        public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
            GXLightMask mask = (GXLightMask)parameter;

            this.m_target = (GXLightMask)value;
            return((mask & this.m_target) != 0);
        private static string GenerateColorChannel(ColorChannelControl chan, int index, string output_name)
            StringBuilder stream = new StringBuilder();

            string matColorSource = chan.MaterialSrc == GXColorSrc.Vertex ? $"a_Color{ index }" : $"MaterialColors[{ index }]";
            string ambColorSource = chan.AmbientSrc == GXColorSrc.Vertex ? $"a_Color{ index }" : $"AmbientColors[{ index }]";

            string generateLightAccum = "";

            if (chan.LightingEnabled)
                generateLightAccum  = $"\tt_LightAccum = { ambColorSource };\n";
                generateLightAccum += "\n\t// Lighting calculations! Trig ahoy!\n\n";

                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    GXLightMask cur_mask = GXLightMask.Light0 + i;

                    if (!chan.LitMask.HasFlag(cur_mask))

                    string light_name = $"LightParams[{ i }]";

                    generateLightAccum += "\t// t_LightDelta is a vector pointing from the light to the vertex.\n";
                    generateLightAccum += "\t// Because the dot product of a vector with itself is the vector's length squared,\n";
                    generateLightAccum += "\t// we can square root the dot product to get the distance between the light and the vertex.\n";
                    generateLightAccum += $"\tt_LightDelta = { light_name }.Position.xyz - v_Position.xyz;\n";
                    generateLightAccum += "\tt_LightDeltaDist2 = dot(t_LightDelta, t_LightDelta);\n";
                    generateLightAccum += "\tt_LightDeltaDist = sqrt(t_LightDeltaDist2);\n\n";

                    generateLightAccum += "\t// Dividing a vector by its length normalizes it.\n";
                    generateLightAccum += "\t// Doing this with our difference vector gives us the direction of the vertex from the light, without the magnitude.\n";
                    generateLightAccum += "\tt_LightDeltaDir = t_LightDelta / t_LightDeltaDist;\n\n";

                    generateLightAccum += "\t// This is how much light is hitting the vertex - the cosine of the angle of incidence between the vertex and the light.\n";
                    generateLightAccum += $"\tdiffuse_coeff = { GetDiffFn(chan) };\n\n";

                    generateLightAccum += GenerateAttnFn(chan, light_name);

                    generateLightAccum += "\t// The final color is the ambient color (the base or 'black') with the light's color added to it.\n";
                    generateLightAccum += "\t// But the color of the light is dampened by the angle at which the light is hitting our vertex (diffuse_coeff)\n";
                    generateLightAccum += "\t// and the ratio of the angle and distance attenuation behaviors (angle / dist).\n";
                    generateLightAccum += $"\tt_LightAccum += diffuse_coeff * (angle_attenuation / dist_attenuation) * { light_name }.Color;\n";
                generateLightAccum  = "\t// Lighting isn't being applied, so instead of calculating it we'll say the vertex is getting a full blast of white light.\n";
                generateLightAccum += "\tt_LightAccum = vec4(1.0);";

            stream.AppendLine($"\t{ output_name } = { matColorSource } * clamp(t_LightAccum, 0.0, 1.0);");

 public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
     this.m_target ^= (GXLightMask)parameter;