public void GapPerm_Compose_Identity()
            var f = new GapPerm();
            var g = new GapPerm(0, 2, 1);

            Assert.AreEqual(g.Compose(f), g);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Find the order of each of the following permutations

            int proc(GapPerm a)
                var result = new GapPerm();

                foreach (var n in Enumerable.Range(1, 100))
                    result = result.Compose(a);

                    WriteLine("a^{0} = {1}", n, result);

                    if (result == new GapPerm(0))

                throw new Exception();

            proc(new GapPerm("(12)(345)")).Display(); WriteLine();
            proc(new GapPerm("(12)(3456)")).Display(); WriteLine();
            proc(new GapPerm("(1234)(56789)")).Display(); WriteLine();
        public void GapPerm_Identity_Compose()
            var f = new GapPerm();
            var g = new GapPerm(0, 2, 1);

            Assert.AreEqual(f.Compose(g), g);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var ε    = new GapPerm(0);
            var α    = new GapPerm("(12)(34)(56)");
            var β    = new GapPerm("(23)");
            var αβ   = α.Compose(β);
            var βα   = β.Compose(α);
            var αβα  = α.Compose(β.Compose(α));
            var βαβ  = β.Compose(α.Compose(β));
            var αβαβ = α.Compose(β.Compose(α.Compose(β)));

            string lookup(GapPerm f)
                var items = new[] {
                    (ε, "ε"), (α, "α"), (β, "β"),
                    (αβ, "αβ"), (βα, "βα"), (αβα, "αβα"), (βαβ, "βαβ"), (αβαβ, "αβαβ")

                return(items.First(elt => f == elt.Item1).Item2);

            var G = new Group <GapPerm>
                Identity = ε,
                Set      = new MathSet <GapPerm>(new[] { ε, α, β, αβ, βα, αβα, βαβ, αβαβ }),
                Op       = (a, b) => a.Compose(b),
                Lookup   = lookup

            foreach (var elt in G.Set)
                WriteLine("{0,-4}: {1}", lookup(elt), elt);


            G.ShowOperationTableColored(); WriteLine();

            MathSet <int> orbit(Group <GapPerm> grp, int u) => grp.Set.ConvertAll(elt => elt.Apply(u));

            WriteLine("orbit of 1: {0}", orbit(G, 1));
            WriteLine("orbit of 2: {0}", orbit(G, 2));
            WriteLine("orbit of 3: {0}", orbit(G, 3));
            WriteLine("orbit of 5: {0}", orbit(G, 5));


            MathSet <GapPerm> stabilizer(Group <GapPerm> grp, int u) =>
            grp.Set.Where(elt => elt.Apply(u) == u).ToMathSet();

            WriteLine("stabilizer of 1: {0}", stabilizer(G, 1).Select(lookup).ToMathSet());
            WriteLine("stabilizer of 2: {0}", stabilizer(G, 2).Select(lookup).ToMathSet());
            WriteLine("stabilizer of 4: {0}", stabilizer(G, 4).Select(lookup).ToMathSet());
            WriteLine("stabilizer of 5: {0}", stabilizer(G, 5).Select(lookup).ToMathSet());
        static int order(GapPerm a)
            var result = new GapPerm();

            foreach (var n in Enumerable.Range(1, 100))
                result = result.Compose(a);

                if (result == new GapPerm(0))

            throw new Exception();
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;

            var ε = new GapPerm(0);         // new FunctionIntInt((1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3));
            var α = new GapPerm("(23)");    // new FunctionIntInt((1, 1), (2, 3), (3, 2));
            var β = new GapPerm("(132)");   // new FunctionIntInt((1, 3), (2, 1), (3, 2));
            var γ = new GapPerm("(12)");    // new FunctionIntInt((1, 2), (2, 1), (3, 3));
            var σ = new GapPerm("(123)");   // new FunctionIntInt((1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 1));
            var κ = new GapPerm("(13)");    // new FunctionIntInt((1, 3), (2, 2), (3, 1));

            string lookup(GapPerm f)
                var items = new[] { (ε, "ε"), (α, "α"), (β, "β"), (γ, "γ"), (σ, "σ"), (κ, "κ") };

                return(items.First(elt => f == elt.Item1).Item2);

            var S3 = new Group <GapPerm>
                Identity = ε,
                Set      = new[] { ε, α, β, γ, σ, κ }.ToMathSet(),
                Op     = (a, b) => a.Compose(b),
                Lookup = lookup

            // var S3 = new Group(new[] { ε, α, β, γ, σ, κ }, (a, b) => a.Compose(b), lookup)

            Write("S3 "); S3.ShowOperationTableColored(); WriteLine();

            // consider - G.IsSubgroup(elts)

            var H = S3.Subgroup(new[] { ε, β, σ });

            WriteLine($"H: { H.Set.ConvertAll(lookup) }\n");

            foreach (var elt in S3.CosetGrouping(H, "H"))
                WriteLine("{0}   {1}", elt.ToMathSet(), elt.Key.ConvertAll(lookup));


            Write("Z10/{ ε, β, σ } ");

            S3.QuotientGroup(H, coset => new[] { ε, α, β, γ, σ, κ }.ToList().IndexOf(coset.Element).ToString()).ShowOperationTableColored();
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var R0  = new GapPerm(0);                 // R0
            var R1  = new GapPerm("(123456)");        // R60
            var R2  = new GapPerm("(135)(246)");      // R120
            var R3  = new GapPerm("(14)(25)(36)");    // R180
            var R4  = new GapPerm("(153)(264)");      // R240
            var R5  = new GapPerm("(165432)");        // R300
            var R6  = new GapPerm("(15)(24)");        // FA
            var R7  = new GapPerm("(16)(25)(34)");    // FB
            var R8  = new GapPerm("(26)(35)");        // FC
            var R9  = new GapPerm("(12)(36)(45)");    // FD
            var R10 = new GapPerm("(13)(46)");        // FE
            var R11 = new GapPerm("(14)(23)(56)");    // FF

            string lookup(GapPerm f)
                var items = new[] {
                    (R0, "R0"),
                    (R1, "R1"),
                    (R2, "R2"),
                    (R3, "R3"),
                    (R4, "R4"),
                    (R5, "R5"),
                    (R6, "R6"),
                    (R7, "R7"),
                    (R8, "R8"),
                    (R9, "R9"),
                    (R10, "R10"),
                    (R11, "R11")

                return(items.First(elt => f == elt.Item1).Item2);

            var D6 = new Group <GapPerm>
                Identity = R0,
                Set      = new MathSet <GapPerm>(new[] { R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9, R10, R11 }),
                Op       = (a, b) => a.Compose(b),
                Lookup   = lookup

        static void Main(string[] args)
            //     A   C   B
            //      \  |  /
            //       1---2
            //       |   | - D
            //       4---3

            var R0 = new GapPerm(0);           // R0
            var R1 = new GapPerm("(1234)");    // R90
            var R2 = new GapPerm("(13)(24)");  // R180
            var R3 = new GapPerm("(4321)");    // R270
            var R4 = new GapPerm("(24)");      // FA
            var R5 = new GapPerm("(13)");      // FB
            var R6 = new GapPerm("(12)(34)");  // FC
            var R7 = new GapPerm("(14)(23)");  // FD

            string lookup(GapPerm f)
                var items = new[] {
                    (R0, "R0"),
                    (R1, "R1"),
                    (R2, "R2"),
                    (R3, "R3"),
                    (R4, "R4"),
                    (R5, "R5"),
                    (R6, "R6"),
                    (R7, "R7")

                return(items.First(elt => f == elt.Item1).Item2);

            var D4 = new Group <GapPerm>
                Identity = R0,
                Set      = new MathSet <GapPerm>(new[] { R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7 }),
                Op       = (a, b) => a.Compose(b),
                Lookup   = lookup

            WriteLine("subgroups       : {0}", D4.Subgroups());
            WriteLine("normal subgroups: {0}", D4.NormalSubgroups());
        static void Main(string[] args)
                var permutation = new GapPerm(0, 4, 9, 2, 5, 1, 7, 6, 8, 3);




                var permutation = new GapPerm(0, 7, 4, 9, 2, 3, 8, 1, 6, 5);




                var permutation = new GapPerm(0, 7, 9, 5, 3, 1, 2, 4, 8, 6);




                var permutation = new GapPerm(0, 9, 8, 7, 4, 3, 6, 5, 1, 2);



        static void Main(string[] args)
            var perm = new GapPerm("(123)");

                var f = new GapPerm("(23)");
                var g = new GapPerm("(56)");

                var h = f.Compose(g);

                var f = new GapPerm("(234)");
                var g = new GapPerm("(345)");

                var h = f.Compose(g);

                var f = new GapPerm("(12)(34)");

                var f = new GapPerm("(123)");

                var result = new[]

                var f = new GapPerm("(12)");
                var g = new GapPerm(0, 2, 1);


                WriteLine(f == g);


                var f = new GapPerm("(1234)");

                var result = f.Inverse();

                var f = new GapPerm(10, 20, 30, 40, 4).Simplify();

                var f = new GapPerm();
                var g = new GapPerm(0, 2, 1);

                var result_a = f.Apply(10);

                var result_b = f.Inverse();

                var result_c = f.Compose(g);

                var result_d = g.Compose(f);

                // var result_e = f.

                var f = new GapPerm(3, 1, 2, 0);

                var g = f.Inverse();

                var f = new GapPerm(0, 2, 1, 3);

                var g = f.Inverse();

                var f = new GapPerm("(123)(234)(456)").ToDisjointCycles();
                var g = new GapPerm("(12)(3456)").ToDisjointCycles();

                var h = new GapPerm("(123)(234)(456)");
        public static GapPerm κ = new GapPerm("(13)");    // new FunctionIntInt((1, 3), (2, 2), (3, 1));

        static string lookup(GapPerm f)
            var items = new[] { (ε, "ε"), (α, "α"), (β, "β"), (γ, "γ"), (σ, "σ"), (κ, "κ") };
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //     A   C   B
            //      \  |  /
            //       1---2
            //       |   | - D
            //       4---3

            var R0 = new GapPerm(0);           // R0
            var R1 = new GapPerm("(1234)");    // R90
            var R2 = new GapPerm("(13)(24)");  // R180
            var R3 = new GapPerm("(4321)");    // R270
            var R4 = new GapPerm("(24)");      // FA
            var R5 = new GapPerm("(13)");      // FB
            var R6 = new GapPerm("(12)(34)");  // FC
            var R7 = new GapPerm("(14)(23)");  // FD

            string lookup(GapPerm f)
                var items = new[] {
                    (R0, "R0"),
                    (R1, "R1"),
                    (R2, "R2"),
                    (R3, "R3"),
                    (R4, "R4"),
                    (R5, "R5"),
                    (R6, "R6"),
                    (R7, "R7")

                return(items.First(elt => f == elt.Item1).Item2);

            var D4 = new Group <GapPerm>
                Identity = R0,
                Set      = new MathSet <GapPerm>(new[] { R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7 }),
                Op       = (a, b) => a.Compose(b),
                Lookup   = lookup,
                OpString = "·"

            Write("D4 "); D4.ShowOperationTableColored(); WriteLine();

            var H = D4.Subgroup(new[] { R0, R2, R4, R5 });

            WriteLine("Elements of H: {0}\n", H.Set.ConvertAll(H.Lookup));

            WriteLine("Elements of quotient group D4/H:\n");

            foreach (var elt in D4.CosetGrouping(H, "H"))
                WriteLine($"{ elt.ToMathSet() }   { elt.Key.ConvertAll(lookup) }");


            Write("D4/{R0 R2 R4 R5} ");

        static void Main(string[] args)
            //     A   C   B
            //      \  |  /
            //       1---2
            //       |   | - D
            //       4---3

            var R0 = new GapPerm(0);           // R0
            var R1 = new GapPerm("(1234)");    // R90
            var R2 = new GapPerm("(13)(24)");  // R180
            var R3 = new GapPerm("(4321)");    // R270
            var R4 = new GapPerm("(24)");      // FA
            var R5 = new GapPerm("(13)");      // FB
            var R6 = new GapPerm("(12)(34)");  // FC
            var R7 = new GapPerm("(14)(23)");  // FD

            string lookup(GapPerm f)
                var items = new[] {
                    (R0, "R0"),
                    (R1, "R1"),
                    (R2, "R2"),
                    (R3, "R3"),
                    (R4, "R4"),
                    (R5, "R5"),
                    (R6, "R6"),
                    (R7, "R7")

                return(items.First(elt => f == elt.Item1).Item2);

            var D4 = new Group <GapPerm>
                Identity = R0,
                Set      = new MathSet <GapPerm>(new[] { R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7 }),
                Op       = (a, b) => a.Compose(b),
                Lookup   = lookup,
                OpString = "·"

            Write("D4 "); D4.ShowOperationTableColored(); WriteLine();

            foreach (var a in D4.Set)
                foreach (var b in D4.Set)
                    WriteLine("{0}·{1}·{2}·{3} -> {4}",
                              lookup(D4.Op_(a, b, D4.Inverse(a), D4.Inverse(b))));


            void ShowCommutators <T>(Group <T> G)

                var width = G.Set.Select(elt => G.Lookup(elt).Count()).Max();

                var color_thunks = new List <Action>()
                    () => { ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; },
                    () => { ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; },
                    () => { ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; },
                    () => { ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; },
                    () => { ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue; BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; },
                    () => { ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; },
                    () => { ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Magenta; BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; },
                    () => { ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkRed; BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; },
                    () => { ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkBlue; BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; },
                    () => { ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGreen; BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; },
                    () => { ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta; BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; },
                    () => { ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow; BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; }

                void pick_color(T elt)
                    var i = G.Set.ToList().IndexOf(elt);

                    color_thunks[i % color_thunks.Count()]();

                Write("{0}|", "".PadLeft(width));

                foreach (var elt in G.Set)
                    pick_color(elt); Write("{0} ", G.Lookup(elt).PadLeft(width));


                color_thunks[0](); WriteLine(new String('-', (G.Set.Count() + 1) * (width + 1)));

                foreach (var x in G.Set)
                    pick_color(x); Write("{0}", G.Lookup(x).PadLeft(width)); color_thunks[0](); Write("|");

                    foreach (var y in G.Set)
                        // var elt = G.Op(x, y);

                        var elt = G.Op_(x, y, G.Inverse(x), G.Inverse(y));


                        Write("{0} ", G.Lookup(elt).PadLeft(width));


                ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
                BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;

            ShowCommutators(D4); WriteLine();

            var H = D4.Subgroup(new[] { R0, R2 });

            foreach (var elt in D4.CosetGrouping(H, "H"))
                WriteLine("{0}   {1}",
                          String.Join(" ", elt.Select(item => String.Format("{0} =", item.ToString()))),

            Write("D4/H "); D4.QuotientGroup(H, "H").ShowOperationTableColored();
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;

            //MathSet<int> center(Group<int> G)
            //    return G.Set.Where(a => G.Set.All(b => G.Op(a, b) == G.Op(b, a))).ToMathSet();

            // G.Set.Where(elt => G.Set.All(b => Commute(a,b)))

            // G.Set.Where(elt => G.Set.All(CommutesWith(a)))

            //MathSet<GapPerm> center_GapPerm(Group<GapPerm> G)
            //    return G.Set.Where(a => G.Set.All(b => G.Op(a, b) == G.Op(b, a))).ToMathSet();

            var group_table_gap_perm = new List <(Group <GapPerm>, string)>();

            var group_table_int = new List <(Group <int>, string)>();

            var group_table_mathset_int = new List <(Group <MathSet <int> >, string)>();

                var ε = new GapPerm(0);         // new FunctionIntInt((1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3));
                var α = new GapPerm("(23)");    // new FunctionIntInt((1, 1), (2, 3), (3, 2));
                var β = new GapPerm("(132)");   // new FunctionIntInt((1, 3), (2, 1), (3, 2));
                var γ = new GapPerm("(12)");    // new FunctionIntInt((1, 2), (2, 1), (3, 3));
                var σ = new GapPerm("(123)");   // new FunctionIntInt((1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 1));
                var κ = new GapPerm("(13)");    // new FunctionIntInt((1, 3), (2, 2), (3, 1));

                string lookup(GapPerm f)
                    var items = new[] { (ε, "ε"), (α, "α"), (β, "β"), (γ, "γ"), (σ, "σ"), (κ, "κ") };

                    return(items.First(elt => f == elt.Item1).Item2);

                var S3 = new Group <GapPerm>
                    Identity = ε,
                    Set      = new[] { ε, α, β, γ, σ, κ }.ToMathSet(),
                    Op     = (a, b) => a.Compose(b),
                    Lookup = lookup

                // (S3, "S3")

                // WriteLine(center_GapPerm(S3));

                WriteLine("S3 center : {0}", S3.Center());

                group_table_gap_perm.Add((S3, "S3"));

                //     A   C   B
                //      \  |  /
                //       1---2
                //       |   | - D
                //       4---3

                var R0 = new GapPerm(0);           // R0
                var R1 = new GapPerm("(1234)");    // R90
                var R2 = new GapPerm("(13)(24)");  // R180
                var R3 = new GapPerm("(4321)");    // R270
                var R4 = new GapPerm("(24)");      // FA
                var R5 = new GapPerm("(13)");      // FB
                var R6 = new GapPerm("(12)(34)");  // FC
                var R7 = new GapPerm("(14)(23)");  // FD

                string lookup(GapPerm f)
                    var items = new[] {
                        (R0, "R0"),
                        (R1, "R1"),
                        (R2, "R2"),
                        (R3, "R3"),
                        (R4, "R4"),
                        (R5, "R5"),
                        (R6, "R6"),
                        (R7, "R7")

                    return(items.First(elt => f == elt.Item1).Item2);

                var D4 = new Group <GapPerm>
                    Identity = R0,
                    Set      = new MathSet <GapPerm>(new[] { R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7 }),
                    Op       = (a, b) => a.Compose(b),
                    Lookup   = lookup,
                    OpString = "·"

                Write("D4 "); D4.ShowOperationTableColored();

                WriteLine("D4 center : {0}\n", D4.Center());

                // D4/C

                // D4.QuotientGroup(D4.Center())

                    var C = D4.Subgroup(D4.Center());

                    Write("D4/C ");



                group_table_gap_perm.Add((D4, "D4"));

                var R0  = new GapPerm(0);                // R0
                var R1  = new GapPerm("(123456)");       // R60
                var R2  = new GapPerm("(135)(246)");     // R120
                var R3  = new GapPerm("(14)(25)(36)");   // R180
                var R4  = new GapPerm("(153)(264)");     // R240
                var R5  = new GapPerm("(165432)");       // R300
                var R6  = new GapPerm("(15)(24)");       // FA
                var R7  = new GapPerm("(16)(25)(34)");   // FB
                var R8  = new GapPerm("(26)(35)");       // FC
                var R9  = new GapPerm("(12)(36)(45)");   // FD
                var R10 = new GapPerm("(13)(46)");       // FE
                var R11 = new GapPerm("(14)(23)(56)");   // FF

                string lookup(GapPerm f)
                    var items = new[] {
                        (R0, "R0"),
                        (R1, "R1"),
                        (R2, "R2"),
                        (R3, "R3"),
                        (R4, "R4"),
                        (R5, "R5"),
                        (R6, "R6"),
                        (R7, "R7"),
                        (R8, "R8"),
                        (R9, "R9"),
                        (R10, "R10"),
                        (R11, "R11")

                    return(items.First(elt => f == elt.Item1).Item2);

                var D6 = new Group <GapPerm>
                    Identity = R0,
                    Set      = new MathSet <GapPerm>(new[] { R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9, R10, R11 }),
                    Op       = (a, b) => a.Compose(b),
                    Lookup   = lookup,
                    OpString = "·"

                Write("D6 "); D6.ShowOperationTableColored(); WriteLine();

                WriteLine("D6 center : {0}", D6.Center());

                // D6/C

                    var C = D6.Subgroup(D6.Center());

                    Write("D6/C ");



                group_table_gap_perm.Add((D6, "D6"));

                var Z8 = new Group <int>
                    Identity = 0,
                    Set      = Enumerable.Range(0, 8).ToMathSet(),
                    Op       = (a, b) => (a + b) % 8,
                    OpString = "+"

                WriteLine("Z8 center : {0}", Z8.Center());

                group_table_int.Add((Z8, "Z8"));

                var Z10 = new Group <int>
                    Identity = 0,
                    Set      = Enumerable.Range(0, 10).ToMathSet(),
                    Op       = (a, b) => (a + b) % 10,
                    OpString = "+"

                WriteLine("Z10 center : {0}", Z10.Center());

                group_table_int.Add((Z10, "Z10"));

                IEnumerable <T> SymmetricDifference <T>(IEnumerable <T> a, IEnumerable <T> b) =>

                var P3 = new Group <MathSet <int> >
                    Identity = new MathSet <int> {
                    Set      = new[] { 1, 2, 3 }.PowerSet().Select(elt => elt.ToMathSet()).ToMathSet(),
                    Op       = (a, b) => SymmetricDifference(a, b).ToMathSet()

                WriteLine("P3 center : {0}", P3.Center());

                group_table_mathset_int.Add((P3, "P3"));

                var a = new List <int> {
                    10, 20, 30

                var b = new List <string> {
                    "abc", "bcd", "cde"

                var c = new List <double> {
                    1.2, 2.3, 3.4

                var ls = new List <System.Collections.IList> {
                    a, b, c

                //foreach (var elt in ls)
                //    Console.WriteLine(elt.Count);

                // var ls = new List<List<object>> { a, b, c };

                // Group interface - IGroup

                // new List<IGroup>

            // S3 D4 D6 Z8 Z10 P3

            foreach (var tup in group_table_gap_perm)
                WriteLine("{0,-4}   size : {1,3}   center size : {2,3}", tup.Item2, tup.Item1.Set.Count, tup.Item1.Center().Count);

            foreach (var tup in group_table_int)
                WriteLine("{0,-4}   size : {1,3}   center size : {2,3}", tup.Item2, tup.Item1.Set.Count, tup.Item1.Center().Count);

            foreach (var tup in group_table_mathset_int)
                WriteLine("{0,-4}   size : {1,3}   center size : {2,3}", tup.Item2, tup.Item1.Set.Count, tup.Item1.Center().Count);
        public static GapPerm R7 = new GapPerm("(14)(23)");  // FD

        static string lookup(GapPerm f)
            var items = new[] {
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var R0  = new GapPerm(0);                // R0
            var R1  = new GapPerm("(123456)");       // R60
            var R2  = new GapPerm("(135)(246)");     // R120
            var R3  = new GapPerm("(14)(25)(36)");   // R180
            var R4  = new GapPerm("(153)(264)");     // R240
            var R5  = new GapPerm("(165432)");       // R300
            var R6  = new GapPerm("(15)(24)");       // FA
            var R7  = new GapPerm("(16)(25)(34)");   // FB
            var R8  = new GapPerm("(26)(35)");       // FC
            var R9  = new GapPerm("(12)(36)(45)");   // FD
            var R10 = new GapPerm("(13)(46)");       // FE
            var R11 = new GapPerm("(14)(23)(56)");   // FF

            string lookup(GapPerm f)
                var items = new[] {
                    (R0, "R0"),
                    (R1, "R1"),
                    (R2, "R2"),
                    (R3, "R3"),
                    (R4, "R4"),
                    (R5, "R5"),
                    (R6, "R6"),
                    (R7, "R7"),
                    (R8, "R8"),
                    (R9, "R9"),
                    (R10, "R10"),
                    (R11, "R11")

                return(items.First(elt => f == elt.Item1).Item2);

            var D6 = new Group <GapPerm>
                Identity = R0,
                Set      = new MathSet <GapPerm>(new[] { R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9, R10, R11 }),
                Op       = (a, b) => a.Compose(b),
                Lookup   = lookup,
                OpString = "·"

            Write("D6 "); D6.ShowOperationTableColored(); WriteLine();

            foreach (var a in D6.Set)
                foreach (var b in D6.Set)
                    WriteLine("{0,3}·{1,3}·{2,3}·{3,3} -> {4,3}",
                              lookup(D6.Op_(a, b, D6.Inverse(a), D6.Inverse(b))));


            void ShowCommutators <T>(Group <T> G)

                var width = G.Set.Select(elt => G.Lookup(elt).Count()).Max();

                var color_thunks = new List <Action>()
                    () => { ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; },
                    () => { ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; },
                    () => { ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; },
                    () => { ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; },
                    () => { ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue; BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; },
                    () => { ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; },
                    () => { ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Magenta; BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; },
                    () => { ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkRed; BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; },
                    () => { ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkBlue; BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; },
                    () => { ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGreen; BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; },
                    () => { ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta; BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; },
                    () => { ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow; BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; }

                void pick_color(T elt)
                    var i = G.Set.ToList().IndexOf(elt);

                    color_thunks[i % color_thunks.Count()]();

                Write("{0}|", "".PadLeft(width));

                foreach (var elt in G.Set)
                    pick_color(elt); Write("{0} ", G.Lookup(elt).PadLeft(width));


                color_thunks[0](); WriteLine(new String('-', (G.Set.Count() + 1) * (width + 1)));

                foreach (var x in G.Set)
                    pick_color(x); Write("{0}", G.Lookup(x).PadLeft(width)); color_thunks[0](); Write("|");

                    foreach (var y in G.Set)
                        // var elt = G.Op(x, y);

                        var elt = G.Op_(x, y, G.Inverse(x), G.Inverse(y));


                        Write("{0} ", G.Lookup(elt).PadLeft(width));


                ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
                BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;

            Write("D6 "); ShowCommutators(D6); WriteLine();

            var H = D6.Subgroup(new[] { R0, R2, R4 }); // D6 is size 12. H is size 3. 12/3 -> 4 cosets

            foreach (var elt in D6.CosetGrouping(H, "H"))
                WriteLine("{0}   {1}",
                          String.Join(" ", elt.Select(item => String.Format("{0} =", item.ToString()))),

            Write("D6/H "); D6.QuotientGroup(H, "H").ShowOperationTableColored();
 static string even_or_odd(GapPerm obj) => obj.ToDisjointCycles().to_transpositions().ls.Count % 2 == 0 ? "even" : "odd";