private void PruneExpiredAndOutOfRangeLocations(GPSLatLong currentLatLong)
            var cachedS2CellsToRemove = new HashSet <ulong>();
            var utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow;

            foreach (var cell in this.s2CellsCache.Values)
                bool isEntireCellExpired = cell.ExpirationUtc < utcNow;

                if (isEntireCellExpired)

                // Removing Locations
                foreach (var location in cell.Locations)
                    if (isEntireCellExpired || this.IsLocationInLoadRange(location, currentLatLong) == false)

            foreach (var s2CellId in cachedS2CellsToRemove)
        private void OnGPSReceived(GPSLatLong latLong)
            if (this.isInitialized == false)
                this.isInitialized = true;

            // Keeping tracking of the current LatLong
            this.currentLatLong = latLong;

            // Tell the map service of our new location
            if (this.isMapServiceLoaded)
                this.mapsService.MoveFloatingOrigin(new LatLng(this.currentLatLong.Latitude, this.currentLatLong.Longitude));

                // Checking out if we need to reload maps content
                var lastLoadDistance = GPSUtil.DistanceInMeters(this.lastLoadLatLng, this.currentLatLong);

                if (lastLoadDistance > this.reloadDistanceInMeters)
                    if (this.printDebugOutput)
                        Debug.Log("GoogleMapsManager Reloading Map");

 private async void OnGPSChanged(GPSLatLong latLong)
     if (this.isInitialized == false || GPSUtil.DistanceInMeters(this.lastUpdateLatLong, latLong) > this.reloadDistanceInMeters)
         this.isInitialized = true;
         await this.UpdateLocation(latLong);
        private async Task UpdateLocation(GPSLatLong currentLatLong)
            this.lastUpdateLatLong = currentLatLong;
            await this.FindAndAddAllNewLocations(currentLatLong);

            // Since we moved, lets update the locations for all the lbe locations
            foreach (var location in this.locationIdToGameObject)
                var locationId  = location.Key;
                var lbeLocation = this.locationIdToLBELocation[locationId];
                location.Value.transform.localPosition = GoogleMapsManager.Instance.GetPosition(lbeLocation.LatLong);
        private async Task FindAndAddAllNewLocations(GPSLatLong currentLatLong)
            foreach (var s2CellId in this.GetCurrentS2CellIds(currentLatLong))
                var s2Cell = await this.GetS2Cell(s2CellId.Id);

                foreach (var location in s2Cell.Locations)
                    if (this.IsLocationInLoadRange(location, currentLatLong))
        private void LoadMap()
            this.lastLoadLatLng = this.currentLatLong;

            // Load map with default options
            .AddCircle(, this.loadRadiusInMeters)

            // Adding flags so we know when the map is loading, and has finished being loaded

            // If the serverice is already loaded, then probably have things to unload
            if (this.isMapServiceLoaded)
                this.ExecuteDelayed(1.0f, this.UnloadOutside);
        private IEnumerable <S2CellId> GetCurrentS2CellIds(GPSLatLong currentLatLong)
            // Info on S2 Geometry -
            // Code taken from this video -  (6:26)
            // Min/Max Level and Max Cells taken from here -
            // Using Nuget S2Geometry vs 1.0.3 (
            S2RegionCoverer rc = new S2RegionCoverer();

            rc.MaxCells = S2RegionCoverer.DefaultMaxCells;
            rc.MinLevel = rc.MaxLevel = 14;

            // var southwestLat = new GPSLatLong { Latitude = 47.013859, Longitude = -122.920682 };
            // var northeast = new GPSLatLong { Latitude = 47.033532, Longitude = -122.894687 };
            // S2LatLng low = S2LatLng.FromDegrees(southwestLat.Latitude, southwestLat.Longitude);
            // S2LatLng high = S2LatLng.FromDegrees(northeast.Latitude, northeast.Longitude);
            // S2LatLngRect latLngRect = new S2LatLngRect(low, high);
            // return rc.GetCovering(latLngRect);

            //// number of km per degree = ~111km (111.32 in google maps, but range varies
            //// between 110.567km at the equator and 111.699km at the poles)
            //// 1km in degree = 1 / 111.32km = 0.0089
            //// 1m in degree = 0.0089 / 1000 = 0.0000089
            double meters   = this.loadRadiusInMeters;
            double coef     = meters * 0.0000089;
            double new_lat  = /*currentLatLong.Latitude +*/ coef;
            double new_long = /*currentLatLong.Longitude +*/ coef / Math.Cos(currentLatLong.Latitude * (Math.PI / 180.0));

            S2LatLng center = S2LatLng.FromDegrees(currentLatLong.Latitude, currentLatLong.Longitude);
            S2LatLng size   = S2LatLng.FromDegrees(new_lat, new_long);

            return(rc.GetCovering(S2LatLngRect.FromCenterSize(center, size)));
 private bool IsLocationInLoadRange(LBELocation location, GPSLatLong currentLatLong)
     return(GPSUtil.DistanceInMeters(location.LatLong, currentLatLong) < this.loadRadiusInMeters);
 public Vector3 GetPosition(GPSLatLong latLong)
     return(this.mapsService.Projection.FromLatLngToVector3(new LatLng(latLong.Latitude, latLong.Longitude)));
        private void InitializeMap(GPSLatLong latLong)
            if (this.printDebugOutput)
                Debug.Log($"GoogleMapsManager Initializing Map To ({latLong})");

            this.currentLatLong = latLong;

            // Registering for error handling (Taken from BaseMapLoader.cs)
            this.mapsService.Events.MapEvents.LoadError.AddListener(args =>
                switch (args.DetailedErrorCode)
                case MapLoadErrorArgs.DetailedErrorEnum.NetworkError:
                        // Handle errors caused by a lack of internet connectivity (or other network problems).
                        if (Application.internetReachability == NetworkReachability.NotReachable)
                            Debug.LogError("The Maps SDK for Unity must have internet access in order to run.");
                                "The Maps SDK for Unity was not able to get a HTTP response after " +
                                "{0} attempts.\nThis suggests an issue with the network, or with the " +
                                "online Semantic Tile API, or that the request exceeded its deadline  " +
                                "(consider using MapLoadErrorArgs.TimeoutSeconds).\n{1}",
                                    ? string.Concat("Specific error message received: ", args.Message)
                                    : "No error message received.");


                case MapLoadErrorArgs.DetailedErrorEnum.UnsupportedClientVersion:
                            "The specific version of the Maps SDK for Unity being used is no longer " +
                            "supported (possibly in combination with the specific API key used).");


                // For all other types of errors, just show the given error message, as this should describe
                // the specific nature of the problem.

                // Note that the Maps SDK for Unity will automatically retry failed attempts, unless
                // args.Retry is specifically set to false during this callback.

            // Set real-world location to load
            this.mapsService.InitFloatingOrigin(new LatLng(latLong.Latitude, latLong.Longitude));

            // Configure Map Styling
            this.gameObjectOptions = this.GetMapStyle();
