        public ESP()
            // initialize a new Graphics object
            // GraphicsWindow will do the remaining initialization
            var graphics = new GameOverlay.Drawing.Graphics
                MeasureFPS = true,
                PerPrimitiveAntiAliasing  = true,
                TextAntiAliasing          = true,
                UseMultiThreadedFactories = false,
                VSync        = true,
                WindowHandle = IntPtr.Zero

            // it is important to set the window to visible (and topmost) if you want to see it!
            _window = new StickyWindow(EntityUpdater.EntityUpdater.handle, graphics)
                IsTopmost = true,
                IsVisible = true,
                FPS       = 144,
                X         = EntityUpdater.EntityUpdater.ScreenRect.left,
                Y         = EntityUpdater.EntityUpdater.ScreenRect.top,
                Width     = EntityUpdater.EntityUpdater.ScreenSize.Width,
                Height    = EntityUpdater.EntityUpdater.ScreenSize.Height

            _window.DrawGraphics += _window_DrawGraphics;
        private void DrawProgressBarDirectX(GameOverlay.Drawing.Graphics g, GameOverlay.Drawing.SolidBrush bgBrush, GameOverlay.Drawing.SolidBrush foreBrush, float x, float y, float width, float height, float value, float maximum = 100)
            // Draw BG.
            g.DrawRectangle(bgBrush, x, y, x + width, y + height, 3f);

            // Draw FG.
            GameOverlay.Drawing.Rectangle foreRect = new GameOverlay.Drawing.Rectangle(
                x + ((width * value / maximum)),
                y + (height)
            g.FillRectangle(foreBrush, foreRect);
        private void statisticsPanelDirectX_Paint(GameOverlay.Windows.OverlayWindow w, GameOverlay.Drawing.Graphics g)
            // Additional information and stats.
            // Adjustments for displaying text properly.
            int xOffset   = 5;
            int yOffset   = 640;
            int heightGap = 15;
            int i         = 1;

            // IGT Display.
            g.DrawText(font, 22, whiteBrush, xOffset + 0, yOffset + 0, string.Format("{0}", Program.gameMem.IGTString));

            if (Program.programSpecialOptions.Flags.HasFlag(ProgramFlags.Debug))
                g.DrawText(font, 14, greyBrush, xOffset + 0, yOffset + 25, "Raw IGT");
                g.DrawText(font, 14, greyBrush, xOffset + 0, yOffset + 38, "A:" + Program.gameMem.IGTRunningTimer.ToString("00000000000000000000"));
                g.DrawText(font, 14, greyBrush, xOffset + 0, yOffset + 53, "C:" + Program.gameMem.IGTCutsceneTimer.ToString("00000000000000000000"));
                g.DrawText(font, 14, greyBrush, xOffset + 0, yOffset + 68, "M:" + Program.gameMem.IGTMenuTimer.ToString("00000000000000000000"));
                g.DrawText(font, 14, greyBrush, xOffset + 0, yOffset + 83, "P:" + Program.gameMem.IGTPausedTimer.ToString("00000000000000000000"));
                yOffset += 70; // Adding an additional offset to accomdate Raw IGT.

            g.DrawText(font, 16, greyBrush, xOffset + 0, yOffset + (heightGap * ++i), string.Format("DA Rank: {0}", Program.gameMem.Rank));
            g.DrawText(font, 16, greyBrush, xOffset + 0, yOffset + (heightGap * ++i), string.Format("DA Score: {0}", Program.gameMem.RankScore));

            g.DrawText(font, 16, redBrush, xOffset + 0, yOffset + (heightGap * ++i), "Enemy HP");
            yOffset += 6;
            foreach (EnemyHP enemyHP in Program.gameMem.EnemyHealth.Where(a => a.IsAlive).OrderBy(a => a.Percentage).ThenByDescending(a => a.CurrentHP))
                int x = xOffset + 0;
                int y = yOffset + (heightGap * ++i);

                DrawProgressBarDirectX(g, backBrushDirectX, foreBrushDirectX, x, y, 158, heightGap, enemyHP.Percentage * 100f, 100f);
                g.DrawText(font, 12, redBrush, x + 5, y, string.Format("{0} {1:P1}", enemyHP.CurrentHP, enemyHP.Percentage));
        private void inventoryPanelDirectX_Paint(GameOverlay.Windows.OverlayWindow w, GameOverlay.Drawing.Graphics g)
            //if (!Program.programSpecialOptions.Flags.HasFlag(ProgramFlags.NoInventory))
            //    foreach (InventoryEntry inv in Program.gameMem.PlayerInventory)
            //    {
            //        if (inv == default || inv.SlotPosition < 0 || inv.SlotPosition > 19 || inv.IsEmptySlot)
            //            continue;

            //        int slotColumn = inv.SlotPosition % 4;
            //        int slotRow = inv.SlotPosition / 4;
            //        int imageX = slotColumn * Program.INV_SLOT_WIDTH;
            //        int imageY = slotRow * Program.INV_SLOT_HEIGHT;
            //        int textX = imageX + Program.INV_SLOT_WIDTH;
            //        int textY = imageY + Program.INV_SLOT_HEIGHT;
            //        bool evenSlotColumn = slotColumn % 2 == 0;
            //        Brush textBrush = Brushes.White;

            //        if (inv.Quantity == 0)
            //            textBrush = Brushes.DarkRed;

            //        GameOverlay.Drawing.Image imageBrush;
            //        Weapon weapon;
            //        if (inv.IsItem && GameMemory.ItemToImageTranslation.ContainsKey(inv.ItemID))
            //        {
            //            if (inv.ItemID == ItemEnumeration.OldKey)
            //                imageBrush = new TextureBrush(GameMemory.inventoryImagePatch1, GameMemory.ItemToImageTranslation[inv.ItemID]);
            //            else
            //                imageBrush = new TextureBrush(GameMemory.inventoryImage, GameMemory.ItemToImageTranslation[inv.ItemID]);
            //        }
            //        else if (inv.IsWeapon && GameMemory.WeaponToImageTranslation.ContainsKey(weapon = new Weapon() { WeaponID = inv.WeaponID, Attachments = inv.Attachments }))
            //            imageBrush = new TextureBrush(GameMemory.inventoryImage, GameMemory.WeaponToImageTranslation[weapon]);
            //        else
            //            imageBrush = new TextureBrush(inventoryError, new Rectangle(0, 0, Program.INV_SLOT_WIDTH, Program.INV_SLOT_HEIGHT));

            //        // Double-slot item.
            //        if (imageBrush.Image.Width == Program.INV_SLOT_WIDTH * 2)
            //        {
            //            // If we're an odd column, we need to adjust the transform so the image doesn't get split in half and tiled. Not sure why it does this.
            //            if (!evenSlotColumn)
            //                imageBrush.TranslateTransform(Program.INV_SLOT_WIDTH, 0);

            //            // Shift the quantity text over into the 2nd slot's area.
            //            textX += Program.INV_SLOT_WIDTH;
            //        }

            //        g.CreateImage(Properties.Resources.ui0100_iam_texout.);

            //        g.FillRectangle(imageBrush, imageX, imageY, imageBrush.Image.Width, imageBrush.Image.Height);
            //        g.DrawText(font, 14, greyBrush, textX, textY, (inv.Quantity != -1) ? inv.Quantity.ToString() : "∞");

            //        //font, 14, greyBrush
            //    }