static void Main(string[] args) { //Image img = Image.FromFile("test.file"); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.Clear(); GMU gmu = new GMU(100, 40, 0, 0); MultiSplitScreenManager msc = new MultiSplitScreenManager(gmu.PlacePixels, 40, 100); FullScreenManager full = new FullScreenManager(40, 100, null); msc.AddScreen(full, new Rectangle(0, 0, 40, 100)); FullScreenManager fs1 = new FullScreenManager(50, 40, null); FullScreenManager fs2 = new FullScreenManager(50, 40, null); full.App_DrawScreen(BasicProvider.getInked(4, 100, new PInfo().SetBg(ConsoleColor.Black).SetFg(ConsoleColor.White)), 0, 0, null); gmu.PrintFrame(); full.App_DrawScreen(BasicProvider.TextToPInfo("Test", 20, 20, new PInfo().SetFg(ConsoleColor.White)), 3, 3, null); gmu.PrintFrame(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.WriteLine(Console.WindowWidth); Console.WriteLine(Console.WindowHeight); Console.WriteLine(Console.LargestWindowWidth); Console.WriteLine(Console.LargestWindowHeight); msc.AddScreen(fs1, new Rectangle(0, 0, 50, 40)); msc.AddScreen(fs2, new Rectangle(50, 0, 50, 40)); Console.ReadKey(); gmu.PlacePixels(simpleSquare, 20, 8, null); fs1.App_DrawScreen(BasicProvider.getInked(48, 38, new PInfo(' ', ConsoleColor.White, ConsoleColor.Red)), 1, 1, null); fs2.App_DrawScreen(BasicProvider.getInked(48, 38, new PInfo(' ', ConsoleColor.White, ConsoleColor.Blue)), 1, 1, null); fs1.App_DrawScreen(simpleSquare, 1, 1, null); fs2.App_DrawScreen(BasicProvider.TextToPInfo("I try this new thing with text", 10, 10, new PInfo().SetFg(ConsoleColor.Black)), 3, 5, null); fs2.App_DrawScreen(BasicProvider.TextToPInfo("I try this new thing with text", 10, 10, new PInfo().SetFg(ConsoleColor.Red)), 3, 2, null); gmu.PrintFrame(); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.InputEncoding = Encoding.Unicode; Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.Unicode; GMU gmu = new GMU(120, 40, 0, 0); gmu.PlacePixels(BasicProvider.getInked(120, 60, new PInfo().SetBg(ConsoleColor.Black)), 0, 0, null); gmu.PrintFrame(); MultiSplitScreenManager Screen = new MultiSplitScreenManager(gmu.PlacePixels, 120, 60); WindowScreenManager p1Thing = new WindowScreenManager(1, 4, Screen.App_DrawScreen, new PInfo().SetBg(ConsoleColor.Gray).SetC('\u2656').SetFg(ConsoleColor.Blue)); WindowScreenManager p2Thing = new WindowScreenManager(1, 4, Screen.App_DrawScreen, new PInfo().SetBg(ConsoleColor.Gray).SetC('\u2656').SetFg(ConsoleColor.Blue)); WindowScreenManager background = new WindowScreenManager(120, 40, Screen.App_DrawScreen, new PInfo().SetBg(ConsoleColor.Black)); WindowScreenManager bThing = new WindowScreenManager(1, 1, Screen.App_DrawScreen, new PInfo().SetBg(ConsoleColor.White)); Screen.AddScreen(p1Thing, new Rectangle(1, 18, 1, 4), 1); Screen.AddScreen(p2Thing, new Rectangle(118, 18, 1, 4), 1); Screen.AddScreen(background, new Rectangle(0, 0, 120, 40), 0); bool running = true; Point Ball = new Point(40, 20); Thread thread = new Thread(() => { while (running) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); int p1Move = 0; int p2Move = 0; #region input handeling if (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.W)) { p1Move += -1; } if (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.S)) { p1Move += 1; } if (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.Up)) { p2Move += -1; } if (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.Down)) { p2Move += 1; } if (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.Escape)) { running = false; } if (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.Space)) { } #endregion #region movement #endregion #region score #endregion #region Time #endregion Screen.Render(); gmu.PrintFrame(); } }); thread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); //Set the thread to STA thread.Start(); thread.Join(); Screen.Render(); gmu.PrintFrame(); Console.ReadKey(); }