public void Activate() { gameObject.SetActive(true); BigInteger prizeTickets = ArcadeManager.ReadArcadeStatus().ArcadePrizeStatus.Tickets; prizeText.text = GameOperations.BigIntToString(prizeTickets); }
public void Activate() { pawnStatus = PawnManager.ReadPawnStatus(); arcadeStatus = ArcadeManager.ReadArcadeStatus(); printers = new List <TicketPrinter>(); for (int i = 0; i < pawnStatus.Printers.Count; i++) { if (pawnStatus.Printers[i].IsActive) { printers.Add(pawnStatus.Printers[i]); ValidatePrinter(pawnStatus.Printers[i]); } } walletText.text = GameOperations.BigIntToString(pawnStatus.Money); UpdateFromReturn(); // Temp until Scroll for (int i = 0; i < ticketPrinterUIs.Count; i++) { ticketPrinterUIs[i].ActivePrinter = pawnStatus.Printers[i]; ticketPrinterUIs[i].Populate(); } gameObject.SetActive(true); buyPopUp.SetActive(false); upgradePopUp.SetActive(false); GetComponent <PrinterTrader>().CloseTradeInPopUp(); }
// New Segments are being added too close to the head. Figure out when it should start moving public void AddBodySegment() { GameObject newPiece = Instantiate(bodySegment, tailSegment.transform.position, UnityEngine.Quaternion.identity); newPiece.transform.SetParent(transform); SNKPlayerBodySegment newSegment = newPiece.GetComponent <SNKPlayerBodySegment>(); SNKPlayerBodySegment prevTail = tailSegment; // Set the previously last body segment before the tail to be ahead of the newest body segment prevTail.Behind = newSegment; newSegment.Ahead = prevTail; if (prevTail != headSegment) { prevTail.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = GameOperations.LoadSpriteFromPath("Sprites/ArcadeCabinets/SNK/CenterSegment3"); } // Set the tail segment to be the new segment tailSegment = newSegment; newSegment.BodyIndex = bodyLength++; health.IncrementMaxHealth(healthPerSegment); // update speed Speed *= 1.01f; }
private void ApplyLuck() { BigInteger amtToAdd = 0; amtToAdd += BatchSize; // calculate how many to add, given luck (Better way to do this?????) if (BatchSize < 100) { // at low sizes int random = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 100); if (random < Luck) { amtToAdd *= 2; } } else { // at large sizes int percentage = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, Luck) + 100; amtToAdd *= percentage; amtToAdd /= 100; } Debug.Log("Luck was applied, you should have gotten " + GameOperations.BigIntToString(amtToAdd)); TicketsPrinted += amtToAdd; }
public async Task <ActionResult <Session> > Create() { UserModel user = await userManager.GetUserAsync(HttpContext.User); if (user?.UserId == null) { return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status403Forbidden)); } Session session = SessionFactory.Create(user); await sessionService.Create(session); Game game = new Game { Id = session.Id }; Board board = BoardFactory.New(session.Id); GameOperations.AddPlayer(game, user.UserId); await gameService.Create(game); await boardService.Create(board); user.AddSession(session); await userManager.UpdateAsync(user); return(CreatedAtRoute("GetSession", new { id = session.Id }, session)); }
private Sprite GetTicketSprite(CabinetStatus status) { if (status is DebugCabinetStatus) { return(GameOperations.LoadSpriteFromPath("Sprites/Currency/Tickets/DebugTicket")); } if (status is QMGCabinetStatus) { return(GameOperations.LoadSpriteFromPath("Sprites/Currency/Tickets/QMGTicket")); } if (status is KNGCabinetStatus) { return(GameOperations.LoadSpriteFromPath("Sprites/Currency/Tickets/KNGTicket")); } if (status is BRDCabinetStatus) { return(GameOperations.LoadSpriteFromPath("Sprites/Currency/Tickets/BRDTicket")); } if (status is SNKCabinetStatus) { return(GameOperations.LoadSpriteFromPath("Sprites/Currency/Tickets/SNKTicket")); } // This is bad if this happens double check. return(null); }
public void Activate() { gameObject.SetActive(true); closePopUp(); pawnStatus = PawnManager.ReadPawnStatus(); arcadeStatus = ArcadeManager.ReadArcadeStatus(); moneyText.text = GameOperations.BigIntToString(pawnStatus.Money); }
public void Repopulate() { for (int i = 0; i < ticketPrinterUIs.Count; i++) { ticketPrinterUIs[i].Populate(); } walletText.text = GameOperations.BigIntToString(pawnStatus.Money); }
public void Populate(int number, int currentLevel, int maxLevel) { // display number valueText.text = GameOperations.BigIntToString(new BigInteger(number)); // do scaling for the slider slider.value = ((float)currentLevel) / ((float)maxLevel); }
public void initializePopUp() { // calculate the money to receive calculateMoneyToReceive(); popUp.SetActive(true); descriptionText.text = "Best I Can Do Is:\n$" + GameOperations.BigIntToString(moneyToReceive); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Customer customer = new Customer(); customer.CustomerId = 1; customer.CustomerFırstName = "ALI"; customer.CustomerLastName = "VELI"; customer.CustomerNıckName = "ALI-1"; customer.CustomerCıty = "ARTVIN"; customer.CustomerAge = 20; Customer customer1 = new Customer(); customer1.CustomerId = 2; customer1.CustomerFırstName = "AHMET"; customer1.CustomerLastName = "MEHMET"; customer1.CustomerNıckName = "AHMET-1"; customer1.CustomerCıty = "KARS"; customer1.CustomerAge = 38; Customer customer2 = new Customer(); customer.CustomerId = 3; customer.CustomerFırstName = "HASAN"; customer.CustomerLastName = "HUSEYIN"; customer.CustomerNıckName = "HASAN-1"; customer.CustomerCıty = "ANTALYA"; customer.CustomerAge = 16; Game game = new Game(); game.GameId = 111; game.GameName = "GAME-1"; game.GamePrice = 0; Game game1 = new Game(); game1.GameId = 222; game1.GameName = "GAME-2"; game1.GamePrice = 1; Game game2 = new Game(); game2.GameId = 333; game2.GameName = "GAME-3"; game2.GamePrice = 2; CustomerOperations customerOperations = new CustomerOperations(); customerOperations.CustomerAdd(customer); customerOperations.CustomerDelete(customer1); customerOperations.CustomerUpdate(customer2); GameOperations gameOperatıons = new GameOperations(); gameOperatıons.GameAdd(game); gameOperatıons.GameDelete(game1); gameOperatıons.GameUpdate(game2); }
public void populate() { gameObject.SetActive(true); image.sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>(activeConvert.sprite); nameText.text = activeConvert.gameName; inputText.text = GameOperations.BigIntToString(activeConvert.inputAmount); outputText.text = GameOperations.BigIntToString(activeConvert.outputAmount); countText.text = GameOperations.BigIntToString(activeConvert.getCount()); }
public void SelfCollide(SNKPlayerBodySegment collidedSegment) { // TODO: Implement breaking off part that collides. // Set Ahead of the collided to the tail // for loop through body and destroy gameobjects // make sure length if correct. /* * isSelfColliding = true; * tailSegment = collidedSegment.Ahead; * tailSegment.Behind = null; * int segementsLost = bodyLength - collidedSegment.BodyIndex; * tailSegment.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite = GameOperations.LoadSpriteFromPath("Sprites/ArcadeCabinets/SNK/TailSegment"); * int segmentNum = collidedSegment.BodyIndex; * SNKPlayerBodySegment nextSegment = collidedSegment; * if (!isDeleting) * { * isDeleting = true; * for (int i = segmentNum; i < bodyLength; i++) * { * SNKPlayerBodySegment currentSegment = nextSegment; * nextSegment = currentSegment.Behind; * GameObject.Destroy(currentSegment.gameObject, 1f); * } * * bodyLength = tailSegment.BodyIndex + 1; * * health.IncrementMaxHealth(-healthPerSegment * segementsLost); * isSelfColliding = false; * } * isDeleting = false; */ isSelfColliding = true; // Sever connections between last remaining segment and collided segment. if (collidedSegment.Ahead == null) { isSelfColliding = false; return; } tailSegment = collidedSegment.Ahead; tailSegment.Behind = null; tailSegment.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = GameOperations.LoadSpriteFromPath("Sprites/ArcadeCabinets/SNK/TailSegment3"); collidedSegment.Ahead = null; int oldLength = bodyLength; MoveToTrash(collidedSegment); int segmentsLost = oldLength - bodyLength; health.IncrementMaxHealth(-healthPerSegment * segmentsLost); isSelfColliding = false; }
public void StrikerstrikeTest() { GameOperations target = new GameOperations(); Player player = new Player() { name = "Player 1", points = 0, foulCount = 2 }; target.Strikerstrike(player); Assert.Inconclusive("A method that does not return a value cannot be verified."); }
public virtual void populate() { image.sprite = GameOperations.LoadSpriteFromPath(activeUpgrade.sprite); nameText.text = activeUpgrade.upgradeName; priceText.text = GameOperations.BigIntToString(activeUpgrade.price.value) + " Tickets"; levelText.text = activeUpgrade.currentLevel + " / " + activeUpgrade.maxLevel; if (activeUpgrade.currentLevel == activeUpgrade.maxLevel) { priceText.gameObject.SetActive(false); } gameObject.SetActive(true); }
public static void WriteArcadeStatus() { if (arcadeStatus == null) { arcadeStatus = new ArcadeStatus(); } System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(Application.dataPath + "/SaveData"); string unencrypted = "ArcadeStatus.json\n" + JsonUtility.ToJson(arcadeStatus, true); string encrypted = GameOperations.EncryptDecrypt(unencrypted); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(arcadeStatusPath, unencrypted); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(encryptedArcadeStatusPath, encrypted); }
/** * Update only the image: a PrizeUpgradeUI does not display the upgrade name, * price, or level. */ public override void populate() { image.sprite = GameOperations.LoadSpriteFromPath(activeUpgrade.sprite); if (activeUpgrade.currentLevel == 0) { image.color = tintColor; } else { image.color = Color.white; } gameObject.SetActive(true); }
public void MultistrikeTest() { GameOperations target = new GameOperations(); Player player = new Player() { name = "Player 1", points = 10, foulCount = 2 }; int coins = 10; int coinsExpected = 8; target.Multistrike(player, ref coins); Assert.AreEqual(coinsExpected, coins); }
public void DefunctCoinTest() { GameOperations target = new GameOperations(); Player player = new Player() { name = "Player 1", points = 10, foulCount = 2 }; int coins = 5; int coinsExpected = 4; target.DefunctCoin(player, ref coins); Assert.AreEqual(coinsExpected, coins); }
// Update is called once per frame private void UpdateHealthBar() { barUI.value = GameOperations.BigIntDivideToFloat(currentHealth, maxHealth); Color gradColor = gradient.Evaluate(barUI.value); fill.color = gradColor; Color backColor = new Color(gradColor.r * .7f, gradColor.g * .7f, gradColor.b * .7f); background.color = backColor; HealthText.text = GameOperations.BigIntToString(currentHealth); }
public static object Main(string operation, params object[] args) { if (Runtime.Trigger == TriggerType.Verification) { if (ContractOwner.Length == 20) { // if param ContractOwner is script hash //return Runtime.CheckWitness(ContractOwner); return(false); } else if (ContractOwner.Length == 33) { // if param ContractOwner is public key byte[] signature = operation.AsByteArray(); return(VerifySignature(signature, ContractOwner)); } } else if (Runtime.Trigger == TriggerType.VerificationR) { return(true); } else if (Runtime.Trigger == TriggerType.Application) { var result = AdminOperations.HandleAdminOperation(operation, args); if (result.IsComplete) { return(result.Value); } result = NepOperations.HandleNepOperation(operation, args); if (result.IsComplete) { return(result.Value); } result = TokenOperations.HandleTokenOperation(operation, args); if (result.IsComplete) { return(result.Value); } result = GameOperations.HandleGameOperation(operation, args); if (result.IsComplete) { return(result.Value); } } return(false); }
public void RedstrikeTest() { GameOperations target = new GameOperations(); Player player = new Player() { name = "Player 1", points = 0, foulCount = 2 }; int coins = 9; int coinsExpected = 9; bool isRedCoinPresent = false; bool isRedCoinPresentExpected = false; target.Redstrike(player, ref coins, ref isRedCoinPresent); Assert.AreEqual(coinsExpected, coins); Assert.AreEqual(isRedCoinPresentExpected, isRedCoinPresent); }
public void CheckPointsTest() { GameOperations target = new GameOperations(); Player player1 = new Player() { name = "Player 1", points = -4, foulCount = 0 }; Player player2 = new Player() { name = "Player 2", points = 3, foulCount = 0 }; bool expected = false; bool actual; actual = target.CheckPoints(player1, player2); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void InitializePopUp() { convertPopUp.SetActive(true); // calculate amount to receive prizeTicketsToReceive = 0; for(int i = 0; i < ticketConverts.Count; i++) { BigInteger amountToTurnIn = ticketConverts[i].getCount(); amountToTurnIn -= amountToTurnIn % ticketConverts[i].inputAmount; BigInteger numberOfConversions = amountToTurnIn / ticketConverts[i].inputAmount; prizeTicketsToReceive += numberOfConversions * ticketConverts[i].outputAmount; } conversionText.text = "You Will Receive:\n" + GameOperations.BigIntToString(prizeTicketsToReceive) + "\nPrize Tickets"; }
public void Populate() { image.sprite = activePrinter.GetPrinterSprite(); trayText.text = GameOperations.BigIntToString(activePrinter.TicketsPrinted) + "/" + GameOperations.BigIntToString(activePrinter.Capacity); if (!activePrinter.IsActive) { image.color = tintColor; trayText.gameObject.SetActive(false); slider.gameObject.SetActive(false); } else { image.color = Color.white; trayText.gameObject.SetActive(true); slider.gameObject.SetActive(true); } slider.maxValue = activePrinter.BatchTime; }
/** * Initializes the values of the PopUp. */ private void InitializePopUp() { image.sprite = GameOperations.LoadSpriteFromPath(activeUpgrade.sprite); nameText.text = activeUpgrade.upgradeName; descriptionText.text = activeUpgrade.description; priceText.text = GameOperations.BigIntToString(activeUpgrade.price.value) + " Tickets"; if (activeUpgrade.currentLevel == activeUpgrade.maxLevel) { priceText.gameObject.SetActive(false); buyButton.interactable = false; // or message } else { priceText.gameObject.SetActive(true); buyButton.interactable = true; } }
public void InitializeCurrencyView() { arcadeStatus = ArcadeManager.ReadArcadeStatus(); pawnStatus = PawnManager.ReadPawnStatus(); // Set the static currencies moneyText.text = GameOperations.BigIntToString(pawnStatus.Money); prizeTicketText.text = GameOperations.BigIntToString(arcadeStatus.ArcadePrizeStatus.Tickets); // Get the list of statuses to complete dynamic currencies int xPos = 0; int yPos = -10; int yOffset = -70; List <LayerZeroStatus> statuses = arcadeStatus.Statuses; lineItems = new List <GameObject>(); for (int i = 1; i < statuses.Count; i++) { CabinetStatus status = (CabinetStatus)statuses[i]; if (status.IsActive) { // Add prefab // Make the item GameObject lineItem = Instantiate(ticketLinePrefab); lineItem.transform.SetParent(scrollViewTransform, false); lineItems.Add(lineItem); // Set position RectTransform rt = lineItem.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); rt.anchorMin = new UnityEngine.Vector2(0, 0); rt.anchorMax = new UnityEngine.Vector2(1, 1); rt.sizeDelta = new Vector2(200, 50); rt.anchoredPosition = new UnityEngine.Vector3(xPos, yPos, 0); yPos += yOffset; //Populate the prefab with the proper data. lineItem.GetComponent <CurrencyViewUI>().Populate(status); } } int newHeight = Mathf.Max(-yPos, 720); scrollViewTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(225, newHeight); }
public static Sprite GetPrinterSprite(TicketPrinter printer) { Sprite sprite = null; switch (printer.Printer) { case TicketPrinter.PrinterType.Receipt: sprite = GameOperations.LoadSpriteFromPath("Sprites/Printers/Receipt"); break; case TicketPrinter.PrinterType.Inkjet: sprite = GameOperations.LoadSpriteFromPath("Sprites/Printers/Inkjet"); break; case TicketPrinter.PrinterType.Laser: sprite = GameOperations.LoadSpriteFromPath("Sprites/Printers/Laser"); break; case TicketPrinter.PrinterType.Office: sprite = GameOperations.LoadSpriteFromPath("Sprites/Printers/Office"); break; case TicketPrinter.PrinterType.Industrial: sprite = GameOperations.LoadSpriteFromPath("Sprites/Printers/Industrial"); break; case TicketPrinter.PrinterType.Compact3D: sprite = GameOperations.LoadSpriteFromPath("Sprites/Printers/Compact3D"); break; case TicketPrinter.PrinterType.Industrial3D: sprite = GameOperations.LoadSpriteFromPath("Sprites/Printers/Industrial3D"); break; case TicketPrinter.PrinterType.Space: sprite = GameOperations.LoadSpriteFromPath("Sprites/Printers/Space"); break; default: sprite = GameOperations.LoadSpriteFromPath("Sprites/Printers/Receipt"); break; } return(sprite); }
public void LogarithmicPopulate(BigInteger number) { valueText.text = GameOperations.BigIntToString(number); double value = BigInteger.Log10(number); value = value / 10f; value += 0.1f; if (value < 1f) { slider.value = (float)value; } else { // do further scaling (next overflow tier) Debug.Log("Next overflow tier should happen"); } }
public async Task <ActionResult> JoinSession([FromRoute] string sessionId) { Task <UserModel> userTask = userManager.GetUserAsync(HttpContext.User); Task <Game> gameTask = gameService.Get(sessionId); Session? session = await sessionService.Get(sessionId); if (session == null) { return(Status404NotFound("Session")); } if (session.LinkEnabled == false) { return(Status400Invalid("Session is private.")); } if ((session.Players.Count + session.Invitations.Length) >= 4) { return(Status400Invalid("Session is full.")); } Game game = await gameTask; if (game.Status != GameStatus.Preparing) { return(Status400Invalid("Game has started.")); } UserModel user = await userTask; if (session.Players.Any((kvp) => kvp.Key == user.UserId)) { return(NoContent()); } user.AddSession(session); List <Task> updateTasks = new List <Task> { userManager.UpdateAsync(user) }; GameOperations.AddPlayer(game, user.UserId); updateTasks.Add(gameService.Update(sessionId, game)); session.Players.Add(user.UserId, PlayerSummary.CreateFromUser(user)); updateTasks.Add(sessionService.Update(sessionId, session)); Task.WaitAll(updateTasks.ToArray()); return(NoContent()); }
void Awake() { instance = this; }
public void TestMethod1() { GameOperations game = new GameOperations(1000); var games = game.Get(); }