public static bool Prefix(GameScript __instance, int slot, ref Item ___holdingItem, ref Item[] ___craft) { ItemInfo itemInfo = ItemRegistry.Singleton.GetEntry(; ItemType holdingItemType = itemInfo != null ? (itemInfo.Type & (ItemType.EQUIP_MASK | ItemType.TYPE_MASK)) : ItemRegistry.GetDefaultTypeByID(; if ((holdingItemType & ItemType.NONSTACKING) == ItemType.NONSTACKING && ___craft[slot].id == { return(false); } __instance.GetComponent <AudioSource>().PlayOneShot((AudioClip)Resources.Load("Au/CLICK2"), Menuu.soundLevel / 10f); if (___craft[slot].id == { ___craft[slot].q++; } else { ___craft[slot] = GadgetCoreAPI.CopyItem(___holdingItem); ___craft[slot].q = 1; } ___holdingItem.q--; __instance.RefreshSlotCraft(slot); __instance.RefreshHoldingSlot(); __instance.CraftCheck(); return(false); }
public static bool Prefix(GameScript __instance, int slot, ref Item ___holdingItem, ref Item[] ___storage, ref int ___curStoragePage) { ItemInfo itemInfo = ItemRegistry.Singleton.GetEntry(; ItemType holdingItemType = itemInfo != null ? (itemInfo.Type & (ItemType.EQUIP_MASK | ItemType.TYPE_MASK)) : ItemRegistry.GetDefaultTypeByID(; if ((holdingItemType & ItemType.NONSTACKING) == ItemType.NONSTACKING) { __instance.SelectItemStorage(slot); return(false); } __instance.GetComponent <AudioSource>().PlayOneShot((AudioClip)Resources.Load("Au/CLICK2"), Menuu.soundLevel / 10f); int num = slot + 30 * ___curStoragePage; if (___storage[num].q > 1) { int q = ___storage[num].q; ___storage[num].q /= 2; int num2 = q - ___storage[num].q; ___holdingItem = GadgetCoreAPI.CopyItem(___storage[num]); ___holdingItem.q = num2; __instance.RefreshSlotStorage(slot); __instance.RefreshHoldingSlot(); } return(false); }
public static bool Prefix(ref Item[] ___craft, ref Item __result) { if (GadgetCoreAPI.alchemyStationRecipes.TryGetValue(Tuple.Create(___craft[0].id, ___craft[1].id, ___craft[2].id), out Tuple <Item, int> recipe)) { __result = GadgetCoreAPI.CopyItem(recipe.Item1); __result.q += Random.Range(0, recipe.Item2 + 1); return(false); } return(true); }
public static bool Prefix(ref Item[] ___craft, ref Item __result) { if (GadgetCoreAPI.ultimateForgeRecipes.TryGetValue(Tuple.Create(___craft[0].id, ___craft[2].id), out int outputID)) { __result = GadgetCoreAPI.CopyItem(___craft[0]); = outputID; __result.q = 1; __result.exp = 0; return(false); } return(true); }
public static bool Prefix(GameScript __instance, Item[] ___craft, ref bool ___canCraft, ref int ___craftType) { if (MenuRegistry.Singleton.GetEntry(___craftType) is CraftMenuInfo craftMenu) { bool validated = false; for (int i = craftMenu.CraftValidators.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (craftMenu.CraftValidators[i](___craft)) { validated = true; craftMenu.activePerformer = i; craftMenu.craftResult = ___craft.Select(x => GadgetCoreAPI.CopyItem(x)).ToArray(); craftMenu.CraftPerformers[i](craftMenu.craftResult); ___canCraft = true; __instance.buttonCraft.SendMessage("CanCraft", ___craftType, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); if (___craft[___craft.Length - 1].q == 0 && craftMenu.IsRecipeUnlocked(craftMenu.craftResult[craftMenu.craftResult.Length - 1].id)) { __instance.previewObj.GetComponent <Renderer>().material = (Material)Resources.Load("i/i" + craftMenu.craftResult[craftMenu.craftResult.Length - 1].id); __instance.previewObj.SetActive(true); } else { __instance.previewObj.SetActive(false); } break; } } if (!validated) { __instance.previewObj.SetActive(false); ___canCraft = false; __instance.buttonCraft.SendMessage("CantCraft", ___craftType, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } return(false); } return(true); }
public static bool Prefix(GameScript __instance, int slot, ref Item ___holdingItem, ref Item[] ___inventory, bool ___emblemAgain) { ItemInfo itemInfo = ItemRegistry.Singleton.GetEntry(; ItemType holdingItemType = itemInfo != null ? (itemInfo.Type & (ItemType.EQUIP_MASK | ItemType.TYPE_MASK)) : ItemRegistry.GetDefaultTypeByID(; if ((holdingItemType & ItemType.NONSTACKING) == ItemType.NONSTACKING) { SwapItem.Invoke(__instance, new object[] { slot }); return(false); } if ((slot == 36 && (holdingItemType & ItemType.EQUIP_MASK) != ItemType.WEAPON) || (slot == 37 && ((holdingItemType & ItemType.EQUIP_MASK) != ItemType.OFFHAND)) || (slot == 38 && ((holdingItemType & ItemType.EQUIP_MASK) != ItemType.HELMET)) || (slot == 39 && ((holdingItemType & ItemType.EQUIP_MASK) != ItemType.ARMOR)) || ((slot == 40 || slot == 41) && ((holdingItemType & ItemType.EQUIP_MASK) != ItemType.RING)) || (slot > 41 && ((holdingItemType & ItemType.EQUIP_MASK) != ItemType.DROID))) { MonoBehaviour.print("CANNOT PUT THAT THERE!"); } else { MonoBehaviour.print("PLACING ONE ITEM"); if (___emblemAgain) { EmblemForging.Invoke(__instance, new object[] { }); } bool newItem = false; if (___inventory[slot].id == { ___inventory[slot].q++; } else { newItem = true; ___inventory[slot] = GadgetCoreAPI.CopyItem(___holdingItem); ___inventory[slot].q = 1; } ___holdingItem.q--; MonoBehaviour.print(string.Concat(new object[] { "holding Item ",, " x", ___holdingItem.q })); RefreshSlot.Invoke(__instance, new object[] { slot }); RefreshHoldingSlot.Invoke(__instance, new object[] { }); if (slot > 35) { if (slot > 41) { __instance.GetComponent <AudioSource>().PlayOneShot((AudioClip)Resources.Load("Au/placeD"), Menuu.soundLevel / 10f); } else { __instance.GetComponent <AudioSource>().PlayOneShot((AudioClip)Resources.Load("Au/bling"), Menuu.soundLevel / 10f); } if (newItem) { if (slot == 36) { GameScript.equippedIDs[0] = ___inventory[slot].id; } else if (slot == 37) { GameScript.equippedIDs[1] = ___inventory[slot].id; } else if (slot == 38) { GameScript.equippedIDs[2] = ___inventory[slot].id; } else if (slot == 39) { GameScript.equippedIDs[3] = ___inventory[slot].id; } int[] gearStats = GadgetCoreAPI.GetGearStats(___inventory[slot]).GetStatArray(); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (gearStats[i] > 0) { GameScript.GEARSTAT[i] += gearStats[i]; __instance.txtPlayerStat[i].GetComponent <Animation>().Play(); } } GadgetCoreAPI.equippedGearStats[slot - 36] = gearStats; RefreshStats.Invoke(__instance, new object[] { }); Network.RemoveRPCs(MenuScript.playerAppearance.GetComponent <NetworkView>().viewID); int[] convertedIDs = new int[] { GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(ItemRegistry.Singleton, GameScript.equippedIDs[0]), GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(ItemRegistry.Singleton, GameScript.equippedIDs[1]), GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(ItemRegistry.Singleton, GameScript.equippedIDs[2]), GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(ItemRegistry.Singleton, GameScript.equippedIDs[3]), GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(null /* RaceRegistry */, GameScript.equippedIDs[4]), GameScript.equippedIDs[5], GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(null /* UniformRegistry */, GameScript.equippedIDs[6]), GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(null /* AugmentRegistry */, GameScript.equippedIDs[7]) }; MenuScript.playerAppearance.GetComponent <NetworkView>().RPC("UA", RPCMode.AllBuffered, new object[] { convertedIDs, 0, GameScript.dead }); RefreshMODS.Invoke(__instance, new object[] { }); __instance.UpdateHP(); __instance.UpdateEnergy(); __instance.UpdateMana(); } if (itemInfo != null) { itemInfo.InvokeOnEquip(slot); } } else { __instance.GetComponent <AudioSource>().PlayOneShot((AudioClip)Resources.Load("Au/CLICK2"), Menuu.soundLevel / 10f); } } return(false); }
public static void Prefix(ref Item ___holdingItem, ref Item __state) { __state = GadgetCoreAPI.CopyItem(___holdingItem); }
public static bool Prefix(GameScript __instance, ref Item[] ___craft, ref Item __result) { int num = Random.Range(0, 100); int num2 = 0; int num3; if (num < 5) { num3 = 0; } else if (num < 10) { num3 = 1; } else if (num < 15) { num3 = 2; } else { num3 = 99; } int id4 = 0; int q = 1; if (num3 != 99) { int id5 = ___craft[num3].id; if (GadgetCoreAPI.creationMachineRecipes.TryGetValue(id5, out Tuple <Item, int> recipe)) { __result = GadgetCoreAPI.CopyItem(recipe.Item1); __result.q += Random.Range(0, recipe.Item2 + 1); } else { switch (id5) { case 104: id4 = 495; break; case 105: id4 = 41; break; case 106: id4 = 599; num2 = 3; break; case 114: id4 = 906; break; case 115: id4 = 886; break; case 116: id4 = 647; num2 = 3; break; case 124: id4 = 596; break; case 125: id4 = 646; break; case 126: id4 = 549; num2 = 3; break; case 134: id4 = 907; break; case 135: id4 = 786; break; case 136: id4 = 499; num2 = 3; break; } if (num2 == 0) { num2 = __instance.InvokeMethod <int>("GetRandomTier"); } __result = new Item(id4, q, 0, num2, 0, new int[3], new int[3]); } } else { __result = GenerateRandomJunk(__instance); } return(false); }
public static bool Prefix(GameScript __instance, int slot, ref Item ___holdingItem, ref Item[] ___inventory, bool ___emblemAgain) { ItemInfo itemInfo = ItemRegistry.GetSingleton().GetEntry(; ItemType holdingItemType = itemInfo != null ? (itemInfo.Type & (ItemType.BASIC_MASK | ItemType.TYPE_MASK)) : ItemRegistry.GetDefaultTypeByID(; if ((holdingItemType & ItemType.NONSTACKING) == ItemType.NONSTACKING) { SwapItem.Invoke(__instance, new object[] { slot }); return(false); } if ((slot == 36 && (holdingItemType & ItemType.BASIC_MASK) != ItemType.WEAPON) || (slot == 37 && ((holdingItemType & ItemType.BASIC_MASK) != ItemType.OFFHAND)) || (slot == 38 && ((holdingItemType & ItemType.BASIC_MASK) != ItemType.HELMET)) || (slot == 39 && ((holdingItemType & ItemType.BASIC_MASK) != ItemType.ARMOR)) || ((slot == 40 || slot == 41) && ((holdingItemType & ItemType.BASIC_MASK) != ItemType.RING)) || (slot > 41 && ((holdingItemType & ItemType.BASIC_MASK) != ItemType.DROID))) { MonoBehaviour.print("CANNOT PUT THAT THERE!"); } else { MonoBehaviour.print("PLACING ONE ITEM"); if (___emblemAgain) { EmblemForging.Invoke(__instance, new object[] { }); } bool newItem = false; if (___inventory[slot].id == { ___inventory[slot].q++; } else { newItem = true; ___inventory[slot] = GadgetCoreAPI.CopyItem(___holdingItem); ___inventory[slot].q = 1; } ___holdingItem.q--; MonoBehaviour.print(string.Concat(new object[] { "holding Item ",, " x", ___holdingItem.q })); RefreshSlot.Invoke(__instance, new object[] { slot }); RefreshHoldingSlot.Invoke(__instance, new object[] { }); if (slot > 35) { if (slot > 41) { __instance.GetComponent <AudioSource>().PlayOneShot((AudioClip)Resources.Load("Au/placeD"), Menuu.soundLevel / 10f); } else { __instance.GetComponent <AudioSource>().PlayOneShot((AudioClip)Resources.Load("Au/bling"), Menuu.soundLevel / 10f); } if (newItem) { if (slot == 36) { GameScript.equippedIDs[0] = ___inventory[slot].id; } else if (slot == 37) { GameScript.equippedIDs[1] = ___inventory[slot].id; } else if (slot == 38) { GameScript.equippedIDs[2] = ___inventory[slot].id; } else if (slot == 39) { GameScript.equippedIDs[3] = ___inventory[slot].id; } int[] gearBaseStats = (int[])GetGearBaseStats.Invoke(__instance, new object[] { ___inventory[slot].id }); int num = (int)GetItemLevel.Invoke(__instance, new object[] { ___inventory[slot].exp }); if (slot > 41) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (gearBaseStats[i] > 0) { GameScript.GEARSTAT[i] += gearBaseStats[i]; __instance.txtPlayerStat[i].GetComponent <Animation>().Play(); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (gearBaseStats[i] > 0) { GameScript.GEARSTAT[i] += ___inventory[slot].tier * 3 + gearBaseStats[i] * num; __instance.txtPlayerStat[i].GetComponent <Animation>().Play(); } } for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { ItemInfo slotAspect = ItemRegistry.GetSingleton().GetEntry(___inventory[slot].aspect[j]); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (slotAspect != null) { GameScript.GEARSTAT[i] += slotAspect.Stats.GetByIndex(i); } else if (___inventory[slot].aspect[j] - 200 == i + 1) { GameScript.GEARSTAT[i] += ___inventory[slot].aspectLvl[j]; } } } } RefreshStats.Invoke(__instance, new object[] { }); Network.RemoveRPCs(MenuScript.playerAppearance.GetComponent <NetworkView>().viewID); MenuScript.playerAppearance.GetComponent <NetworkView>().RPC("UA", RPCMode.AllBuffered, new object[] { GameScript.equippedIDs, 0, GameScript.dead }); RefreshMODS.Invoke(__instance, new object[] { }); __instance.UpdateHP(); __instance.UpdateEnergy(); __instance.UpdateMana(); } if (itemInfo != null) { itemInfo.InvokeOnEquip(slot); } } else { __instance.GetComponent <AudioSource>().PlayOneShot((AudioClip)Resources.Load("Au/CLICK2"), Menuu.soundLevel / 10f); } } return(false); }