public void DrawBiomePreview() { if (m_drawPreview) { //Set up a multi-terrain operation once, all rules can then draw from the data collected here Terrain currentTerrain = GetCurrentTerrain(); if (currentTerrain == null) { return; } GaiaMultiTerrainOperation operation = new GaiaMultiTerrainOperation(currentTerrain, transform, m_settings.m_range * 2f); operation.GetHeightmap(); //only re-generate all textures etc. if settings have changed and the preview is dirty, otherwise we can just use the cached textures if (m_biomePreviewDirty == true) { //Get additional op data (required for certain image masks) operation.GetNormalmap(); operation.CollectTerrainBakedMasks(); //Clear texture cache first if (m_cachedPreviewRT != null) { m_cachedPreviewRT.Release(); DestroyImmediate(m_cachedPreviewRT); } m_cachedPreviewRT = new RenderTexture(operation.RTheightmap); RenderTexture currentRT =; = m_cachedPreviewRT; GL.Clear(true, true,; = currentRT; Graphics.Blit(ApplyBrush(operation), m_cachedPreviewRT); = currentRT; //Everything processed, preview not dirty anymore m_biomePreviewDirty = false; } //Now draw the preview according to the cached textures Material material = GaiaMultiTerrainOperation.GetDefaultGaiaSpawnerPreviewMaterial(); material.SetInt("_zTestMode", (int)UnityEngine.Rendering.CompareFunction.Always); //assign the first color texture in the material material.SetTexture("_colorTexture0", m_cachedPreviewRT); //remove all other potential color textures, there can be caching issues if other visualisers were used in the meantime for (int colorIndex = 1; colorIndex < GaiaConstants.maxPreviewedTextures; colorIndex++) { material.SetTexture("_colorTexture" + colorIndex, null); } //set the color material.SetColor("_previewColor0", m_settings.m_visualisationColor); Color seaLevelColor = GaiaSettings.m_stamperSeaLevelTintColor; if (!m_showSeaLevelinPreview) { seaLevelColor.a = 0f; } material.SetColor("_seaLevelTintColor", seaLevelColor); material.SetFloat("_seaLevel", SessionManager.m_session.m_seaLevel); operation.Visualize(MultiTerrainOperationType.Heightmap, operation.RTheightmap, material, 1); //Clean up operation.CloseOperation(); //Clean up temp textures GaiaUtils.ReleaseAllTempRenderTextures(); } }