private void Zap() { Spend(TimeToZap); if (Hit(this, Enemy, true)) { if (Enemy == Dungeon.Hero && Random.Int(2) == 0) { buffs.Buff.Prolong <Weakness>(Enemy, Weakness.Duration(Enemy)); } var dmg = Random.Int(12, 18); Enemy.Damage(dmg, this); if (Enemy.IsAlive || Enemy != Dungeon.Hero) { return; } Dungeon.Fail(Utils.Format(ResultDescriptions.MOB, Utils.Indefinite(Name), Dungeon.Depth)); GLog.Negative(TxtShadowboltKilled, Name); } else { Enemy.Sprite.ShowStatus(CharSprite.Neutral, Enemy.DefenseVerb()); } }
public void OnDeath() { Badge.ValidateDeathFromFire(); Dungeon.Fail(Utils.Format(ResultDescriptions.BURNING, Dungeon.Depth)); GLog.Negative(TXT_BURNED_TO_DEATH); }
public override bool DoEquip(Hero hero) { if (hero.Belongings.Ring1 != null && hero.Belongings.Ring2 != null) { GLog.Warning("you can only wear 2 rings at a time"); return(false); } if (hero.Belongings.Ring1 == null) { hero.Belongings.Ring1 = this; } else { hero.Belongings.Ring2 = this; } Detach(hero.Belongings.Backpack); Activate(hero); cursedKnown = true; if (cursed) { EquipCursed(hero); GLog.Negative("your " + this + " tightens around your finger painfully"); } hero.SpendAndNext(TIME_TO_EQUIP); return(true); }
protected override bool Act() { if (Target.IsAlive) { Target.Damage(1, this); if (Target == Dungeon.Hero && !Target.IsAlive) { // FIXME var glyph = new Viscosity(); Dungeon.Fail(Utils.Format(ResultDescriptions.GLYPH, glyph.Name(), Dungeon.Depth)); GLog.Negative("{0} killed you...", glyph.Name()); Badge.ValidateDeathFromGlyph(); } Spend(Tick); if (--damage <= 0) { Detach(); } } else { Detach(); } return(true); }
protected override bool Act() { if (Target.IsAlive) { if ((Level = pdsharp.utils.Random.Int(Level / 2, Level)) > 0) { Target.Damage(Level, this); if (Target.Sprite.IsVisible) { Splash.At(Target.Sprite.Center(), -PointF.Pi / 2, PointF.Pi / 6, Target.Sprite.Blood(), Math.Min(10 * Level / Target.HT, 10)); } if (Target == Dungeon.Hero && !Target.IsAlive) { Dungeon.Fail(Utils.Format(ResultDescriptions.BLEEDING, Dungeon.Depth)); GLog.Negative("You bled to death..."); } Spend(Tick); } else { Detach(); } } else { Detach(); } return(true); }
public void OnDeath() { Badge.ValidateDeathFromHunger(); Dungeon.Fail(Utils.Format(ResultDescriptions.HUNGER, Dungeon.Depth)); GLog.Negative(TxtDeath); }
public void OnDeath() { Badge.ValidateDeathFromPoison(); Dungeon.Fail(Utils.Format(ResultDescriptions.POISON, Dungeon.Depth)); GLog.Negative("You died from poison..."); }
public override bool Attack(Character enemy) { if (Level.Adjacent(pos, enemy.pos)) { return(base.Attack(enemy)); } Spend(AttackDelay()); if (Hit(this, enemy, true)) { var dmg = DamageRoll(); enemy.Damage(dmg, this); enemy.Sprite.BloodBurstA(Sprite.Center(), dmg); enemy.Sprite.Flash(); if (enemy.IsAlive || enemy != Dungeon.Hero) { return(true); } Dungeon.Fail(Utils.Format(ResultDescriptions.BOSS, Name, Dungeon.Depth)); GLog.Negative(TxtKill, Name); return(true); } enemy.Sprite.ShowStatus(CharSprite.Neutral, enemy.DefenseVerb()); return(false); }
protected internal override void OnZap(int cell) { var localLevel = Level; for (var i = 1; i < Ballistica.Distance - 1; i++) { var c = Ballistica.Trace[i]; if (levels.Level.flamable[c]) { GameScene.Add(Blob.Seed(c, 1, typeof(Fire))); } } GameScene.Add(Blob.Seed(cell, 1, typeof(Fire))); var ch = Actor.FindChar(cell); if (ch == null) { return; } ch.Damage(pdsharp.utils.Random.Int(1, 8 + localLevel * localLevel), this); Buff.Affect <Burning>(ch).Reignite(ch); ch.Sprite.Emitter().Burst(FlameParticle.Factory, 5); if (ch != CurUser || ch.IsAlive) { return; } Dungeon.Fail(Utils.Format(ResultDescriptions.WAND, name, Dungeon.Depth)); GLog.Negative("You killed yourself with your own Wand of Firebolt..."); }
public void OnDeath() { Badge.ValidateDeathFromGas(); Dungeon.Fail(Utils.Format(ResultDescriptions.GAS, Dungeon.Depth)); GLog.Negative("You died from a toxic gas.."); }
public override bool DoEquip(Hero hero) { DetachAll(hero.Belongings.Backpack); if (hero.Belongings.Weapon == null || hero.Belongings.Weapon.DoUnequip(hero, true)) { hero.Belongings.Weapon = this; Activate(hero); QuickSlot.Refresh(); cursedKnown = true; if (cursed) { EquipCursed(hero); GLog.Negative(TxtEquipCursed, Name); } hero.SpendAndNext(TimeToEquip); return(true); } Collect(hero.Belongings.Backpack); return(false); }
// 00x66CCEE public static void Trigger(int pos, Character ch) { if (ch != null) { ch.Damage(Math.Max(1, Random.Int(ch.HP / 3, 2 * ch.HP / 3)), LIGHTNING); if (ch == Dungeon.Hero) { Camera.Main.Shake(2, 0.3f); if (!ch.IsAlive) { Dungeon.Fail(Utils.Format(ResultDescriptions.TRAP, name, Dungeon.Depth)); GLog.Negative("You were killed by a discharge of a lightning trap..."); } else { ((Hero)ch).Belongings.Charge(false); } } var points = new int[2]; points[0] = pos - Level.Width; points[1] = pos + Level.Width; ch.Sprite.Parent.Add(new Lightning(points, 2, null)); points[0] = pos - 1; points[1] = pos + 1; ch.Sprite.Parent.Add(new Lightning(points, 2, null)); } CellEmitter.Center(pos).Burst(SparkParticle.Factory, Random.IntRange(3, 4)); }
protected internal override void OnZap(int cell) { if (CurUser.IsAlive) { return; } Dungeon.Fail(Utils.Format(ResultDescriptions.WAND, name, Dungeon.Depth)); GLog.Negative("You killed yourself with your own Wand of Lightning..."); }
protected internal override bool DoAttack(Character enemy) { if (Level.Distance(pos, enemy.pos) <= 1) { return(base.DoAttack(enemy)); } var visible = Level.fieldOfView[pos] || Level.fieldOfView[enemy.pos]; if (visible) { ((ShamanSprite)Sprite).DoZap(enemy.pos); } Spend(TimeToZap); if (Hit(this, enemy, true)) { var dmg = (float)pdsharp.utils.Random.Int(2, 12); if (Level.water[enemy.pos] && !enemy.Flying) { dmg *= 1.5f; } enemy.Damage((int)dmg, LightningTrap.LIGHTNING); enemy.Sprite.CenterEmitter().Burst(SparkParticle.Factory, 3); enemy.Sprite.Flash(); if (enemy != Dungeon.Hero) { return(!visible); } Camera.Main.Shake(2, 0.3f); if (enemy.IsAlive) { return(!visible); } Dungeon.Fail(Utils.Format(ResultDescriptions.MOB, Utils.Indefinite(Name), Dungeon.Depth)); GLog.Negative(TxtLightningKilled, Name); } else { enemy.Sprite.ShowStatus(CharSprite.Neutral, enemy.DefenseVerb()); } return(!visible); }
protected override bool Act() { if (Target.IsAlive) { var hero = (Hero)Target; if (IsStarving) { if (Random.Float() < 0.3f && (Target.HP > 1 || !Target.Paralysed)) { GLog.Negative(TxtStarving); hero.Damage(1, this); hero.Interrupt(); } } else { var bonus = Target.Buffs <RingOfSatiety.Satiety>().Sum(buff => ((RingOfSatiety.Satiety)buff).Level); var newLevel = _level + Step - bonus; var statusUpdated = false; if (newLevel >= Starving) { GLog.Negative(TxtStarving); statusUpdated = true; hero.Interrupt(); } else if (newLevel >= Hungry && _level < Hungry) { GLog.Warning(TxtHungry); statusUpdated = true; } _level = newLevel; if (statusUpdated) { BuffIndicator.RefreshHero(); } } var step = ((Hero)Target).heroClass == HeroClass.Rogue ? Step * 1.2f : Step; Spend(Target.Buff <Shadows>() == null ? step : step *1.5f); } else { Deactivate(); } return(true); }
protected internal override void OnZap(int cell) { Sample.Instance.Play(Assets.SND_ROCKS); var localLevel = Level; Ballistica.Distance = Math.Min(Ballistica.Distance, 8 + localLevel); var size = 1 + localLevel / 3; PathFinder.BuildDistanceMap(cell, BArray.not(levels.Level.solid, null), size); for (var i = 0; i < levels.Level.Length; i++) { int d = PathFinder.Distance[i]; if (d >= int.MaxValue) { continue; } var ch = Actor.FindChar(i); if (ch != null) { ch.Sprite.Flash(); ch.Damage(pdsharp.utils.Random.Int(2, 6 + (size - d) * 2), this); if (ch.IsAlive && pdsharp.utils.Random.Int(2 + d) == 0) { Buff.Prolong <Paralysis>(ch, pdsharp.utils.Random.IntRange(2, 6)); } } CellEmitter.Get(i).Start(Speck.Factory(Speck.ROCK), 0.07f, 3 + (size - d)); Camera.Main.Shake(3, 0.07f * (3 + (size - d))); } if (CurUser.IsAlive) { return; } Dungeon.Fail(Utils.Format(ResultDescriptions.WAND, name, Dungeon.Depth)); GLog.Negative("You killed yourself with your own Wand of Avalanche..."); }
protected override bool Act() { if (Target.IsAlive) { Target.Damage(Damage, this); if (!Target.IsAlive && Target == Dungeon.Hero) { Dungeon.Fail(Utils.Format(ResultDescriptions.OOZE, Dungeon.Depth)); GLog.Negative(TXT_HERO_KILLED, ToString()); } Spend(Tick); } if (levels.Level.water[Target.pos]) { Detach(); } return(true); }
public override void Move(int step) { base.Move(step); if ([step] == Terrain.INACTIVE_TRAP && HP < HT) { HP += pdsharp.utils.Random.Int(1, HT - HP); Sprite.Emitter().Burst(ElmoParticle.Factory, 5); if (Dungeon.Visible[step] && Dungeon.Hero.IsAlive) { GLog.Negative("DM-300 repairs itself!"); } } int[] cells = { step - 1, step + 1, step - Level.Width, step + Level.Width, step - 1 - Level.Width, step - 1 + Level.Width, step + 1 - Level.Width, step + 1 + Level.Width }; var cell = cells[pdsharp.utils.Random.Int(cells.Length)]; if (Dungeon.Visible[cell]) { CellEmitter.Get(cell).Start(Speck.Factory(Speck.ROCK), 0.07f, 10); Camera.Main.Shake(3, 0.7f); Sample.Instance.Play(Assets.SND_ROCKS); if (Level.water[cell]) { GameScene.Ripple(cell); } else if ([cell] == Terrain.EMPTY) { Level.Set(cell, Terrain.EMPTY_DECO); GameScene.UpdateMap(cell); } } var ch = FindChar(cell); if (ch != null && ch != this) { buffs.Buff.Prolong <Paralysis>(ch, 2); } }
public virtual bool Collect(Bag container) { var items = container.Items; if (items.Contains(this)) { return(true); } foreach (var item in items.Where(item => item is Bag && ((Bag)item).Grab(this))) { return(Collect((Bag)item)); } if (Stackable) { var c = GetType(); foreach (var item in items.Where(item => item.GetType() == c)) { item.quantity += quantity; item.UpdateQuickslot(); return(true); } } if (items.Count < container.Size) { if (Dungeon.Hero != null && Dungeon.Hero.IsAlive) { Badge.ValidateItemLevelAquired(this); } items.Add(this); QuickSlot.Refresh(); items.Sort(); return(true); } GLog.Negative(TxtPackFull, Name); return(false); }
protected internal override bool DoAttack(Character enemy) { if (_pumpedUp || pdsharp.utils.Random.Int(3) > 0) { return(base.DoAttack(enemy)); } _pumpedUp = true; Spend(PumpUpDelay); ((GooSprite)Sprite).PumpUp(); if (!Dungeon.Visible[pos]) { return(true); } Sprite.ShowStatus(CharSprite.Negative, "!!!"); GLog.Negative("Goo is pumping itself up!"); return(true); }
public override bool Attack(Character enemy) { for (var i = 1; i < Ballistica.Distance; i++) { var localPos = Ballistica.Trace[i]; var ch = FindChar(localPos); if (ch == null) { continue; } if (Hit(this, ch, true)) { ch.Damage(pdsharp.utils.Random.NormalIntRange(14, 20), this); if (Dungeon.Visible[localPos]) { ch.Sprite.Flash(); CellEmitter.Center(localPos).Burst(PurpleParticle.Burst, pdsharp.utils.Random.IntRange(1, 2)); } if (ch.IsAlive || ch != Dungeon.Hero) { continue; } Dungeon.Fail(Utils.Format(ResultDescriptions.MOB, Utils.Indefinite(Name), Dungeon.Depth)); GLog.Negative(TxtDeathgazeKilled, Name); } else { ch.Sprite.ShowStatus(CharSprite.Neutral, ch.DefenseVerb()); } } return(true); }
protected internal override void OnZap(int cell) { var ch = Actor.FindChar(cell); if (ch == null) { return; } var localLevel = Level; ch.Damage(pdsharp.utils.Random.Int(1, 6 + localLevel * 2), this); ch.Sprite.Burst(Color.Argb(0xFF, 0x99, 0xCC, 0xFF), localLevel / 2 + 2); if (ch != CurUser || ch.IsAlive) { return; } Dungeon.Fail(Utils.Format(ResultDescriptions.WAND, name, Dungeon.Depth)); GLog.Negative("You killed yourself with your own Wand of Magic Factory..."); }
public override bool DoEquip(Hero hero) { Detach(hero.Belongings.Backpack); if (hero.Belongings.Armor == null || hero.Belongings.Armor.DoUnequip(hero, true, false)) { hero.Belongings.Armor = this; cursedKnown = true; if (cursed) { EquipCursed(hero); GLog.Negative(TxtEquipCursed, ToString()); } ((HeroSprite)hero.Sprite).UpdateArmor(); hero.SpendAndNext(2 * TimeToEquip(hero)); return(true); } Collect(hero.Belongings.Backpack); return(false); }
public override void Die(object cause) { base.Die(cause); var heroKilled = false; for (var i = 0; i < Level.NEIGHBOURS8.Length; i++) { var ch = FindChar(pos + Level.NEIGHBOURS8[i]); if (ch == null || !ch.IsAlive) { continue; } var damage = Math.Max(0, DamageRoll() - pdsharp.utils.Random.IntRange(0, ch.Dr() / 2)); ch.Damage(damage, this); if (ch == Dungeon.Hero && !ch.IsAlive) { heroKilled = true; } } if (Dungeon.Visible[pos]) { Sample.Instance.Play(Assets.SND_BONES); } if (!heroKilled) { return; } Dungeon.Fail(Utils.Format(ResultDescriptions.MOB, Utils.Indefinite(Name), Dungeon.Depth)); GLog.Negative(TxtHeroKilled); }
public virtual void Yell(string str) { GLog.Negative("{0}: \"{1}\" ", Name, str); }
public void OnDeath() { Badge.ValidateDeathFromFalling(); Dungeon.Fail(Utils.Format(ResultDescriptions.FALL, Dungeon.Depth)); GLog.Negative("You fell to death..."); }
public virtual bool Attack(Character enemy) { var visibleFight = Dungeon.Visible[pos] || Dungeon.Visible[enemy.pos]; if (Hit(this, enemy, false)) { if (visibleFight) { GLog.Information(TxtHit, Name, enemy.Name); } // FIXME var dr = this is Hero && ((Hero)this).RangedWeapon != null && ((Hero)this).subClass == HeroSubClass.SNIPER ? 0 : Random.IntRange(0, enemy.Dr()); var dmg = DamageRoll(); var effectiveDamage = Math.Max(dmg - dr, 0); effectiveDamage = AttackProc(enemy, effectiveDamage); effectiveDamage = enemy.DefenseProc(this, effectiveDamage); enemy.Damage(effectiveDamage, this); if (visibleFight) { Sample.Instance.Play(Assets.SND_HIT, 1, 1, Random.Float(0.8f, 1.25f)); } if (enemy == Dungeon.Hero) { Dungeon.Hero.Interrupt(); } enemy.Sprite.BloodBurstA(Sprite.Center(), effectiveDamage); enemy.Sprite.Flash(); if (!enemy.IsAlive && visibleFight) { if (enemy == Dungeon.Hero) { if (Dungeon.Hero.KillerGlyph != null) { Dungeon.Fail(Utils.Format(ResultDescriptions.GLYPH, Dungeon.Hero.KillerGlyph.Name(), Dungeon.Depth)); GLog.Negative(TxtKill, Dungeon.Hero.KillerGlyph.Name()); } else { if (Bestiary.IsUnique(this)) { Dungeon.Fail(Utils.Format(ResultDescriptions.BOSS, Name, Dungeon.Depth)); } else { Dungeon.Fail(Utils.Format(ResultDescriptions.MOB, Utils.Indefinite(Name), Dungeon.Depth)); } GLog.Negative(TxtKill, Name); } } else { GLog.Information(TxtDefeat, Name, enemy.Name); } } return(true); } if (!visibleFight) { return(false); } var defense = enemy.DefenseVerb(); enemy.Sprite.ShowStatus(CharSprite.Neutral, defense); if (this == Dungeon.Hero) { GLog.Information(TxtYouMissed, enemy.Name, defense); } else { GLog.Information(TxtSmbMissed, enemy.Name, defense, Name); } Sample.Instance.Play(Assets.SND_MISS); return(false); }