public void TestGateReaderTicketValidation()
            FakeDeviceClient   fakeDeviceClient = new FakeDeviceClient();
            FakeEventScheduler fakeScheduler    = new FakeEventScheduler();

            deviceconfig.PercentOfWrongWay = 0; // make sure we don't have any wrong way swipes

            TestContext.WriteLine(">> Testing the purchase ticket simulated event..");

            GateReaderDevice device = new GateReaderDevice(deviceconfig, fakeDeviceClient, fakeScheduler);


            // execute a validate ticket event and check the result, it should always be false
            // that delegate should have sent one message to the cloud
            Assert.AreEqual(1, fakeDeviceClient.sendMessageLog.Count);

            // check the message sent to make sure its correct
            // create a sample request for comparison
            ValidateTicketRequest expectedRequest = new ValidateTicketRequest()
                DeviceId      = deviceconfig.DeviceId,
                DeviceType    = deviceconfig.DeviceType,
                TransactionId = "fakeId",
                CreateTime    = System.DateTime.UtcNow,
                MethodName    = "ReceiveTicketValidationResponse"
            // get request message into an object so we can compare it
            ValidateTicketRequest actualRequest = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ValidateTicketRequest>(fakeDeviceClient.sendMessageLog[0]);

            // compare properties to make sure they're valid.
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedRequest.DeviceId, actualRequest.DeviceId);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedRequest.DeviceType, actualRequest.DeviceType);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedRequest.MessageType, actualRequest.MessageType);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedRequest.MethodName, actualRequest.MethodName);

            /// test the CloudToEvent PurchaseResponse call we expect back
            TestContext.WriteLine(">> Testing the ticket successfully validated direct method..");

            // test the direct method itself
            ValidateTicketResponse approvePurchaseMethodkRequest = new ValidateTicketResponse()
                IsApproved  = true,
                DeviceId    = expectedRequest.DeviceId,
                DeviceType  = expectedRequest.DeviceType,
                MessageType = expectedRequest.MessageType,
            string requestString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(approvePurchaseMethodkRequest);
            // execute the method
            MethodRequest  methodRequest = new MethodRequest(expectedRequest.MethodName, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(requestString));
            MethodResponse methodresult  = fakeDeviceClient.directMethods[0](methodRequest, null).Result;

            // check results
            Assert.AreEqual(200, methodresult.Status); // got back an ok
        public void TestInvalidTicketResponse()
            FakeDeviceClient   fakeDeviceClient = new FakeDeviceClient();
            FakeEventScheduler fakeScheduler    = new FakeEventScheduler();

            TestContext.WriteLine(">> Testing the Device's Ticket Validation failed notification..");

            ValidateTicketResponse approvePurchaseMethodkRequest = new ValidateTicketResponse()
                DeviceId   = deviceconfig.DeviceId,
                DeviceType = deviceconfig.DeviceType,
                IsApproved = false

            // create our test device
            GateReaderDevice device = new GateReaderDevice(deviceconfig, fakeDeviceClient, fakeScheduler);


            // send a ticket NOT approved event to the callback method
            TestContext.WriteLine(">> validating ticket, shouldn't throw event");
            string        requestString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(approvePurchaseMethodkRequest);
            MethodRequest methodRequest = new MethodRequest("ReceivePurchaseTicketResponse", Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(requestString));

            MethodResponse myresult = fakeDeviceClient.directMethods[0](methodRequest, null).Result;

            // ticket validation failed, so no "gate opened" message sent
            Assert.AreEqual(0, fakeDeviceClient.sendMessageLog.Count);
        public void TestWrongWaySwipe()
            TestContext.WriteLine(">> Testing the Device's wrong way swipe..");

            FakeDeviceClient   fakeDeviceClient = new FakeDeviceClient();
            FakeEventScheduler fakeScheduler    = new FakeEventScheduler();

            deviceconfig.PercentOfWrongWay = 100; // gurantee a wrong way swipe

            // create our test device
            GateReaderDevice device = new GateReaderDevice(deviceconfig, fakeDeviceClient, fakeScheduler);


            // check the ticket, should return false so we can restart the timer
            // that delegate should have sent NO messages to the cloud
            Assert.AreEqual(0, fakeDeviceClient.sendMessageLog.Count);
        public void TestBaseGateReaderDevice()
            FakeDeviceClient   fakeDeviceClient = new FakeDeviceClient();
            FakeEventScheduler fakeScheduler    = new FakeEventScheduler();

            TestContext.WriteLine(">> Testing the GateReader Device's base functionality..");

            GateReaderDevice device = new GateReaderDevice(deviceconfig, fakeDeviceClient, fakeScheduler);

            // initialize the device, setting up initial connections

            // should only have 1 scheduled event
            Assert.AreEqual(1, fakeScheduler.EventList.Count, "Incorrect number of scheduled events");

            // should only have 1 callback method
            Assert.AreEqual(2, fakeDeviceClient.directMethods.Count, "Incorrect number of callback methods");

            // gate direction should be "In"
            Assert.AreEqual(GateDirection.In, device.Direction, $"Device gate direction is not correct, expected 'In', found {device.Direction}");
        public void TestGateReaderGateDirection()
            FakeDeviceClient   fakeDeviceClient = new FakeDeviceClient(fakeTwin);
            FakeEventScheduler fakeScheduler    = new FakeEventScheduler();

            TestContext.WriteLine(">> Testing the Device's Gate Direction initialization ..");

            // create our test device
            GateReaderDevice device = new GateReaderDevice(deviceconfig, fakeDeviceClient, fakeScheduler);


            // gate direction should be "Out" as fakeTwin properties should override device config
            Assert.AreEqual(GateDirection.Out, device.Direction, $"Device gate direction is not correct, expected 'In', found {device.Direction}");

            TestContext.WriteLine(">> Testing the Device's Gate Direction change commands..");

            cmdGateDirectionUpdate commandGateDirectionUpdate = new cmdGateDirectionUpdate()
                Direction = GateDirection.Out

            // call the gate change direction
            TestContext.WriteLine(">> Sending command to change gate direction when its already pointed that way, shouldn't log event");
            string        requestString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(commandGateDirectionUpdate);
            MethodRequest methodRequest = new MethodRequest("ReceiveCommandGateChange", Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(requestString));

            MethodResponse myresult = fakeDeviceClient.directMethods[1](methodRequest, null).Result;

            // gate direction should be "In" now
            Assert.AreEqual(GateDirection.Out, device.Direction, $"Device gate direction is not correct, expected 'Out', found {device.Direction}");

            // check the device twin properties
            // ensures that the device is using the device client SetDigitalTwinPropertyAsync method for twin property updates
            GateDirection twinDirection = (GateDirection)Enum.Parse(typeof(GateDirection), fakeTwin.Properties.Reported["GateDirection"].ToString());

            Assert.AreEqual(GateDirection.Out, twinDirection, $"Device gate direction in the device twin is not correct, expected 'Out', found {twinDirection}");