private void AcceptEffect(GameModel model) { if (UnityEngine.Random.value < CaughtChance) { if (UnityEngine.Random.value < CaughtBeforeEscapeChance) { Text += "\n\nThe citizen has been caught before he could hand over the money. You gained nothing and your relationship with " + City.CityName + " has worsened by 1 point."; model.WorsenRelationship(City, 1); } else { Text += "\n\nThe citizen has successfully stolen and handed over the money. However agents from " + City.CityName + " have found out that you were behind the operation. Your relationship with " + City.CityName + " has worsened by 1 point."; model.AddGold(MoneyAmount); model.WorsenRelationship(City, 1); } } else { Text += "\n\nThe citizen has successfully stolen the money without getting caught."; model.AddGold(MoneyAmount); } Options.Clear(); model.EventHandled(); }
public virtual void CycleAction() { Model.DecreaseStability(EmissionsPerCycle, this); Model.AddGold(MoneyPerCycle, this); }