public DeviceScreen(GameDevice device)
            if (device == null)
                throw new Exception("Initial DeviceScreen with null device");
                mDevice = device;

            int[] resolution = device.GetScreenDimension();
            if (resolution == null || resolution.Length != 2)
                //throw new IllegalArgumentException("Device report illegal resolution length");
                mScreenWidth  = 1080;
                mScreenHeight = 2340;
                mScreenWidth  = resolution[0];
                mScreenHeight = resolution[1];

            int orientation = device.GetScreenMainOrientation();

            if (orientation < 0)
                throw new FormatException("Device report illegal default screen orientation");
                mCurrentGameOrientation = orientation;

            Log = mDevice.GetLogger();

            mScreenshotSlotCount   = mDevice.GetScreenshotSlotCount();
            mScreenshotCurrentSlot = 0;
        public DeviceInteract(JoshGameLibrary20 gl, GameDevice device)
            if (device == null)
                throw new Exception("Initial DeviceScreen with null device");
                mDevice = device;

            Log = mDevice.GetLogger();

            int[] resolution = device.GetScreenDimension();
            if (resolution == null || resolution.Length != 2)
                Log.W(TAG, "Auto detect for device resolution failed, use default 1080x2340. Override this.");
                mScreenWidth  = 1080;
                mScreenHeight = 2340;
                mScreenWidth  = resolution[0];
                mScreenHeight = resolution[1];

            int orientation = device.GetScreenMainOrientation();

            if (orientation < 0)
                throw new Exception("Device report illegal default screen orientation");
                mCurrentGameOrientation = orientation;