ((sz - 1) - (sz / 4)));
						return Gdk.Pixbuf.FromDrawable (pmap, pmap.Colormap, 0, 0, 0, 0, sz, sz);
		internal static void RenderPlaceholderText (Gtk.Entry entry, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs args, string placeHolderText, ref Pango.Layout layout)
			// The Entry's GdkWindow is the top level window onto which
			// the frame is drawn; the actual text entry is drawn into a
			// separate window, so we can ensure that for themes that don't
			// respect HasFrame, we never ever allow the base frame drawing
			// to happen
			if (args.Event.Window == entry.GdkWindow)

			if (entry.Text.Length > 0)

			if (layout == null) {
				layout = new Pango.Layout (entry.PangoContext);
				layout.FontDescription = entry.PangoContext.FontDescription.Copy ();

			int wh, ww;
			args.Event.Window.GetSize (out ww, out wh);

			int width, height;
			layout.SetText (placeHolderText);
			layout.GetPixelSize (out width, out height);
			using (var gc = new Gdk.GC (args.Event.Window)) {
				gc.Copy (entry.Style.TextGC (Gtk.StateType.Normal));
				Color color_a = entry.Style.Base (Gtk.StateType.Normal).ToXwtValue ();
				Color color_b = entry.Style.Text (Gtk.StateType.Normal).ToXwtValue ();
				gc.RgbFgColor = color_b.BlendWith (color_a, 0.5).ToGtkValue ();

				args.Event.Window.DrawLayout (gc, 2, (wh - height) / 2 + 1, layout);
        protected override void DrawContents(Gdk.Drawable d)
            Gdk.GC gc = new Gdk.GC(d);
            Cairo.Context g = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(d);

            g.SelectFontFace("Lucida Console", FontSlant.Normal, FontWeight.Bold);

            TextExtents te;

            string lvl, hp, hpm, mp, mpm;

            #region Character

            Character c = PHSList.Instance.Selection;

            if (c != null)
                Graphics.DrawProfileSmall(d, gc, c.Name, X + x1, Y + yp);

                g.Color = new Color(.3, .8, .8);
                g.MoveTo(X + x3, Y + y0 + ya);
                g.MoveTo(X + x3, Y + y0 + yb);
                g.MoveTo(X + x3, Y + y0 + yc);
                g.Color = new Color(1, 1, 1);

                Color namec = new Color(1, 1, 1);
                if (c.Death)
                    namec = new Color(0.8, 0, 0);
                else if (c.NearDeath)
                    namec = new Color(.8, .8, 0);

                Graphics.ShadowedText(g, namec, c.Name, X + x3, Y + y0);

                lvl = c.Level.ToString();
                hp = c.HP.ToString() + "/";
                hpm = c.MaxHP.ToString();
                mp = c.MP.ToString() + "/";
                mpm = c.MaxMP.ToString();

                te = g.TextExtents(lvl);
                Graphics.ShadowedText(g, lvl, X + x4 - te.Width, Y + y0 + ya);
                te = g.TextExtents(hp);
                Graphics.ShadowedText(g, hp, X + x5 - te.Width, Y + y0 + yb);
                te = g.TextExtents(hpm);
                Graphics.ShadowedText(g, hpm, X + x6 - te.Width, Y + y0 + yb);
                te = g.TextExtents(mp);
                Graphics.ShadowedText(g, mp, X + x5 - te.Width, Y + y0 + yc);
                te = g.TextExtents(mpm);
                Graphics.ShadowedText(g, mpm, X + x6 - te.Width, Y + y0 + yc);
            #endregion Character

		Gdk.GC CreateDashedLineGC (Gdk.Color fg)
			var gc = new Gdk.GC (Editor.GdkWindow);
			gc.RgbFgColor = fg;
			gc.SetLineAttributes (1, Gdk.LineStyle.OnOffDash, Gdk.CapStyle.NotLast, Gdk.JoinStyle.Bevel);
			gc.SetDashes (0, new sbyte[] { 1, 1 }, 2);
			return gc;
		public PlaceholderWindow (DockToolbarFrame frame): base (Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel)
			SkipTaskbarHint = true;
			Decorated = false;
			TransientFor = frame.TopWindow;
			Realize ();
			redgc = new Gdk.GC (GdkWindow);
	   		redgc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color (255, 0, 0);
		internal protected override void OptionsChanged ()
			Pango.Layout layout = new Pango.Layout (Editor.PangoContext);
			layout.FontDescription = Editor.Options.Font;
			layout.SetText (".");
			int height;
			layout.GetPixelSize (out charWidth, out height);
			layout.Dispose ();
			bgGC = GetGC (Style.HexDigitBg);
			fgGC = GetGC (Style.HexDigit);
		public override void Render (Gdk.Drawable window, Gdk.Rectangle bounds, Gtk.StateType state)
			Gdk.GC gc = new Gdk.GC (window);
	   		gc.RgbFgColor = GetColor ();
	   		int yd = (bounds.Height - ColorBoxSize) / 2;
			window.DrawRectangle (gc, true, bounds.X, bounds.Y + yd, ColorBoxSize - 1, ColorBoxSize - 1);
			window.DrawRectangle (Container.Style.BlackGC, false, bounds.X, bounds.Y + yd, ColorBoxSize - 1, ColorBoxSize - 1);
			bounds.X += ColorBoxSize + ColorBoxSpacing;
			bounds.Width -= ColorBoxSize + ColorBoxSpacing;
			base.Render (window, bounds, state);
        protected virtual void OnRealized(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            whitegc = new Gdk.GC(GdkWindow);
            whitegc.Foreground = view.Style.White;

            darkgc = new Gdk.GC(GdkWindow);
            darkgc.Foreground = view.Style.Dark(StateType.Normal);

            view_pixmap = new Gdk.Pixmap(GdkWindow, Constants.ARENA_SIZE, Constants.ARENA_SIZE);
            view_graphics = Gtk.DotNet.Graphics.FromDrawable(view_pixmap);
		protected override Gdk.Pixbuf RenderInitialPixbuf (Gdk.Window parentwindow, Gdk.Rectangle bounds)
			//FIXME add a drop shadow on the pixmap, and expand the bounds to include this
			using (Gdk.Pixmap pixmap = new Gdk.Pixmap (parentwindow, bounds.Width, bounds.Height)) {
				using (var bgGc = new Gdk.GC(pixmap)) {
					bgGc.RgbFgColor = CairoExtensions.CairoColorToGdkColor (marker.colorMatrix[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
					pixmap.DrawRectangle (bgGc, true, 0, 0, bounds.Width, bounds.Height);
					pixmap.DrawLayout (marker.gc, 4, (bounds.Height - marker.Layouts[0].Height) / 2, marker.Layouts[0].Layout);
				return Gdk.Pixbuf.FromDrawable (pixmap, Colormap, 0, 0, 0, 0, bounds.Width, bounds.Height);
		public override void Render (Gdk.Drawable window, Cairo.Context ctx, Gdk.Rectangle bounds, Gtk.StateType state)
			using (Gdk.GC gc = new Gdk.GC (window)) {
				gc.RgbFgColor = GetColor ();
				int yd = (bounds.Height - ColorBoxSize) / 2;
				window.DrawRectangle (gc, true, bounds.X, bounds.Y + yd, ColorBoxSize - 1, ColorBoxSize - 1);
				window.DrawRectangle (Container.GetNativeWidget<Gtk.Widget> ().Style.BlackGC, false, bounds.X, bounds.Y + yd, ColorBoxSize - 1, ColorBoxSize - 1);
				bounds.X += ColorBoxSize + ColorBoxSpacing;
				bounds.Width -= ColorBoxSize + ColorBoxSpacing;
				base.Render (window, ctx, bounds, state);
        protected override bool OnExposeEvent(Gdk.EventExpose evnt)
            if(bar_gc == null) {
                bar_gc = new Gdk.GC(GdkWindow);
                Gdk.Color color = Hyena.Gui.GtkUtilities.ColorBlend(Style.Background(StateType.Normal),
                bar_gc.Background = color;
                bar_gc.Foreground = color;

            return false;
		internal protected override void OptionsChanged ()
			DisposeGCs ();
			foldDashedLineGC = CreateDashedLineGC (Style.DashedLineFg);
			foldDashedLineGC2 = CreateDashedLineGC (Style.DashedLineBg);
			bgGC = new Gdk.GC (Editor.GdkWindow) {
				RgbFgColor = Style.HexDigitBg
			bgGC2 = new Gdk.GC (Editor.GdkWindow) {
				RgbFgColor = Style.HexDigit
        public static Cairo.Context CreateContext(Gdk.Drawable drawable)
            IntPtr x_drawable = IntPtr.Zero;
            int x_off = 0, y_off = 0;

            int x, y, w, h, d;
            ((Gdk.Window)drawable).GetGeometry(out x, out y, out w, out h, out d);

            bool is_gdk_window = drawable is Gdk.Window;
            if (is_gdk_window)
                ((Gdk.Window)drawable).GetInternalPaintInfo(out drawable,
                                         out x_off, out y_off);

            Cairo.Surface surface;

            PlatformID os = Environment.OSVersion.Platform;
            if (os == PlatformID.Win32Windows || os == PlatformID.Win32NT ||
                os == PlatformID.Win32S || os == PlatformID.WinCE)

                Gdk.GC gcc = new Gdk.GC(drawable);
                IntPtr windc = gdk_win32_hdc_get(drawable.Handle, gcc.Handle, 0);
                surface = new Win32Surface(windc);

                gdk_win32_hdc_release(drawable.Handle, gcc.Handle, 0);
                x_drawable = drawable.Handle;
                IntPtr visual = gdk_drawable_get_visual(x_drawable);

                IntPtr Xdisplay = gdk_x11_drawable_get_xdisplay(x_drawable);
                IntPtr Xvisual = gdk_x11_visual_get_xvisual(visual);
                IntPtr Xdrawable = gdk_x11_drawable_get_xid(x_drawable);

                surface = new Cairo.XlibSurface(Xdisplay,
                                   w, h);

            Cairo.Context g = new Cairo.Context(surface);

            // this can be safely removed now, just keep it for a bit more
            //Cairo.Context g = new Cairo.Context (
            //                    gdk_cairo_create (x_drawable ));

            if (is_gdk_window)
                g.Translate(-(double)x_off, -(double)y_off);
            return g;
		protected override bool OnExposeEvent (Gdk.EventExpose evnt)
			base.OnExposeEvent (evnt);

			if (Child1 != null && Child1.Visible && Child2 != null && Child2.Visible) {
				var gc = new Gdk.GC (evnt.Window);
				gc.RgbFgColor = (HslColor) Styles.ThinSplitterColor;
				var x = Child1.Allocation.X + Child1.Allocation.Width;
				evnt.Window.DrawLine (gc, x, Allocation.Y, x, Allocation.Y + Allocation.Height);
				gc.Dispose ();

			return true;
		internal protected override void OptionsChanged ()
			backgroundGC = GetGC (Style.IconBarBg);
			separatorGC = GetGC (Style.IconBarSeperator);
			Pango.Layout layout = new Pango.Layout (Editor.PangoContext);
			layout.FontDescription = Editor.Options.Font;
			layout.SetText ("!");
			int tmp;
			layout.GetPixelSize (out tmp, out this.marginWidth);
			marginWidth *= 12;
			marginWidth /= 10;
			layout.Dispose ();
        public static System.Drawing.Graphics FromDrawable(Gdk.Window drawable, bool double_buffered)
            #if FIXME30
            IntPtr x_drawable;
            int x_off = 0, y_off = 0;

            PlatformID osversion = Environment.OSVersion.Platform;

            if (osversion == PlatformID.Win32Windows || osversion == PlatformID.Win32NT ||
                osversion == PlatformID.Win32S || osversion == PlatformID.WinCE){
                if (drawable is Gdk.Window && double_buffered)
                    ((Gdk.Window)drawable).GetInternalPaintInfo(out drawable, out x_off, out y_off);

                Cairo.Context gcc = new Gdk.GC(drawable);

                IntPtr windc = gdk_win32_hdc_get(drawable.Handle, gcc.Handle, 0);

                System.Drawing.Graphics g = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromHdc(windc);

                if (double_buffered) {
                    gdk_win32_hdc_release(drawable.Handle, gcc.Handle, 0);

                g.TranslateTransform(-x_off, -y_off);

                return g;
            } else {
                if (drawable is Gdk.Window && double_buffered)
                    ((Gdk.Window) drawable).GetInternalPaintInfo(out drawable, out x_off, out y_off);

                x_drawable = drawable.Handle;

                IntPtr display = gdk_x11_drawable_get_xdisplay (x_drawable);

                Type graphics = typeof (System.Drawing.Graphics);
                MethodInfo mi = graphics.GetMethod ("FromXDrawable", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                if (mi == null)
                    throw new NotImplementedException ("In this implementation I can not get a graphics from a drawable");
                object [] args = new object [2] { (IntPtr) gdk_x11_drawable_get_xid (drawable.Handle), (IntPtr) display };
                object r = mi.Invoke (null, args);
                System.Drawing.Graphics g = (System.Drawing.Graphics) r;

                g.TranslateTransform (-x_off, -y_off);

                return g;
            throw new NotSupportedException ();
            protected override void DrawLastMove(Gdk.
							      Window window)
                if (!showMove)
                int x1, y1, x2, y2;
                GetCoordinates (src_rank, src_file, out x1,
                        out y1);
                GetCoordinates (dest_rank, dest_file, out x2,
                        out y2);
                Gdk.GC gc = new Gdk.GC (GdkWindow);
                gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color (128, 128, 240);
                DrawArrow (window, gc, x1, y1, x2, y2, size,
		internal protected override void OptionsChanged ()
			DisposeGCs ();
			bgGC = new Gdk.GC (this.editor.GdkWindow) {
				RgbFgColor = editor.ColorStyle.Default.BackgroundColor
			gc = new Gdk.GC (this.editor.GdkWindow) {
				RgbFgColor = editor.ColorStyle.FoldLine.Color
/*			foldDashedLineGC = CreateDashedLineGC (editor.ColorStyle.Default.Color);
			foldDashedLineGC2 = CreateDashedLineGC (editor.ColorStyle.Default.BackgroundColor);
			bgGC = new Gdk.GC (this.editor.GdkWindow) {
				RgbFgColor = editor.ColorStyle.Default.BackgroundColor
			bgGC2 = new Gdk.GC (this.editor.GdkWindow) {
				RgbFgColor = editor.ColorStyle.Default.Color
 private void OnBannerExposed(object o, ExposeEventArgs args)
     if(args.Event.Count > 0)
        Gdk.Pixbuf spb =
        Gdk.GC gc = new Gdk.GC(iFolderScaledBanner.GdkWindow);
        0, 0,
        0, 0);
            public PositionSnapshot(ArrayList pos, int width,
						 int height)
                Gtk.Window win =
                    new Gtk.Window (Gtk.WindowType.
                win.Realize ();
                map = new Gdk.Pixmap (win.GdkWindow, width,
                gc = new Gdk.GC (map);

                FontDescription fontdesc =
                    GetFontDesc (width, height);
                  GetCoordLayoutDetails (win.PangoContext,

                  border_color = new Gdk.Color (0, 0, 0);
                //                              blacksq_color = new Gdk.Color (200, 200, 200);
                //                              whitesq_color = new Gdk.Color (240, 240, 240);
                  blacksq_color =
                    new Gdk.Color (250, 120, 32);
                  whitesq_color =
                    new Gdk.Color (255, 250, 170);
                  background_color =
                    new Gdk.Color (255, 255, 255);
                  foreground_color = new Gdk.Color (0, 0, 0);
                //                                arrow_color = new Gdk.Color (159, 148, 249);
                  arrow_color = new Gdk.Color (117, 6, 6);

                //                      blacksq_color = new Gdk.Color(210, 60, 0);
                //                      whitesq_color = new Gdk.Color(236, 193, 130);
                // outer box, coord, inner box
                  ComputeSizes (width, height);

                if (figure == null)
                    figure = new Figure ();
                  position = new Position (pos);

                  figure.SetSize (size);

                  DrawBackground ();
                  DrawPosition ();
		void DisposeGCs ()
			if (foldDashedLineGC != null) {
				foldDashedLineGC.Dispose ();
				foldDashedLineGC = null;
			if (foldDashedLineGC2 != null) {
				foldDashedLineGC2.Dispose ();
				foldDashedLineGC2 = null;
			if (bgGC != null) {
				bgGC.Dispose ();
				bgGC = null;
			if (bgGC2 != null) {
				bgGC2.Dispose ();
				bgGC2 = null;
    protected override void Render(Gdk.Drawable window, Widget widget, Gdk.Rectangle background_area,
		Gdk.Rectangle cell_area, Gdk.Rectangle expose_area, CellRendererState flags)
        int width = 0, height = 0, x_offset = 0, y_offset = 0;
        GetSize (widget, ref cell_area, out x_offset, out y_offset, out width, out height);

        width -= (int) this.Xpad * 2;
        height -= (int) this.Ypad * 2;

        Gdk.Rectangle clipping_area = new Gdk.Rectangle ((int) (cell_area.X + x_offset + this.Xpad),
            (int) (cell_area.Y + y_offset + this.Ypad), width - 1, height - 1);

        using (Gdk.GC gc = new Gdk.GC (window)) {
            gc.RgbFgColor = ColorFromBrush (List.TypeBrushes [Idx]);
            window.DrawRectangle (gc,

        protected override bool OnExposeEvent(Gdk.EventExpose evnt)
            //base.OnExposeEvent (evnt);

            using (Gdk.GC gc = new Gdk.GC(evnt.Window))
                if (mSymbolStates.ContainsKey(this.State))
                    int w, h;

                    evnt.Window.GetSize(out w, out h);
                    Gdk.Pixbuf pb = mSymbolStates[this.State];
                    evnt.Window.DrawPixbuf(gc, pb, 0, 0,
                        this.Allocation.X + this.Allocation.Width / 2 - pb.Width / 2,
                        this.Allocation.Y + this.Allocation.Height / 2 - pb.Height / 2,
                        pb.Width, pb.Height,
                        Gdk.RgbDither.None, 0, 0);
            return true;
		internal protected override void OptionsChanged ()
			Pango.Layout layout = new Pango.Layout (Editor.PangoContext);
			layout.FontDescription = Editor.Options.Font;
			string groupString = new string ('0', Editor.Options.GroupBytes * 2);
			layout.SetText (groupString + " ");
			int lineHeight;
			layout.GetPixelSize (out groupWidth, out lineHeight);
			Data.LineHeight = lineHeight;
			layout.SetText ("00");
			layout.GetPixelSize (out byteWidth, out lineHeight);
			layout.Dispose ();
			tabArray = new Pango.TabArray (1, true);
			tabArray.SetTab (0, Pango.TabAlign.Left, groupWidth);
			bgGC = GetGC (Style.HexDigitBg);
			fgGC = GetGC (Style.HexDigit);
        internal protected override void OptionsChanged()
            bgGC = new Gdk.GC(this.editor.GdkWindow)
                RgbFgColor = editor.ColorStyle.Default.BackgroundColor
            gc = new Gdk.GC(this.editor.GdkWindow)
                RgbFgColor = editor.ColorStyle.FoldLine.Color

/*			foldDashedLineGC = CreateDashedLineGC (editor.ColorStyle.Default.Color);
 *                      foldDashedLineGC2 = CreateDashedLineGC (editor.ColorStyle.Default.BackgroundColor);
 *                      bgGC = new Gdk.GC (this.editor.GdkWindow) {
 *                              RgbFgColor = editor.ColorStyle.Default.BackgroundColor
 *                      };
 *                      bgGC2 = new Gdk.GC (this.editor.GdkWindow) {
 *                              RgbFgColor = editor.ColorStyle.Default.Color
 *                      };*/
        internal static void RenderPlaceholderText(Gtk.Entry entry, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs args, string placeHolderText, ref Pango.Layout layout)
            // The Entry's GdkWindow is the top level window onto which
            // the frame is drawn; the actual text entry is drawn into a
            // separate window, so we can ensure that for themes that don't
            // respect HasFrame, we never ever allow the base frame drawing
            // to happen
            if (args.Event.Window == entry.GdkWindow)

            if (entry.Text.Length > 0)

            if (layout == null)
                layout = new Pango.Layout(entry.PangoContext);
                layout.FontDescription = entry.PangoContext.FontDescription.Copy();

            int wh, ww;

            args.Event.Window.GetSize(out ww, out wh);

            int width, height;

            layout.GetPixelSize(out width, out height);
            using (var gc = new Gdk.GC(args.Event.Window)) {
                Color color_a = entry.Style.Base(Gtk.StateType.Normal).ToXwtValue();
                Color color_b = entry.Style.Text(Gtk.StateType.Normal).ToXwtValue();
                gc.RgbFgColor = color_b.BlendWith(color_a, 0.5).ToGtkValue();

                args.Event.Window.DrawLayout(gc, 2, (wh - height) / 2 + 1, layout);
 public static Gdk.Pixbuf LoadIcon(Gtk.Widget widget, string name, Gtk.IconSize size)
     Gdk.Pixbuf res = widget.RenderIcon(name, size, null);
     if ((res != null))
         int sz;
         int sy;
         global::Gtk.Icon.SizeLookup(size, out sz, out sy);
         try {
             return(Gtk.IconTheme.Default.LoadIcon(name, sz, 0));
         } catch (System.Exception) {
             if ((name != "gtk-missing-image"))
                 return(Stetic.IconLoader.LoadIcon(widget, "gtk-missing-image", size));
                 Gdk.Pixmap pmap = new Gdk.Pixmap(Gdk.Screen.Default.RootWindow, sz, sz);
                 Gdk.GC     gc   = new Gdk.GC(pmap);
                 gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(255, 255, 255);
                 pmap.DrawRectangle(gc, true, 0, 0, sz, sz);
                 gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(0, 0, 0);
                 pmap.DrawRectangle(gc, false, 0, 0, (sz - 1), (sz - 1));
                 gc.SetLineAttributes(3, Gdk.LineStyle.Solid, Gdk.CapStyle.Round, Gdk.JoinStyle.Round);
                 gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(255, 0, 0);
                 pmap.DrawLine(gc, (sz / 4), (sz / 4), ((sz - 1)
                                                        - (sz / 4)), ((sz - 1)
                                                                      - (sz / 4)));
                 pmap.DrawLine(gc, ((sz - 1)
                                    - (sz / 4)), (sz / 4), (sz / 4), ((sz - 1)
                                                                      - (sz / 4)));
                 return(Gdk.Pixbuf.FromDrawable(pmap, pmap.Colormap, 0, 0, 0, 0, sz, sz));
        protected override Gdk.Pixmap Create(Gdk.Color fg, Gdk.Color bg)
            Gdk.Window win = widget.GdkWindow;

            Gdk.GC     gc  = new Gdk.GC(win);
            Gdk.Pixmap pix = new Gdk.Pixmap(win, 256 * 2 * width, height, -1);

            // draw the background
            gc.RgbFgColor = bg;
            pix.DrawRectangle(gc, true, 0, 0, 256 * 2 * width, height);

            // render the bytes
            string s;

            if (info.Uppercase == false)
                s = HexDrawer.HexTableLower;
                s = HexDrawer.HexTableUpper;


            gc.RgbFgColor = fg;

            // Render the text in two parts (256 characters each).
            // We do this to work around a bug in some drivers that fail
            // to render text that ends up wider than 4096 pixels.
            pangoLayout.SetText(s.Substring(0, 256));
            pix.DrawLayout(gc, 0, 0, pangoLayout);

            pangoLayout.SetText(s.Substring(256, 256));
            pix.DrawLayout(gc, 128 * 2 * width, 0, pangoLayout);

		public static Cairo.Context CreateDrawable (Gdk.Drawable drawable, bool double_buffered)
			int x, y, w, h, d;
			Cairo.Surface surface;
			bool needs_xlate;
			((Gdk.Window)drawable).GetGeometry(out x, out y, out w, out h, out d);
			PlatformID os = Environment.OSVersion.Platform;

			needs_xlate = drawable is Gdk.Window && double_buffered;
			if (needs_xlate)
				((Gdk.Window)drawable).GetInternalPaintInfo (out drawable, out x, out y);

			if (os == PlatformID.Win32Windows || os == PlatformID.Win32NT ||
			    os == PlatformID.Win32S || os == PlatformID.WinCE) {

				Gdk.GC gcc = new Gdk.GC (drawable);
				IntPtr windc = gdk_win32_hdc_get (drawable.Handle, gcc.Handle, 0);
				surface = new Win32Surface (windc);
				if (double_buffered)
					gdk_win32_hdc_release (drawable.Handle, gcc.Handle, 0);
			} else {
				IntPtr display = gdk_x11_drawable_get_xdisplay (drawable.Handle);
				IntPtr visual = gdk_drawable_get_visual (drawable.Handle);
				IntPtr xvisual = gdk_x11_visual_get_xvisual (visual);
				IntPtr xdrawable = gdk_x11_drawable_get_xid (drawable.Handle);
				surface = new XlibSurface (display, xdrawable, xvisual, w, h);

			Cairo.Context ctx = new Cairo.Context (surface);

			if (needs_xlate)
				ctx.Translate (-(double) x, -(double) y);
			return ctx;
		public void DrawWindowFrame (Gtk.Widget w, string caption, int x, int y, int width, int height)
			Gdk.Drawable drawable = w.GdkWindow;
			Gdk.Pixmap pix = new Gdk.Pixmap (drawable, width, height, drawable.Depth);

			Gdk.GC gcc = new Gdk.GC (pix);
			gcc.Foreground = w.Style.Backgrounds [(int)Gtk.StateType.Normal];
			pix.DrawRectangle (gcc, true, 0, 0, width, height);

			IntPtr hdc = gdk_win32_hdc_get (pix.Handle, gcc.Handle, 0);

			RECT r = new RECT (0, 0, width, height);
			SIZE size;
			GetThemePartSize (hTheme, hdc, WP_CAPTION, CS_ACTIVE, ref r, 1, out size);

			r.Bottom = size.cy;
			DrawThemeBackground (hTheme, hdc, WP_CAPTION, CS_ACTIVE, ref r, ref r);

			RECT rf = new RECT (FrameBorder, FrameBorder, width - FrameBorder * 2, size.cy);
			LOGFONT lf = new LOGFONT ();
			GetThemeSysFont (hTheme, TMT_CAPTIONFONT, ref lf);
			IntPtr titleFont = CreateFontIndirect (ref lf);
			IntPtr oldFont = SelectObject (hdc, titleFont);
			SetBkMode (hdc, 1 /*TRANSPARENT*/);
			DrawThemeText (hTheme, hdc, WP_CAPTION, CS_ACTIVE, caption, -1, DT_LEFT | DT_SINGLELINE | DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS, 0, ref rf);
			SelectObject (hdc, oldFont);
			DeleteObject (titleFont);

			int ny = r.Bottom;
			r = new RECT (0, ny, width, height);
			DrawThemeBackground (hTheme, hdc, WP_FRAMEBOTTOM, 0, ref r, ref r);

			gdk_win32_hdc_release (pix.Handle, gcc.Handle, 0);

			Gdk.Pixbuf img = Gdk.Pixbuf.FromDrawable (pix, pix.Colormap, 0, 0, 0, 0, width, height);
			drawable.DrawPixbuf (new Gdk.GC (drawable), img, 0, 0, x, y, width, height, Gdk.RgbDither.None, 0, 0);
			drawable.DrawRectangle (w.Style.BackgroundGC (Gtk.StateType.Normal), true, x + FrameBorder, y + size.cy, width - FrameBorder * 2, height - FrameBorder - size.cy);
 public static Gdk.Pixbuf LoadIcon(string name, int sz) {
     try {
         return Gtk.IconTheme.Default.LoadIcon(name, sz, 0);
     catch (System.Exception ) {
         if ((name != "gtk-missing-image")) {
             return Stetic.IconLoader.LoadIcon("gtk-missing-image", sz);
         else {
             Gdk.Pixmap pmap = new Gdk.Pixmap(Gdk.Screen.Default.RootWindow, sz, sz);
             Gdk.GC gc = new Gdk.GC(pmap);
             gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(255, 255, 255);
             pmap.DrawRectangle(gc, true, 0, 0, sz, sz);
             gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(0, 0, 0);
             pmap.DrawRectangle(gc, false, 0, 0, (sz - 1), (sz - 1));
             gc.SetLineAttributes(3, Gdk.LineStyle.Solid, Gdk.CapStyle.Round, Gdk.JoinStyle.Round);
             gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(255, 0, 0);
             pmap.DrawLine(gc, (sz / 4), (sz / 4), ((sz - 1) - (sz / 4)), ((sz - 1) - (sz / 4)));
             pmap.DrawLine(gc, ((sz - 1) - (sz / 4)), (sz / 4), (sz / 4), ((sz - 1) - (sz / 4)));
             return Gdk.Pixbuf.FromDrawable(pmap, pmap.Colormap, 0, 0, 0, 0, sz, sz);
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the border around the control, in this case the border around the content area between
        /// the slider arrows.
        /// </summary>
        private void DrawBorder(Gdk.Window g)
            //	To make the control look like Adobe Photoshop's the border around the control will be a gray line
            //	on the top and left side, a white line on the bottom and right side, and a black rectangle (line)
            //	inside the gray/white rectangle
            Gdk.GC gc = new Gdk.GC(g);
            gc.RgbFgColor = GraphUtil.gdkColorFromWinForms(Color.FromArgb(172, 168, 153));
            //The same gray color used by Photoshop

            g.DrawLine(gc, this.Allocation.Width - 10, 2, 9, 2);                //	Draw top line
            g.DrawLine(gc, 9, 2, 9, this.Allocation.Height - 4);                //	Draw left hand line

            gc            = new Gdk.GC(g);
            gc.RgbFgColor = GraphUtil.gdkColorFromWinForms(Color.White);

            g.DrawLine(gc, this.Allocation.Width - 9, 2, this.Allocation.Width - 9, this.Allocation.Height - 3);                //	Draw right hand line
            g.DrawLine(gc, this.Allocation.Width - 9, this.Allocation.Height - 3, 9, this.Allocation.Height - 3);               //	Draw bottome line

            gc            = new Gdk.GC(g);
            gc.RgbFgColor = GraphUtil.gdkColorFromWinForms(Color.Black);
            g.DrawRectangle(gc, false, 10, 3, this.Allocation.Width - 20, this.Allocation.Height - 7);                  //	Draw inner black rectangle
        internal protected override void OptionsChanged()
            Pango.Layout layout = new Pango.Layout(Editor.PangoContext);
            layout.FontDescription = Editor.Options.Font;
            string groupString = new string ('0', Editor.Options.GroupBytes * 2);

            layout.SetText(groupString + " ");
            int lineHeight;

            layout.GetPixelSize(out groupWidth, out lineHeight);
            Data.LineHeight = lineHeight;

            layout.GetPixelSize(out byteWidth, out lineHeight);


            tabArray = new Pango.TabArray(1, true);
            tabArray.SetTab(0, Pango.TabAlign.Left, groupWidth);

            bgGC = GetGC(Style.HexDigitBg);
            fgGC = GetGC(Style.HexDigit);
 void DisposeGCs()
     if (foldDashedLineGC != null)
         foldDashedLineGC = null;
     if (foldDashedLineGC2 != null)
         foldDashedLineGC2 = null;
     if (bgGC != null)
         bgGC = null;
     if (bgGC2 != null)
         bgGC2 = null;
        public void Draw(Gdk.Drawable d, Cairo.Context g, int width, int height, bool screenChanged)
            if (!_visible)

            if (_w > 0 && _h > 0)
                Gdk.GC gc = new Gdk.GC(d);

                d.DrawPixbuf(gc, _background, 0, 0, _x, _y, _w, _h, Gdk.RgbDither.None, 0, 0);

                int x0 = _x, x1 = _x + _w;
                int y0 = _y, y1 = _y + _h;

                g.MoveTo(x0 + 3, y0);
                g.LineTo(x1 - 3, y0);
                g.LineTo(x1, y0 + 3);
                g.LineTo(x1, y1 - 3);
                g.LineTo(x1 - 3, y1);
                g.LineTo(x0 + 3, y1);
                g.LineTo(x0, y1 - 3);
                g.LineTo(x0, y0 + 3);
                g.LineTo(x0 + 3, y0);
                g.LineWidth = 6;
                g.Color     = BorderColor;


            DrawContents(d, g, width, height, screenChanged);

            public virtual void HandleExposeEvent(object o, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs args)
                var control = Handler.Control;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(control.Text) || args.Event.Window == control.GdkWindow)

                if (Handler.placeholderLayout == null)
                    Handler.placeholderLayout = new Pango.Layout(control.PangoContext);
                    Handler.placeholderLayout.FontDescription = control.PangoContext.FontDescription.Copy();

                int currentHeight, currentWidth;

                args.Event.Window.GetSize(out currentWidth, out currentHeight);

                int width, height;

                Handler.placeholderLayout.GetPixelSize(out width, out height);

                var style = control.Style;
                var bc    = style.Base(Gtk.StateType.Normal);
                var tc    = style.Text(Gtk.StateType.Normal);

                using (var gc = new Gdk.GC(args.Event.Window))

                    gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color((byte)(((int)bc.Red + tc.Red) / 2 / 256), (byte)(((int)bc.Green + (int)tc.Green) / 2 / 256), (byte)((bc.Blue + tc.Blue) / 2 / 256));

                    args.Event.Window.DrawLayout(gc, 2, (currentHeight - height) / 2 + 1, Handler.placeholderLayout);
        public static void DrawLayout(Gdk.Window win, Gdk.GC gc, Pango.Layout layout, float x, float y, Origin vertical = Origin.Far, Origin horizontal = Origin.Center)
            if (horizontal != Origin.Near || vertical != Origin.Near)
                int width, height;
                layout.GetPixelSize(out width, out height);

                switch (horizontal)
                case Origin.Near:  /*nothing to do*/

                case Origin.Center:
                    x -= width / 2;

                case Origin.Far:
                    x -= width;

                switch (vertical)
                case Origin.Near:  /*nothing to do*/

                case Origin.Center:
                    y -= height / 2;

                case Origin.Far:
                    y -= height;
            win.DrawLayout(gc, (int)x, (int)y, layout);
        protected override Gdk.Pixmap Create(Gdk.Color fg, Gdk.Color bg)
            Gdk.Window win = widget.GdkWindow;

            Gdk.GC     gc  = new Gdk.GC(win);
            Gdk.Pixmap pix = new Gdk.Pixmap(win, 256 * width, height, -1);

            // draw the background
            gc.RgbFgColor = bg;
            pix.DrawRectangle(gc, true, 0, 0, 256 * width, height);

            // render the bytes
            string s = AsciiDrawer.AsciiTable;



            gc.RgbFgColor = fg;
            pix.DrawLayout(gc, 0, 0, pangoLayout);

        public override void Paint(Gdk.Drawable wnd, Rectangle rect)
            HighlightColor lineNumberPainterColor = textArea.Document.HighlightingStrategy.GetColorFor("LineNumbers");

            Gdk.Color rect_fg = TextArea.Style.White;
            Gdk.Color text_fg = new Gdk.Color (lineNumberPainterColor.Color);
            Gdk.Color text_bg = new Gdk.Color (lineNumberPainterColor.BackgroundColor);

            using (Gdk.GC gc = new Gdk.GC (wnd)) {
                gc.RgbFgColor = rect_fg;
                wnd.DrawRectangle (gc, true, new System.Drawing.Rectangle (drawingPosition.X, rect.Top, drawingPosition.Width - 1, rect.Height));

                //g.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlDark, base.drawingPosition.Right - 1, rect.Top, base.drawingPosition.Right - 1, rect.Bottom);

                // paint icons
                foreach (int mark in textArea.Document.BookmarkManager.Marks) {
                    int lineNumber = textArea.Document.GetLogicalLine(mark);
                    int yPos = (int)(lineNumber * textArea.TextView.FontHeight) - textArea.VirtualTop.Y;
            //					if (yPos >= rect.Y && yPos <= rect.Bottom) {
                        DrawBookmark(gc, wnd, yPos);
            //					}
        protected virtual void RenderFrame(object o, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs args)
            var w = TextView.GetWindow(Gtk.TextWindowType.Text);

            if (ShowFrame && args.Event.Window == w)
                int wh, ww;
                w.GetSize(out ww, out wh);
                if (false)
                    var area = new Gdk.Rectangle(0, 0, ww, wh);
                    area = args.Event.Area;
                    // draws nothing visible:
                    Gtk.Style.PaintVline(TextView.Style, w, Gtk.StateType.Active, area, TextView, "top", TextView.Allocation.X, TextView.Allocation.Y, TextView.Allocation.X + ww);
                    Gtk.Style.PaintHline(TextView.Style, w, Gtk.StateType.Selected, area, TextView, "left", TextView.Allocation.X, TextView.Allocation.Y, TextView.Allocation.Y + wh);
                    // draws over text:
                    //Gtk.Style.PaintFlatBox (TextView.Style, w, TextView.State, Gtk.ShadowType.None, new Gdk.Rectangle (0, 0, ww, wh),TextView, null, 0, 0, ww, wh);
                    //Application.Invoke (() => {
                    using (var gc = new Gdk.GC(w)) {
                        w.DrawLines(gc, new Gdk.Point [] {
                            new Gdk.Point(0, 0),
                            new Gdk.Point(ww, 0),
                            new Gdk.Point(ww, wh),
                            new Gdk.Point(0, wh),
                            new Gdk.Point(0, 0),
        /// <summary>
        /// Event Handler for banner Exposed
        /// </summary>
        private void OnBannerExposed(object o, ExposeEventArgs args)
            if (args.Event.Count > 0)

            Gdk.Pixbuf spb =

            Gdk.GC gc = new Gdk.GC(iFolderScaledBanner.GdkWindow);

                                 0, 0,
                                 0, 0);
        protected override bool OnExposeEvent(Gdk.EventExpose evnt)
            Graphics g       = Gtk.DotNet.Graphics.FromDrawable(evnt.Window);
            Bitmap   img     = null;
            int      wwidth  = this.Allocation.Width;
            int      wheight = this.Allocation.Height;

            if (this.Icon != null)
                img = GraphUtil.BitmapFromPixbuf(this.Icon);
            //draw icon
            if (this.Icon != null)
                int x = Allocation.Left, y = Allocation.Top;

                //calculate x and y for icon
                if (IconPosition == HPosition.Bottom)
                    x += (wwidth / 2) - (img.Width / 2);
                    y += wheight - img.Height;
                if (IconPosition == HPosition.BottomLeft)
                    x  = Allocation.Left;
                    y += wheight - img.Height;
                if (IconPosition == HPosition.BottomRight)
                    x += wwidth - img.Width;
                    y += wheight - img.Height;
                if (IconPosition == HPosition.Center)
                    x += (wwidth / 2) - (img.Width / 2);
                    y += (wheight / 2) - (img.Height / 2);
                if (IconPosition == HPosition.Left)
                    x  = Allocation.Left;
                    y += (wheight / 2) - (img.Height / 2);
                if (IconPosition == HPosition.Right)
                    x += wwidth - img.Width;
                    y += (wheight / 2) - (img.Height / 2);
                if (IconPosition == HPosition.Top)
                    x += (wwidth / 2) - (img.Width / 2);
                    y  = Allocation.Top;
                if (IconPosition == HPosition.TopLeft)
                    x = Allocation.Left;
                    y = Allocation.Top;
                if (IconPosition == HPosition.TopRight)
                    x += wwidth - img.Width;
                    y  = Allocation.Top;

                g.DrawImageUnscaled(img, x, y, img.Width, img.Height);
            //calculate text rectangle
            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(Allocation.Left, Allocation.Top, wwidth, wheight);
            int       imgwidth = 0, imgheight = 0;

            if (Icon != null)
                imgwidth  = img.Width;
                imgheight = img.Height;
            if (!TextOverwritesIcon)
                if (IconPosition == HPosition.Bottom)
                    rect = new Rectangle(Allocation.Left, Allocation.Top, wwidth, wheight - imgheight);
                if (IconPosition == HPosition.BottomLeft)
                    rect = new Rectangle(Allocation.Left + imgwidth, Allocation.Top, wwidth, wheight - imgheight);
                if (IconPosition == HPosition.BottomRight)
                    rect = new Rectangle(Allocation.Left, Allocation.Top, wwidth - imgwidth, wheight - imgheight);
                if (IconPosition == HPosition.Left)
                    rect = new Rectangle(Allocation.Left + imgwidth, Allocation.Top, wwidth, wheight - imgheight);

                if (IconPosition == HPosition.Right)
                    rect = new Rectangle(Allocation.Left, Allocation.Top, wwidth - imgwidth, wheight);
                if (IconPosition == HPosition.Top)
                    rect = new Rectangle(Allocation.Left, Allocation.Top + imgheight, wwidth, wheight - imgheight);
                if (IconPosition == HPosition.TopLeft)
                    rect = new Rectangle(Allocation.Left + imgwidth, Allocation.Top + imgheight, wwidth - imgwidth, wheight - imgheight);
                if (IconPosition == HPosition.TopRight)
                    rect = new Rectangle(Allocation.Left, Allocation.Top + imgheight, wwidth - imgwidth, wheight - imgheight);

            //calculate text size
            float fnt_sz = this.PangoContext.FontDescription.Size / 1000;

            Font  fnt = new Font(this.PangoContext.FontDescription.Family, fnt_sz);
            SizeF ts  = g.MeasureString(this.Text, fnt);

            //draw text
            if (this.Text.Length > 0)
                float x = rect.Left, y = rect.Top;

                //calculate x and y for text
                if (TextPosition == HPosition.Bottom)
                    x += (wwidth / 2) - (ts.Width / 2);
                    y += wheight - ts.Height;
                if (TextPosition == HPosition.BottomLeft)
                    x  = rect.Left;
                    y += wheight - ts.Height;
                if (TextPosition == HPosition.BottomRight)
                    x += wwidth - ts.Width;
                    y += wheight - ts.Height;
                if (TextPosition == HPosition.Center)
                    x += (wwidth / 2) - (ts.Width / 2);
                    y += (wheight / 2) - (ts.Height / 2);
                if (TextPosition == HPosition.Left)
                    x  = rect.Left;
                    y += (wheight / 2) - (ts.Height / 2);
                if (TextPosition == HPosition.Right)
                    x += wwidth - ts.Width;
                    y += (wheight / 2) - (ts.Height / 2);
                if (TextPosition == HPosition.Top)
                    x += (wwidth / 2) - (ts.Width / 2);
                    y  = rect.Top;
                if (TextPosition == HPosition.TopLeft)
                    x = rect.Left;
                    y = rect.Top;
                if (TextPosition == HPosition.TopRight)
                    x += wwidth - ts.Width;
                    y  = rect.Top;
                //draw text
                Gdk.Color  c = this.Style.Text(this.State);
                SolidBrush b = new SolidBrush(GraphUtil.winFormsColorFromGdk(c));
                g.DrawString(this.Text, fnt, b, x, y);
                //draw selection rectangle if necesary
                if (TextInSelectionRectangle)
                    Gdk.GC gc = this.Style.TextGC(Gtk.StateType.Insensitive);
                    gc.SetLineAttributes(1, Gdk.LineStyle.OnOffDash, Gdk.CapStyle.NotLast, Gdk.JoinStyle.Round);
                    evnt.Window.DrawRectangle(gc, false, (int)x, (int)y + 1, (int)ts.Width, (int)ts.Height);
            //draw line if horizonatlLine is true
            if (this.HorizontalLine)
                int x1 = rect.Left + (int)ts.Width + lineTextPadding;
                int y  = rect.Top + Allocation.Height / 2;
                int x2 = rect.Left + Allocation.Width - lineTextPadding;
                if (x2 > x1)
                    Gtk.Style.PaintHline(this.Style, GdkWindow, this.State, this.Allocation, this, "hline", x1, x2, y);
 internal protected override void OptionsChanged()
     bgGC = GetGC(Style.HexDigitBg);
            private void RefreshGC()
                if(text_window == null) {

                text_gc = new Gdk.GC(text_window);
                Gdk.Color color_a = parent.Style.Base(StateType.Normal);
                Gdk.Color color_b = parent.Style.Text(StateType.Normal);
                text_gc.RgbFgColor = Hyena.Gui.GtkUtilities.ColorBlend(color_a, color_b);
        protected override bool OnExposeEvent(Gdk.EventExpose evnt)
            Gdk.Rectangle rect;

            if (GradientBackround)
                rect = new Gdk.Rectangle(Allocation.X, Allocation.Y, Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height);
                HslColor gcol = Style.Background(Gtk.StateType.Normal);

                using (Cairo.Context cr = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(GdkWindow)) {
                    cr.MoveTo(rect.X, rect.Y);
                    cr.RelLineTo(rect.Width, 0);
                    cr.RelLineTo(0, rect.Height);
                    cr.RelLineTo(-rect.Width, 0);
                    cr.RelLineTo(0, -rect.Height);
                    using (Cairo.Gradient pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.X, rect.Bottom)) {
                        Cairo.Color color1 = gcol;
                        pat.AddColorStop(0, color1);
                        gcol.L -= 0.1;
                        if (gcol.L < 0)
                            gcol.L = 0;
                        pat.AddColorStop(1, gcol);
            else if (BackgroundColor != null)
                using (Cairo.Context cr = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(GdkWindow)) {
                    cr.Rectangle(Allocation.X, Allocation.Y, Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height);
            else if (useChildBackgroundColor && Child != null)
                using (Cairo.Context cr = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(GdkWindow)) {
                    cr.Rectangle(Allocation.X, Allocation.Y, Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height);

            bool res = base.OnExposeEvent(evnt);

            var borderColor = new Gdk.GC(GdkWindow);

            borderColor.RgbFgColor = BorderColor != null ? BorderColor.Value : Style.Dark(Gtk.StateType.Normal);

            rect = Allocation;
            for (int n = 0; n < topMargin; n++)
                GdkWindow.DrawLine(borderColor, rect.X, rect.Y + n, rect.Right - 1, rect.Y + n);

            for (int n = 0; n < bottomMargin; n++)
                GdkWindow.DrawLine(borderColor, rect.X, rect.Bottom - n, rect.Right, rect.Bottom - n);

            for (int n = 0; n < leftMargin; n++)
                GdkWindow.DrawLine(borderColor, rect.X + n, rect.Y, rect.X + n, rect.Bottom);

            for (int n = 0; n < rightMargin; n++)
                GdkWindow.DrawLine(borderColor, rect.Right - n, rect.Y, rect.Right - n, rect.Bottom);

            if (showTopShadow)
                using (Cairo.Context cr = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(GdkWindow)) {
                    cr.Rectangle(Allocation.X, Allocation.Y, Allocation.Width, shadowSize);
                    using (Cairo.Gradient pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.X, rect.Y + shadowSize)) {
                        pat.AddColorStop(0, new Cairo.Color(0, 0, 0, shadowStrengh));
                        pat.AddColorStop(1, new Cairo.Color(0, 0, 0, 0));

        protected override bool OnExposeEvent(Gdk.EventExpose ev)
            //base.OnExposeEvent (ev);
            int W = Allocation.Width, H = Allocation.Height;

            using (Gdk.GC gc = new Gdk.GC(GdkWindow))
                // Creating PixBuf to draw a color matrix
                if (GdkWindow == null || W < 1 || H < 1)

                //pb = Gdk.Pixbuf.FromDrawable(Parent.GdkWindow, Gdk.Rgb.Colormap, 0, 0, 0, 0, W - margin * 2, H - margin * 2);

                // Drawing frame to widget
                Style.PaintBox(this.Style, GdkWindow, StateType.Normal, ShadowType.In,
                               new Gdk.Rectangle(0, 0, W, H),
                               this, null, margin - 2, margin - 2, W - margin * 2 + 4, H - margin * 2 + 4);

                if (savedPalette != null)
                    // Drawing color matrix backbuffer
                    GdkWindow.DrawPixbuf(gc, savedPalette, 0, 0, margin, margin, savedPalette.Width, savedPalette.Height, Gdk.RgbDither.Normal, 0, 0);

                // Drawing dark selected color
                int sel_x = (int)(Tone_to_X(mSelectedDarkTone) * savedPalette.Width) + margin;
                int sel_y = (int)(Tone_to_Y(mSelectedDarkTone) * savedPalette.Height) + margin;

                if (mDarkToneSelectorSymbol == ToneSelectorSymbol.Donut)
                    GdkWindow.DrawPixbuf(gc, black_donut,
                                         0, 0,
                                         sel_x - black_donut.Width / 2,
                                         sel_y - black_donut.Height / 2,
                                         black_donut.Width, black_donut.Height,
                                         Gdk.RgbDither.None, 0, 0);
                else if (mDarkToneSelectorSymbol == ToneSelectorSymbol.Dot)
                    GdkWindow.DrawPixbuf(gc, black_dot,
                                         0, 0,
                                         sel_x - black_dot.Width / 2,
                                         sel_y - black_dot.Height / 2,
                                         black_dot.Width, black_dot.Height,
                                         Gdk.RgbDither.None, 0, 0);

                // Drawing light selected color
                sel_x = (int)(Tone_to_X(mSelectedLightTone) * savedPalette.Width) + margin;
                sel_y = (int)(Tone_to_Y(mSelectedLightTone) * savedPalette.Height) + margin;

                if (mLightToneSelectorSymbol == ToneSelectorSymbol.Donut)
                    GdkWindow.DrawPixbuf(gc, white_donut,
                                         0, 0,
                                         sel_x - white_donut.Width / 2,
                                         sel_y - white_donut.Height / 2,
                                         white_donut.Width, white_donut.Height,
                                         Gdk.RgbDither.None, 0, 0);
                else if (mLightToneSelectorSymbol == ToneSelectorSymbol.Dot)
                    GdkWindow.DrawPixbuf(gc, white_dot,
                                         0, 0,
                                         sel_x - white_dot.Width / 2,
                                         sel_y - white_dot.Height / 2,
                                         white_dot.Width, white_dot.Height,
                                         Gdk.RgbDither.None, 0, 0);
 public unsafe static void DrawRgbImageDithalign(this Drawable drawable, Gdk.GC gc, int x, int y, int width, int height, Gdk.RgbDither dith, byte *rgb_buf, int rowstride, int xdith, int ydith)
     gdk_draw_rgb_image_dithalign(drawable.Handle, gc == null ? IntPtr.Zero : gc.Handle, x, y, width, height, (int)dith, rgb_buf, rowstride, xdith, ydith);
        protected void OnDrawingareaExposeEvent(object o, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs args)
            Gdk.EventExpose expose = args.Args[0] as Gdk.EventExpose;
            Gdk.Window      win = expose.Window;
            int             width, height;

            win.GetSize(out width, out height);
            Gdk.Rectangle exposeRect = expose.Area;
            bool          fulldraw   = width == exposeRect.Width && height == exposeRect.Height;

            win.DrawRectangle(Style.LightGC(StateType.Normal), true, exposeRect);
            if (GetContentDelegate == null)
                return; // todo: an error message could be displayed
            int offset = (int)vscrollbar1.Value;

            if (fulldraw)
                TopVisibleRow    = offset;
                BottomVisibleRow = offset;
            int hscrollRange = 0;
            int dy           = exposeRect.Top;

            offset += dy / ConstantHeight;
            dy     -= dy % ConstantHeight;

            Gdk.GC backgound = new Gdk.GC((Gdk.Drawable)base.GdkWindow);
            Gdk.GC text      = new Gdk.GC((Gdk.Drawable)base.GdkWindow);

            ColumnControl.Column[] columns = mColumnControl.GetVisibleColumnsInDrawOrder();

            for (int row = offset; row < RowCount; row++)
                int           dx   = -(int)hscrollbar1.Value;
                Gdk.Rectangle rect = new Gdk.Rectangle(dx, dy, 0, ConstantHeight);

                System.Drawing.Color backColor = System.Drawing.Color.WhiteSmoke;
                System.Drawing.Color textColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;

                if (isRowSelected(row))
                    if (HasFocus)
                        backColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkGray;
                        backColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray;
                    if (GetColorDelegate != null)
                        GetColorDelegate(row, ref backColor, ref textColor);

                backgound.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(backColor.R, backColor.G, backColor.B);
                text.RgbFgColor      = new Gdk.Color(textColor.R, textColor.G, textColor.B);

                for (int c = 0; c < columns.Length; c++)
                    ColumnControl.Column column = columns[c];
                    int columnIndex             = column.SortOrder;
                    int xwidth = column.Width;
                    if (dx > exposeRect.Right)
                    rect = new Gdk.Rectangle(rect.Left, rect.Top, xwidth + mColumnControl.GripperWidth, ConstantHeight);
                    if (c == columns.Length - 1)
                        rect.Width = Math.Max(rect.Width, exposeRect.Right - rect.Left + 1);
                    object content = GetContentDelegate(row, columnIndex);
                    if (content is Gdk.Pixbuf)
                        Gdk.Pixbuf image = (Gdk.Pixbuf)content;
                        win.DrawRectangle(backgound, true, rect);
                        dx += 2;
                        image.RenderToDrawable(win, text, 0, 0, dx, dy, image.Width, image.Height, Gdk.RgbDither.Normal, 0, 0);
                        dx += xwidth + mColumnControl.GripperWidth - 2;
                        rect.Offset(xwidth + mColumnControl.GripperWidth, 0);
                        win.DrawRectangle(backgound, true, rect);
                        dx += 2;
                        win.DrawLayout(text, dx, dy, LineLayout);
                        dx += xwidth + mColumnControl.GripperWidth - 2;
                        rect.Offset(xwidth + mColumnControl.GripperWidth, 0);
                hscrollRange = Math.Max(hscrollRange, dx + rect.Width);
                dy          += ConstantHeight;
                if (dy > exposeRect.Bottom)
                if (fulldraw && exposeRect.Height - dy >= ConstantHeight)

            if (fulldraw)
                int pageSize = BottomVisibleRow - TopVisibleRow;
                if (vscrollbar1.Adjustment.PageSize != pageSize)
                    vscrollbar1.Adjustment.PageSize      = pageSize;
                    vscrollbar1.Adjustment.PageIncrement = pageSize;
                hscrollRange += (int)hscrollbar1.Value;
                if (hscrollRange > 0)
                    hscrollbar1.SetRange(0, hscrollRange);

                // position current row inside visible area
                // TODO: please think about, because of double redraw a more sophisticated solution could be possible
                if (CurrentRow >= 0 && CurrentRow < RowCount)
                    if (CurrentRow < TopVisibleRow)
                        OffsetCursor(TopVisibleRow - CurrentRow);
                    else if (CurrentRow > BottomVisibleRow)
                        OffsetCursor(BottomVisibleRow - CurrentRow);

#if DEBUG2
            if (ComponentManager != null)
                String t1 = String.Format("Expose.Area={0}, size={1}.{2}",
                                          expose.Area.ToString(), width, height);
                String t2 = String.Format("{0} T={1} B={2}", fulldraw ? "FULL" : "PART", TopVisibleRow, BottomVisibleRow);
                ComponentManager.MessageWriteLineInvoke(String.Format("{0} {1}", t1, t2));
         * void InternalDrawBackground (TextEditor Editor, Gdk.Drawable win, Pango.Layout layout, bool selected, int startOffset, int endOffset, int y, ref int startXPos, int endXPos, ref bool drawBg)
         * {
         *      Gdk.Rectangle clipRectangle = new Gdk.Rectangle (mode.Editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset, 0,
         *                                                       Editor.Allocation.Width - mode.Editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset, Editor.Allocation.Height);
         *      // draw default background
         *      using (Gdk.GC fillGc = new Gdk.GC (win)) {
         *              fillGc.ClipRectangle = clipRectangle;
         *              fillGc.RgbFgColor = selected ? Editor.ColorStyle.Selection.BackgroundColor : Editor.ColorStyle.Default.BackgroundColor;
         *              win.DrawRectangle (fillGc, true, startXPos, y, endXPos, Editor.LineHeight);
         *      }
         *      if (startOffset >= endOffset)
         *              return;
         *      int caretOffset = Editor.Caret.Offset - BaseOffset;
         *      foreach (TextLink link in mode.Links) {
         *              if (!link.IsEditable)
         *                      continue;
         *              bool isPrimaryHighlighted = link.PrimaryLink.Offset <= caretOffset && caretOffset <= link.PrimaryLink.EndOffset;
         *              foreach (ISegment segment in link.Links) {
         *                      if ((BaseOffset + segment.Offset <= startOffset && startOffset < BaseOffset + segment.EndOffset) ||
         *                          (startOffset <= BaseOffset + segment.Offset && BaseOffset + segment.Offset < endOffset)) {
         *                              int strOffset    = BaseOffset + segment.Offset - startOffset;
         *                              int strEndOffset = BaseOffset + segment.EndOffset - startOffset;
         *                              int lineNr, x_pos, x_pos2;
         *                              layout.IndexToLineX (strOffset, false, out lineNr, out x_pos);
         *                              layout.IndexToLineX (strEndOffset, false, out lineNr, out x_pos2);
         *                              x_pos  = (int)(x_pos / Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
         *                              x_pos2 = (int)(x_pos2 / Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
         *                              using (Gdk.GC rectangleGc = new Gdk.GC (win)) {
         *                                      rectangleGc.ClipRectangle = clipRectangle;
         *                                      using (Gdk.GC fillGc = new Gdk.GC (win)) {
         *                                              fillGc.ClipRectangle = clipRectangle;
         *                                              drawBg = false;
         *                                              if (segment == link.PrimaryLink) {
         *                                                      fillGc.RgbFgColor      = isPrimaryHighlighted ? Editor.ColorStyle.PrimaryTemplateHighlighted.BackgroundColor : Editor.ColorStyle.PrimaryTemplate.BackgroundColor;
         *                                                      rectangleGc.RgbFgColor = isPrimaryHighlighted ? Editor.ColorStyle.PrimaryTemplateHighlighted.Color           : Editor.ColorStyle.PrimaryTemplate.Color;
         *                                              } else {
         *                                                      fillGc.RgbFgColor      = isPrimaryHighlighted ? Editor.ColorStyle.SecondaryTemplateHighlighted.BackgroundColor : Editor.ColorStyle.SecondaryTemplate.BackgroundColor;
         *                                                      rectangleGc.RgbFgColor = isPrimaryHighlighted ? Editor.ColorStyle.SecondaryTemplateHighlighted.Color           : Editor.ColorStyle.SecondaryTemplate.Color;
         *                                              }
         *                                              // Draw segment
         *                                              if (!selected)
         *                                                      win.DrawRectangle (fillGc, true, startXPos, y, x_pos2 - x_pos, Editor.LineHeight);
         *                                              int x1 = startXPos + x_pos - 1;
         *                                              int x2 = startXPos + x_pos2 - 1;
         *                                              int y2 = y + Editor.LineHeight - 1;
         *                                              win.DrawLine (rectangleGc, x1, y, x2, y);
         *                                              win.DrawLine (rectangleGc, x1, y2, x2, y2);
         *                                              win.DrawLine (rectangleGc, x1, y, x1, y2);
         *                                              win.DrawLine (rectangleGc, x2, y, x2, y2);
         *                                      }
         *                              }
         *                      }
         *              }
         *      }
         *      startXPos += Editor.GetWidth (Editor.Document.GetTextBetween (startOffset, endOffset));
         * }
        /*	bool Overlaps (ISegment segment, int start, int end)
         *      {
         *              return segment.Offset <= start && start < segment.EndOffset ||
         *                          segment.Offset <= end && end < segment.EndOffset ||
         *                              start <= segment.Offset && segment.Offset < end ||
         *                              start < segment.EndOffset && segment.EndOffset < end;
         *      }*/

        public bool DrawBackground(TextEditor Editor, Gdk.Drawable win, TextViewMargin.LayoutWrapper layout, int selectionStart, int selectionEnd, int startOffset, int endOffset, int y, int startXPos, int endXPos, ref bool drawBg)
            int caretOffset = Editor.Caret.Offset - BaseOffset;

            foreach (TextLink link in mode.Links)
                if (!link.IsEditable)
                bool isPrimaryHighlighted = link.PrimaryLink.Offset <= caretOffset && caretOffset <= link.PrimaryLink.EndOffset;

                foreach (ISegment segment in link.Links)
                    if ((BaseOffset + segment.Offset <= startOffset && startOffset < BaseOffset + segment.EndOffset) || (startOffset <= BaseOffset + segment.Offset && BaseOffset + segment.Offset < endOffset))
                        int strOffset    = BaseOffset + segment.Offset - startOffset;
                        int strEndOffset = BaseOffset + segment.EndOffset - startOffset;

                        int x_pos  = layout.Layout.IndexToPos(strOffset).X;
                        int x_pos2 = layout.Layout.IndexToPos(strEndOffset).X;

                        x_pos  = (int)(x_pos / Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
                        x_pos2 = (int)(x_pos2 / Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
                        using (Gdk.GC rectangleGc = new Gdk.GC(win)) {
                            //	rectangleGc.ClipRectangle = clipRectangle;
                            using (Gdk.GC fillGc = new Gdk.GC(win)) {
                                //		fillGc.ClipRectangle = clipRectangle;
                                drawBg = false;

                                if (segment == link.PrimaryLink)
                                    fillGc.RgbFgColor      = isPrimaryHighlighted ? Editor.ColorStyle.PrimaryTemplateHighlighted.BackgroundColor : Editor.ColorStyle.PrimaryTemplate.BackgroundColor;
                                    rectangleGc.RgbFgColor = isPrimaryHighlighted ? Editor.ColorStyle.PrimaryTemplateHighlighted.Color : Editor.ColorStyle.PrimaryTemplate.Color;
                                    fillGc.RgbFgColor      = isPrimaryHighlighted ? Editor.ColorStyle.SecondaryTemplateHighlighted.BackgroundColor : Editor.ColorStyle.SecondaryTemplate.BackgroundColor;
                                    rectangleGc.RgbFgColor = isPrimaryHighlighted ? Editor.ColorStyle.SecondaryTemplateHighlighted.Color : Editor.ColorStyle.SecondaryTemplate.Color;
                                // Draw segment

                                int x1 = startXPos + x_pos - 1;
                                int x2 = startXPos + x_pos2 - 1;
                                int y2 = y + Editor.LineHeight - 1;

                                if (selectionStart < 0)
                                    //		Console.WriteLine ("Draw BG at " + y + "//" + Editor.GetTextEditorData ().VAdjustment.Value);
                                    //		Console.WriteLine (Environment.StackTrace);
                                    win.DrawRectangle(fillGc, true, x1, y, x2 - x1, Editor.LineHeight);

                                win.DrawLine(rectangleGc, x1, y, x2, y);
                                win.DrawLine(rectangleGc, x1, y2, x2, y2);
                                win.DrawLine(rectangleGc, x1, y, x1, y2);
                                win.DrawLine(rectangleGc, x2, y, x2, y2);

             *      int curOffset = startOffset;
             *      foreach (TextLink link in mode.Links) {
             *              if (!link.IsEditable)
             *                      continue;
             *              ISegment segment = link.Links.Where (s => Overlaps (s, curOffset - BaseOffset, endOffset - BaseOffset)).FirstOrDefault ();
             *              if (segment == null) {
             *                      break;
             *              }
             *              InternalDrawBackground (Editor, win, layout, selected, curOffset, segment.Offset + BaseOffset, y, ref startXPos, endXPos, ref drawBg);
             *              curOffset = segment.EndOffset + BaseOffset;
             *              InternalDrawBackground (Editor, win, layout, selected, segment.Offset + BaseOffset, curOffset, y, ref startXPos, endXPos, ref drawBg);
             *      }
             *      InternalDrawBackground (Editor, win, layout, selected, curOffset, endOffset, y, ref startXPos, endXPos, ref drawBg);
        protected override bool OnExposeEvent(Gdk.EventExpose evnt)
            Gdk.Rectangle rect = Allocation;

            //Gdk.Rectangle.Right and Bottom are inconsistent
            int right = rect.X + rect.Width, bottom = rect.Y + rect.Height;

            var bcolor = backgroundColorSet ? BackgroundColor : Style.Background(Gtk.StateType.Normal);

            using (Cairo.Context cr = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(evnt.Window)) {
                if (GradientBackround)
                    cr.MoveTo(rect.X, rect.Y);
                    cr.RelLineTo(rect.Width, 0);
                    cr.RelLineTo(0, rect.Height);
                    cr.RelLineTo(-rect.Width, 0);
                    cr.RelLineTo(0, -rect.Height);
                    using (Cairo.Gradient pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.X, bottom)) {
                        pat.AddColorStop(0, bcolor.ToCairoColor());
                        HslColor gcol = bcolor;
                        gcol.L -= 0.1;
                        if (gcol.L < 0)
                            gcol.L = 0;
                        pat.AddColorStop(1, gcol);
                    if (backgroundColorSet)
                        Gdk.GC gc = new Gdk.GC(GdkWindow);
                        gc.RgbFgColor = bcolor;
                        evnt.Window.DrawRectangle(gc, true, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);

            } // using


            using (Cairo.Context cr = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(evnt.Window)) {

                double y = rect.Y + topMargin / 2d;
                cr.LineWidth = topMargin;
                cr.Line(rect.X, y, right, y);

                y            = bottom - bottomMargin / 2d;
                cr.LineWidth = bottomMargin;
                cr.Line(rect.X, y, right, y);

                double x = rect.X + leftMargin / 2d;
                cr.LineWidth = leftMargin;
                cr.Line(x, rect.Y, x, bottom);

                x            = right - rightMargin / 2d;
                cr.LineWidth = rightMargin;
                cr.Line(x, rect.Y, x, bottom);


        protected override void DrawIcon(Gdk.Drawable d, Cairo.Context g)
            Gdk.GC gc = new Gdk.GC(d);

            Images.RenderProfileTiny(d, X - _icon_half_width, Y - _icon_half_height, _c);
 private void RefreshGC()
     text_gc = null;
        protected void UpdatePreview()
            FileIsGood = false;

            int size = 200, margins = 30;

            if (System.IO.File.Exists(mFilename))              // Selected item is a file
                origsize_label.Markup = "";

                GLib.Timeout.Add(100, new GLib.TimeoutHandler(delegate {
                    Gdk.Pixmap pm = null;
                    Gdk.GC gc     = null;
                    Gdk.Pixbuf pb = null;
                        pm = new Gdk.Pixmap(thumb_image.GdkWindow, size + margins, size + margins, -1);
                        gc = new Gdk.GC(thumb_image.GdkWindow);
                        pm.DrawRectangle(gc, true, new Gdk.Rectangle(0, 0, size + margins, size + margins));

                        RawDescriptionLoader rdl = RawDescriptionLoader.FromFile(mFilename);

                        string idtext = "";
                            idtext += "Shot has been taken\n" +
                                      "   on <b>" + rdl.TimeStamp.ToString("MMMM, d, yyyy") + "</b> at <b>" + rdl.TimeStamp.ToString("h:mm:ss tt") + "</b>,\n";

                            idtext += "   with <b>" + rdl.CameraMaker + " " + rdl.CameraModel + "</b>\n\n";
                            idtext += "ISO speed: <b>" + rdl.ISOSpeed.ToString("0") + "</b>\n";
                            if (rdl.Shutter > 1)
                                idtext += "Shutter: <b>" + rdl.Shutter.ToString("0.0") + "</b> sec\n";
                                idtext += "Shutter: <b>1/" + (1.0 / (rdl.Shutter + 0.000001)).ToString("0") + "</b> sec\n";

                            idtext += "Aperture: <b>" + rdl.Aperture.ToString("0.0") + "</b>\n" +
                                      "Focal length: <b>" + rdl.FocalLength.ToString("0") + "</b> mm\n";

                            if (rdl.Artist != "")
                                idtext += "Artist: <b>" + rdl.Artist + "</b>\n";
                            if (rdl.Description != "")
                                idtext += "Description: <b>" + rdl.Description + "</b>\n";


                            // Creating the thumbnail pixbuf
                            pb = new Gdk.Pixbuf(rdl.ThumbnailData);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Console.WriteLine("Can't load the thumbnail: " + ex.Message);
                            idtext += "\n<i>Can't load the thumbnail.</i>";
                        identification_label.Markup = idtext;

                        if (pb != null)
                            // Scaling the thumbnail
                            Gdk.Pixbuf pbold = pb;
                            int imgw         = pb.Width, imgh = pb.Height;
                            if (pb.Width > pb.Height)
                                pb = pb.ScaleSimple(size, (int)((double)pb.Height / pb.Width * size), Gdk.InterpType.Bilinear);
                                pb = pb.ScaleSimple((int)((double)pb.Width / pb.Height * size), size, Gdk.InterpType.Bilinear);


                            // Rotating the thumbnail
                            if (rdl.Flip != RawDescriptionLoader.FlipValues.None)
                                pbold = pb;

                                if (rdl.Flip == RawDescriptionLoader.FlipValues.UpsideDown)
                                    pb = pb.RotateSimple(Gdk.PixbufRotation.Upsidedown);
                                else if (rdl.Flip == RawDescriptionLoader.FlipValues.Clockwise)
                                    int t = imgw;
                                    imgw  = imgh;
                                    imgh  = t;
                                    pb    = pb.RotateSimple(Gdk.PixbufRotation.Clockwise);
                                else if (rdl.Flip == RawDescriptionLoader.FlipValues.Counterclockwise)
                                    int t = imgw;
                                    imgw  = imgh;
                                    imgh  = t;
                                    pb    = pb.RotateSimple(Gdk.PixbufRotation.Counterclockwise);


                            origsize_label.Markup = "Image size: <b>" + imgw + "</b> x <b>" + imgh + "</b>";
                            pm.DrawPixbuf(gc, pb, 0, 0,
                                          (size + margins) / 2 - pb.Width / 2,
                                          (size + margins) / 2 - pb.Height / 2,
                                          pb.Width, pb.Height, Gdk.RgbDither.Max, 0, 0);
                            thumb_image.SetFromPixmap(pm, null);
                        FileIsGood = true;
                    catch (Exception
                        Console.WriteLine("Exception occured during the thumbnail loading process: " + ex.Message);
                        identification_label.Wrap   = true;
                        identification_label.Markup = "<i>Cannot decode the selected file. " +
                                                      "Maybe it's corrupted or the user hasn't enough access rights to open it.</i>";
                        FileIsGood = false;
                        if (gc != null)
                        if (pm != null)
        protected override bool OnExposeEvent(Gdk.EventExpose args)
            using (var g = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(args.Window)) {
                g.Translate(Allocation.X, Allocation.Y);
                g.LineWidth = 1;

                Gdk.GC gc = new Gdk.GC(args.Window);
                int width, height;
                layout.GetPixelSize(out width, out height);
                width += xBorder * 2;
                FoldingScreenbackgroundRenderer.DrawRoundRectangle(g, true, false, 0.5, 0.5, height + yBorder * 2 + 1.5, width, height + yBorder * 2);

                g.Translate(xBorder, yBorder);

                FoldingScreenbackgroundRenderer.DrawRoundRectangle(g, false, true, 0.5, height * 2 + yBorder * 2 + 0.5, height, Allocation.Width - 1, Allocation.Height - height * 2 - yBorder * 2 - 1);

                g.MoveTo(xSpacer + 0.5, height * 2 + yBorder * 2);
                g.LineTo(xSpacer + 0.5, Allocation.Height - 1);

                int y = height + yBorder * 2;

                for (int i = 0; i < Items.Count; i++)
                    KeyValuePair <string, string> pair = Items[i];

                    layout.GetPixelSize(out width, out height);

                    if (i == 0)
                        FoldingScreenbackgroundRenderer.DrawRoundRectangle(g, false, true, false, false, 0, y + 0.5, height + 1.5, Allocation.Width, height);

                        g.MoveTo(xSpacer + 0.5, height + yBorder * 2 + 1);
                        g.LineTo(xSpacer + 0.5, height * 2 + yBorder * 2 + 1);

                    gc.RgbFgColor = (HslColor)(i == 0 ? Styles.TableLayoutModeBackgroundColor : Styles.TableLayoutModeTextColor).ToCairoColor();
                    g.Translate(xBorder, y);

                    g.Translate(xSpacer + xBorder, y);

                    // draw top line
                    if (i > 0)
                        g.MoveTo(1, y + 0.5);
                        g.LineTo(Allocation.Width - 1, y + 0.5);
                    y += height;

        protected override bool OnExposeEvent(Gdk.EventExpose ev)
            //base.OnExposeEvent (ev);

            int w, h, x, y;

            w = Allocation.Width;
            h = Allocation.Height;
            x = Allocation.Left;
            y = Allocation.Top;

            // Recalculating margins
            int trough_border = (int)this.StyleGetProperty("trough-border");

            mLeftMargin  = trough_border;
            mRightMargin = trough_border;

            int trough_height = 11;
            int slider_width  = (int)this.StyleGetProperty("slider-width");

            mSliderLength = (int)this.StyleGetProperty("slider-length");

            mTopMargin    = h / 2 - trough_height / 2;
            mBottomMargin = mTopMargin;

            mTopSliderMargin    = h / 2 - slider_width / 2;
            mBottomSliderMargin = mTopSliderMargin;

            // Painting focus rect
            if (this.IsFocus)
                Style.PaintFocus(this.Style, GdkWindow, StateType.Active,
                                 new Gdk.Rectangle(x, y, w, h), this, "hscale", x, y, w, h);

            // Painting box
            Style.PaintBox(this.Style, GdkWindow, StateType.Insensitive, ShadowType.In,
                           new Gdk.Rectangle(x + mLeftMargin, y + mTopMargin, w - mLeftMargin - mRightMargin, h - mTopMargin - mBottomMargin),
                           this, "button",
                           x + mLeftMargin, y + mTopMargin, w - mLeftMargin - mRightMargin, h - mTopMargin - mBottomMargin);

            // Painting gradient
            Gdk.GC gc   = new Gdk.GC(GdkWindow);
            int    xmin = mLeftMargin + 3;
            int    xmax = w - mRightMargin - 3;
            int    ymin = mTopMargin + 2;
            int    ymax = h - mBottomMargin - 2;

            for (int i = 0; i < xmax - xmin; i += 1)
                double xx = (double)i / (xmax - xmin);
                for (int j = 0; j < ymax - ymin; j += 1)
                    double yy = (double)j / (ymax - ymin);

                    double r = (xx) * (255 * (1 - yy)) + (1 - xx) * 192;
                    double g = (xx) * (128) + (1 - xx) * 192;
                    double b = (xx) * (255 * yy) + (1 - xx) * 192;

                    gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color((byte)r, (byte)g, (byte)b);
                    GdkWindow.DrawPoint(gc, x + i + xmin, y + j + ymin);

            // Painting slider
            int left_slider_pos  = mSliderLength / 2 + mLeftSliderMargin;
            int right_slider_pos = w - mRightSliderMargin - mSliderLength / 2;

            int slider_pos = (int)(left_slider_pos + (right_slider_pos - left_slider_pos) *
                                   (Adjustment.Value - Adjustment.Lower) / (this.Adjustment.Upper - Adjustment.Lower));

            StateType slider_state = StateType.Normal;

            // Testing if sensitive
            Widget wdg  = this;
            bool   sens = true;

                if (!wdg.Sensitive)
                    sens = false;
                wdg = wdg.Parent;
            } while (wdg != null);

            if (sens)
                if (mSliderActive)
                    slider_state = StateType.Prelight;
                slider_state = StateType.Insensitive;

            Style.PaintSlider(this.Style, GdkWindow, slider_state, ShadowType.Out,
                              new Gdk.Rectangle(x + slider_pos - mSliderLength / 2, y + mTopSliderMargin, mSliderLength, h - mTopSliderMargin - mBottomSliderMargin), this, "hscale",
                              x + slider_pos - mSliderLength / 2, y + mTopSliderMargin, mSliderLength, h - mTopSliderMargin - mBottomSliderMargin,


        protected override void DrawContents(Gdk.Drawable d)
            Gdk.GC        gc = new Gdk.GC(d);
            Cairo.Context g  = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(d);

            g.SelectFontFace("Lucida Console", FontSlant.Normal, FontWeight.Bold);

            TextExtents te;

            string lvl, hp, hpm, mp, mpm;
            string weapon, armor;

            #region Slots

            g.Color = new Color(.1, .1, .2);
            g.Rectangle(x9, yi, 8 * xs, yj - yi);
            g.Rectangle(x9, yk, 8 * xs, yl - yk);

            Cairo.Color gray1 = new Color(.2, .2, .2);
            Cairo.Color gray2 = new Color(.7, .7, .8);

            int links, slots;

            slots = Selected.Weapon.Slots.Length;
            links = Selected.Weapon.Links;

            for (int j = 0; j < links; j++)
                Graphics.RenderLine(g, gray2, 3,
                                    X + x9 + (xs / 2) + (j * 2 * xs), Y + yi - ys - zs,
                                    X + x9 + (xs / 2) + ((j * 2 + 1) * xs), Y + yi - ys - zs);
                Graphics.RenderLine(g, gray2, 3,
                                    X + x9 + (xs / 2) + (j * 2 * xs), Y + yi - ys,
                                    X + x9 + (xs / 2) + ((j * 2 + 1) * xs), Y + yi - ys);
                Graphics.RenderLine(g, gray2, 3,
                                    X + x9 + (xs / 2) + (j * 2 * xs), Y + yi - ys + zs,
                                    X + x9 + (xs / 2) + ((j * 2 + 1) * xs), Y + yi - ys + zs);
            for (int i = 0; i < slots; i++)
                Graphics.RenderCircle(g, gray2, 14,
                                      X + x9 + (i * xs) + (xs / 2), Y + yi - ys);
                if (Selected.Weapon.Slots[i] == null)
                    Graphics.RenderCircle(g, gray1, 10,
                                          X + x9 + (i * xs) + (xs / 2), Y + yi - ys);
                    Graphics.RenderCircle(g, Selected.Weapon.Slots[i].Color, 10,
                                          X + x9 + (i * xs) + (xs / 2), Y + yi - ys);

            slots = Selected.Armor.Slots.Length;
            links = Selected.Armor.Links;

            for (int j = 0; j < links; j++)
                Graphics.RenderLine(g, gray2, 3,
                                    X + x9 + (xs / 2) + (j * 2 * xs), Y + yk - ys - zs,
                                    X + x9 + (xs / 2) + ((j * 2 + 1) * xs), Y + yk - ys - zs);
                Graphics.RenderLine(g, gray2, 3,
                                    X + x9 + (xs / 2) + (j * 2 * xs), Y + yk - ys,
                                    X + x9 + (xs / 2) + ((j * 2 + 1) * xs), Y + yk - ys);
                Graphics.RenderLine(g, gray2, 3,
                                    X + x9 + (xs / 2) + (j * 2 * xs), Y + yk - ys + zs,
                                    X + x9 + (xs / 2) + ((j * 2 + 1) * xs), Y + yk - ys + zs);
            for (int i = 0; i < slots; i++)
                Graphics.RenderCircle(g, gray2, 14,
                                      X + x9 + (i * xs) + (xs / 2), Y + yk - ys);

                if (Selected.Armor.Slots[i] == null)
                    Graphics.RenderCircle(g, gray1, 10,
                                          X + x9 + (i * xs) + (xs / 2), Y + yk - ys);
                    Graphics.RenderCircle(g, Selected.Armor.Slots[i].Color, 10,
                                          X + x9 + (i * xs) + (xs / 2), Y + yk - ys);


            #region Character Status

            d.DrawPixbuf(gc, Graphics.GetProfile(Selected.Name), 0, 0,
                         X + xpic, Y + ypic,
                         Graphics.PROFILE_WIDTH, Graphics.PROFILE_HEIGHT,
                         Gdk.RgbDither.None, 0, 0);

            g.Color = new Color(.3, .8, .8);
            g.MoveTo(X + x3, Y + y + ya);
            g.MoveTo(X + x3, Y + y + yb);
            g.MoveTo(X + x3, Y + y + yc);
            g.Color = new Color(1, 1, 1);

            Graphics.ShadowedText(g, Selected.Name, X + x3, Y + y);

            lvl = Selected.Level.ToString();
            hp  = Selected.HP.ToString() + "/";
            hpm = Selected.MaxHP.ToString();
            mp  = Selected.MP.ToString() + "/";
            mpm = Selected.MaxMP.ToString();

            te = g.TextExtents(lvl);
            Graphics.ShadowedText(g, lvl, X + x4 - te.Width, Y + y + ya);
            te = g.TextExtents(hp);
            Graphics.ShadowedText(g, hp, X + x5 - te.Width, Y + y + yb);
            te = g.TextExtents(hpm);
            Graphics.ShadowedText(g, hpm, X + x6 - te.Width, Y + y + yb);
            te = g.TextExtents(mp);
            Graphics.ShadowedText(g, mp, X + x5 - te.Width, Y + y + yc);
            te = g.TextExtents(mpm);
            Graphics.ShadowedText(g, mpm, X + x6 - te.Width, Y + y + yc);

            #endregion Status

            #region Equipment

            g.Color = new Color(.3, .8, .8);
            g.MoveTo(X + x7, Y + yh);
            g.MoveTo(X + x7, Y + yj);
            g.Color = new Color(1, 1, 1);

            Graphics.ShadowedText(g, "Check", x7a, yja);
            Graphics.ShadowedText(g, "Arr.", x7a, yla);

            weapon = Selected.Weapon.Name;
            armor  = Selected.Armor.Name;

            te = g.TextExtents(weapon);
            Graphics.ShadowedText(g, weapon, X + x8, Y + yh);
            te = g.TextExtents(armor);
            Graphics.ShadowedText(g, armor, X + x8, Y + yj);


            if (IsControl)
                Graphics.RenderCursor(g, X + cx, Y + cy - ys);

	protected override void Draw(Gdk.GC gc, Gdk.Drawable dest, int x, int y, byte b, Gdk.Pixmap pix)
		dest.DrawDrawable(gc, pix, b*2*width, 0, x, y, 2*width, height);
        internal static Gdk.Pixbuf CreateBitmap(string stockId, double width, double height, double scaleFactor)
            Gdk.Pixbuf result = null;

            Gtk.IconSet iconset = Gtk.IconFactory.LookupDefault(stockId);
            if (iconset != null)
                // Find the size that better fits the requested size
                Gtk.IconSize gsize = Util.GetBestSizeFit(width);
                result = iconset.RenderIcon(Gtk.Widget.DefaultStyle, Gtk.TextDirection.Ltr, Gtk.StateType.Normal, gsize, null, null, scaleFactor);
                if (result == null || result.Width < width * scaleFactor)
                    var gsize2x = Util.GetBestSizeFit(width * scaleFactor, iconset.Sizes);
                    if (gsize2x != Gtk.IconSize.Invalid && gsize2x != gsize)
                        // Don't dispose the previous result since the icon is owned by the IconSet
                        result = iconset.RenderIcon(Gtk.Widget.DefaultStyle, Gtk.TextDirection.Ltr, Gtk.StateType.Normal, gsize2x, null, null);

            if (result == null && Gtk.IconTheme.Default.HasIcon(stockId))
                result = Gtk.IconTheme.Default.LoadIcon(stockId, (int)width, (Gtk.IconLookupFlags) 0);

            if (result == null)
                // render a custom gtk-missing-image icon
                // if Gtk.Stock.MissingImage is not found
                int w = (int)width;
                int h = (int)height;
                                #if XWT_GTK3
                Cairo.ImageSurface s  = new Cairo.ImageSurface(Cairo.Format.ARGB32, w, h);
                Cairo.Context      cr = new Cairo.Context(s);
                cr.SetSourceRGB(255, 255, 255);
                cr.Rectangle(0, 0, w, h);
                cr.SetSourceRGB(0, 0, 0);
                cr.LineWidth = 1;
                cr.Rectangle(0.5, 0.5, w - 1, h - 1);
                cr.SetSourceRGB(255, 0, 0);
                cr.LineWidth = 3;
                cr.LineCap   = Cairo.LineCap.Round;
                cr.LineJoin  = Cairo.LineJoin.Round;
                cr.MoveTo(w / 4, h / 4);
                cr.LineTo((w - 1) - w / 4, (h - 1) - h / 4);
                cr.MoveTo(w / 4, (h - 1) - h / 4);
                cr.LineTo((w - 1) - w / 4, h / 4);
                result = Gtk3Extensions.GetFromSurface(s, 0, 0, w, h);
                using (Gdk.Pixmap pmap = new Gdk.Pixmap(Gdk.Screen.Default.RootWindow, w, h))
                    using (Gdk.GC gc = new Gdk.GC(pmap)) {
                        gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(255, 255, 255);
                        pmap.DrawRectangle(gc, true, 0, 0, w, h);
                        gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(0, 0, 0);
                        pmap.DrawRectangle(gc, false, 0, 0, (w - 1), (h - 1));
                        gc.SetLineAttributes(3, Gdk.LineStyle.Solid, Gdk.CapStyle.Round, Gdk.JoinStyle.Round);
                        gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(255, 0, 0);
                        pmap.DrawLine(gc, (w / 4), (h / 4), ((w - 1) - (w / 4)), ((h - 1) - (h / 4)));
                        pmap.DrawLine(gc, ((w - 1) - (w / 4)), (h / 4), (w / 4), ((h - 1) - (h / 4)));
                        result = Gdk.Pixbuf.FromDrawable(pmap, pmap.Colormap, 0, 0, 0, 0, w, h);
        private bool OnTimedDraw()
            bool draw = false;

            lock (_window)
                if (!_isDrawing)
                    _isDrawing = true;
                    draw       = true;

            if (draw)
                int w, h;

                _pixmap.GetSize(out w, out h);

                bool screenChanged = w != _oldWidth || h != _oldHeight;

                Gdk.GC gc = new Gdk.GC(_pixmap);
                _pixmap.DrawRectangle(gc, true, 0, 0, w, h);

                using (Context context = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(_pixmap))
                    context.Color = _gridColor;

                    int ew = w / 8;
                    int eh = h / 7;

                    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                        int x = i * ew + _anime % ew;

                        context.MoveTo(x, 0);
                        context.LineTo(x, h);
                    for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                        int y = j * eh + _anime % eh;

                        context.MoveTo(0, y);
                        context.LineTo(w, y);

                        Cairo.Context g = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(_pixmap);

                        State.Draw(_pixmap, g, w, h, screenChanged);

                        if (MessageBox != null)
                            MessageBox.Draw(_pixmap, g, w, h, screenChanged);

                    catch (Exception e)
                        HandleFatalException(e, " experienced while attempting to run State.Draw()");

                lock (_window)
                    _isDrawing = false;

            _window.GetSize(out _oldWidth, out _oldHeight);
            _window.QueueDrawArea(0, 0, _oldWidth, _oldHeight);
