public void Drop(GameManager.gameState roomToGoTo) { GetComponent <Image>().color = GameManager.instance.transitionColor; move = dropinState.dropIn; this.roomToGoTo = roomToGoTo; winnerText.enabled = false; }
// Use this for initialization public override void gameStateStart() { availableTransitions = new GameManager.gameState[1]; //----- availableTransitions[0] = GameManager.gameState.inArena; //----- base.gameStateStart(); }
// Use this for initialization public override void gameStateStart() { availableTransitions = new GameManager.gameState[2]; //----- availableTransitions[0] = GameManager.gameState.mainMenu; availableTransitions[1] = GameManager.gameState.cardMenu; //----- }
int maxPlayers = 5; //The max amount of players that we check input for. // Use this for initialization public override void gameStateStart() { //This code limits the gamemanager in what scenes it could change to. availableTransitions = new GameManager.gameState[1]; availableTransitions[0] = GameManager.gameState.inArena; //----- base.gameStateStart(); //if this is the first round give the players the standard prefabs from a list. if (GameManager.instance.firstRound) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { GameManager.instance.prefabArray[i] = (GameObject[])defaultPrefabs.Clone(); } } //Because the Gamemanager is a persistant object, We have to reassign all objects whenever the cardmenu gets loaded. if (textBanner == null) { textBanner = GameObject.Find("PressStartBanner"); textBanner.SetActive(false); } if (playable == null) { playable = GameObject.Find("Playable"); playable.SetActive(false); } if (helpMenu == null) { helpMenu = GameObject.Find("TutorialBanner"); if (GameManager.instance.firstRound) { helpMenu.GetComponent <TutorialBanner>().moveDown(); } //if it is the first round, it will automatically show the controls. } if (menu == null) { menu = GameObject.Find("Menu"); } for (int i = 0; i < startScreen.Length; i++) { if (startScreen[i] == null) { startScreen[i] = GameObject.Find("Cards" + i).GetComponent <CustomizeCards>(); } } isThisFirstRound(); //If it is the first round it will skip the part where players can enter the game, and it will go straight to the card menu. //Plays the game's music when it starts. if (GameManager.instance.firstRound == true) { //Plays the main song. GameManager.instance.SongPlay(1, true); GameManager.instance.SongTransition(GameManager.musicState.fadeOut); } }
//Draws a text on the screen public void Drop(GameManager.gameState roomToGoTo, int winner) { winnerText.enabled = true; GetComponent <Image>().color = GameManager.instance.transitionColor; move = dropinState.dropIn; this.roomToGoTo = roomToGoTo; GameManager.instance.winnerText = string.Format(possibleTexts[Random.Range(0, possibleTexts.Length)], winner); winnerText.text = GameManager.instance.winnerText; }
// Use this for initialization public override void gameStateStart() { availableTransitions = new GameManager.gameState[2]; //----- availableTransitions[0] = GameManager.gameState.cardMenu; availableTransitions[1] = GameManager.gameState.endOfMatch; //----- base.gameStateStart(); StartCoroutine(CalculateSwitch(5)); }
// Use this for initialization public override void gameStateStart() { availableTransitions = new GameManager.gameState[1]; //----- availableTransitions[0] = GameManager.gameState.endOfMatchMenu; //----- base.gameStateStart(); GameManager.instance.SpawnPlayers(); timeToSwitch = 5; }
public void Drop(Color textureColor, GameManager.gameState roomToGoTo) { if (textureColor != null) { GetComponent <Image>().color = textureColor; } move = dropinState.dropIn; this.roomToGoTo = roomToGoTo; winnerText.enabled = false; }
public void Drop(Color textureColor, GameManager.gameState roomToGoTo, int bounces, float bounceFriction) { if (textureColor != null) { GetComponent <Image>().color = textureColor; } move = dropinState.dropIn; this.roomToGoTo = roomToGoTo; this.bounces = bounces; this.bounceFriction = bounceFriction; winnerText.enabled = false; }
// Use this for initialization public override void gameStateStart() { availableTransitions = new GameManager.gameState[1]; //----- availableTransitions[0] = GameManager.gameState.inbetweenRounds; GameManager.instance.firstRound = false; //----- base.gameStateStart(); GameManager.instance.SpawnPlayers(); Ps = gameObject.GetComponent <playerStats>(); Ps.Init(GameManager.instance.playersHolder); // countdown round related finalCD = gameObject.GetComponent <ItsTheFinalCountdown>(); finalCD.StartRoundCooldown(); }
void CheckCursorState(GameManager.gameState gameState) { #if UNITY_WEBGL if (gameState == && !isOverPauseButton) { UnityEngine.Cursor.SetCursor(aimCursor, new Vector2(aimCursor.width / 2, aimCursor.height / 2), CursorMode.ForceSoftware); } else { UnityEngine.Cursor.SetCursor(null,, CursorMode.ForceSoftware); } #else if (gameState == && !isOverPauseButton) { UnityEngine.Cursor.SetCursor(aimCursor, new Vector2(aimCursor.width / 2, aimCursor.height / 2), CursorMode.Auto); } else { UnityEngine.Cursor.SetCursor(null,, CursorMode.Auto); } #endif }
private void CheckGameState(GameManager.gameState newGamestate) { gameState = newGamestate; }