/** * OnGUI code */ void OnGUI() { if (showFeedback) { lookCloselyGUI.OnGUI(gameObject); model.guiOn = true; } else { if (ARModel.selected == gameObject) { if (model.Processed) { //alreadyExaminedGUI.OnGUI(gameObject); ARModel.selected = null; model.guiOn = false; } else { gui.OnGUI(gameObject); model.guiOn = true; } } else { model.guiOn = false; } } }
public void OnGUI(GameObject gameObject) { if (CurrentSlide().GetSlideState() == Slide.SlideState.AR) { guiNoBackground.OnGUI(gameObject); } else { gui.OnGUI(gameObject); } CurrentSlide().OnGUI(gameObject); }
void OnGUI() { if (FlowControl.MenuState) { GUI.enabled = false; } gui.OnGUI(gameObject); if (FlowControl.MenuState) { GUI.enabled = true; } if (FlowControl.MenuState) { FlowControl.DrawMenu(gameObject); } }
public void DoGUI(GameObject gameObject) { switch (this.state) { case SlideState.AR: this.experience.OnGUI(gameObject); // Check if we have found a target! GameObject targetGameObject = this.experience.GetTarget(); bool found = false; TrackableBehaviour mTrackableBehaviour = targetGameObject.GetComponent <TrackableBehaviour> (); ImageTargetAbstractBehaviour b = this.experience.GetTarget().GetComponent <ImageTargetAbstractBehaviour> (); if (b != null && b.ImageTarget != null) { String name = b.ImageTarget.Name; foreach (GameObject o in this.experience.GetGameObjects()) { foreach (Renderer component in targetGameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>(true)) { if (component.enabled && mTrackableBehaviour.TrackableName == name) { found = true; } } foreach (Collider component in targetGameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Collider>(true)) { if (component.enabled && mTrackableBehaviour.TrackableName == name) { found = true; } } } } // If NOT found, show GUI text if (!found) { GUIFactory factory = new GUIFactory(); factory.CreateLabel(this.text) .SetBox(new Box() .SetMarginTop(0.01f) .SetMarginLeft(0.3f) .SetMarginRight(0.3f) .SetHeight(0.1f)); factory.Build().OnGUI(gameObject); } break; case SlideState.QUESTION: // ------------------- Construct GUI for Question ---------------------- \\ // -------------------------------- QUESTION GUI --------------------------------- \\ GUIFactory qFactory = new GUIFactory(); // Go Back Button GUIButton backButton = new GUIButton(); backButton.SetText("Go Back"); backButton.SetBox(new Box() .SetMarginTop("auto") .SetMarginRight("auto") .SetMarginLeft(0.01f) .SetMarginBottom(0.01f) .SetWidth(Screen.width * 0.2 + "px") .SetHeight(0.1f)); backButton.OnClick(FlowControl.PreviousSlide); GUIComponent c; if (this.showDescriptionOfRightAnswer) { c = new GUILabel(question.GetDescriptionOfRightAnswer()); qFactory.Append(c); c.SetBox((new Box()) .SetMarginTop(0.1f) .SetMarginRight(0.1f) .SetMarginBottom(0.1f) .SetMarginLeft(0.1f)); GUILabel z = (GUILabel)c; z.SetStyle(GUIStyles.GetInstance().DEFAULT_SLIDE_STYLE); GUIButton continueButton = new GUIButton(); continueButton.SetText("Continue"); continueButton.SetBox(new Box() .SetMarginTop("auto") .SetMarginLeft("auto") .SetMarginRight(0.01f) .SetMarginBottom(0.01f) .SetWidth(Screen.width * 0.2 + "px") .SetHeight(0.1f)); continueButton.OnClick(Continue); c.Append(continueButton); } else { if (this.showHint) { c = new GUIButton(); qFactory.Append(c); c.SetBox((new Box()) .SetMarginTop(0.1f) .SetMarginRight(0.1f) .SetMarginBottom(0.1f) .SetMarginLeft(0.1f)); GUIButton z = (GUIButton)c; z.SetStyle(GUIStyles.GetInstance().DEFAULT_SLIDE_STYLE); z.SetText(question.GetHint() + "\n\n(Click to hide hint)"); z.OnClick(HideHint); } else { c = qFactory .CreateLabel(question.GetText()) .SetBox((new Box()) .SetMarginTop(0.1f) .SetMarginRight(0.1f) .SetMarginBottom(0.1f) .SetMarginLeft(0.1f)); GUILabel l = (GUILabel)c; l.SetStyle(GUIStyles.GetInstance().DEFAULT_SLIDE_STYLE); } if (currentAnswer != -1) { // We have a selected answer, show the "next" button GUIButton submitAnswerButton = new GUIButton(); submitAnswerButton.SetText("Submit Answer"); submitAnswerButton.SetBox(new Box() .SetMarginTop("auto") .SetMarginLeft("auto") .SetMarginRight(0.01f) .SetMarginBottom(0.01f) .SetWidth(Screen.width * 0.2 + "px") .SetHeight(0.1f)); submitAnswerButton.OnClick(SubmitAnswer); c.Append(submitAnswerButton); } for (int i = 0; i < this.question.GetAnswers().Length; i++) { GUIButton button = new GUIButton(); button.SetText(this.question.GetAnswers() [i]); button.SetBox(questionBoxes [i]); if (currentAnswer == i) { button.SetPressed(true); } switch (i) { case 0: button.OnClick(QuestionAnswerA); break; case 1: button.OnClick(QuestionAnswerB); break; case 2: button.OnClick(QuestionAnswerC); break; case 3: button.OnClick(QuestionAnswerD); break; default: break; } c.Append(button); } c.Append(backButton); } GUIStructure questionGUI = qFactory.Build(); questionGUI.OnGUI(gameObject); break; case SlideState.TEXT: gui.OnGUI(gameObject); break; case SlideState.DONE: FlowControl.NextSlide(); break; default: break; } }