        private void PlaceGlitchElevator(Dungeon dungeon)
            GameManager.LevelOverrideState levelOverrideState = GameManager.Instance.CurrentLevelOverrideState;

            if (dungeon.IsGlitchDungeon | ExpandStats.elevatorHasBeenUsed)
            if (GameManager.Instance.CurrentGameMode == GameManager.GameMode.BOSSRUSH | GameManager.Instance.CurrentGameMode == GameManager.GameMode.SUPERBOSSRUSH)

            if (levelOverrideState == GameManager.LevelOverrideState.FOYER | levelOverrideState == GameManager.LevelOverrideState.TUTORIAL)
                ExpandStats.elevatorHasBeenUsed = false;

            if (levelOverrideState == GameManager.LevelOverrideState.CHARACTER_PAST)
                ExpandStats.elevatorHasBeenUsed = false;

            if (levelOverrideState == GameManager.LevelOverrideState.END_TIMES)
            if (GameManager.Instance.CurrentFloor >= 5)
            if (UnityEngine.Random.value > 0.003f)

            int MaxNumberOfElevators = 1;
            int ElevatorsPlaced      = 0;
            int ElevatorLocations    = 0;
            int SelectedRoom         = 0;

            List <int> roomList = Enumerable.Range(0, dungeon.data.rooms.Count).ToList();

            roomList = roomList.Shuffle();
            List <IntVector2> validWalls = new List <IntVector2>();

            while (SelectedRoom < roomList.Count && ElevatorsPlaced < MaxNumberOfElevators)
                RoomHandler currentRoom = dungeon.data.rooms[roomList[SelectedRoom]];
                if (!currentRoom.IsShop && !currentRoom.IsMaintenanceRoom() && !currentRoom.GetRoomName().ToLower().StartsWith("exit") &&
                    !currentRoom.GetRoomName().ToLower().StartsWith("tiny_exit") && !currentRoom.GetRoomName().ToLower().StartsWith("elevator") &&
                    !currentRoom.GetRoomName().ToLower().StartsWith("tiny_entrance") && !currentRoom.GetRoomName().ToLower().StartsWith("gungeon entrance") &&
                    !currentRoom.GetRoomName().ToLower().StartsWith("gungeon_rewardroom") && !currentRoom.GetRoomName().ToLower().StartsWith("reward room") &&
                    if (!currentRoom.area.IsProceduralRoom || currentRoom.area.proceduralCells == null)
                        if (currentRoom.area.PrototypeRoomCategory != PrototypeDungeonRoom.RoomCategory.BOSS || (PlayerStats.GetTotalCurse() >= 5 && !BraveUtility.RandomBool()))
                            if (!currentRoom.GetRoomName().StartsWith("DraGunRoom"))
                                if (currentRoom.connectedRooms != null)
                                    for (int i = 0; i < currentRoom.connectedRooms.Count; i++)
                                        if (currentRoom.connectedRooms[i] == null || currentRoom.connectedRooms[i].area.PrototypeRoomCategory == PrototypeDungeonRoom.RoomCategory.BOSS)
                                for (int Width = -1; Width <= currentRoom.area.dimensions.x; Width++)
                                    for (int Height = -1; Height <= currentRoom.area.dimensions.y; Height++)
                                        int X = currentRoom.area.basePosition.x + Width;
                                        int Y = currentRoom.area.basePosition.y + Height;
                                        if (dungeon.data.isWall(X, Y))
                                            int WallCellCount = 0;
                                            if (!dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X - 3, Y + 6) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X - 2, Y + 6) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X - 1, Y + 6) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X, Y + 6) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 1, Y + 6) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 2, Y + 6) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 3, Y + 6) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 4, Y + 6) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 5, Y + 6) &&
                                                !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X - 3, Y + 5) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X - 2, Y + 5) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X - 1, Y + 5) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X, Y + 5) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 1, Y + 5) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 2, Y + 5) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 3, Y + 5) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 4, Y + 5) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 5, Y + 5) &&
                                                !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X - 3, Y + 4) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X - 2, Y + 4) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X - 1, Y + 4) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X, Y + 4) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 1, Y + 4) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 2, Y + 4) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 3, Y + 4) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 4, Y + 4) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 5, Y + 4) &&
                                                !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X - 3, Y + 3) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X - 2, Y + 3) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X - 1, Y + 3) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X, Y + 3) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 1, Y + 3) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 2, Y + 3) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 3, Y + 3) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 4, Y + 3) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 5, Y + 3) &&
                                                !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X - 3, Y + 2) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X - 2, Y + 2) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X - 1, Y + 2) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X, Y + 2) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 1, Y + 2) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 2, Y + 2) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 3, Y + 2) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 4, Y + 2) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 5, Y + 2) &&
                                                !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X - 4, Y + 1) && dungeon.data.isWall(X - 3, Y + 1) && dungeon.data.isWall(X - 2, Y + 1) && dungeon.data.isWall(X - 1, Y + 1) && dungeon.data.isWall(X, Y + 1) && dungeon.data.isWall(X + 1, Y + 1) && dungeon.data.isWall(X + 2, Y + 1) && dungeon.data.isWall(X + 3, Y + 1) && dungeon.data.isWall(X + 4, Y + 1) && dungeon.data.isWall(X + 5, Y + 1) && dungeon.data.isWall(X + 6, Y + 1) && dungeon.data.isWall(X + 7, Y + 1) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 8, Y + 1) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 9, Y + 1) &&
                                                !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X - 4, Y) && dungeon.data.isWall(X - 3, Y) && dungeon.data.isWall(X - 2, Y) && dungeon.data.isWall(X - 1, Y) && dungeon.data.isWall(X, Y) && dungeon.data.isWall(X + 1, Y) && dungeon.data.isWall(X + 2, Y) && dungeon.data.isWall(X + 3, Y) && dungeon.data.isWall(X + 4, Y) && dungeon.data.isWall(X + 5, Y) && dungeon.data.isWall(X + 6, Y) && dungeon.data.isWall(X + 7, Y) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 8, Y) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 9, Y) &&
                                                dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X - 3, Y - 1) && dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X - 2, Y - 1) && dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X - 1, Y - 1) && dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X, Y - 1) && dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 1, Y - 1) && dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 2, Y - 1) && dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 3, Y - 1) && dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 4, Y - 1) && dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 5, Y - 1) && dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 6, Y - 1) && dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 7, Y - 1) &&
                                                dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X - 3, Y - 2) && dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X - 2, Y - 2) && dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X - 1, Y - 2) && dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X, Y - 2) && dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 1, Y - 2) && dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 2, Y - 2) && dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 3, Y - 2) && dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 4, Y - 2) && dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 5, Y - 2) && dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 6, Y - 2) && dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 7, Y - 2))
                                                validWalls.Add(new IntVector2(X, Y));
                                            if (WallCellCount > 0)
                                                bool flag2    = true;
                                                int  XPadding = -5;
                                                while (XPadding <= 5 && flag2)
                                                    int YPadding = -5;
                                                    while (YPadding <= 5 && flag2)
                                                        int x = X + XPadding;
                                                        int y = Y + YPadding;
                                                        if (dungeon.data.CheckInBoundsAndValid(x, y))
                                                            CellData cellData = dungeon.data[x, y];
                                                            if (cellData != null)
                                                                if (cellData.type == CellType.PIT || cellData.diagonalWallType != DiagonalWallType.NONE)
                                                                    flag2 = false;
                                                if (!flag2)
                                                    while (WallCellCount > 0)
                                                        validWalls.RemoveAt(validWalls.Count - 1);

                                if (validWalls.Count > 0)
                                    IntVector2 WallCell       = (BraveUtility.RandomElement(validWalls) - currentRoom.area.basePosition);
                                    GameObject ElevatorObject = ExpandPrefabs.ElevatorDeparture.InstantiateObject(currentRoom, WallCell, false);
                                    ElevatorObject.AddComponent <ExpandElevatorDepartureManager>();
                                    ExpandElevatorDepartureManager elevatorComponent = ElevatorObject.GetComponent <ExpandElevatorDepartureManager>();
                                    elevatorComponent.OverrideTargetFloor     = GlobalDungeonData.ValidTilesets.OFFICEGEON;
                                    elevatorComponent.UsesOverrideTargetFloor = true;
                                    if (elevatorComponent.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <tk2dBaseSprite>(true) != null)
                                        foreach (tk2dBaseSprite baseSprite in elevatorComponent.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <tk2dBaseSprite>(true))
            if (ExpandStats.debugMode)
                ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] Number of Valid Glitch Elevator locations found: " + ElevatorLocations, false);
                ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] Number of Glitch Elevators placed: " + ElevatorsPlaced, false);
        private void PlaceWallMimics(Action <Dungeon, RoomHandler> orig, Dungeon dungeon, RoomHandler roomHandler)
            // Used for debug read out information
            int NorthWallCount   = 0;
            int SouthWallCount   = 0;
            int EastWallCount    = 0;
            int WestWallCount    = 0;
            int WallMimicsPlaced = 0;
            int iterations       = 0;

            if (ExpandTheGungeon.LogoEnabled && GameManager.Instance.CurrentLevelOverrideState != GameManager.LevelOverrideState.FOYER)
                ExpandTheGungeon.LogoEnabled = false;

            if (ExpandTheGungeon.GameManagerHook == null)
                if (ExpandStats.debugMode)
                    Debug.Log("[ExpandTheGungeon] Installing GameManager.Awake Hook....");
                ExpandTheGungeon.GameManagerHook = new Hook(
                    typeof(GameManager).GetMethod("Awake", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance),
                    typeof(ExpandTheGungeon).GetMethod("GameManager_Awake", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance),


            try {
                int currentFloor          = GameManager.Instance.CurrentFloor;
                int numWallMimicsForFloor = MetaInjectionData.GetNumWallMimicsForFloor(dungeon.tileIndices.tilesetId);

                GameManager.LevelOverrideState levelOverrideState = GameManager.Instance.CurrentLevelOverrideState;

                if (levelOverrideState != GameManager.LevelOverrideState.NONE | levelOverrideState == GameManager.LevelOverrideState.TUTORIAL)
                    if (ExpandStats.debugMode)
                        ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] This floor has been excluded from having Wall Mimics", false);

                if (ExpandStats.debugMode)
                    ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] Current Floor: " + currentFloor, false);
                    ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] Wall Mimics assigned by RewardManager: " + numWallMimicsForFloor, false);


                if (currentFloor < 4)

                ExpandJunkEnemySpawneer m_ExpandJunkEnemySpawneer = new ExpandJunkEnemySpawneer();
                m_ExpandJunkEnemySpawneer.PlaceRandomJunkEnemies(dungeon, roomHandler);
                m_ExpandJunkEnemySpawneer = null;

                if (dungeon.IsGlitchDungeon)
                    ETGMod.AIActor.OnPreStart = (Action <AIActor>)Delegate.Combine(ETGMod.AIActor.OnPreStart, new Action <AIActor>(EnemyModRandomizer));
                    ETGMod.AIActor.OnPreStart = (Action <AIActor>)Delegate.Remove(ETGMod.AIActor.OnPreStart, new Action <AIActor>(EnemyModRandomizer));

                ExpandPlaceCorruptTiles m_CorruptTilePlayer = new ExpandPlaceCorruptTiles();
                m_CorruptTilePlayer = null;

                ExpandFloorDecorator FloorDecorator = new ExpandFloorDecorator();
                FloorDecorator = null;

                if (numWallMimicsForFloor <= 0)
                    if (ExpandStats.debugMode)
                        ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] There will be no Wall Mimics assigned to this floor.", false);

                if (levelOverrideState == GameManager.LevelOverrideState.RESOURCEFUL_RAT)
                    if (ExpandStats.debugMode)
                        ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] The Resourceful Rat Maze has been excluded from having wall mimics.", false);

                if (ExpandStats.debugMode)
                    ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] Wall Mimics Assigned to Floor: " + numWallMimicsForFloor, false);

                List <int> roomList = Enumerable.Range(0, dungeon.data.rooms.Count).ToList();
                roomList = roomList.Shuffle();

                if (roomHandler != null)
                    roomList = new List <int>(new int[] { dungeon.data.rooms.IndexOf(roomHandler) });

                List <Tuple <IntVector2, DungeonData.Direction> > validWalls = new List <Tuple <IntVector2, DungeonData.Direction> >();
                List <AIActor> enemiesList = new List <AIActor>();

                while (iterations < roomList.Count && WallMimicsPlaced < numWallMimicsForFloor)
                    RoomHandler currentRoom = dungeon.data.rooms[roomList[iterations]];
                    if (!currentRoom.IsShop)
                        if (!currentRoom.area.IsProceduralRoom || currentRoom.area.proceduralCells == null)
                            if (currentRoom.area.PrototypeRoomCategory != PrototypeDungeonRoom.RoomCategory.BOSS || !BraveUtility.RandomBool())
                                if (!currentRoom.GetRoomName().StartsWith("DraGunRoom") && !currentRoom.IsMaintenanceRoom() && !BannedWallMimicRoomList.Contains(currentRoom.GetRoomName().ToLower()))
                                    if (currentRoom.connectedRooms != null)
                                        for (int i = 0; i < currentRoom.connectedRooms.Count; i++)
                                            if (currentRoom.connectedRooms[i] == null || currentRoom.connectedRooms[i].area.PrototypeRoomCategory == PrototypeDungeonRoom.RoomCategory.BOSS)
                                    if (roomHandler == null)
                                        bool MaxMimicCountReached = false;
                                        currentRoom.GetActiveEnemies(RoomHandler.ActiveEnemyType.All, ref enemiesList);
                                        for (int j = 0; j < enemiesList.Count; j++)
                                            AIActor aiactor = enemiesList[j];
                                            if (aiactor && aiactor.EnemyGuid == GameManager.Instance.RewardManager.WallMimicChances.EnemyGuid)
                                                MaxMimicCountReached = true;
                                        if (MaxMimicCountReached)
                                            goto IL_EXIT;
                                    for (int Width = -1; Width <= currentRoom.area.dimensions.x; Width++)
                                        for (int Height = -1; Height <= currentRoom.area.dimensions.y; Height++)
                                            int X = currentRoom.area.basePosition.x + Width;
                                            int Y = currentRoom.area.basePosition.y + Height;
                                            if (dungeon.data.isWall(X, Y) && X % 4 == 0 && Y % 4 == 0)
                                                int WallCount = 0;
                                                if (!dungeon.data.isWall(X - 1, Y + 2) && !dungeon.data.isWall(X, Y + 2) && !dungeon.data.isWall(X + 1, Y + 2) && !dungeon.data.isWall(X + 2, Y + 2) &&
                                                    !dungeon.data.isWall(X - 1, Y + 1) && !dungeon.data.isWall(X, Y + 1) && !dungeon.data.isWall(X + 1, Y + 1) && !dungeon.data.isWall(X + 2, Y + 1) &&
                                                    dungeon.data.isWall(X - 1, Y) && dungeon.data.isWall(X, Y) && dungeon.data.isWall(X + 1, Y) && dungeon.data.isWall(X + 2, Y) &&
                                                    dungeon.data.isWall(X - 1, Y - 1) && dungeon.data.isWall(X, Y - 1) && dungeon.data.isWall(X + 1, Y - 1) && dungeon.data.isWall(X + 2, Y - 1) &&
                                                    !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X - 1, Y - 3) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X, Y - 3) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 1, Y - 3) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 2, Y - 3))
                                                    validWalls.Add(Tuple.Create(new IntVector2(X, Y), DungeonData.Direction.NORTH));
                                                else if (dungeon.data.isWall(X - 1, Y + 2) && dungeon.data.isWall(X, Y + 2) && dungeon.data.isWall(X + 1, Y + 2) && dungeon.data.isWall(X + 2, Y + 2) &&
                                                         dungeon.data.isWall(X - 1, Y + 1) && dungeon.data.isWall(X, Y + 1) && dungeon.data.isWall(X + 1, Y + 1) && dungeon.data.isWall(X + 2, Y + 1) &&
                                                         dungeon.data.isWall(X - 1, Y) && dungeon.data.isWall(X, Y) && dungeon.data.isWall(X + 1, Y) && dungeon.data.isWall(X + 2, Y) &&
                                                         dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X, Y - 1) && dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 1, Y - 1) &&
                                                         !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X, Y + 4) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 1, Y + 4))
                                                    validWalls.Add(Tuple.Create(new IntVector2(X, Y), DungeonData.Direction.SOUTH));
                                                else if (dungeon.data.isWall(X, Y + 2) &&
                                                         dungeon.data.isWall(X, Y + 1) &&
                                                         dungeon.data.isWall(X - 1, Y) &&
                                                         dungeon.data.isWall(X, Y - 1) &&
                                                         dungeon.data.isWall(X, Y - 2) &&
                                                         !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X - 2, Y + 2) &&
                                                         !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X - 2, Y + 1) &&
                                                         !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X - 2, Y) &&
                                                         dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 1, Y) &&
                                                         dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 1, Y - 1) &&
                                                         !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X - 2, Y - 1) &&
                                                         !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X - 2, Y - 2))
                                                    validWalls.Add(Tuple.Create(new IntVector2(X, Y), DungeonData.Direction.EAST));
                                                else if (dungeon.data.isWall(X, Y + 2) &&
                                                         dungeon.data.isWall(X, Y + 1) &&
                                                         dungeon.data.isWall(X + 1, Y) &&
                                                         dungeon.data.isWall(X, Y - 1) &&
                                                         dungeon.data.isWall(X, Y - 2) &&
                                                         !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 2, Y + 2) &&
                                                         !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 2, Y + 1) &&
                                                         !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 2, Y) &&
                                                         dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X - 1, Y) &&
                                                         dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X - 1, Y - 1) &&
                                                         !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 2, Y - 1) &&
                                                         !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 2, Y - 2))
                                                    validWalls.Add(Tuple.Create(new IntVector2(X - 1, Y), DungeonData.Direction.WEST));
                                                if (WallCount > 0)
                                                    bool flag2    = true;
                                                    int  XPadding = -5;
                                                    while (XPadding <= 5 && flag2)
                                                        int YPadding = -5;
                                                        while (YPadding <= 5 && flag2)
                                                            int x = X + XPadding;
                                                            int y = Y + YPadding;
                                                            if (dungeon.data.CheckInBoundsAndValid(x, y))
                                                                CellData cellData = dungeon.data[x, y];
                                                                if (cellData != null)
                                                                    if (cellData.type == CellType.PIT || cellData.diagonalWallType != DiagonalWallType.NONE)
                                                                        flag2 = false;
                                                    if (!flag2)
                                                        while (WallCount > 0)
                                                            validWalls.RemoveAt(validWalls.Count - 1);
                                    if (roomHandler == null)
                                        if (validWalls.Count > 0)
                                            Tuple <IntVector2, DungeonData.Direction> WallCell = BraveUtility.RandomElement(validWalls);
                                            IntVector2            Position  = WallCell.First;
                                            DungeonData.Direction Direction = WallCell.Second;
                                            if (Direction != DungeonData.Direction.WEST)
                                                currentRoom.RuntimeStampCellComplex(Position.x, Position.y, CellType.FLOOR, DiagonalWallType.NONE);
                                            if (Direction != DungeonData.Direction.EAST)
                                                currentRoom.RuntimeStampCellComplex(Position.x + 1, Position.y, CellType.FLOOR, DiagonalWallType.NONE);
                                            AIActor orLoadByGuid = EnemyDatabase.GetOrLoadByGuid(GameManager.Instance.RewardManager.WallMimicChances.EnemyGuid);
                                            AIActor.Spawn(orLoadByGuid, Position, currentRoom, true, AIActor.AwakenAnimationType.Default, true);
                if (WallMimicsPlaced > 0)
                    if (ExpandStats.debugMode)
                        ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] Number of Valid North Wall Mimics locations: " + NorthWallCount, false);
                        ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] Number of Valid South Wall Mimics locations: " + SouthWallCount, false);
                        ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] Number of Valid East Wall Mimics locations: " + EastWallCount, false);
                        ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] Number of Valid West Wall Mimics locations: " + WestWallCount, false);
                        ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] Number of Wall Mimics succesfully placed: " + WallMimicsPlaced, false);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                if (ExpandStats.debugMode)
                    ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] Exception occured in Dungeon.PlaceWallMimics!");
                Debug.Log("Exception caught in Dungeon.PlaceWallMimics!");
                if (WallMimicsPlaced > 0)
                    if (ExpandStats.debugMode)
                        ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] Number of Valid North Wall Mimics locations: " + NorthWallCount, false);
                        ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] Number of Valid South Wall Mimics locations: " + SouthWallCount, false);
                        ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] Number of Valid East Wall Mimics locations: " + EastWallCount, false);
                        ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] Number of Valid West Wall Mimics locations: " + WestWallCount, false);
                        ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] Number of Wall Mimics succesfully placed: " + WallMimicsPlaced, false);
        public void PlaceWallMimics(Action <Dungeon, RoomHandler> orig, Dungeon dungeon, RoomHandler roomHandler)
            int WallMimicsPlaced      = 0;
            int WallMimicsPerRoom     = 1;
            int numWallMimicsForFloor = MetaInjectionData.GetNumWallMimicsForFloor(dungeon.tileIndices.tilesetId);
            int currentFloor          = GameManager.Instance.CurrentFloor;

            if (roomHandler != null)
                goto IL_SKIP;

            if (ExpandTheGungeon.LogoEnabled && GameManager.Instance.CurrentLevelOverrideState != GameManager.LevelOverrideState.FOYER)
                ExpandTheGungeon.LogoEnabled = false;

            if (GameManager.Instance.CurrentLevelOverrideState == GameManager.LevelOverrideState.FOYER)
                ExpandSettings.phobosElevatorHasBeenUsed = false;
                ExpandSettings.elevatorHasBeenUsed       = false;


            GameManager.LevelOverrideState levelOverrideState = GameManager.Instance.CurrentLevelOverrideState;

            if (ExpandSettings.debugMode)
                ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] Current Floor: " + currentFloor, false);

            try {
                if (ExpandTheGungeon.GameManagerHook == null)
                    if (ExpandSettings.debugMode)
                        Debug.Log("[ExpandTheGungeon] Installing GameManager.Awake Hook....");
                    ExpandTheGungeon.GameManagerHook = new Hook(
                        typeof(GameManager).GetMethod("Awake", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance),
                        typeof(ExpandTheGungeon).GetMethod("GameManager_Awake", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance),

                if (ExpandSettings.debugMode)
                    ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] Number of Wall Mimics RewardManager wants to spawn: " + numWallMimicsForFloor, false);

                if (levelOverrideState != GameManager.LevelOverrideState.NONE | levelOverrideState == GameManager.LevelOverrideState.TUTORIAL | levelOverrideState == GameManager.LevelOverrideState.FOYER | dungeon.tileIndices.tilesetId == GlobalDungeonData.ValidTilesets.RATGEON)
                    if (ExpandSettings.debugMode)
                        ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] This floor has been excluded from having Wall Mimics", false);
                    if (ExpandSettings.debugMode && dungeon.tileIndices.tilesetId == GlobalDungeonData.ValidTilesets.RATGEON)
                        ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] The Resourceful Rat Maze/tileset has been excluded from having wall mimics and other floor mods!", false);

                if (dungeon.data == null | dungeon.data.rooms.Count <= 0)
                    if (ExpandSettings.debugMode)
                        ETGModConsole.Log("Dungeon has no rooms or Dungeon.data is null! This is super abnormal!", false);

                PlaceGlitchElevator(dungeon, currentFloor);

                ExpandJunkEnemySpawneer.PlaceRandomJunkEnemies(dungeon, roomHandler);

                if (ExpandSettings.EnableExpandedGlitchFloors)
                    if (dungeon.IsGlitchDungeon)
                        ETGMod.AIActor.OnPreStart = (Action <AIActor>)Delegate.Combine(ETGMod.AIActor.OnPreStart, new Action <AIActor>(EnemyModRandomizer));
                        ETGMod.AIActor.OnPreStart = (Action <AIActor>)Delegate.Remove(ETGMod.AIActor.OnPreStart, new Action <AIActor>(EnemyModRandomizer));



                if (PlayerHasCorruptedJunk)
                    CorruptRandomRooms(dungeon, currentFloor);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                if (ExpandSettings.debugMode)
                    ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] Exception caught in early setup code for ExpandMain.ExpandPlaceWallMimics!");
                Debug.Log("Exception caught in early setup code for ExpandMain.ExpandPlaceWallMimics!");

            if (numWallMimicsForFloor <= 0 && !PlayerHasWallMimicItem)
                if (ExpandSettings.debugMode)
                    ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] There will be no Wall Mimics for this floor.", false);


            if (roomHandler != null)
                if (ExpandSettings.debugMode)
                    ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] Wall Mimics Assigned to specific room: " + numWallMimicsForFloor, false);
                if (SpawnWallMimic(dungeon, roomHandler) == 0)
                    if (ExpandSettings.debugMode)
                        ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] Failed to find valid locations for a Wall Mimic in room: " + numWallMimicsForFloor + "!", false);
                List <RoomHandler> RoomList = new List <RoomHandler>();
                foreach (RoomHandler room in dungeon.data.rooms)
                    if (room.area != null && !room.IsShop && !room.PrecludeTilemapDrawing && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(room.GetRoomName()) && room.area.PrototypeRoomCategory != PrototypeDungeonRoom.RoomCategory.SECRET)
                        if (!room.area.IsProceduralRoom || room.area.proceduralCells == null)
                            if (room.area.PrototypeRoomCategory != PrototypeDungeonRoom.RoomCategory.BOSS || !BraveUtility.RandomBool())
                                if (!room.GetRoomName().StartsWith("DraGunRoom") && !room.IsMaintenanceRoom() && !BannedWallMimicRoomList.Contains(room.GetRoomName().ToLower()))

                int ValidRooms   = RoomList.Count;
                int RoomsChecked = 0;
                if (PlayerHasWallMimicItem)
                    switch (dungeon.tileIndices.tilesetId)
                    case GlobalDungeonData.ValidTilesets.CATHEDRALGEON:
                        WallMimicsPerRoom = 2;

                    case GlobalDungeonData.ValidTilesets.BELLYGEON:
                        WallMimicsPerRoom = 2;

                    case GlobalDungeonData.ValidTilesets.CATACOMBGEON:
                        WallMimicsPerRoom = 2;

                    case GlobalDungeonData.ValidTilesets.OFFICEGEON:
                        WallMimicsPerRoom = 2;

                    case GlobalDungeonData.ValidTilesets.WESTGEON:
                        WallMimicsPerRoom = 2;

                    case GlobalDungeonData.ValidTilesets.FORGEGEON:
                        WallMimicsPerRoom = 2;

                    case GlobalDungeonData.ValidTilesets.HELLGEON:
                        WallMimicsPerRoom = 3;

                        WallMimicsPerRoom = 1;
                    numWallMimicsForFloor = (ValidRooms * WallMimicsPerRoom);
                    if (ExpandSettings.debugMode)
                        ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] Wall Mimics assigned by Cursed Bricks: " + (ValidRooms * WallMimicsPerRoom), false);
                if (WallMimicsPlaced >= numWallMimicsForFloor | RoomList.Count <= 0 | RoomsChecked >= ValidRooms)
                    if (ExpandSettings.debugMode)
                        ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] All valid rooms for Wall Mimics have been checked. Placement complete.");
                        ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] Wall Mimics Succewsfully Placed: " + WallMimicsPlaced);
                if (RoomList.Count > 1)
                    RoomList = RoomList.Shuffle();
                RoomHandler CurrentRoom = BraveUtility.RandomElement(RoomList);
                WallMimicsPlaced += SpawnWallMimic(dungeon, CurrentRoom, WallMimicsPerRoom);
                if (RoomsChecked < ValidRooms && WallMimicsPlaced < numWallMimicsForFloor)
                    goto IL_CHECKNEXTROOM;
            if (ExpandSettings.debugMode)
                ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] All valid rooms for Wall Mimics have been checked. Placement complete.");
                ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] Wall Mimics Succewsfully Placed: " + WallMimicsPlaced);
        private void PlaceGlitchElevator(Dungeon dungeon, int CurrentFloor)
            GameManager.LevelOverrideState levelOverrideState = GameManager.Instance.CurrentLevelOverrideState;
            if (dungeon.IsGlitchDungeon | ExpandSettings.elevatorHasBeenUsed | CurrentFloor > 4)
            if (GameManager.Instance.CurrentGameMode == GameManager.GameMode.BOSSRUSH | GameManager.Instance.CurrentGameMode == GameManager.GameMode.SUPERBOSSRUSH)
            if (levelOverrideState == GameManager.LevelOverrideState.FOYER | levelOverrideState == GameManager.LevelOverrideState.TUTORIAL)
                ExpandSettings.elevatorHasBeenUsed = false;
            if (levelOverrideState == GameManager.LevelOverrideState.CHARACTER_PAST)
                ExpandSettings.elevatorHasBeenUsed = false;
            if (levelOverrideState == GameManager.LevelOverrideState.END_TIMES)
            if (GameManager.Instance.CurrentFloor >= 5)
            if (UnityEngine.Random.value > 0.003f)
            if (ExpandSettings.debugMode)
                ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] Attempting to place a Glitch Elevator!");
            List <RoomHandler> Rooms = new List <RoomHandler>();

            foreach (RoomHandler room in dungeon.data.rooms)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(room.GetRoomName()) && !room.IsShop && !room.IsMaintenanceRoom() && !room.GetRoomName().ToLower().StartsWith("exit") &&
                    !room.GetRoomName().ToLower().StartsWith("tiny_exit") && !room.GetRoomName().ToLower().StartsWith("elevator") &&
                    !room.GetRoomName().ToLower().StartsWith("tiny_entrance") && !room.GetRoomName().ToLower().StartsWith("gungeon entrance") &&
                    !room.GetRoomName().ToLower().StartsWith("gungeon_rewardroom") && !room.GetRoomName().ToLower().StartsWith("reward room") &&
                    !room.GetRoomName().ToLower().StartsWith(ExpandRoomPrefabs.Expand_BootlegRoom.name.ToLower()) && !room.area.prototypeRoom.precludeAllTilemapDrawing)
            int SpawnAttempts = 0;

            if (Rooms.Count <= 0)
                if (ExpandSettings.debugMode)
                    ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] No rooms that are allowed to contain a Glitch Elevator or have valid locations for one are present on this floor!", false);
            if (Rooms.Count > 1)
                Rooms = Rooms.Shuffle();
            RoomHandler SelectedRoom = BraveUtility.RandomElement(Rooms);

            if (!SpawnGlitchElevator(dungeon, SelectedRoom) && SpawnAttempts < dungeon.data.rooms.Count)
                goto IL_RETRY;
        private void ChaosPlaceWallMimics(Action <Dungeon, RoomHandler> orig, Dungeon dungeon, RoomHandler roomHandler)
            // Used for debug read out information
            int NorthWallCount   = 0;
            int SouthWallCount   = 0;
            int EastWallCount    = 0;
            int WestWallCount    = 0;
            int WallMimicsPlaced = 0;
            int iterations       = 0;

            try {
                int currentFloor          = GameManager.Instance.CurrentFloor;
                int numWallMimicsForFloor = MetaInjectionData.GetNumWallMimicsForFloor(dungeon.tileIndices.tilesetId);

                GameManager.LevelOverrideState levelOverrideState = GameManager.Instance.CurrentLevelOverrideState;

                // Set Max Wall Mimic values based on each floor. Secret floors and Tutorial are always -1 and will keep default values.
                SetStats(dungeon, currentFloor, PlayerStats.GetTotalCurse(), PlayerStats.GetTotalCoolness());

                if (!ChaosConsole.WallMimicsUseRewardManager)
                    numWallMimicsForFloor = ChaosConsole.MaxWallMimicsForFloor;

                if (ChaosConsole.debugMimicFlag)
                    ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] Current Floor: " + currentFloor, false);
                    ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] Wall Mimics assigned by RewardManager: " + numWallMimicsForFloor, false);

                if (ChaosConsole.WallMimicsUseRewardManager)
                    ChaosConsole.MaxWallMimicsPerRoom  = 1;
                    ChaosConsole.MaxWallMimicsForFloor = numWallMimicsForFloor;

                if (ChaosConsole.isHardMode | ChaosConsole.isUltraMode)
                    if (currentFloor == 1)

                if (ChaosConsole.isUltraMode)
                    if (levelOverrideState == GameManager.LevelOverrideState.RESOURCEFUL_RAT | levelOverrideState == GameManager.LevelOverrideState.TUTORIAL | levelOverrideState != GameManager.LevelOverrideState.NONE)
                        if (ChaosConsole.debugMimicFlag)
                            ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] This floor has been excluded from having additional pits.", false);
                        ChaosPitRandomizer.Instance.PlaceRandomPits(dungeon, roomHandler, currentFloor);

                if (currentFloor == 4 && ChaosConsole.allowGlitchFloor)

                // Wall Mimics will not be placed glitch floors.
                if (ChaosGlitchMod.isGlitchFloor | dungeon.IsGlitchDungeon)

                if (ChaosConsole.MaxWallMimicsForFloor <= 0)
                    if (ChaosConsole.debugMimicFlag)
                        ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] There will be no Wall Mimics assigned to this floor.", false);

                if (levelOverrideState != GameManager.LevelOverrideState.NONE | levelOverrideState == GameManager.LevelOverrideState.TUTORIAL)
                    if (ChaosConsole.debugMimicFlag)
                        ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] This floor has been excluded from having Wall Mimics", false);

                if (!ChaosConsole.WallMimicsUseRewardManager && levelOverrideState == GameManager.LevelOverrideState.RESOURCEFUL_RAT)
                    if (ChaosConsole.debugMimicFlag)
                        ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] The Resourceful Rat Maze has been excluded from having wall mimics.", false);

                if (ChaosConsole.debugMimicFlag)
                    ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] Wall Mimics Per Room: " + ChaosConsole.MaxWallMimicsPerRoom, false);
                    ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] Max Wall Mimic assigned to floor if RewardManager overridden: " + ChaosConsole.MaxWallMimicsForFloor, false);

                List <int> roomList = Enumerable.Range(0, dungeon.data.rooms.Count).ToList();
                roomList = roomList.Shuffle();

                if (roomHandler != null)
                    roomList = new List <int>(new int[] { dungeon.data.rooms.IndexOf(roomHandler) });

                List <Tuple <IntVector2, DungeonData.Direction> > validWalls = new List <Tuple <IntVector2, DungeonData.Direction> >();
                List <AIActor> enemiesList = new List <AIActor>();

                while (iterations < roomList.Count && WallMimicsPlaced < numWallMimicsForFloor)
                    RoomHandler currentRoom = dungeon.data.rooms[roomList[iterations]];
                    if (!currentRoom.IsShop || !ChaosConsole.WallMimicsUseRewardManager)
                        if (!currentRoom.area.IsProceduralRoom || currentRoom.area.proceduralCells == null)
                            if (currentRoom.area.PrototypeRoomCategory != PrototypeDungeonRoom.RoomCategory.BOSS || (PlayerStats.GetTotalCurse() >= 5 && !BraveUtility.RandomBool()))
                                if (!currentRoom.GetRoomName().StartsWith("DraGunRoom") && !currentRoom.IsMaintenanceRoom())
                                    if (currentRoom.connectedRooms != null)
                                        for (int i = 0; i < currentRoom.connectedRooms.Count; i++)
                                            if (currentRoom.connectedRooms[i] == null || currentRoom.connectedRooms[i].area.PrototypeRoomCategory == PrototypeDungeonRoom.RoomCategory.BOSS)
                                    if (roomHandler == null && ChaosConsole.WallMimicsUseRewardManager)
                                        bool MaxMimicCountReached = false;
                                        currentRoom.GetActiveEnemies(RoomHandler.ActiveEnemyType.All, ref enemiesList);
                                        for (int j = 0; j < enemiesList.Count; j++)
                                            AIActor aiactor = enemiesList[j];
                                            if (aiactor && aiactor.EnemyGuid == GameManager.Instance.RewardManager.WallMimicChances.EnemyGuid)
                                                MaxMimicCountReached = true;
                                        if (MaxMimicCountReached)
                                            goto IL_EXIT;
                                    for (int Width = -1; Width <= currentRoom.area.dimensions.x; Width++)
                                        for (int Height = -1; Height <= currentRoom.area.dimensions.y; Height++)
                                            int X = currentRoom.area.basePosition.x + Width;
                                            int Y = currentRoom.area.basePosition.y + Height;
                                            if (dungeon.data.isWall(X, Y) && X % 4 == 0 && Y % 4 == 0)
                                                int WallCount = 0;
                                                if (!dungeon.data.isWall(X - 1, Y + 2) && !dungeon.data.isWall(X, Y + 2) && !dungeon.data.isWall(X + 1, Y + 2) && !dungeon.data.isWall(X + 2, Y + 2) &&
                                                    !dungeon.data.isWall(X - 1, Y + 1) && !dungeon.data.isWall(X, Y + 1) && !dungeon.data.isWall(X + 1, Y + 1) && !dungeon.data.isWall(X + 2, Y + 1) &&
                                                    dungeon.data.isWall(X - 1, Y) && dungeon.data.isWall(X, Y) && dungeon.data.isWall(X + 1, Y) && dungeon.data.isWall(X + 2, Y) &&
                                                    dungeon.data.isWall(X - 1, Y - 1) && dungeon.data.isWall(X, Y - 1) && dungeon.data.isWall(X + 1, Y - 1) && dungeon.data.isWall(X + 2, Y - 1) &&
                                                    !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X - 1, Y - 3) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X, Y - 3) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 1, Y - 3) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 2, Y - 3))
                                                    validWalls.Add(Tuple.Create(new IntVector2(X, Y), DungeonData.Direction.NORTH));
                                                else if (dungeon.data.isWall(X - 1, Y + 2) && dungeon.data.isWall(X, Y + 2) && dungeon.data.isWall(X + 1, Y + 2) && dungeon.data.isWall(X + 2, Y + 2) &&
                                                         dungeon.data.isWall(X - 1, Y + 1) && dungeon.data.isWall(X, Y + 1) && dungeon.data.isWall(X + 1, Y + 1) && dungeon.data.isWall(X + 2, Y + 1) &&
                                                         dungeon.data.isWall(X - 1, Y) && dungeon.data.isWall(X, Y) && dungeon.data.isWall(X + 1, Y) && dungeon.data.isWall(X + 2, Y) &&
                                                         dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X, Y - 1) && dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 1, Y - 1) &&
                                                         !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X, Y + 4) && !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 1, Y + 4))
                                                    validWalls.Add(Tuple.Create(new IntVector2(X, Y), DungeonData.Direction.SOUTH));
                                                else if (dungeon.data.isWall(X, Y + 2) &&
                                                         dungeon.data.isWall(X, Y + 1) &&
                                                         dungeon.data.isWall(X - 1, Y) &&
                                                         dungeon.data.isWall(X, Y - 1) &&
                                                         dungeon.data.isWall(X, Y - 2) &&
                                                         !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X - 2, Y + 2) &&
                                                         !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X - 2, Y + 1) &&
                                                         !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X - 2, Y) &&
                                                         dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 1, Y) &&
                                                         dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 1, Y - 1) &&
                                                         !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X - 2, Y - 1) &&
                                                         !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X - 2, Y - 2))
                                                    validWalls.Add(Tuple.Create(new IntVector2(X, Y), DungeonData.Direction.EAST));
                                                else if (dungeon.data.isWall(X, Y + 2) &&
                                                         dungeon.data.isWall(X, Y + 1) &&
                                                         dungeon.data.isWall(X + 1, Y) &&
                                                         dungeon.data.isWall(X, Y - 1) &&
                                                         dungeon.data.isWall(X, Y - 2) &&
                                                         !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 2, Y + 2) &&
                                                         !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 2, Y + 1) &&
                                                         !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 2, Y) &&
                                                         dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X - 1, Y) &&
                                                         dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X - 1, Y - 1) &&
                                                         !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 2, Y - 1) &&
                                                         !dungeon.data.isPlainEmptyCell(X + 2, Y - 2))
                                                    validWalls.Add(Tuple.Create(new IntVector2(X - 1, Y), DungeonData.Direction.WEST));
                                                if (WallCount > 0)
                                                    bool flag2    = true;
                                                    int  XPadding = -5;
                                                    while (XPadding <= 5 && flag2)
                                                        int YPadding = -5;
                                                        while (YPadding <= 5 && flag2)
                                                            int x = X + XPadding;
                                                            int y = Y + YPadding;
                                                            if (dungeon.data.CheckInBoundsAndValid(x, y))
                                                                CellData cellData = dungeon.data[x, y];
                                                                if (cellData != null)
                                                                    if (cellData.type == CellType.PIT || cellData.diagonalWallType != DiagonalWallType.NONE)
                                                                        flag2 = false;
                                                    if (!flag2)
                                                        while (WallCount > 0)
                                                            validWalls.RemoveAt(validWalls.Count - 1);
                                    if (roomHandler == null)
                                        int loopCount = 0;
                                        while (loopCount < ChaosConsole.MaxWallMimicsPerRoom)
                                            // if (!ChaosConsole.WallMimicsUseRewardManager) { if (WallMimicsPlaced >= ChaosConsole.MaxWallMimicsForFloor) { break; } }
                                            if (validWalls.Count > 0)
                                                Tuple <IntVector2, DungeonData.Direction> WallCell = BraveUtility.RandomElement(validWalls);
                                                IntVector2            Position  = WallCell.First;
                                                DungeonData.Direction Direction = WallCell.Second;
                                                if (Direction != DungeonData.Direction.WEST)
                                                    currentRoom.RuntimeStampCellComplex(Position.x, Position.y, CellType.FLOOR, DiagonalWallType.NONE);
                                                if (Direction != DungeonData.Direction.EAST)
                                                    currentRoom.RuntimeStampCellComplex(Position.x + 1, Position.y, CellType.FLOOR, DiagonalWallType.NONE);
                                                AIActor orLoadByGuid = EnemyDatabase.GetOrLoadByGuid(GameManager.Instance.RewardManager.WallMimicChances.EnemyGuid);
                                                AIActor.Spawn(orLoadByGuid, Position, currentRoom, true, AIActor.AwakenAnimationType.Default, true);
                if (WallMimicsPlaced > 0)
                    if (ChaosConsole.debugMimicFlag)
                        ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] Number of Valid North Wall Mimics locations: " + NorthWallCount, false);
                        ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] Number of Valid South Wall Mimics locations: " + SouthWallCount, false);
                        ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] Number of Valid East Wall Mimics locations: " + EastWallCount, false);
                        ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] Number of Valid West Wall Mimics locations: " + WestWallCount, false);
                        ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] Number of Wall Mimics succesfully placed: " + WallMimicsPlaced, false);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                if (ChaosConsole.DebugExceptions)
                    ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] Exception occured in Dungeon.PlaceWallMimics!");
                Debug.Log("Exception caught in Dungeon.PlaceWallMimics!");
                if (WallMimicsPlaced > 0)
                    if (ChaosConsole.debugMimicFlag)
                        ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] Number of Valid North Wall Mimics locations: " + NorthWallCount, false);
                        ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] Number of Valid South Wall Mimics locations: " + SouthWallCount, false);
                        ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] Number of Valid East Wall Mimics locations: " + EastWallCount, false);
                        ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] Number of Valid West Wall Mimics locations: " + WestWallCount, false);
                        ETGModConsole.Log("[DEBUG] Number of Wall Mimics succesfully placed: " + WallMimicsPlaced, false);