static Context GetFreshContext(int constraintBundleCount, int bodyCount, Comparison <ConstraintBodies> sortComparison = null)
            Context context;

            context.ConstraintBundleCount = constraintBundleCount;
            var pool = new BufferPool();

            pool.SpecializeFor <BodyVelocity>().Take(bodyCount, out context.BodyVelocities);
            var connections = new ConstraintBodies[constraintBundleCount * Vector <int> .Count];
            var random      = new Random(5);

            for (int i = 0; i < connections.Length; ++i)
                connections[i] = new ConstraintBodies {
                    A = random.Next(bodyCount), B = random.Next(bodyCount)
            if (sortComparison != null)
                //Sorting the connections should increase the probability that at least one of the two bodies associated with a constraint will be in the cache already from earlier prefetches.
                Array.Sort(connections, sortComparison);
            context.BodyReferences = new TwoBodyReferences[constraintBundleCount];
            for (int iterationIndex = 0; iterationIndex < constraintBundleCount; ++iterationIndex)
                var baseSourceIndex = iterationIndex << BundleIndexing.VectorShift;
                for (int i = 0; i < Vector <int> .Count; ++i)
                    var c = connections[baseSourceIndex + i];
                    GatherScatter.Get(ref context.BodyReferences[iterationIndex].IndexA, i) = c.A;
                    GatherScatter.Get(ref context.BodyReferences[iterationIndex].IndexB, i) = c.B;
 public int GetSortKey(int constraintIndex, ref Buffer <Vector <int> > bodyReferences)
     BundleIndexing.GetBundleIndices(constraintIndex, out var bundleIndex, out var innerIndex);
     //We sort based on the body references within the constraint.
     //Note that it is impossible for there to be two references to the same body within a constraint batch,
     //so there's no need to worry about the case where the comparison is equal.
     return(GatherScatter.Get(ref bodyReferences[bundleIndex], innerIndex));
        unsafe static float[] TestWrappedVectorAccess(int iterationCount)
            var vector = new Vector <float>();

            float[] accumulators = new float[Vector <float> .Count];
            int[]   indices      = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
            for (int iterationIndex = 0; iterationIndex < iterationCount; ++iterationIndex)
                accumulators[0] += GatherScatter.Get(ref vector, indices[0]);
                accumulators[1] += GatherScatter.Get(ref vector, indices[1]);
                accumulators[2] += GatherScatter.Get(ref vector, indices[2]);
                accumulators[3] += GatherScatter.Get(ref vector, indices[3]);

 public sealed override void EnumerateConnectedBodyIndices <TEnumerator>(ref TypeBatch typeBatch, int indexInTypeBatch, ref TEnumerator enumerator)
     BundleIndexing.GetBundleIndices(indexInTypeBatch, out var constraintBundleIndex, out var constraintInnerIndex);
     enumerator.LoopBody(GatherScatter.Get(ref Buffer <Vector <int> > .Get(ref typeBatch.BodyReferences, constraintBundleIndex), constraintInnerIndex));