public ActionResult KidsMusicComposer()
            var viewModel = new GameDisplayViewModel
                TitleOneliner     = "Have fun playing realistic music instruments!",
                Description       = "Compose and save your own songs.",
                GooglePlayLink    = dbContext.Games.Single(g => g.Id == Game.KidsMusicComposerId).GooglePlayPageLink,
                ContentFolderName = "KidsMusicComposer"

            return(View("GameDisplay", viewModel));
        public ActionResult AncientTombAdventure()
            var viewModel = new GameDisplayViewModel
                TitleOneliner     = "Solve unique riddles in Ancient Tomb!",
                Description       = "Explore the labyrinth and find the forgotten treasure.",
                GooglePlayLink    = dbContext.Games.Single(g => g.Id == Game.AncientTombAdventureId).GooglePlayPageLink,
                ContentFolderName = "AncientTombAdventure"

            return(View("GameDisplay", viewModel));