protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { GLatLng latlng = new GLatLng(46, 21); GMap1.setCenter(latlng, 4); List<GLatLng> puntos = new List<GLatLng>(); puntos.Add(latlng + new GLatLng(0, 8)); puntos.Add(latlng + new GLatLng(-0.5, 4.2)); puntos.Add(latlng); puntos.Add(latlng + new GLatLng(3.5, -4)); puntos.Add(latlng + new GLatLng(4.79, +2.6)); GPolygon poligono = new GPolygon(puntos, "557799", 3, 0.5, "237464", 0.5); poligono.close(); GMap1.Add(poligono); List<GLatLng> puntos2 = new List<GLatLng>(); puntos2.Add(latlng + new GLatLng(5, -8)); puntos2.Add(latlng + new GLatLng(5, -6)); puntos2.Add(latlng + new GLatLng(5, -4)); puntos2.Add(latlng); puntos2.Add(latlng + new GLatLng(-5, 0)); GPolygon poligono2 = new GPolygon(puntos2, "000000", 3, 1, "654321", 1); GMap1.Add(poligono2); GPolygon poligono3 = new GPolygon(new List<GLatLng>(), "00ff00", 3, 1, "ff0044", 1); poligono3.createPolygon(latlng + new GLatLng(-6, -7.5), 7, 4, Math.PI / 3); GMap1.Add(poligono3); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { GLatLng latlon = new GLatLng(10.2, 22); GMap1.setCenter(latlon, 4); GMarker icono = new GMarker(latlon); GInfoWindow window = new GInfoWindow(icono, "Ejemplo de <b>infoWindow</b>", false, GListener.Event.mouseover); GMap1.Add(window); GPolygon polygon = new GPolygon(); polygon.points.Add(new GLatLng(9, 25)); polygon.points.Add(new GLatLng(3, 22)); polygon.points.Add(new GLatLng(1, 26)); polygon.close(); GPolyline polyline = new GPolyline(polygon); GInfoWindow window2 = new GInfoWindow(); //window2.gPolygon = polygon; //window2.html = "GPolygon"; window2.gPolyline = polyline; window2.html = "polyline"; window2.opened = true; window2.sourceEvent =; GMap1.Add(window2); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { GLatLng latlng = new GLatLng(46, 21); GMap1.setCenter(latlng, 4); List <GLatLng> puntos = new List <GLatLng>(); puntos.Add(latlng + new GLatLng(0, 8)); puntos.Add(latlng + new GLatLng(-0.5, 4.2)); puntos.Add(latlng); puntos.Add(latlng + new GLatLng(3.5, -4)); puntos.Add(latlng + new GLatLng(4.79, +2.6)); GPolygon poligono = new GPolygon(puntos, "557799", 3, 0.5, "237464", 0.5); poligono.close(); GMap1.Add(poligono); List <GLatLng> puntos2 = new List <GLatLng>(); puntos2.Add(latlng + new GLatLng(5, -8)); puntos2.Add(latlng + new GLatLng(5, -6)); puntos2.Add(latlng + new GLatLng(5, -4)); puntos2.Add(latlng); puntos2.Add(latlng + new GLatLng(-5, 0)); GPolygon poligono2 = new GPolygon(puntos2, "000000", 3, 1, "654321", 1); GMap1.Add(poligono2); GPolygon poligono3 = new GPolygon(new List <GLatLng>(), "00ff00", 3, 1, "ff0044", 1); poligono3.createPolygon(latlng + new GLatLng(-6, -7.5), 7, 4, Math.PI / 3); GMap1.Add(poligono3); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { GLatLng latlng = new GLatLng(41, -3.2); GMap1.setCenter(latlng, 5, GMapType.GTypes.Satellite); GMarkerOptions mOpts = new GMarkerOptions(); mOpts.draggable = true; GMarker marker = new GMarker(latlng, mOpts); GMap1.Add(marker); GListener listener = new GListener(marker.ID, GListener.Event.dragend, "alertame"); GMap1.Add(listener); GMarker mkr = new GMarker(); mkr.options = mOpts; mkr.javascript_GLatLng = "mouseEvent.latLng"; listener = new GListener(mkr.ID, GListener.Event.dragend, "alertame"); System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sb.Append("function(mouseEvent) {"); sb.Append(mkr.ToString(GMap1.GMap_Id)); sb.Append(listener.ToString()); sb.Append("}"); GListener listener2 = new GListener(GMap1.GMap_Id,, sb.ToString()); GMap1.Add(listener2); GMap1.Add(new GListener(GMap1.GMap_Id, GListener.Event.moveend, "function() {alert('I Love Elvis :9P');}")); GPolygon polygon = new GPolygon(); polygon.Add(latlng + new GLatLng(1, 1)); polygon.Add(latlng + new GLatLng(2, 3)); polygon.Add(latlng + new GLatLng(4, 4)); polygon.close(); GMap1.Add(polygon); GListener listener3 = new GListener(polygon.PolygonID,, "function(mouseEvent) {alert('Polygon clicked');}"); GMap1.Add(listener3); }
private void drawCircle2(double lat, double lng, double radius) { // globals //drawing the circle with the latitude and longitude var d2r = Math.PI / 180; // degrees to radians var r2d = 180 / Math.PI; // radians to degrees var earthsradius = 3963; // 3963 is the radius of the earth in miles var points = 32; //var radius = 10; double rlat = ((double)radius / earthsradius) * r2d; double rlng = rlat / Math.Cos(lat * d2r); List<GLatLng> extp = new List<GLatLng>(); for (var i = 0; i < points + 1; i++) { double theta = Math.PI * (i / (double)(points / 2)); double ex = lng + (rlng * Math.Cos(theta)); double ey = lat + (rlat * Math.Sin(theta)); extp.Add(new GLatLng(ey, ex)); } GIcon icon1 = new GIcon(); icon1.image = "/images/urhere2.png"; //icon.shadow = ""; icon1.iconSize = new GSize(30, 30); icon1.shadowSize = new GSize(22, 20); icon1.iconAnchor = new GPoint(6, 20); icon1.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(5, 1); GMarkerOptions mOpts1 = new GMarkerOptions(); mOpts1.clickable = false; mOpts1.icon = icon1; GMarker marker1 = new GMarker(latlong, mOpts1); this.GMap11.addPolygon(new GPolygon(extp, "##FF0000", 0.3)); GMap11.addGMarker(marker1); //end of code for drawing circle with given lat long and radius //code for XML Retrieval using (reader1 = XmlReader.Create("C:/Users/Dheeraj Rampally/Desktop/dheeraj/SEM 2 ebooks/Query Processing/Project/yumi_web/yumi/xml/XMLFile1.xml")) { while (reader1.Read() && i1 <= l && j < l && k < l) { if (reader1.IsStartElement()) { switch (reader1.Name) { case "dictionary": break; case "item": break; case "key": break; case "string": if (reader1.Read()) { if (reader1.Value.Trim().Contains("Metromix")) { nn[k] = reader1.Value.Trim(); //Label1.Text = Label1.Text + reader.Value.Trim() + " "+"<br/>"; k++; } } break; case "value": break; case "ArrayOfPoint": break; case "Point": break; case "x": if (reader1.Read()) { xcoordinates[i1] = reader1.Value.Trim(); //Label2.Text += "xcoordinates[" + i1 + "]=" + reader.Value.Trim() + " " +"<br/>"; i1++; } break; case "y": if (reader1.Read()) { ycoordinates[j] = reader1.Value.Trim(); //Label3.Text += "ycoordinates[" + j + "]=" + reader.Value.Trim() + " " + "<br/>"; j++; } break; } } } }//end of code for the retrieval of XML coordinates //code snippet to draw a rectangle for (int z = 0; z <= 422; z=z+2)//looping through all the neighborhoods <=452 { for (int j2 = 0; j2 < 4; j2++)//looping through all the edges within a neighborhood { d2r = Math.PI / 180D; if (j2 == 0) { //Haversine's Formula dlong = (lng-double.Parse(xcoordinates[z])) * d2r; dlat = (lat-double.Parse(ycoordinates[z])) * d2r; a = Math.Pow(Math.Sin(dlat / 2.0), 2) + Math.Cos(lat * d2r) * Math.Cos(double.Parse(ycoordinates[z]) * d2r) * Math.Pow(Math.Sin(dlong / 2.0), 2); c = 2 * Math.Atan2(Math.Sqrt(a), Math.Sqrt(1 - a)); d = 3956 * c;//3956 is radius of earth in miles } else if (j2 == 1) { //Haversine's Formula dlong = (lng-double.Parse(xcoordinates[z + 1])) * d2r; dlat = (lat-double.Parse(ycoordinates[z])) * d2r; a = Math.Pow(Math.Sin(dlat / 2.0), 2) + Math.Cos(lat * d2r) * Math.Cos(double.Parse(ycoordinates[z]) * d2r) * Math.Pow(Math.Sin(dlong / 2.0), 2); c = 2 * Math.Atan2(Math.Sqrt(a), Math.Sqrt(1 - a)); d = 3956 * c; } else if (j2 == 2) { //Haversine's Formula dlong = (lng-double.Parse(xcoordinates[z])) * d2r; dlat = (lat-double.Parse(ycoordinates[z+1])) * d2r; a = Math.Pow(Math.Sin(dlat / 2.0), 2) + Math.Cos(lat * d2r) * Math.Cos(double.Parse(ycoordinates[z]) * d2r) * Math.Pow(Math.Sin(dlong / 2.0), 2); c = 2 * Math.Atan2(Math.Sqrt(a), Math.Sqrt(1 - a)); d = 3956 * c; } else if (j2 == 3) { //Haversine's Formula dlong = (lng-double.Parse(xcoordinates[z+1])) * d2r; dlat = (lat-double.Parse(ycoordinates[z + 1])) * d2r; a = Math.Pow(Math.Sin(dlat / 2.0), 2) + Math.Cos(lat * d2r) * Math.Cos(double.Parse(ycoordinates[z]) * d2r) * Math.Pow(Math.Sin(dlong / 2.0), 2); c = 2 * Math.Atan2(Math.Sqrt(a), Math.Sqrt(1 - a)); d = 3956 * c; } distance[j2] = d; //Label1.Text += distance[j2].ToString()+"<br/>"; } maxElement = distance[0];//code for retriving the min element in an array for (int i3 = 0; i3 < 4; i3++) { if (distance[i3] <maxElement) { maxElement = distance[i3]; //Label1.Text += "The minimum element is in loop" + x1 + "<br/>"; } } //x1 y2 x2 y1 x1 = double.Parse(ycoordinates[z]); //Label1.Text += x1+" "; x3=lat; //Label1.Text += x2+" "; x2 = double.Parse(ycoordinates[z + 1]); //Label1.Text += x3 + "<br/>"; if(x2<x3&&x3<x1) { c1=true; // Label1.Text+="c1"; } y1=(double.Parse(xcoordinates[z])); //Label1.Text += c2l + " "; y3=lng; //Label1.Text += c2m + " "; y2=(double.Parse(xcoordinates[z+1])); //Label1.Text += c2r +"<br/>"; if((y1>y3)&&(y3>y2)) { c2=true; // Label1.Text += "c2"; } //vertex falling under circle if (radius >= maxElement) { //code snippet to draw a rectangle if (z == 0) { //Label1.Text += nn[0]; neighborhood[0] = nn[0]; } else { //Label1.Text += nn[z / 2]; neighborhood[z / 2] = nn[z / 2]; } GPolygon rectangle = new GPolygon(); List<GLatLng> rectanglePts = new List<GLatLng>(); rectanglePts.Add(new GLatLng(double.Parse(ycoordinates[z]), double.Parse(xcoordinates[z + 1]))); rectanglePts.Add(new GLatLng(double.Parse(ycoordinates[z]), double.Parse(xcoordinates[z]))); rectanglePts.Add(new GLatLng(double.Parse(ycoordinates[z + 1]), double.Parse(xcoordinates[z]))); rectanglePts.Add(new GLatLng(double.Parse(ycoordinates[z + 1]), double.Parse(xcoordinates[z + 1]))); rectangle = new GPolygon(rectanglePts, "0000CD", 2, 2, "FCD116", 0.3); rectangle.clickable = true; rectangle.close(); GMap11.Add(rectangle); continue; } //circle lying inside neighborhood else if ((x2 < x3 && x3 < x1) && (y1 > y3 && y3 > y2)) { if (z == 0) { //Label1.Text += nn[0]; neighborhood[0] = nn[0]; } else { //Label1.Text += nn[z / 2]; neighborhood[z / 2] = nn[z / 2]; } GPolygon rectangle = new GPolygon(); List<GLatLng> rectanglePts = new List<GLatLng>(); rectanglePts.Add(new GLatLng(double.Parse(ycoordinates[z]), double.Parse(xcoordinates[z + 1]))); rectanglePts.Add(new GLatLng(double.Parse(ycoordinates[z]), double.Parse(xcoordinates[z]))); rectanglePts.Add(new GLatLng(double.Parse(ycoordinates[z + 1]), double.Parse(xcoordinates[z]))); rectanglePts.Add(new GLatLng(double.Parse(ycoordinates[z + 1]), double.Parse(xcoordinates[z + 1]))); rectangle = new GPolygon(rectanglePts, "0000CD", 2, 2, "FCD116", 0.3); rectangle.clickable = true; rectangle.close(); GMap11.Add(rectangle); continue; } // the circle and line intersection with vertex lying outside circle for (int j3 = 0; j3 < 4; j3++) { if (j3 == 0) { x4 = double.Parse(ycoordinates[z]); y4 = double.Parse(xcoordinates[z]); x5 = double.Parse(ycoordinates[z + 1]); y5 = double.Parse(xcoordinates[z]); } if (j3 == 1) { x4 = double.Parse(ycoordinates[z + 1]); y4 = double.Parse(xcoordinates[z]); x5 = double.Parse(ycoordinates[z + 1]); y5 = double.Parse(xcoordinates[z + 1]); } if (j3 == 2) { x4 = double.Parse(ycoordinates[z + 1]); y4 = double.Parse(xcoordinates[z + 1]); x5 = double.Parse(ycoordinates[z]); y5 = double.Parse(xcoordinates[z + 1]); } if (j3 == 3) { x4 = double.Parse(ycoordinates[z]); y4 = double.Parse(xcoordinates[z + 1]); x5 = double.Parse(ycoordinates[z]); y5 = double.Parse(xcoordinates[z]); } dx = x5 - x4; dy = y5 - y4; A = dx * dx + dy * dy; B = 2 * (dx * (x4 - lat) + dy * (y4 - lng)); C = (x4 - lat) * (x4 - lat) + (y4 - lng) * (y4 - lng) - Math.Pow(0.014513788,2)*radius * radius; det = B * B - 4 * A * C; double t, ix1, iy1,ix2,iy2; if ((A <= 0.0000001) || (det < 0)) { } else if(det==0) { t = -B / (2 * A); ix1 = x4 + t * dx; iy1 = y4 + t * dy; if ((x4 >= ix1 && ix1 >= x5) && (y4 <= iy1 && iy1 <= y5) || (x4 <= ix1 && ix1 <= x5) && (y4 >= iy1 && iy1 >= y5)) { if (z == 0) { //Label1.Text += nn[0]; neighborhood[0] = nn[0]; } else { //Label1.Text += nn[z / 2]; neighborhood[z / 2] = nn[z / 2]; } GPolygon rectangle = new GPolygon(); List<GLatLng> rectanglePts = new List<GLatLng>(); rectanglePts.Add(new GLatLng(double.Parse(ycoordinates[z]), double.Parse(xcoordinates[z + 1]))); rectanglePts.Add(new GLatLng(double.Parse(ycoordinates[z]), double.Parse(xcoordinates[z]))); rectanglePts.Add(new GLatLng(double.Parse(ycoordinates[z + 1]), double.Parse(xcoordinates[z]))); rectanglePts.Add(new GLatLng(double.Parse(ycoordinates[z + 1]), double.Parse(xcoordinates[z + 1]))); rectangle = new GPolygon(rectanglePts, "0000CD", 2, 2, "FCD116", 0.3); rectangle.clickable = true; rectangle.close(); GMap11.Add(rectangle); } } else { t = (-B + Math.Sqrt(det)) / (2 * A); ix1 = x4 + t * dx; iy1 = y4 + t * dy; t = (-B - Math.Sqrt(det)) / (2 * A); ix2 = x4 + t * dx; iy2 = y4 + t * dy; if((x4>=ix1&&ix1>=x5)&&(y4<=iy1&&iy1<=y5)&&(x4>=ix2&&ix2>=x5)&&(y4<=iy2&&iy2<=y5)|| (x4 <= ix1 && ix1 <= x5) && (y4 >= iy1 && iy1 >= y5) && (x4 <= ix2 && ix2 <= x5) && (y4 >= iy2 && iy2 >= y5)) { if (z == 0) { //Label1.Text += nn[0]; neighborhood[0] = nn[0]; } else { //Label1.Text += nn[z / 2]; neighborhood[z / 2] = nn[z / 2]; } GPolygon rectangle = new GPolygon(); List<GLatLng> rectanglePts = new List<GLatLng>(); rectanglePts.Add(new GLatLng(double.Parse(ycoordinates[z]), double.Parse(xcoordinates[z + 1]))); rectanglePts.Add(new GLatLng(double.Parse(ycoordinates[z]), double.Parse(xcoordinates[z]))); rectanglePts.Add(new GLatLng(double.Parse(ycoordinates[z + 1]), double.Parse(xcoordinates[z]))); rectanglePts.Add(new GLatLng(double.Parse(ycoordinates[z + 1]), double.Parse(xcoordinates[z + 1]))); rectangle = new GPolygon(rectanglePts, "0000CD", 2, 2, "FCD116", 0.3); rectangle.clickable = true; rectangle.close(); GMap11.Add(rectangle); } } } } for (int i = 0, x = 0; i < neighborhood.Length; i++) { if (neighborhood[i] == null) continue; else { shortListednn[x] = neighborhood[i]; shortListednn[x] = shortListednn[x].Substring(9); //Label1.Text += "ShortlistedNN " + x + "=" + shortListednn[x]; x++; } } for (int i = 0; i < Globals.hoods.Count(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < shortListednn.Length; j++) { if (Globals.hoods[i].getName() == shortListednn[j]) { LocationList newHood = new LocationList(shortListednn[j]); newHood = Globals.hoods[i]; Globals.shortListedNeighborHoods.Add(newHood); } } } /* for (int i = 1; i < Globals.baba.Length; i++) { Globals.baba[i] = null; } for (int i = 0; i < Globals.shortListedNeighborHoods.Count(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < Globals.shortListedNeighborHoods[i].getLocationsCount(); j++) { if (Globals.baba[Globals.shortListedNeighborHoods[i].getSearchEngineCodeForMapping(j)] == null) { Globals.baba[Globals.shortListedNeighborHoods[i].getSearchEngineCodeForMapping(j)] = Globals.shortListedNeighborHoods[i].getNeighborhood(j); continue; } Globals.baba[Globals.shortListedNeighborHoods[i].getSearchEngineCodeForMapping(j)]=Globals.baba[Globals.shortListedNeighborHoods[i].getSearchEngineCodeForMapping(j)]+","+Globals.shortListedNeighborHoods[i].getNeighborhood(j); } } */ for (int i = 0; i < Globals.shortListedNeighborHoods.Count(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < Globals.shortListedNeighborHoods[i].getLocationsCount(); j++) { int k = Globals.shortListedNeighborHoods[i].getSearchEngineCodeForMapping(j); s1 += Globals.shortListedNeighborHoods[i].getNeighborhood(j) + k.ToString() + ","; //Label1.Text+= Globals.shortListedNeighborHoods[i].getNeighborhood(j) + k.ToString() +"<br/>"; } //Label1.Text += "<------------Next Set of Neighborhoods for new neighborhood--------->"+"<br/>"; } //Label1.Text = s1; char[] seps = { ',' }; childList = s1.Split(seps); //for (int i = 0; i < childList.Length - 1; i++) //{ // Label1.Text += childList[i] + "<br/>"; //} for (int i = 0; i < childList.Length - 1; i++) { //Label1.Text += childList[i]+"<br/>"; length = childList[i].Length; if ((childList[i].Substring(length - 1)) == "1") { Globals.metromixList[m] = childList[i].Substring(0, length - 1); //Label1.Text += "Metromix" +Globals.metromixList[m] + " " + "<br/>"; m++; } else if ((childList[i].Substring(length - 1)) == "2") { Globals.dexknowsList[d1] = childList[i].Substring(0, length - 1); //Label1.Text += "dexknows"+Globals.dexknowsList[d1] + " " + "<br/>"; d1++; } else if ((childList[i].Substring(length - 1)) == "3") { Globals.yelpList[y] = childList[i].Substring(0, length - 1); //Label1.Text += "yelp"+Globals.yelpList[y] + " " + "<br/>"; y++; } else if ((childList[i].Substring(length - 1)) == "4") { Globals.chicagoList[ch] = childList[i].Substring(0, length - 1); //Label1.Text += "chicagoreader"+Globals.chicagoList[ch] + " " + "<br/>"; ch++; } else if ((childList[i].Substring(length - 1)) == "5") { Globals.menuList[me] = childList[i].Substring(0, length - 1); //Label1.Text += "menu"+Globals.menuList[me] + " " + "<br/>"; me++; } else if ((childList[i].Substring(length - 1)) == "6") { Globals.menuPagesList[mp] = childList[i].Substring(0, length - 1); //Label1.Text += "menupages"+Globals.menuPagesList[mp] + " " + "<br/>"; mp++; } else if ((childList[i].Substring(length - 1)) == "7") { Globals.yahooList[ya] = childList[i].Substring(0, length - 1); //Label1.Text += "yahoo"+Globals.yahooList[ya] + " " + "<br/>"; ya++; } else if ((childList[i].Substring(length - 1)) == "8") { Globals.yellowList[ye] = childList[i].Substring(0, length - 1); //Label1.Text += "yellow"+Globals.yellowList[ye] + " " + "<br/>"; ye++; } else if ((childList[i].Substring(length - 1)) == "9") { Globals.cityList[ci] = childList[i].Substring(0, length - 1); //Label1.Text += "city"+Globals.cityList[ci] + " " + "<br/>"; ci++; } else if ((childList[i].Substring(length - 2)) == "10") { Globals.zagatList[za] = childList[i].Substring(0, length - 2); //Label1.Text += "zagat"+Globals.zagatList[za] + " " + "<br/>"; za++; } } Array.Resize(ref Globals.metromixList, m); Array.Resize(ref Globals.zagatList, za); Array.Resize(ref Globals.yellowList,ye); Array.Resize(ref Globals.yahooList, ya); Array.Resize(ref Globals.menuPagesList, mp); Array.Resize(ref Globals.menuList, me); Array.Resize(ref Globals.chicagoList, ch); Array.Resize(ref Globals.yelpList, y); Array.Resize(ref Globals.dexknowsList, d1); Array.Resize(ref Globals.cityList, ci); //for (int i = 0; i < Globals.dexknowsList.Length; i++) //{ // Label1.Text += Globals.dexknowsList[i]; //} }
private List<GPolygon> constructRectangles(List<List<Point>> cornersList, Rectangle type) { List<GPolygon> polygons = new List<GPolygon>(); foreach (List<Point> corners in cornersList) { List<GLatLng> rectanglePts = new List<GLatLng>(); rectanglePts.Add(new GLatLng(corners[0].y, corners[1].x)); rectanglePts.Add(new GLatLng(corners[0].y, corners[0].x)); rectanglePts.Add(new GLatLng(corners[1].y, corners[0].x)); rectanglePts.Add(new GLatLng(corners[1].y, corners[1].x)); if (type == Rectangle.TARGET) { GPolygon rectangle = new GPolygon(rectanglePts, "ffffff", 0, 0, "000080", 0.3); rectangle.clickable = true; rectangle.close(); polygons.Add(rectangle); } if (type == Rectangle.CHOSEN) { GPolygon rectangle = new GPolygon(rectanglePts, "0000ff", 2, 1, "ffffff", 0); rectangle.clickable = true; rectangle.close(); polygons.Add(rectangle); } if (type == Rectangle.NOTCHOSEN) { GPolygon rectangle = new GPolygon(rectanglePts, "ff0000", 2, 1, "ffffff", 0); rectangle.clickable = true; rectangle.close(); polygons.Add(rectangle); } if (type == Rectangle.YUMITARGET) { GPolygon rectangle = new GPolygon(rectanglePts, "0000ff", 2, 1, "ffffff", 0); rectangle.clickable = true; rectangle.close(); polygons.Add(rectangle); } } return polygons; }
private GPolygon constructRectangle(List<Point> corners, Rectangle type) { GPolygon rectangle = new GPolygon(); List<GLatLng> rectanglePts = new List<GLatLng>(); rectanglePts.Add(new GLatLng(corners[0].y, corners[1].x)); rectanglePts.Add(new GLatLng(corners[0].y, corners[0].x)); rectanglePts.Add(new GLatLng(corners[1].y, corners[0].x)); rectanglePts.Add(new GLatLng(corners[1].y, corners[1].x)); if (type == Rectangle.TARGET) { rectangle = new GPolygon(rectanglePts, "ffffff", 0, 0, "000080", 0.3); rectangle.clickable = true; rectangle.close(); } else if (type == Rectangle.CHOSEN) { rectangle = new GPolygon(rectanglePts, "0000ff", 2, 1, "ffffff", 0); rectangle.clickable = true; rectangle.close(); } else if (type == Rectangle.NOTCHOSEN) { rectangle = new GPolygon(rectanglePts, "ff0000", 2, 1, "ffffff", 0); rectangle.clickable = true; rectangle.close(); } else if (type == Rectangle.YUMITARGET) { rectangle = new GPolygon(rectanglePts, "0000ff", 2, 1, "ffffff", 0); rectangle.clickable = true; rectangle.close(); } return rectangle; }