public void ValidMove() { if (CheckIfOutOfBounds()) { Console.WriteLine("Move would put turtle out of bounds, invalid move."); } else { int[] currentLocation = GameTurtle.Location.Split(',').Select(h => Int32.Parse(h)).ToArray(); int[] newLocation = GameTurtle.GetNewLocation(); GameTurtle.MoveTurtle(); Board[currentLocation[0], currentLocation[1]].IsTurtle = false; Board[newLocation[0], newLocation[1]].IsTurtle = true; if (Board[newLocation[0], newLocation[1]].IsMine) { Console.WriteLine("The turtle stepped on a mine!"); Board[newLocation[0], newLocation[1]].IsMine = false; GameTurtle.IsDead = true; } else if (Board[newLocation[0], newLocation[1]].IsExit) { Console.WriteLine("The turtle made it to the exit!"); Board[newLocation[0], newLocation[1]].IsExit = false; IsGameWon = true; } else { Console.WriteLine("The turtle moved safely!"); } } }
public bool CheckIfOutOfBounds() { int[] Coordinates = GameTurtle.GetNewLocation(); if (Coordinates[0] < 0 || Coordinates[1] < 0) { return(true); } return(false); }
public void RotateTurtle() { GameTurtle.ChangeDirection(); }