private void GamePlatform_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { picPaddle.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile("../../Textures/Player.jpg"); picPaddle.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch; picPaddle.Top = Height - picPaddle.Height - 80; picPaddle.Left = (Width / 2) - (picPaddle.Width / 2); ball = new PictureBox(); ball.Width = ball.Height = 20; ball.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile("../../Textures/Ball.png"); ball.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch; ball.Top = picPaddle.Top - ball.Height; ball.Left = picPaddle.Left + (picPaddle.Width / 2) - (ball.Width / 2); Controls.Add(ball); LoadTiles(); GamePlatformTimer_Tick.Start(); } catch (Exception exceptionGame) { MessageBox.Show("An error has ocurred"); } }
//Function provides ball bounds inside platform private void bounceBall() { try { if (ball.Bottom > Height) { GameData.lifes--; repositionElements(); updateItems(); GameData.GameStarted = false; GamePlatformTimer_Tick.Start(); if (GameData.lifes == 0) { GamePlatformTimer_Tick.Stop(); MessageBox.Show("Game over"); ConnectionDB.ExecuteNonQuery($"UPDATE PLAYER set score = {GameData.score} " + $"where name = '{PlayerName}'"); ConnectionDB.ExecuteNonQuery($"INSERT INTO SCOREBOARD(name,score,dategame) " + $"VALUES ('{PlayerName}',{GameData.score},NOW())"); this.Close(); } } if (ball.Left < 0 || ball.Right > Width) { GameData.dirX = -GameData.dirX; return; } if (ball.Top < 0) { GameData.dirY = -GameData.dirY; return; } if (ball.Bounds.IntersectsWith(picPaddle.Bounds)) { GameData.dirY = -GameData.dirY; } for (int i = 4; i >= 0; i--) { for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { if (cpb[i, j] != null && ball.Bounds.IntersectsWith(cpb[i, j].Bounds)) { cpb[i, j].Hits--; if (cpb[i, j].Hits == 0) { //Calling the function to increase the score GameData.score = GameData.score + 150; Controls.Remove(cpb[i, j]); cpb[i, j] = null; } else if (cpb[i, j].Tag.Equals("blinded")) { cpb[i, j].BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile("../../Textures/Tileblindedbroken.png"); } GameData.dirY = -GameData.dirY; score.Text = "Score: " + GameData.score; return; } } } } catch (Exception exceptionBallBounds) { MessageBox.Show("An error has ocurred with the ball bounds"); } }