    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        time_elapsed_since_last_simulation_ += Time.deltaTime;

        // Toggles the settings window.
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape))
            b_is_window_settings_enabled_ = !b_is_window_settings_enabled_;

        // Accelerates the simulation
        if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.E))
            if (simulation_time_ > 0.001F)
                simulation_time_ /= 1.2F;
        // Slows the simulation
        else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Q))
            if (simulation_time_ < 100F)
                simulation_time_ *= 1.2F;

        // If enough time has passed we need to run another simulation. I also need to make sure that the simulation is running.
        if (b_is_simulation_running_ && (time_elapsed_since_last_simulation_ >= simulation_time_))
            GameSimulator.SimulationStep temp_simulation_step = game_simulator_.Simulate();

            // Under multithreading environment the simulation queue might be empty if the render thread is faster than the simulating thread
            if (temp_simulation_step != null)
                game_grid_ = temp_simulation_step.cell_grid;
                last_simulation_duration_ = temp_simulation_step.time_to_simulate;


            time_elapsed_since_last_simulation_ = 0;
     * Responsible for drawing the settings window.
    private void settingsWindow(int _windowID)
        grid_rows_ = GUILayout.TextField(grid_rows_);
        grid_columns_ = GUILayout.TextField(grid_columns_);

        // Rebuilds the grid.
        if (GUILayout.Button("Rebuild"))

            if (game_simulator_ != null)

            // By setting the game simulator to null I can ensure that no simulation is running whenever the "Start" button is clicked afterwards.
            game_simulator_ = null;

            b_is_simulation_running_ = false;

        // Starts the simulation.
        if (GUILayout.Button("Start"))
            b_is_simulation_running_ = true;

            // If the game simulator is set to null it means that we need a new game simulator object to run the simulation since we've most likely rebuilt the grid.
            if (game_simulator_ == null)
                game_simulator_ = new GameSimulator(game_grid_, b_use_multithreading_, true);
                game_simulator_.IsSimulationRunning = true;
                // I need to reset the threading environment since it might have changed if the user clicked on the "Step" button
                game_simulator_.UseThreading = b_use_multithreading_;

        // Stops the simulation
        if (GUILayout.Button("Stop"))
            b_is_simulation_running_            = false;
            game_simulator_.IsSimulationRunning = false;

        // Runs one step of the simulation
        if (GUILayout.Button("Step (Disables Multithreading)"))
            b_is_simulation_running_ = false;
            b_use_multithreading_    = false;

            // I can only run valid simulations. If no simulations are found I start a new one without multithreading and ticking.
            if (game_simulator_ == null)
                game_simulator_ = new GameSimulator(game_grid_, false, false);
                game_simulator_.IsSimulationRunning = false;
                game_simulator_.UseThreading        = false;

            GameSimulator.SimulationStep temp_simulation_step = game_simulator_.Simulate();
            game_grid_ = temp_simulation_step.cell_grid;
            last_simulation_duration_ = temp_simulation_step.time_to_simulate;


        if (GUILayout.Toggle(b_use_multithreading_, "Multithreading") != b_use_multithreading_)
            b_use_multithreading_ = !b_use_multithreading_;

            // If we still have not created a simulation create a non ticking, single threaded one
            // Threading environment will be set immediately after and ticking should only start with the appropriate button
            if (game_simulator_ == null)
                game_simulator_ = new GameSimulator(game_grid_, false, false);

            game_simulator_.UseThreading = b_use_multithreading_;

        GUILayout.Label("Last simulation time: " + last_simulation_duration_ + "ms");
