        //public GameFile( GameFileManager nManager, int nID, string nAssetName )
        //    manager = nManager;
        //    id = nID;
        //    assetName = nAssetName;

        //    version = 0;
        //    serverVersion = -1;
        //    serverHash = null;

        //    state = GameFileState.OutOfDate;

        //    if ( IsClientGameFile() ) state = GameFileState.UpToDate;


        /// <summary>
        /// Note: this was originally Debug only, but it will probably be used in the engine for preprocessing for example in the ColladaModel class
        /// DEBUG ONLY! This creates a gamefile that is not managed by the engine.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName"></param>
        public GameFile(string fullfilename)
            //manager = null;
            id        = -2;
            assetName = fullfilename;

            version       = 0;
            serverVersion = -1;
            serverHash    = null;

            state = GameFileState.UpToDate;

            if (version == 0)
 public void Dispose()
     state = GameFileState.Disposed;