    public void OnClicked(Button button)                                                  //if clicked
        if (!enteringPassword)                                                            //if user is not entering password
            Game = button.transform.parent.GetChild(1).GetComponent <Text>().text;        //get game name
            bool hasPassword = button.transform.parent.GetChild(4).gameObject.activeSelf; //does game have password
            if (hasPassword)                                                              //if game has a password allow user to enter password
            else//other wise send them to queue
                //send to server

                enteringPassword = false;
                networkMan.Send_message("Join Room", Game, "", null);
                Debug.Log("Joining Room - No Lock");
 public void PlayerLeave()                                        //if player leaves room
     networkManager.Send_message("Leave Room", null, null, null); //send message to server
     gameMan.GoToGameMenu();                                      //leave
    public void ReceiveMessage(NetworkMessage network_message)//funtion that gets all messages fromm server
        var message = network_message.ReadMessage <Stringlify_Message>();

        if (message.reason == "Login response" || message.reason == "Register response")//if login or register send to sign in manager to decode
            signinManager.ServListen(message.reason, message.main_message, message.extra_info, message.extra_info2);
        else if (message.reason == "Room Response")// if room response move to queman if you can make room
            if (message.main_message == "true")
                queueMan.GoToQueue(new List <List <string> > {
                    new List <string> {
                        accountMan.user, accountMan.profilePic
                Debug.Log("Room Already Exists");
        else if (message.reason == "Queue Update")//add people to que
            XmlSerializer         serilize_object = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List <List <string> >));
            StringReader          open_string     = new StringReader(message.main_message);
            List <List <string> > LOS             = (List <List <string> >)serilize_object.Deserialize(open_string);
        else if (message.reason == "Room Refresh")//refresg the list of rooms in game menu
            XmlSerializer         serilize_object = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List <List <string> >));
            StringReader          open_string     = new StringReader(message.main_message);
            List <List <string> > LOS             = (List <List <string> >)serilize_object.Deserialize(open_string);
        else if (message.reason == "Room removed")//if room remove go to game menu and clear que chat
            queMan.MakeChat(new List <string> {
            });                                          //erase the que chat
            Send_message("Room List", null, null, null); //send message to refresh room list in gamme menu
        else if (message.reason == "World Messages")     //if world messages update the global chat in the menu
            XmlSerializer serilize_object = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List <string>));
            StringReader  open_string     = new StringReader(message.main_message);
            List <string> LOS             = (List <string>)serilize_object.Deserialize(open_string);
            chatMan.MakeChat(LOS);                  //make chat with list of messages
        else if (message.reason == "Room Messages") // if room messages update que chat
            XmlSerializer serilize_object = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List <string>));
            StringReader  open_string     = new StringReader(message.main_message);
            List <string> LOS             = (List <string>)serilize_object.Deserialize(open_string);
            queMan.MakeChat(LOS);//make chat with list of messages

        //Game events
        else if (message.reason == "Game Started")//if game started get current player index and go to game scence
            XmlSerializer serilize_object = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List <string>));
            StringReader  open_string     = new StringReader(message.main_message);
            List <string> player_list     = (List <string>)serilize_object.Deserialize(open_string);

            selectMan.playerIndex = player_list.IndexOf(accountMan.user);
        else if (message.reason == "Game State")// if game state draw other cameras, update health, and, update the pos list of units based off unique id
            XmlSerializer serilize_object = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List <string>));//decode the message sent from server
            StringReader  open_string     = new StringReader(message.main_message);
            List <string> ID_List         = (List <string>)serilize_object.Deserialize(open_string);

            XmlSerializer        serilize_object2 = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List <List <float> >));
            StringReader         open_string2     = new StringReader(message.extra_info);
            List <List <float> > Pos_List         = (List <List <float> >)serilize_object2.Deserialize(open_string2);

            Dictionary <string, float> healthDictionary2 = new Dictionary <string, float> {
            for (int i = 0; i < ID_List.Count; i++)
                healthDictionary2[ID_List[i]] = Pos_List[i][Pos_List[i].Count - 1];
            healthDictionary = healthDictionary2;       //make health dictionary
            // e2 is cam positions
            selectMan.MoveMakeUnits(ID_List, Pos_List); //make units on screen
            XmlSerializer        serilize_object3 = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List <List <float> >));
            StringReader         open_string3     = new StringReader(message.extra_info2);
            List <List <float> > cam_List         = (List <List <float> >)serilize_object3.Deserialize(open_string3);
            camMan.drawOtherPlayer(cam_List);    //draw the spheres of the other players on the screen so user can see where others are
        else if (message.reason == "Game Stats") //update right corner game stats:
        {                                        // cash, income, max_units, max_buildings, unit_count, building_count
            XmlSerializer serilize_object = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List <int>));
            StringReader  open_string     = new StringReader(message.main_message);
            List <int>    Stat_list       = (List <int>)serilize_object.Deserialize(open_string);
            displayMan.displayGameStats(Stat_list[0], Stat_list[1], Stat_list[2], Stat_list[3], Stat_list[4], Stat_list[5]); //display game panel stats - cash, units, buildings, income
        else if (message.reason == "Game Ended")                                                                             // send winners to win message and losers to lose message
            if (message.main_message == "Win")
                StartCoroutine(newScreen(winPanel, 10));
                StartCoroutine(newScreen(losePanel, 10));
        else if (message.reason == "Global Game Messages")// maje global message to entire game room
            XmlSerializer serilize_object = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List <string>));
            StringReader  open_string     = new StringReader(message.main_message);
            List <string> all_messages    = (List <string>)serilize_object.Deserialize(open_string);
            gameChatMan.gameChatMes["Global"] = all_messages;
            if (gameChatMan.chatMode == "Global")       //if user is in global chat mode
                gameChatMan.MakeGameChat(all_messages); //make chat on screen for him
        else if (message.reason == "Team Messages")//team messages to teamates
            XmlSerializer serilize_object = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List <string>));
            StringReader  open_string     = new StringReader(message.main_message);
            List <string> all_messages    = (List <string>)serilize_object.Deserialize(open_string);
            gameChatMan.gameChatMes["Team"] = all_messages;
            if (gameChatMan.chatMode == "Team")         //if user is on team mode
                gameChatMan.MakeGameChat(all_messages); //make chat with list of messages