internal static void ParseIDMatrixData(string packedData) { IsHostVanilla = false; MatrixReady = false; try { foreach (string dicEntry in packedData.Split('|')) { string[] splitDic = dicEntry.Split(new char[] { ':' }, 2); if (GameRegistry.IsRegistryRegistered(splitDic[0])) { Registry reg = GameRegistry.GetRegistry(splitDic[0]); IDConversionMatrixToHost[reg.GetRegistryName()] = new Dictionary <int, int>(); IDConversionMatrixToLocal[reg.GetRegistryName()] = new Dictionary <int, int>(); foreach (string regEntry in splitDic[1].Split(',')) { string[] splitReg = regEntry.Split('='); if (reg.reservedIDs.ContainsKey(splitReg[0])) { int hostID = int.Parse(splitReg[1]); IDConversionMatrixToHost[reg.GetRegistryName()][reg.reservedIDs[splitReg[0]]] = hostID; IDConversionMatrixToLocal[reg.GetRegistryName()][hostID] = reg.reservedIDs[splitReg[0]]; } } } } MatrixReady = true; } catch (Exception e) { GadgetCore.Log("Received bad host ID conversion data: " + packedData); GadgetCore.Log("Exception that occured while parsing host ID conversion data:" + Environment.NewLine + e.ToString()); Network.Disconnect(); } }
public static bool Prefix(MenuScript __instance, ref int ___curHostPort, ref bool ___playing) { MonoBehaviour.print("Hosting Game"); try { ___curHostPort = int.Parse(__instance.txtHostPort[0].text); } catch (Exception) { ___curHostPort = 7777; __instance.txtHostPort[0].text = string.Empty; __instance.txtHostPort[1].text = __instance.txtHostPort[0].text; } Network.InitializeServer(GadgetCoreConfig.MaxConnections, ___curHostPort, false); if (GadgetCoreConfig.UseUPnP) { int curHostPort = ___curHostPort; try { __instance.StartCoroutine(GadgetCore.CoreLib.ForwardPort(curHostPort)); } catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException) { GadgetCore.Log("Gadget Core was unable to perform UPnP Port Forwarding because Gadget Core's zip file has not been unpacked!"); } catch (Exception e) { GadgetCore.Log("The following error occured while attempting to perform UPnP Port Forwarding:" + Environment.NewLine + e.ToString()); } } ___playing = false; return(false); }
public static bool Prefix(Menuu __instance, ref Ray ___ray, ref RaycastHit ___hit) { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) || Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1)) { ___ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); if (Physics.Raycast(___ray, out ___hit, 10f)) { if ("bModMenu")) { __instance.GetComponent <AudioSource>().PlayOneShot((AudioClip)Resources.Load("Au/confirm"), Menuu.soundLevel / 10f); if (GadgetCore.IsUnpacked) { __instance.StartCoroutine(ModMenu(__instance)); } else { __instance.StartCoroutine(UnpackGadgetCore()); } return(false); } else if ("bQuit")) { foreach (System.Diagnostics.Process process in ModDescPanelController.ConfigHandles) { if (process != null && !process.HasExited) { process.Kill(); } } } else if ("bPlay") && !GadgetCore.IsUnpacked) { GadgetCore.Log(GadgetCoreAPI.GetCursorPos().ToString()); GameObject gameObject = (GameObject)UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(Resources.Load("txtError"), GadgetCoreAPI.GetCursorPos() + new Vector3(0, 0, 9), Quaternion.identity); gameObject.SendMessage("InitError", "You must unpack Gadget Core before playing!"); return(false); } } } return(true); }
internal static void RegisterRegistry(Registry registry) { GadgetCore.Log("Initializing " + registry.GetRegistryName() + " Registry"); registries.Add(registry.GetEntryType(), registry); registriesByName.Add(registry.GetRegistryName(), registry); }
/// <summary> /// Loads the given config file, and adds all of the entries within to this <see cref="UMFGadgetConfigMenu"/> /// </summary> protected virtual void LoadConfigFile(string configFilePath, string section, params string[] readonlyEntries) { if (!File.Exists(configFilePath)) { AddComponent(new GadgetConfigLabelComponent(this, "No Config File", "This mod had no config file when this menu was generated.")); AddComponent(new GadgetConfigLabelComponent(this, "No Config File", "Perhaps it was just installed?")); AddComponent(new GadgetConfigLabelComponent(this, "No Config File", "Click the button to reload this config menu.")); AddComponent(new GadgetConfigSpacerComponent(this, "Spacer")); AddComponent(new GadgetConfigButtonComponent(this, null, "Refresh Config File", () => { Reset(); }, 0.25f)); return; } ConfigFilePath = configFilePath; ConfigFileSection = section; ReadonlyEntries = readonlyEntries; IniParser = new FileIniDataParser(); Ini = IniParser.ReadFile(configFilePath); Ini.Configuration.SkipInvalidLines = true; Ini.Configuration.AssigmentSpacer = ""; if (section == null || !Ini.Sections.ContainsSection(section)) { section = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(configFilePath); if (!Ini.Sections.ContainsSection(section)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(NO_CONFIGURABLE_DATA); } } AddComponent(new GadgetConfigLabelComponent(this, "ConfigVersion", "Config Version (not to be confused with mod version): " + Ini["uModFramework"]["ConfigVersion"]), GadgetConfigComponentAlignment.HEADER); bool firstStandard = true, firstHeader = false, firstFooter = true; foreach (KeyData keyData in Ini[section]) { if (keyData == null) { continue; } GadgetConfigComponentAlignment alignment = default; bool seperatorMade = false, commentsMade = false; try { string dataTypeString = keyData.Comments.SingleOrDefault((x) => x.StartsWith("[Type:")); string dataRangeString = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataTypeString)) { string[] dataTypeStrings = dataTypeString.Split('|'); dataTypeString = dataTypeStrings[0]; if (dataTypeStrings.Length > 1) { dataRangeString = dataTypeStrings[1].Substring(8, dataTypeStrings[1].Length - 9); } dataTypeString = dataTypeString.Substring(7, dataTypeString.Length - 8); } else { dataTypeString = "String"; } string defaultValueString = keyData.Comments.SingleOrDefault((x) => x.StartsWith("[Default(s):")); string vanillaValueString = keyData.Comments.SingleOrDefault((x) => x.StartsWith("[Vanilla:")); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultValueString) && defaultValueString != "[Default(s): n/a]") { string[] defaultValueStrings = defaultValueString.Split('|'); defaultValueString = defaultValueStrings[0]; if (defaultValueStrings.Length > 1) { vanillaValueString = defaultValueStrings[1].Substring(10, defaultValueStrings[1].Length - 11); } defaultValueString = defaultValueString.Substring(13, defaultValueString.Length - 14); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vanillaValueString) && vanillaValueString != "[Vanilla: n/a]") { vanillaValueString = vanillaValueString.Substring(10, vanillaValueString.Length - 11); } else { defaultValueString = null; } string allowedValuesString = keyData.Comments.SingleOrDefault((x) => x.StartsWith("[Allowed:")); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(allowedValuesString)) { allowedValuesString = allowedValuesString.Substring(10, allowedValuesString.Length - 11); } else { allowedValuesString = null; } string requiresRestartString = keyData.Comments.SingleOrDefault((x) => x.StartsWith("[Restart:")); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(requiresRestartString)) { requiresRestartString = requiresRestartString.Substring(10, requiresRestartString.Length - 11); } else { requiresRestartString = null; } bool requiresRestart = requiresRestartString != null?bool.Parse(requiresRestartString) : false; GadgetConfigComponentAlignment?nullableAlignment = AlignConfigEntry(keyData.KeyName); if (nullableAlignment == null) { continue; } alignment = (GadgetConfigComponentAlignment)nullableAlignment; if ((alignment == GadgetConfigComponentAlignment.STANDARD && firstStandard == true) || (alignment == GadgetConfigComponentAlignment.HEADER && firstHeader == true) || (alignment == GadgetConfigComponentAlignment.FOOTER && firstFooter == true)) { switch (alignment) { case GadgetConfigComponentAlignment.STANDARD: firstStandard = false; break; case GadgetConfigComponentAlignment.HEADER: firstHeader = false; break; case GadgetConfigComponentAlignment.FOOTER: firstFooter = false; break; } } else { AddComponent(new GadgetConfigSeparatorComponent(this, "Seperator"), alignment); } seperatorMade = true; foreach (string comment in keyData.Comments) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(comment) && comment[0] != '[') { AddComponent(new GadgetConfigLabelComponent(this, "Comment For: " + keyData.KeyName, comment, 0.05f, true), alignment); } } commentsMade = true; switch (dataTypeString) { case "Boolean": bool boolValue = bool.Parse(keyData.Value); bool?boolDefaultValue = defaultValueString != null ? (bool?)bool.Parse(defaultValueString) : null; bool?boolVanillaValue = vanillaValueString != null ? (bool?)bool.Parse(vanillaValueString) : null; AddComponent(new GadgetConfigBoolComponent(this, keyData.KeyName, boolValue, (b) => SetConfigValue(section, keyData.KeyName, b.ToString()), readonlyEntries.Contains(keyData.KeyName), boolDefaultValue, boolVanillaValue), alignment); break; case "Int32": int intValue = int.Parse(keyData.Value); int[] intRange = dataRangeString?.Split(',').Select(x => int.Parse(x)).ToArray(); if (intRange != null && intRange.Length != 2) { throw new InvalidDataException("The range '" + dataRangeString + "' is not valid!"); } int?intDefaultValue = defaultValueString != null ? (int?)int.Parse(defaultValueString) : null; int?intVanillaValue = vanillaValueString != null ? (int?)int.Parse(vanillaValueString) : null; AddComponent(new GadgetConfigIntComponent(this, keyData.KeyName, intValue, (s) => SetConfigValue(section, keyData.KeyName, s.ToString()), intRange != null ? intRange[0] : 0, intRange != null ? intRange[1] : 0, readonlyEntries.Contains(keyData.KeyName), intDefaultValue, intVanillaValue), alignment); break; case "Single": float floatValue = float.Parse(keyData.Value); float[] floatRange = dataRangeString?.Split(',').Select(x => float.Parse(x)).ToArray(); if (floatRange != null && floatRange.Length != 2 && floatRange.Length != 3) { throw new InvalidDataException("The range '" + dataRangeString + "' is not valid!"); } float?floatDefaultValue = defaultValueString != null ? (float?)float.Parse(defaultValueString) : null; float?floatVanillaValue = vanillaValueString != null ? (float?)float.Parse(vanillaValueString) : null; AddComponent(new GadgetConfigFloatComponent(this, keyData.KeyName, floatValue, (s) => SetConfigValue(section, keyData.KeyName, s.ToString()), floatRange != null ? floatRange[0] : 0, floatRange != null ? floatRange[1] : 0, floatRange != null && floatRange.Length == 3 ? (int)floatRange[2] : -1, readonlyEntries.Contains(keyData.KeyName), floatDefaultValue, floatVanillaValue), alignment); break; case "Double": double doubleValue = double.Parse(keyData.Value); double[] doubleRange = dataRangeString?.Split(',').Select(x => double.Parse(x)).ToArray(); if (doubleRange != null && doubleRange.Length != 2 && doubleRange.Length != 3) { throw new InvalidDataException("The range '" + dataRangeString + "' is not valid!"); } double?doubleDefaultValue = defaultValueString != null ? (double?)double.Parse(defaultValueString) : null; double?doubleVanillaValue = vanillaValueString != null ? (double?)double.Parse(vanillaValueString) : null; AddComponent(new GadgetConfigDoubleComponent(this, keyData.KeyName, doubleValue, (s) => SetConfigValue(section, keyData.KeyName, s.ToString()), doubleRange != null ? doubleRange[0] : 0, doubleRange != null ? doubleRange[1] : 0, doubleRange != null && doubleRange.Length == 3 ? (int)doubleRange[2] : -1, readonlyEntries.Contains(keyData.KeyName), doubleDefaultValue, doubleVanillaValue), alignment); break; case "String": string stringValue = keyData.Value; string stringDefaultValue = defaultValueString; string stringVanillaValue = vanillaValueString; if (keyData.Comments.Contains("[IsKeyBind: True]")) { AddComponent(new GadgetConfigKeybindComponent(this, keyData.KeyName, stringValue, (s) => SetConfigValue(section, keyData.KeyName, s), true, readonlyEntries.Contains(keyData.KeyName), stringDefaultValue, stringVanillaValue), alignment); } else { AddComponent(new GadgetConfigStringComponent(this, keyData.KeyName, stringValue, (s) => SetConfigValue(section, keyData.KeyName, s), readonlyEntries.Contains(keyData.KeyName), stringDefaultValue, stringVanillaValue), alignment); } break; case "String[]": string[] stringArrayValue = keyData.Value.Split(','); string[] stringArrayDefaultValue = defaultValueString?.Split(','); string[] stringArrayVanillaValue = vanillaValueString?.Split(','); if (keyData.Comments.Contains("[IsKeyBind: True]")) { AddComponent(new GadgetConfigMultiKeybindComponent(this, keyData.KeyName, stringArrayValue, (s) => SetConfigValue(section, keyData.KeyName, s?.Aggregate(new StringBuilder(), (x, y) => { if (x.Length > 0) { x.Append(','); } x.Append(y); return(x); })?.ToString()), true, readonlyEntries.Contains(keyData.KeyName), stringArrayDefaultValue, stringArrayVanillaValue), alignment); } else { AddComponent(new GadgetConfigMultiStringComponent(this, keyData.KeyName, stringArrayValue, (s) => SetConfigValue(section, keyData.KeyName, s?.Aggregate(new StringBuilder(), (x, y) => { if (x.Length > 0) { x.Append(','); } x.Append(y); return(x); })?.ToString()), readonlyEntries.Contains(keyData.KeyName), stringArrayDefaultValue, stringArrayVanillaValue), alignment); } break; case "KeyCode": string keyCodeValue = keyData.Value; string keyCodeDefaultValue = defaultValueString; string keyCodeVanillaValue = vanillaValueString; AddComponent(new GadgetConfigKeybindComponent(this, keyData.KeyName, keyCodeValue, (s) => SetConfigValue(section, keyData.KeyName, s), false, readonlyEntries.Contains(keyData.KeyName), keyCodeDefaultValue, keyCodeVanillaValue), alignment); break; default: continue; } } catch (Exception e) { GadgetCore.Log("WARNING: Exception parsing config entry '" + keyData.KeyName + "' with value '" + keyData.Value + "': " + e); try { if (!seperatorMade) { GadgetConfigComponentAlignment?nullableAlignment = AlignConfigEntry(keyData.KeyName); if (nullableAlignment == null) { continue; } alignment = (GadgetConfigComponentAlignment)nullableAlignment; if ((alignment == GadgetConfigComponentAlignment.STANDARD && firstStandard == true) || (alignment == GadgetConfigComponentAlignment.HEADER && firstHeader == true) || (alignment == GadgetConfigComponentAlignment.FOOTER && firstFooter == true)) { switch (alignment) { case GadgetConfigComponentAlignment.STANDARD: firstStandard = false; break; case GadgetConfigComponentAlignment.HEADER: firstHeader = false; break; case GadgetConfigComponentAlignment.FOOTER: firstFooter = false; break; } } else { AddComponent(new GadgetConfigSeparatorComponent(this, "Seperator"), alignment); } seperatorMade = true; } if (!commentsMade) { foreach (string comment in keyData.Comments) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(comment) && comment[0] != '[') { AddComponent(new GadgetConfigLabelComponent(this, "Comment For: " + keyData.KeyName, comment, 0.05f, true), alignment); } } commentsMade = true; } AddComponent(new GadgetConfigSpacerComponent(this, "Parsing Error Spacer for: " + keyData.KeyName)); AddComponent(new GadgetConfigLabelComponent(this, "Parsing Error Label for: " + keyData.KeyName, "An error occured parsing the following config entry: " + keyData.KeyName, 0.05f, true), alignment); AddComponent(new GadgetConfigLabelComponent(this, "Parsing Error Label for: " + keyData.KeyName, "As such, a raw-text editor is being provided as a fallback.", 0.05f, true), alignment); AddComponent(new GadgetConfigLabelComponent(this, "Parsing Error Label for: " + keyData.KeyName, "Additionally, the entry's meta-comments are being displayed.", 0.05f, true), alignment); AddComponent(new GadgetConfigSpacerComponent(this, "Parsing Error Spacer for: " + keyData.KeyName)); foreach (string comment in keyData.Comments) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(comment) && comment[0] == '[') { AddComponent(new GadgetConfigLabelComponent(this, "Meta-Comment For: " + keyData.KeyName, comment, 0.05f, true), alignment); } } AddComponent(new GadgetConfigStringComponent(this, keyData.KeyName, keyData.Value, (s) => SetConfigValue(section, keyData.KeyName, s), readonlyEntries.Contains(keyData.KeyName)), alignment); } catch (Exception ee) { GadgetCore.Log("WARNING: Failed fallback parsing of config entry '" + keyData.KeyName + "' with value '" + keyData.Value + "': " + ee); try { if (!seperatorMade) { try { GadgetConfigComponentAlignment?nullableAlignment = AlignConfigEntry(keyData.KeyName); if (nullableAlignment == null) { continue; } alignment = (GadgetConfigComponentAlignment)nullableAlignment; if ((alignment == GadgetConfigComponentAlignment.STANDARD && firstStandard == true) || (alignment == GadgetConfigComponentAlignment.HEADER && firstHeader == true) || (alignment == GadgetConfigComponentAlignment.FOOTER && firstFooter == true)) { switch (alignment) { case GadgetConfigComponentAlignment.STANDARD: firstStandard = false; break; case GadgetConfigComponentAlignment.HEADER: firstHeader = false; break; case GadgetConfigComponentAlignment.FOOTER: firstFooter = false; break; } } else { AddComponent(new GadgetConfigSeparatorComponent(this, "Seperator"), alignment); } seperatorMade = true; } catch (Exception se) { GadgetCore.Log("WARNING: Failed creating seperator for failed config entry '" + keyData.KeyName + "': " + se); } } AddComponent(new GadgetConfigLabelComponent(this, "Fatal Error Name Label for: " + keyData.KeyName, "A FATAL ERROR OCCURED PROCESSING THE FOLLOWING CONFIG ENTRY: " + keyData.KeyName, 0.05f, true), alignment); AddComponent(new GadgetConfigLabelComponent(this, "Fatal Error Value Label for: " + keyData.KeyName, "THE VALUE OF THE CONFIG ENTRY IS: " + keyData.Value, 0.05f, true), alignment); } catch (Exception fe) { GadgetCore.Log("WARNING: Failed creating label for failed config entry '" + keyData.KeyName + "': " + fe); } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Unpacks the mod with the specified file path. /// </summary> public static bool UnpackModFile(string filePath) { try { using (ZipFile modZip = ZipFile.Read(filePath)) { if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(UMFData.ModsPath, "ModInfo.txt"))) { File.Move(Path.Combine(UMFData.ModsPath, "ModInfo.txt"), Path.Combine(UMFData.CachePath, "ModInfoBackup.txt")); } modZip.ExtractAll(UMFData.ModsPath, ExtractExistingFileAction.OverwriteSilently); string dllFile = null; foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(UMFData.ModsPath, "*.dll")) { if (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath).StartsWith(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file))) { dllFile = file; break; } } if (dllFile == null) { GadgetCore.Log("WARNING! Mod .zip " + Path.GetFileName(filePath) + " is being unpacked, but it does not contain a .dll whos name matches the .zip!"); } if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(UMFData.ModsPath, "Tools"))) { foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(UMFData.ModsPath, "Tools"))) { string fileName = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(UMFData.UMFPath, "Tools"), Path.GetFileName(file)); if (File.Exists(fileName)) { File.Delete(fileName); } File.Move(file, fileName); } Directory.Delete(Path.Combine(UMFData.ModsPath, "Tools"), true); } if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(UMFData.ModsPath, "CoreLibs")) && coreLibInstallerProcess == null) { if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform != PlatformID.Win32NT) { ProcessStartInfo coreLibInstallerPI = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = "mono", Arguments = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(UMFData.UMFPath, "Tools"), "GadgetCore.CoreLibInstaller.exe") + " " + Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id, WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden, ErrorDialog = true, UseShellExecute = false, }; coreLibInstallerPI.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(coreLibInstallerPI.FileName); coreLibInstallerProcess = Process.Start(coreLibInstallerPI); } else { ProcessStartInfo coreLibInstallerPI = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(UMFData.UMFPath, "Tools"), "GadgetCore.CoreLibInstaller.exe"), Arguments = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id.ToString(), WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden, ErrorDialog = true, UseShellExecute = false, }; coreLibInstallerPI.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(coreLibInstallerPI.FileName); coreLibInstallerProcess = Process.Start(coreLibInstallerPI); } } if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(UMFData.ModsPath, "ModInfo.txt"))) { string modInfoName; if (dllFile != null) { string trimmedVersionNumber = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(dllFile).ToString().Split('.').TakeWhile(x => !x.Equals("0")).Aggregate(new StringBuilder(), (a, b) => { if (a.Length > 0) { a.Append("."); } a.Append(b); return(a); }).ToString(); modInfoName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(dllFile) + "_v" + FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(dllFile); } else { modInfoName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath); } if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(UMFData.ModInfosPath, modInfoName + "_ModInfo.txt"))) { File.Delete(Path.Combine(UMFData.ModInfosPath, modInfoName + "_ModInfo.txt")); } File.Move(Path.Combine(UMFData.ModsPath, "ModInfo.txt"), Path.Combine(UMFData.ModInfosPath, modInfoName + "_ModInfo.txt")); } if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(UMFData.CachePath, "ModInfoBackup.txt"))) { File.Move(Path.Combine(UMFData.CachePath, "ModInfoBackup.txt"), Path.Combine(UMFData.ModsPath, "ModInfo.txt")); } } File.SetAttributes(filePath, FileAttributes.Normal); File.Delete(filePath); return(true); } catch (Exception e) { GadgetCore.Log("Error unpacking mod '" + filePath.Split('\\', '/').Last() + "': " + e.ToString()); return(false); } }