        public override void ExecuteCommand()
            //First argument should be the package ID
            string packageId = Arguments[0];
            //Second argument should be the package Version
            string packageVersion = Arguments[1];
            //Third argument, if present, should be the API Key
            string userSetApiKey = null;

            if (Arguments.Count > 2)
                userSetApiKey = Arguments[2];

            //If the user passed a source use it for the gallery location
            string galleryServerUrl = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Source) ? GalleryServer.DefaultGalleryServerUrl : Source;
            var    gallery          = new GalleryServer(galleryServerUrl);

            //If the user did not pass an API Key look in the config file
            string apiKey = String.IsNullOrEmpty(userSetApiKey) ? CommandLineUtility.GetApiKey(Settings.UserSettings, galleryServerUrl) : userSetApiKey;

            if (NoPrompt || Console.Confirm(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, NuGetResources.DeleteCommandConfirm, packageId, packageVersion)))
                Console.WriteLine(NuGetResources.DeleteCommandDeletingPackage, packageId, packageVersion);
                gallery.DeletePackage(apiKey, packageId, packageVersion);
                Console.WriteLine(NuGetResources.DeleteCommandDeletedPackage, packageId, packageVersion);