        /// <summary>
        /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load
        /// all of your content.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void LoadContent()
            // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures.
            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);

            // TODO: use this.Content to load your game content here
            myGameBackground.Initialize(Content.Load <Texture2D>("GridBlack"));
            myPlayer.Initialize(Content.Load <Texture2D>("RedBar"), Content.Load <Texture2D>("RedBall"));
            myLevel.Initialize(Content.Load <Texture2D>("YellowBrick"));
        public override void Start()


            TextConfig.Default = new TextConfig(new Asset("font.png"), charToSprite,
                                                paddingFunc: (float width) =>
                float result = width;
                result      *= -0.066f;


            Engine.SpawnObject(new CharactersInfo());

            var logoAsset = (SpriteAsset)Engine.GetAsset("logo");
            var logoObj   = new SpriteObject(logoAsset.Width, logoAsset.Height)
                CurrentSprite = logoAsset

            logoObj.X = Engine.Width / 2 - logoObj.Width / 2;
            logoObj.Y = Engine.Height / 2 - logoObj.Height / 2;
            // game controls text
            var padding      = 3f;
            var fontSize     = 0.66f;
            var gameControls = new TextObject(fontSize, Color.White);

            gameControls.Text = "WASD: movements";
            var gameControlsSize = gameControls.Measure();

            gameControls.X = Engine.Width / 2 - gameControlsSize.X / 2;
            gameControls.Y = logoObj.Y + logoObj.Height + padding;
            var gameControls2 = new TextObject(fontSize, Color.White);

            gameControls2.Text = "Arrows+QEZC: shot";
            var gameControls2Size = gameControls2.Measure();

            gameControls2.X = Engine.Width / 2 - gameControls2Size.X / 2;
            gameControls2.Y = gameControls.Y + gameControlsSize.Y + padding;
            var gameControls3 = new TextObject(fontSize, Color.White);

            gameControls3.Text = "F: change spell";
            var gameControls3Size = gameControls3.Measure();

            gameControls3.X = Engine.Width / 2 - gameControls3Size.X / 2;
            gameControls3.Y = gameControls2.Y + gameControls2Size.Y + padding;
            var gameControls4 = new TextObject(fontSize, Color.White);

            gameControls4.Text = "M: map - Esc: pause";
            var gameControls4Size = gameControls4.Measure();

            gameControls4.X = Engine.Width / 2 - gameControls4Size.X / 2;
            gameControls4.Y = gameControls3.Y + gameControls3Size.Y + padding;
            var continueText = new TextObject(fontSize, Color.White);

            continueText.Text = "Press anything to play!";
            var continueTextSize = continueText.Measure();

            continueText.X = Engine.Width / 2 - continueTextSize.X / 2;
            continueText.Y = Engine.Height - padding - continueTextSize.Y;

            Engine.SpawnObject("logo", logoObj);
            Engine.SpawnObject("logo_controls", gameControls);
            Engine.SpawnObject("logo_controls2", gameControls2);
            Engine.SpawnObject("logo_controls3", gameControls3);
            Engine.SpawnObject("logo_controls4", gameControls4);
            Engine.SpawnObject("logo_continueText", continueText);
            MainWindow = "logo";


            AudioSource.Volume = 0.66f;
            AudioSource.Stream(((AudioAsset)Engine.GetAsset("sound_soundtrack")).FileName, true);