    // Show selected widget and enable its editation
    //	To right (main) window draws texture for current selected widget
    //  Also render area (rectangle) in the texture witch represents widget
    void RenderRightPanel()
        // Show selected widget and enable its editation

        if (m_SelectedWidget)
            Material mat = m_SelectedWidget.GetMaterial();

            if (mat && mat.mainTexture)
                // Draw texture

                Rect r = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect();

                // Go a little bit far from border
                //r.x	+= 10;
                //r.y	+= r.height + 10;

                // Take zoom into account
                r.width  = mat.mainTexture.width * m_ZoomFactor * (1.0f + m_PlatformShift.x);
                r.height = mat.mainTexture.height * m_ZoomFactor * (1.0f + m_PlatformShift.y);

                Rect sourceRect = new Rect(-m_PlatformShift.x, 0.0f, 1.0f + m_PlatformShift.x, 1.0f + m_PlatformShift.y);

                Graphics.DrawTexture(r, mat.mainTexture, sourceRect, 0, 0, 0, 0, mat);

                // Edit area ?
                if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)                    // values are not correct during other events !!!
                    m_TexturePosPrepared = true;

                    m_TexturePos.x = r.x;
                    m_TexturePos.y = r.y;

                    m_TextureSize.x = mat.mainTexture.width;
                    m_TextureSize.y = mat.mainTexture.height;

                    //if ((m_SelectedPointIdx != -1) || m_WidgetDrag)
                    if (m_SelectedPointIdx != -1)

                // Draw area rectangle (of selected/edited widget)
                Rect    tmpArea     = new Rect(m_EditedArea.Area.x, m_EditedArea.Area.y, m_EditedArea.Area.width, m_EditedArea.Area.height);
                Vector2 layoutShift = new Vector2(m_PlatformShift.x * m_TextureSize.x * m_ZoomFactor, m_PlatformShift.y * m_TextureSize.y * m_ZoomFactor);


                GUIEditorUtils.DrawRect(new Vector2(r.x, r.y), tmpArea, 0.0f, m_ZoomFactor, layoutShift, true, GUIEditorUtils.COLOR_AREA_EDGE, GUIEditorUtils.COLOR_AREA_POINT, GUIEditorUtils.COLOR_AREA_SELECTED_POINT, true, m_PointSize, m_SelectedPointIdx);

                //HACK rewrite to DrawLine() later !!!!
                if (m_EditedArea.UsesGrid9 == true)
                    GUIEditorUtils.DrawRect(new Vector2(r.x, r.y), new Rect(tmpArea.x + m_EditedArea.Slices.left, tmpArea.y, 0, tmpArea.height), 0.0f, m_ZoomFactor, layoutShift, GUIEditorUtils.COLOR_AREA_SLICE);
                    GUIEditorUtils.DrawRect(new Vector2(r.x, r.y), new Rect(tmpArea.x + tmpArea.width - m_EditedArea.Slices.right, tmpArea.y, 0, tmpArea.height), 0.0f, m_ZoomFactor, layoutShift, GUIEditorUtils.COLOR_AREA_SLICE);
                    GUIEditorUtils.DrawRect(new Vector2(r.x, r.y), new Rect(tmpArea.x, tmpArea.y + m_EditedArea.Slices.top, tmpArea.width, 0), 0.0f, m_ZoomFactor, layoutShift, GUIEditorUtils.COLOR_AREA_SLICE);
                    GUIEditorUtils.DrawRect(new Vector2(r.x, r.y), new Rect(tmpArea.x, tmpArea.y + tmpArea.height - m_EditedArea.Slices.bottom, tmpArea.width, 0), 0.0f, m_ZoomFactor, layoutShift, GUIEditorUtils.COLOR_AREA_SLICE);

                //GUIEditorUtils.DrawRect(new Vector2(r.x, r.y), new Rect(0, 0, r.width, r.height), 0.0f, 1.0f, new Vector2(0,0), GUIEditorUtils.COLOR_LAYOUT_AREA);
