 public void Match(GRP_ManagerBase source)
     backgroundImage          = source.backgroundImage;
     backgroundTint           = source.backgroundTint;
     bodyFont                 = source.bodyFont;
     bodyFontSize             = source.bodyFontSize;
     bodyTextColor            = source.bodyTextColor;
     buttonBleed              = source.buttonBleed;
     buttonDirection          = source.buttonDirection;
     buttonFont               = source.buttonFont;
     buttonFontSize           = source.buttonFontSize;
     buttonImage              = source.buttonImage;
     buttonPadding            = source.buttonPadding;
     buttonPrefixImage        = source.buttonPrefixImage;
     buttonPressedImage       = source.buttonPressedImage;
     buttonSeparation         = source.buttonSeparation;
     buttonSeparator          = source.buttonSeparator;
     buttonTextColor          = source.buttonTextColor;
     buttonTextColorPressed   = source.buttonTextColorPressed;
     container                = source.container;
     containerBleed           = source.containerBleed;
     containerImage           = source.containerImage;
     containerPadding         = source.containerPadding;
     containerTint            = source.containerTint;
     fadeAnimation            = source.fadeAnimation;
     fadeDuration             = source.fadeDuration;
     fadeProfile              = source.fadeProfile;
     flexibleHeight           = source.flexibleHeight;
     flexibleWidth            = source.flexibleWidth;
     fullscreenBottom         = source.fullscreenBottom;
     fullscreenLeft           = source.fullscreenLeft;
     fullscreenRight          = source.fullscreenRight;
     fullscreenTop            = source.fullscreenTop;
     generalButtonPressedTint = source.generalButtonPressedTint;
     generalButtonTint        = source.generalButtonTint;
     initialize               = source.initialize;
     makeThisParent           = source.makeThisParent;
     messagePadding           = source.messagePadding;
     placement                = source.placement;
     promptInputFieldImage    = source.promptInputFieldImage;
     promptInputFieldTint     = source.promptInputFieldTint;
     promptInputfieldColor    = source.promptInputfieldColor;
     promptPlaceholderColor   = source.promptPlaceholderColor;
     promptType               = source.promptType;
     referenceSize            = source.referenceSize;
     returnButtonImage        = source.returnButtonImage;
     returnButtonPressedImage = source.returnButtonPressedImage;
     returnButtonPressedTint  = source.returnButtonPressedTint;
     returnButtonTint         = source.returnButtonTint;
     returnPosition           = source.returnPosition;
     returnTextColor          = source.returnTextColor;
     returnTextColorPressed   = source.returnTextColorPressed;
     showBehaviour            = source.showBehaviour;
     showButtons              = source.showButtons;
     showDesign               = source.showDesign;
     showRatios               = source.showRatios;
     showTypography           = source.showTypography;
     staticAnchor             = source.staticAnchor;
     staticAnchorX            = source.staticAnchorX;
     staticAnchorY            = source.staticAnchorY;
     staticHeight             = source.staticHeight;
     staticWidth              = source.staticWidth;
     staticX         = source.staticX;
     staticY         = source.staticY;
     textAlignment   = source.textAlignment;
     titleColor      = source.titleColor;
     titleFont       = source.titleFont;
     titleFontSize   = source.titleFontSize;
     titlePadding    = source.titlePadding;
     titleSeparator  = source.titleSeparator;
     worldFollowAxes = source.worldFollowAxes;
     worldHeight     = source.worldHeight;
     worldPosition   = source.worldPosition;
     worldRotation   = source.worldRotation;
     worldScale      = source.worldScale;
     worldWidth      = source.worldWidth;
    protected void OnAwake(GRP_ManagerBase pm)
        rmb = pm;

        savePresetButtonText = "Create a Preset";
        presetFolderPath     = FindAbsolutePath("GRP_Presets");

        if (presetFolderPath == null)
            AssetDatabase.CreateFolder("Assets", "GRP_Presets");
            presetFolderPath = "Assets/GRP_Presets";
            Debug.Log("Preset folder missing!");
            Debug.Log("New preset folder is created here:");


        EditorStyles.foldout.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;
        deleteTex = (Texture)Resources.Load("Sprites/UI/bin");
        upTex     = (Texture)Resources.Load("Sprites/UI/up");
        downTex   = (Texture)Resources.Load("Sprites/UI/down");

        EditorStyles.textArea.wordWrap = true;

        if (rmb.initialize)
            if (Camera.main == null)
                rmb.referenceSize = new Vector2Int(1920, 1080);
            else if (Camera.main.pixelWidth > Camera.main.pixelHeight)
                rmb.referenceSize = new Vector2Int(1920, 1080);
            else if (Camera.main.pixelWidth < Camera.main.pixelHeight)
                rmb.referenceSize = new Vector2Int(1080, 1920);
                rmb.referenceSize = new Vector2Int(1080, 1080);

            rmb.worldFollowAxes = new Vector3Bool();

            rmb.title   = "Hi there";
            rmb.message = "Seems like you prefer to do things manually.\n\nI like the cut of your jib.";

            //Manually load simple red.
            //Just in case.

            rmb.containerPadding = 5;
            rmb.titlePadding     = 5;
            rmb.messagePadding   = 5;
            rmb.buttonPadding    = 5;

            rmb.backgroundTint = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.4980392f);
            rmb.containerTint  = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1);

            rmb.returnButtonTint         = new Color(0.8823529f, 0, 0, 1);
            rmb.generalButtonTint        = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0);
            rmb.returnButtonPressedTint  = new Color(0.7058824f, 0, 0, 1);
            rmb.generalButtonPressedTint = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.05882353f);

            rmb.titleColor             = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.9215f);
            rmb.bodyTextColor          = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.9215f);
            rmb.buttonTextColor        = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.9215f);
            rmb.returnTextColor        = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.8823529f);
            rmb.buttonTextColorPressed = new Color(0, 0, 0, 1);
            rmb.returnTextColorPressed = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.8823529f);

            rmb.promptPlaceholderColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.4f);
            rmb.promptInputfieldColor  = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.9215f);
            rmb.promptInputFieldTint   = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.1f);

            rmb.titleFontSize  = 60;
            rmb.bodyFontSize   = 36;
            rmb.buttonFontSize = 36;

            rmb.textAlignment = TextAlignment.Center;

            rmb.fadeDuration  = 0.25f;
            rmb.fadeProfile   = AnimationCurve.Linear(0, 0, 1, 1);
            rmb.fadeAnimation = FadeAnimation.Fade;

            rmb.initialize = false;