文件: Program.cs 项目: visose/Robots
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            string name = null; 
            GH_RobotSystem robotSystem = null;
            var initCommandsGH = new List<GH_Command>();
            var targetsA = new List<GH_Target>();
            var targetsB = new List<GH_Target>();
            var multiFileIndices = new List<int>();
            double stepSize = 1;

            if (!DA.GetData(0, ref name)) { return; }
            if (!DA.GetData(1, ref robotSystem)) { return; }
            if (!DA.GetDataList(2, targetsA)) { return; }
            DA.GetDataList(3, targetsB);
            DA.GetDataList(4, initCommandsGH);
            DA.GetDataList(5, multiFileIndices);
            if (!DA.GetData(6, ref stepSize)) { return; }

            var initCommands = initCommandsGH.Count > 0 ? new Robots.Commands.Group(initCommandsGH.Select(x => x.Value)) : null;

            var targets = new List<IEnumerable<Target>>();
            targets.Add(targetsA.Select(x => x.Value));
            if (targetsB.Count > 0) targets.Add(targetsB.Select(x => x.Value));

            var program = new Program(name, robotSystem.Value, targets, initCommands, multiFileIndices, stepSize);

            DA.SetData(0, new GH_Program(program));

            if (program.Code != null)
                var path = DA.ParameterTargetPath(2);
                var structure = new GH_Structure<GH_String>();

                for (int i = 0; i < program.Code.Count; i++)
                    var tempPath = path.AppendElement(i);
                    for (int j = 0; j < program.Code[i].Count; j++)
                        structure.AppendRange(program.Code[i][j].Select(x => new GH_String(x)), tempPath.AppendElement(j));

                DA.SetDataTree(1, structure);

            DA.SetData(2, program.Duration);

            if (program.Warnings.Count > 0)
                DA.SetDataList(3, program.Warnings);
                this.AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "Warnings in program");

            if (program.Errors.Count > 0)
                DA.SetDataList(4, program.Errors);
                this.AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "Errors in program");
文件: Util.cs 项目: visose/Robots
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            GH_Program program = null;
            DA.GetData(0, ref program);

            var path = DA.ParameterTargetPath(0);
            var cellTargets = program.Value.Targets;
            var groupCount = cellTargets[0].ProgramTargets.Count;

            var planes = new GH_Structure<GH_Plane>();
            var joints = new GH_Structure<GH_Number>();
            var configuration = new GH_Structure<GH_String>();
            var deltaTime = new GH_Structure<GH_Number>();

            for (int i = 0; i < groupCount; i++)
                var tempPath = path.AppendElement(i);
                for (int j = 0; j < cellTargets.Count; j++)
                    planes.AppendRange(cellTargets[j].ProgramTargets[i].Kinematics.Planes.Select(x => new GH_Plane(x)), tempPath.AppendElement(j));
                    joints.AppendRange(cellTargets[j].ProgramTargets[i].Kinematics.Joints.Select(x => new GH_Number(x)), tempPath.AppendElement(j));
                    configuration.Append(new GH_String(cellTargets[j].ProgramTargets[i].Kinematics.Configuration.ToString()), tempPath);
                    deltaTime.Append(new GH_Number(cellTargets[j].DeltaTime), tempPath);

            DA.SetDataTree(0, planes);
            DA.SetDataTree(1, joints);
            DA.SetDataTree(2, configuration);
            DA.SetDataTree(3, deltaTime);
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            GH_Structure <GH_Number> joint = new GH_Structure <GH_Number>();

            DA.GetDataTree("nodal_coordinates", out GH_Structure <GH_Number> _r);
            DA.GetDataTree("element_node_relationship(shell)", out GH_Structure <GH_Number> _ijkl);
            if (_r.Branches[0][0].Value != -9999 && _ijkl.Branches[0][0].Value != -9999)
                var r = _r.Branches; var ijkl = _ijkl.Branches;
                var x = new List <double>(); DA.GetDataList("x coordinates of element center point", x); var y = new List <double>(); DA.GetDataList("y coordinates of element center point", y); var z = new List <double>(); DA.GetDataList("z coordinates of element center point", z);
                var ki = new List <double>(); DA.GetDataList("axial spring for node_i", ki); var kj = new List <double>(); DA.GetDataList("axial spring for node_j", kj);
                var ri = new List <double>(); DA.GetDataList("rotational spring for node_i", ri); var rj = new List <double>(); DA.GetDataList("rotational spring for node_j", rj);
                var kxi = ki[0]; var kyi = ki[1]; var kzi = ki[2]; var rxi = ri[0]; var ryi = ri[1]; var rzi = ri[2];
                var kxj = kj[0]; var kyj = kj[1]; var kzj = kj[2]; var rxj = rj[0]; var ryj = rj[1]; var rzj = ri[2];
                int k = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < Math.Max(Math.Max(x.Count, y.Count), z.Count); j++)
                    for (int e = 0; e < ijkl.Count; e++)
                        var ni = (int)ijkl[e][0].Value; var nj = (int)ijkl[e][1].Value; var nk = (int)ijkl[e][2].Value; var nl = (int)ijkl[e][3].Value;
                        var xi = r[ni][0].Value; var yi = r[ni][1].Value; var zi = r[ni][2].Value;
                        var xj = r[nj][0].Value; var yj = r[nj][1].Value; var zj = r[nj][2].Value;
                        var xk = r[nk][0].Value; var yk = r[nk][1].Value; var zk = r[nk][2].Value;
                        var xc = 0.0; var yc = 0.0; var zc = 0.0;
                        if (nl < 0)
                            xc = (xi + xj + xk) / 3.0; yc = (yi + yj + yk) / 3.0; zc = (zi + zj + zk) / 3.0;
                            var xl = r[nl][0].Value; var yl = r[nl][1].Value; var zl = r[nl][2].Value;
                            xc = (xi + xj + xk + xl) / 4.0; yc = (yi + yj + yk + yl) / 4.0; zc = (zi + zj + zk + zl) / 4.0;
                        if (Math.Abs(xc - x[Math.Min(j, x.Count - 1)]) < 1e-8 || x[0] == -9999)
                            if (Math.Abs(yc - y[Math.Min(j, y.Count - 1)]) < 1e-8 || y[0] == -9999)
                                if (Math.Abs(zc - z[Math.Min(j, z.Count - 1)]) < 1e-8 || z[0] == -9999)
                                    List <GH_Number> jlist = new List <GH_Number>();
                                    jlist.Add(new GH_Number(e));
                                    jlist.Add(new GH_Number(1000 * I + 100 * J + 10 * K + L));
                                    jlist.Add(new GH_Number(kxi)); jlist.Add(new GH_Number(kyi)); jlist.Add(new GH_Number(kzi));
                                    jlist.Add(new GH_Number(rxi)); jlist.Add(new GH_Number(ryi)); jlist.Add(new GH_Number(rzi));
                                    jlist.Add(new GH_Number(kxj)); jlist.Add(new GH_Number(kyj)); jlist.Add(new GH_Number(kzj));
                                    jlist.Add(new GH_Number(rxj)); jlist.Add(new GH_Number(ryj)); jlist.Add(new GH_Number(rzj));
                                    joint.AppendRange(jlist, new GH_Path(k));
                                    k += 1;
                DA.SetDataTree(0, joint);
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            int iterations = 0;
            var algorithm  = new Boa_Algorithm();
            var inputs     = new double[0];

            if (!GetInputs(DA, ref inputs))
            if (!DA.GetData(2, ref iterations))
            GetAlgorithm(DA, ref algorithm);

            if (iterations < 1)
                AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "Number of iterations must be greater than or equal to one.");

            GH_Structure <GH_Number> outputDataTree = new GH_Structure <GH_Number>();
            GH_Path targetPath = DA.ParameterTargetPath(0);

            //Feedback loop
            for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
                // on the first iteration
                if (i == 0)
                    if (!SolveAlgorithm(ref inputs, algorithm))
                    if (!SolveAlgorithm(ref inputs, algorithm, "Number of outputs is less than number of inputs. Algorithm cannot support a feedback loop."))

                GH_Number[] outputList = new GH_Number[inputs.Length];

                for (int j = 0; j < inputs.Length; j++)
                    outputList[j] = new GH_Number(inputs[j]);

                outputDataTree.AppendRange(outputList, targetPath.AppendElement(i));

            DA.SetDataTree(0, outputDataTree);
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            double  Width = 0, Height = 0;
            int     Column = 0, Row = 0;
            Point3d Position = default(Point3d);
            GH_Structure <GH_Rectangle> OutputRect = new GH_Structure <GH_Rectangle>();

            if (!DA.GetData(0, ref Position))
            if (!DA.GetData(1, ref Width))
            if (!DA.GetData(2, ref Height))
            if (!DA.GetData(3, ref Column))
            if (!DA.GetData(4, ref Row))

            double _X = Position.X, _Y = Position.Y;

            for (int i = 0; i < Row; i++)
                List <GH_Rectangle> TempList = new List <GH_Rectangle>();
                var     Y    = _Y - Height * i;
                GH_Path Path = new GH_Path(i);
                for (int j = 0; j < Column; j++)
                    Point3d Origin;
                    if (Direction == 1)
                        var X = _X + Width * j * this.Direction;
                        Origin = new Point3d(X, Y - Height, 0);
                        var X = _X + Width * j * this.Direction - Width;
                        Origin = new Point3d(X, Y - Height, 0);
                    Plane       _Plane = new Plane(Origin, Vector3d.ZAxis);
                    Rectangle3d Rect   = new Rectangle3d(_Plane, Math.Abs(Width), Math.Abs(Height));
                    TempList.Add(new GH_Rectangle(Rect));
                OutputRect.AppendRange(TempList, Path);
            DA.SetDataTree(0, OutputRect);
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            List <string> layer = new List <string>(); DA.GetDataList("layer", layer);
            var           name_K = "K"; DA.GetData("name K", ref name_K); var name_Cd = "Cd"; DA.GetData("name Cd", ref name_Cd); var name_alpha = "Cd"; DA.GetData("name alpha", ref name_alpha);
            var           doc = RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc; List <Curve> lines = new List <Curve>(); GH_Structure <GH_Number> KCa = new GH_Structure <GH_Number>();

            for (int i = 0; i < layer.Count; i++)
                var line = doc.Objects.FindByLayer(layer[i]);
                for (int j = 0; j < line.Length; j++)
                    var obj = line[j]; Curve[] l = new Curve[] { (new ObjRef(obj)).Curve() };
                    int nl = (new ObjRef(obj)).Curve().SpanCount;//ポリラインのセグメント数
                    if (nl > 1)
                        l = (new ObjRef(obj)).Curve().DuplicateSegments();
                    for (int jj = 0; jj < nl; jj++)
                        List <GH_Number> kcalist = new List <GH_Number>();
                        var text = obj.Attributes.GetUserString(name_K);
                        if (text == null)
                            kcalist.Add(new GH_Number(25000));
                            kcalist.Add(new GH_Number(float.Parse(text)));
                        text = obj.Attributes.GetUserString(name_Cd);
                        if (text == null)
                            kcalist.Add(new GH_Number(450));
                            kcalist.Add(new GH_Number(float.Parse(text)));
                        text = obj.Attributes.GetUserString(name_alpha);
                        if (text == null)
                            kcalist.Add(new GH_Number(0.3));
                            kcalist.Add(new GH_Number(float.Parse(text)));
                        KCa.AppendRange(kcalist, new GH_Path(jj));
            DA.SetDataList("dlines", lines);
            DA.SetDataTree(1, KCa);
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            var filenames = new List <string>(); if (!DA.GetDataList("filename", filenames))

            if (filenames[0] == "")
            var X = 0.0; DA.GetData("x", ref X); var Y = 0.0; DA.GetData("y", ref Y); var cp = new List <double>(); DA.GetDataList("origin", cp);
            var time = new GH_Structure <GH_Number>(); var acc = new GH_Structure <GH_Number>(); var vel = new GH_Structure <GH_Number>(); var disp = new GH_Structure <GH_Number>();
            var tmax = 0.0; var amax = 0.0; var vmax = 0.0; var dmax = 0.0; var colors = new List <Color> {
                Color.Red, Color.Blue, Color.DarkOrange, Color.Gold, Color.LightPink

            for (int e = 0; e < filenames.Count; e++)
                StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(@filenames[0]);// 読み込みたいCSVファイルのパスを指定して開く
                int          k = 0;
                var          tlist = new List <GH_Number>(); var alist = new List <GH_Number>(); var vlist = new List <GH_Number>(); var dlist = new List <GH_Number>();
                while (!sr.EndOfStream)                // 末尾まで繰り返す
                    string   line   = sr.ReadLine();   // CSVファイルの一行を読み込む
                    string[] values = line.Split(','); // 読み込んだ一行をカンマ毎に分けて配列に格納する
                    if (double.Parse(values[0]) != 0 && k == 0)
                        tlist.Add(new GH_Number(0)); alist.Add(new GH_Number(0));
                        tlist.Add(new GH_Number(double.Parse(values[0]))); alist.Add(new GH_Number(double.Parse(values[1])));
                        tmax = Math.Max(Math.Abs(double.Parse(values[0])), tmax); amax = Math.Max(Math.Abs(double.Parse(values[1])), amax);
                    k += 1;
                time.AppendRange(tlist, new GH_Path(e)); acc.AppendRange(alist, new GH_Path(e)); vel.AppendRange(vlist, new GH_Path(e)); disp.AppendRange(dlist, new GH_Path(e));
                _frame.Add(new Line(cp[0], cp[1], cp[2], cp[0] + X, cp[1], cp[2]));
                _frame.Add(new Line(cp[0], cp[1] + Y, cp[2], cp[0] + X, cp[1] + Y, cp[2]));
                _frame.Add(new Line(cp[0], cp[1], cp[2], cp[0], cp[1] + Y, cp[2]));
                _frame.Add(new Line(cp[0] + X, cp[1], cp[2], cp[0] + X, cp[1] + Y, cp[2]));
                var dx = X / tmax; var dy = Y / (amax * 2); var x = time.Branches; var y = acc.Branches;
                for (int i = 0; i < x.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < x[i].Count - 1; j++)
                        _wave.Add(new Line(cp[0] + x[i][j].Value * dx, cp[1] + (y[i][j].Value + amax) * dy, cp[2], cp[0] + x[i][j + 1].Value * dx, cp[1] + (y[i][j + 1].Value + amax) * dy, cp[2])); _c.Add(colors[e]);
            DA.SetDataTree(0, time); DA.SetDataTree(1, acc);

        public static GH_Structure <IGH_Goo> IToGoo <T>(this List <List <T> > tree)
            GH_Structure <IGH_Goo> structure = new GH_Structure <IGH_Goo>();

            for (int i = 0; i < tree.Count; i++)
                structure.AppendRange(tree[i].IToGoo(), new GH_Path(i));

        /// <summary>
        /// Like GH_Structure.DuplicateCast(), but it works.
        /// </summary>
        public static GH_Structure <Q> DupCast <T, Q>(GH_Structure <T> structure, Func <T, Q> cast)
            where T : IGH_Goo where Q : IGH_Goo
            var res = new GH_Structure <Q>();

            for (int i = 0; i < structure.PathCount; i++)
                res.AppendRange(structure.Branches[i].Select(item => cast(item)), structure.Paths[i]);
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts nested list of polylines into GH_Structure (for gha dev)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="conversionData">the nested list to convert</param>
        /// <returns>The data structure</returns>
        public static GH_Structure <IGH_Goo> ConvertToGHDataStructure(List <List <Polyline> > conversionData)
            GH_Structure <IGH_Goo> ghStructure = new GH_Structure <IGH_Goo>();

            for (int i = 0; i < conversionData.Count; i++)
                List <GH_Curve> ghCurveList = ConvertTOGHCurveList(conversionData[i]);
                ghStructure.AppendRange(ghCurveList, new GH_Path(i));
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            /// <summary>
            /// This is the method that actually does the work.
            /// </summary>
            /// First, we need to retrieve all data from the input parameters.
            /// We'll start by declaring variables and assigning them starting values.
            /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>

            // datatree should be accessed through GH_structure (grasshopper.kernal.data namespace)
            GH_Structure <GH_Point> winnerTree = new GH_Structure <GH_Point>();
            GH_Structure <GH_Point> dataTree   = new GH_Structure <GH_Point>();;

            // Then we need to access the input parameters individually.
            // When data cannot be extracted from a parameter, we should abort this method.
            if (!DA.GetDataTree(0, out dataTree))

            // body of code

            while (dataTree.PathCount != 0)
                var pointlist = dataTree.Branches[0].GetRange(0, dataTree.Branches[0].Count);
                // copy data from first branch to winner
                // test other branches for inliers with winner(0), if so delete them
                for (int i = 0; i < pointlist.Count; i++)
                    var pointtest = pointlist[i];
                    for (int branchj = 0; branchj < dataTree.PathCount; branchj++)
                        for (int listj = 0; listj < dataTree.Branches[branchj].Count; listj++)
                            if (((pointtest.Value.X - dataTree.get_DataItem(dataTree.Paths[branchj], listj).Value.X) < 0.001) && ((pointtest.Value.Y - dataTree.get_DataItem(dataTree.Paths[branchj], listj).Value.Y) < 0.001) && ((pointtest.Value.Z - dataTree.get_DataItem(dataTree.Paths[branchj], listj).Value.Z) < 0.001))

            /// run some function on the data

            //// Finally assign the output to the output parameter.
            DA.SetDataTree(0, winnerTree);
            //DA.SetDataList(1, output);
        private static GH_Structure <IGH_Goo> GetSubTree(GH_Structure <IGH_Goo> valueTree, GH_Path searchPath)
            var subTree = new GH_Structure <IGH_Goo>();
            var gen     = 0;

            foreach (var path in valueTree.Paths)
                var branch = valueTree.get_Branch(path) as IEnumerable <IGH_Goo>;
                if (path.IsAncestor(searchPath, ref gen))
                    subTree.AppendRange(branch, path);
                else if (path.IsCoincident(searchPath))
                    subTree.AppendRange(branch, path);
        /// <summary>
        /// Extract nodes from a tree structure with a flat hierarchy and returns grouped as nodes. NOTE: will have duplicate lines, as untrimmed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="skeleton"></param>
        /// <param name="trimLengthBase"></param>
        /// <param name="trimLengthTop"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private GH_Structure <GH_Curve> ExtractNodes(GH_Structure <GH_Curve> skeleton, double trimLengthBase, double trimLengthTop)
            GH_Structure <GH_Curve> nodes = new GH_Structure <GH_Curve>(); //3dimensional list to preserve data structure internally
            int nodeCount = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < skeleton.PathCount; i++)
                List <GH_Curve> tempMembers = new List <GH_Curve>();
                //add first member to tree

                GH_Curve member0 = skeleton.get_DataItem(new GH_Path(i), 0);

                for (int j = 0; j < skeleton.PathCount; j++)
                    if (j != i) //if its not the same branch
                        //check whether last plane of branch i is the same as first plane of branch j

                        GH_Curve otherMember = skeleton.get_DataItem(new GH_Path(j), 0);
                        Vector3d distVector  = member0.Value.PointAtEnd - otherMember.Value.PointAtStart;
                        double   dist        = distVector.Length;
                        if (dist < 0.01)
                            //if same plane, add branch

                if (tempMembers.Count > 1) //if node is actually a node that is more than just a base
                    //check if members have enough planes.
                    //e.g. if a member has only 1 plane, it is not enough to build a node.
                    bool isSufficient = true;
                    foreach (GH_Curve crv in tempMembers)
                        if (crv.Value.GetLength() < trimLengthTop)
                            isSufficient = false;
                    if (isSufficient)
                        nodes.AppendRange(tempMembers, new GH_Path(nodeCount));
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            GH_Structure <GH_Point> TempPtsTree = new GH_Structure <GH_Point>();

            Point3d StartPt = Point3d.Origin;
            double  ExtendX = default(double), ExtendY = default(double);
            int     TotalNum = default(int), ColumnNum = default(int);

            if (!DA.GetData(0, ref StartPt))
            if (!DA.GetData(1, ref ExtendX))
            if (!DA.GetData(2, ref ExtendY))
            if (!DA.GetData(3, ref TotalNum))
            if (!DA.GetData(4, ref ColumnNum))

            double StartX = StartPt.X, StartY = StartPt.Y, StartZ = StartPt.Z, CurrentY = 0;
            double RowNum      = TotalNum / ColumnNum;
            int    TotalColumn = Convert.ToInt32((TotalNum % ColumnNum == 0) ? RowNum : (RowNum + 1));

            for (int Column = 0; Column < TotalColumn; Column++)
                List <GH_Point> TempList = new List <GH_Point>();
                int             leftNum  = TotalNum - Column * ColumnNum;
                ColumnNum = leftNum < ColumnNum ? leftNum: ColumnNum;
                CurrentY  = StartY;

                for (int j = 0; j < ColumnNum; j++)
                    Point3d Temp_Pt = new Point3d(StartX, CurrentY, StartZ);
                    TempList.Add(new GH_Point(Temp_Pt));
                    CurrentY += ExtendY;
                TempPtsTree.AppendRange(TempList, new GH_Path(Column));
                StartX += ExtendX;
            DA.SetDataList(0, TempPtsTree);
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            var vec = new Vector3d(1, 0, 0); DA.GetData("A vector that is the basis for rotation", ref vec); var angle = 90.0; DA.GetData("rotate angle", ref angle); var center = new Point3d(0, 0, 0); DA.GetData("center point of rotation", ref center); var offset = new Vector3d(0, 0, 0); DA.GetData("offset after rotation", ref offset);
            GH_Structure <GH_Number> r2 = new GH_Structure <GH_Number>(); GH_Structure <GH_Point> p2 = new GH_Structure <GH_Point>();

            Vector3d rotation(Vector3d a, Vector3d b, double theta)
                double rad = theta * Math.PI / 180;
                double s = Math.Sin(rad); double c = Math.Cos(rad);

                b /= Math.Sqrt(Vector3d.Multiply(b, b));
                double   b1 = b[0]; double b2 = b[1]; double b3 = b[2];
                Vector3d m1 = new Vector3d(c + Math.Pow(b1, 2) * (1 - c), b1 * b2 * (1 - c) - b3 * s, b1 * b3 * (1 - c) + b2 * s);
                Vector3d m2 = new Vector3d(b2 * b1 * (1 - c) + b3 * s, c + Math.Pow(b2, 2) * (1 - c), b2 * b3 * (1 - c) - b1 * s);
                Vector3d m3 = new Vector3d(b3 * b1 * (1 - c) - b2 * s, b3 * b2 * (1 - c) + b1 * s, c + Math.Pow(b3, 2) * (1 - c));

                return(new Vector3d(Vector3d.Multiply(m1, a), Vector3d.Multiply(m2, a), Vector3d.Multiply(m3, a)));

            DA.GetDataTree("nodal_coordinates", out GH_Structure <GH_Number> _r);
            if (_r.Branches[0][0].Value != -9999)
                var r = _r.Branches; var n = r.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    var rvec  = new Vector3d(r[i][0].Value - center[0], r[i][1].Value - center[1], r[i][2].Value - center[2]);
                    var r2vec = rotation(rvec, vec, angle);
                    var rlist = new List <GH_Number>(); rlist.Add(new GH_Number(r2vec[0] + offset[0])); rlist.Add(new GH_Number(r2vec[1] + offset[1])); rlist.Add(new GH_Number(r2vec[2] + offset[2]));
                    r2.AppendRange(rlist, new GH_Path(i));
                DA.SetDataTree(0, r2);
                DA.GetDataTree("grid points", out GH_Structure <GH_Point> _p);
                var p = _p.Branches;
                for (int i = 0; i < p.Count; i++)
                    var plist = new List <GH_Point>();
                    for (int j = 0; j < p[i].Count; j++)
                        var r     = p[i][j].Value;
                        var rvec  = new Vector3d(r[0] - center[0], r[1] - center[1], r[2] - center[2]);
                        var r2vec = rotation(rvec, vec, angle);
                        var pj    = new Point3d(r2vec[0] + offset[0], r2vec[1] + offset[1], r2vec[2] + offset[2]);
                        plist.Add(new GH_Point(pj));
                    p2.AppendRange(plist, new GH_Path(i));
                DA.SetDataTree(1, p2);
        private void PopulateVaribleTree(List <double> _dAValues, List <double> _dBValues, List <double> _fValues, List <double> _kValues, int _valuesCount)
            for (int i = 0; i < _valuesCount; i++)
                List <GH_Number> allVaribles = new List <GH_Number>();
                allVaribles.Add(new GH_Number(_dAValues[i]));
                allVaribles.Add(new GH_Number(_dBValues[i]));
                allVaribles.Add(new GH_Number(_fValues[i]));
                allVaribles.Add(new GH_Number(_kValues[i]));

                varibles.AppendRange(allVaribles, new GH_Path(i));
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="list"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private GH_Structure <GH_Plane> ConvertListToTree(List <List <List <GH_Plane> > > list)
            GH_Structure <GH_Plane> tree = new GH_Structure <GH_Plane>();

            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < list[i].Count; j++)
                    GH_Path pth = new GH_Path(i, j);
                    tree.AppendRange(list[i][j], pth);
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            GH_Structure <GH_Number> e_load = new GH_Structure <GH_Number>();

            DA.GetDataTree("nodal_coordinates", out GH_Structure <GH_Number> _r);
            DA.GetDataTree("element_node_relationship", out GH_Structure <GH_Number> _ij);
            if (_r.Branches[0][0].Value != -9999 && _ij.Branches[0][0].Value != -9999)
                var r = _r.Branches; var ij = _ij.Branches;
                var x = new List <double>(); DA.GetDataList("x coordinates of element center point", x); var y = new List <double>(); DA.GetDataList("y coordinates of element center point", y); var z = new List <double>(); DA.GetDataList("z coordinates of element center point", z);
                var wx = 0.0; DA.GetData("distributed load of x axis direction", ref wx); var wy = 0.0; DA.GetData("distributed load of y axis direction", ref wy); var wz = 0.0; DA.GetData("distributed load of z axis direction", ref wz); int kk = 0;
                for (int e = 0; e < ij.Count; e++)
                    var ni = (int)ij[e][0].Value; var nj = (int)ij[e][1].Value;
                    var xi = r[ni][0].Value; var yi = r[ni][1].Value; var zi = r[ni][2].Value;
                    var xj = r[nj][0].Value; var yj = r[nj][1].Value; var zj = r[nj][2].Value;
                    var xc = (xi + xj) / 2.0; var yc = (yi + yj) / 2.0; var zc = (zi + zj) / 2.0;
                    int k = 0;
                    for (int j = 0; j < x.Count; j++)
                        if (Math.Abs(x[j] - xc) < 5e-3 || x[j] == -9999)
                            k += 1; break;
                    for (int j = 0; j < y.Count; j++)
                        if (Math.Abs(y[j] - yc) < 5e-3 || y[j] == -9999)
                            k += 1; break;
                    for (int j = 0; j < z.Count; j++)
                        if (Math.Abs(z[j] - zc) < 5e-3 || z[j] == -9999)
                            k += 1; break;
                    if (k == 3)
                        List <GH_Number> elist = new List <GH_Number>();
                        elist.Add(new GH_Number(e)); elist.Add(new GH_Number(wx)); elist.Add(new GH_Number(wy)); elist.Add(new GH_Number(wz));
                        e_load.AppendRange(elist, new GH_Path(kk)); kk += 1;
            DA.SetDataTree(0, e_load);
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            // Input variables
            GH_Controller controllerGoo = null;

            // Catch input data
            if (!DA.GetData(0, ref controllerGoo))

            // Clear output variables

            // Data needed for making the datatree with axis values
            MechanicalUnitCollection mechanicalUnits = controllerGoo.Value.MotionSystem.MechanicalUnits;
            int           externalAxisValuesPath     = 0;
            List <double> values;
            GH_Path       path;

            // Make the output datatree with names with a branch for each mechanical unit
            for (int i = 0; i < mechanicalUnits.Count; i++)
                // Get the ABB joint target of the mechanical unit
                MechanicalUnit mechanicalUnit = mechanicalUnits[i];
                ABB.Robotics.Controllers.RapidDomain.JointTarget jointTarget = mechanicalUnit.GetPosition();

                // For internal axis values
                if (mechanicalUnit.Type == MechanicalUnitType.TcpRobot)
                    values = GetInternalAxisValuesAsList(jointTarget);
                    _robotJointPositions.Add(new RobotJointPosition(values));

                // For external axis values
                    values = GetExternalAxisValuesAsList(jointTarget);
                    path   = new GH_Path(externalAxisValuesPath);
                    _externalAxisValues.AppendRange(values.GetRange(0, mechanicalUnit.NumberOfAxes).ConvertAll(val => new GH_Number(val)), path);
                    externalAxisValuesPath += 1;

            // Output
            DA.SetDataList(0, _robotJointPositions);
            DA.SetDataTree(1, _externalAxisValues);
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess da)
            var inputPts   = new List <Point3d>();
            var inputCloud = new List <Point3d>();
            var count      = 1;

            if (!da.GetDataList("Points", inputPts) ||
                !da.GetDataList("Cloud", inputCloud) ||
                !da.GetData("Number", ref count))

            var useCount    = Math.Max(count, 5);
            var postProcess = count < useCount;

            var result = RTree.Point3dKNeighbors(inputCloud, inputPts, useCount);
            var outPts = new GH_Structure <GH_Point>();
            var outIdx = new GH_Structure <GH_Integer>();

            int branchIdx = 0;

            foreach (var foundIdx in result)
                var path = new GH_Path(branchIdx);
                var pts  = foundIdx.Select(idx => new GH_Point(inputCloud[idx]));

                if (postProcess)
                    var localBranchIdx = branchIdx;
                    pts = foundIdx.Select(idx =>
                        Point           = inputCloud[idx],
                        DistanceSquared = inputPts[idx].DistanceToSquared(inputCloud[localBranchIdx])
                          .OrderBy(pt => pt.DistanceSquared)
                          .Select(pt => new GH_Point(pt.Point))

                outPts.AppendRange(pts, path);

            da.SetDataTree(0, outPts);
            da.SetDataTree(1, outIdx);
        private static GH_Structure <GH_String> GetTagStrings(IEnumerable <StbWall> walls, StbSections sections)
            var ghSecStrings = new GH_Structure <GH_String>();

            foreach (var item in walls.Select((wall, index) => new { wall, index }))
                string secId  = item.wall.id_section;
                var    ghPath = new GH_Path(0, item.index);

                StbSecWall_RC          secRc  = sections.StbSecWall_RC.First(i => i.id == secId);
                StbSecWall_RC_Straight figure = secRc.StbSecFigureWall_RC.StbSecWall_RC_Straight;
                ghSecStrings.AppendRange(TagUtils.GetWallRcSection(figure, secRc.strength_concrete), ghPath);

        public GH_Structure <IGH_Goo> SortTreeByIndex(GH_Structure <IGH_Goo> gooTree, GH_Structure <GH_Integer> indTree)
            GH_Structure <IGH_Goo> sorted = new GH_Structure <IGH_Goo>();

            foreach (GH_Path p in gooTree.Paths)
                //feed a copy of the goo tree, because the tree oreder will not correspond to index when sorting starts
                List <IGH_Goo>    goo     = (List <IGH_Goo>)(gooTree.get_Branch(p));
                List <IGH_Goo>    gooCopy = new List <IGH_Goo>(goo);
                List <GH_Integer> index   = (List <GH_Integer>)(indTree.get_Branch(p));
                SelectCompareGoo  cg      = new SelectCompareGoo(gooCopy, index);
                sorted.AppendRange(goo, p);
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            // Grasshopper.Kernel.GH_Convert.ToGeometricGoo,这个方法非常的重要
            // 可以实现IGH_GeometricGoo 到GeometryBase之间的转换
            List <IGH_GeometricGoo>         GeomList   = new List <IGH_GeometricGoo>();
            GH_Structure <IGH_GeometricGoo> OutPutTree = new GH_Structure <IGH_GeometricGoo>();
            string ClassfilyText = null;

            if (!DA.GetDataList <IGH_GeometricGoo>(0, GeomList))
            if (!DA.GetData(1, ref ClassfilyText))

                var Geom_Temp = GeomList.Select(item =>
                    GeometryBase Geom = Grasshopper.Kernel.GH_Convert.ToGeometryBase(item);
                var Temp = Geom_Temp.GroupBy(item => item.UserDictionary[ClassfilyText]).ToList();

                for (int Index = 0; Index < Temp.Count; Index++)
                    int[]   PathArr = new int[] { Index };
                    GH_Path Path    = new GH_Path(PathArr);

                    List <GeometryBase>     Temp_Geom  = Temp[Index].ToList();
                    List <IGH_GeometricGoo> Temp_IGeom = Temp_Geom.Select(item => { var Geom = Grasshopper.Kernel.GH_Convert.ToGeometricGoo(item); return(Geom); }).ToList();

                    OutPutTree.AppendRange(Temp_IGeom, Path);
                DA.SetDataTree(0, OutPutTree);
            catch (Exception Ex)
                this.AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, Ex.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            GH_Structure <GH_Number> p_load = new GH_Structure <GH_Number>();

            if (!DA.GetDataTree("nodal_coordinates", out GH_Structure <GH_Number> _r))
            else if (_r.Branches[0][0].Value != -9999)
                var r = _r.Branches; var n = r.Count;
                var x = new List <double>(); DA.GetDataList(1, x); var y = new List <double>(); DA.GetDataList(2, y); var z = new List <double>(); DA.GetDataList(3, z);
                var px = 0.0; DA.GetData("axial load of x axis direction", ref px); var py = 0.0; DA.GetData("axial load of y axis direction", ref py); var pz = 0.0; DA.GetData("axial load of z axis direction", ref pz); var mx = 0.0; DA.GetData("moment load around x axis direction", ref mx); var my = 0.0; DA.GetData("moment load around y axis direction", ref my); var mz = 0.0; DA.GetData("moment load around z axis direction", ref mz); int e = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    var xi = r[i][0].Value; var yi = r[i][1].Value; var zi = r[i][2].Value;
                    int k = 0;
                    for (int j = 0; j < x.Count; j++)
                        if (Math.Abs(x[j] - xi) < 5e-3 || x[j] == -9999)
                            k += 1; break;
                    for (int j = 0; j < y.Count; j++)
                        if (Math.Abs(y[j] - yi) < 5e-3 || y[j] == -9999)
                            k += 1; break;
                    for (int j = 0; j < z.Count; j++)
                        if (Math.Abs(z[j] - zi) < 5e-3 || z[j] == -9999)
                            k += 1; break;
                    if (k == 3)
                        List <GH_Number> plist = new List <GH_Number>();
                        plist.Add(new GH_Number(i)); plist.Add(new GH_Number(px)); plist.Add(new GH_Number(py)); plist.Add(new GH_Number(pz)); plist.Add(new GH_Number(mx)); plist.Add(new GH_Number(my)); plist.Add(new GH_Number(mz));
                        p_load.AppendRange(plist, new GH_Path(e)); e += 1;
            DA.SetDataTree(0, p_load);
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            GH_Structure <GH_Number> fix = new GH_Structure <GH_Number>();

            if (!DA.GetDataTree("nodal_coordinates", out GH_Structure <GH_Number> _r))
            else if (_r.Branches[0][0].Value != -9999)
                var r = _r.Branches; var n = r.Count;
                var x = new List <double>(); DA.GetDataList(1, x); var y = new List <double>(); DA.GetDataList(2, y); var z = new List <double>(); DA.GetDataList(3, z); int e = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    var xi = r[i][0].Value; var yi = r[i][1].Value; var zi = r[i][2].Value;
                    int k = 0;
                    for (int j = 0; j < x.Count; j++)
                        if (Math.Abs(x[j] - xi) < 5e-3 || x[j] == -9999)
                            k += 1; break;
                    for (int j = 0; j < y.Count; j++)
                        if (Math.Abs(y[j] - yi) < 5e-3 || y[j] == -9999)
                            k += 1; break;
                    for (int j = 0; j < z.Count; j++)
                        if (Math.Abs(z[j] - zi) < 5e-3 || z[j] == -9999)
                            k += 1; break;
                    if (k == 3)
                        List <GH_Number> fixlist = new List <GH_Number>();
                        fixlist.Add(new GH_Number(i)); fixlist.Add(new GH_Number(fx)); fixlist.Add(new GH_Number(fy)); fixlist.Add(new GH_Number(fz)); fixlist.Add(new GH_Number(rx)); fixlist.Add(new GH_Number(ry)); fixlist.Add(new GH_Number(rz));
                        fix.AppendRange(fixlist, new GH_Path(e)); e += 1;
            DA.SetDataTree(0, fix);
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            GH_Structure <IGH_Goo> tree;
            var pList = new List <int?>();
            int?t     = 0;

            if (!DA.GetDataTree(0, out tree))
            for (var i = 1; i < Params.Input.Count; i++)
                pList.Add(DA.GetData(i, ref t) ? t : null);

            var subtree    = new GH_Structure <IGH_Goo>();
            var descendant = new List <GH_Path>();

            foreach (var p in tree.Paths)
                if (pList.Count > p.Length)
                var flag = true;
                for (var i = 0; i < pList.Count; i++)
                    flag = flag && (pList[i] == null || pList[i] == p[i]);
                if (flag)

            int i1 = 0, i2 = 0;

            foreach (var p in descendant)
                tree.PathIndex(p, ref i1, ref i2);
                subtree.AppendRange(tree.Branches[i1], p);

            DA.SetData(0, "{" + string.Join(";", pList.Select(i => i != null ? i.ToString() : "?")) + "}");
            DA.SetDataTree(1, subtree);
        public static bool PtListArrayToGhTreePoint(List <Point3d[]> rhGrid, ref GH_Structure <GH_Point> grid, GH_Path path)
            int num = 0;

            foreach (Point3d[] pointdArray in rhGrid)
                if (pointdArray.Length > 0)
                    List <GH_Point> data = new List <GH_Point>();
                    foreach (Point3d pointd in pointdArray)
                        data.Add(new GH_Point(pointd));
                    grid.AppendRange(data, path.AppendElement(num++));
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            GeometryBase region = null;
            var          curves = new List <Curve>();
            double       radius = 0;
            int          iterations = 0, convergence = 0;

            DA.GetData(0, ref region);
            DA.GetDataList(1, curves);
            DA.GetData(2, ref radius);
            DA.GetData(3, ref iterations);
            DA.GetData(4, ref convergence);

            Polyline polyline = null;
            Mesh     mesh     = null;

            if (region is Curve)
                polyline = (region as Curve).ToPolyline();
            else if (region is Mesh)
                mesh = (region as Mesh);
                throw new Exception(" Region should be polyline or mesh.");

            var inPolylines = curves.Select(c => c.ToPolyline()).ToList();

            var simulation = new Model.Simulations.DifferentialGrowth.DifferentialGrowth(inPolylines, radius, convergence, iterations, polyline, mesh);
            var polylines  = simulation.AllPolylines;

            var outCurves = new GH_Structure <GH_Curve>();
            var path      = DA.ParameterTargetPath(0);

            for (int j = 0; j < polylines.Count; j++)
                outCurves.AppendRange(polylines[j].Select(p => new GH_Curve(p.ToNurbsCurve())), path.AppendElement(j));

            DA.SetDataTree(0, outCurves);
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            List <IGH_GeometricGoo>         InputList  = new List <IGH_GeometricGoo>();
            GH_Structure <IGH_GeometricGoo> OutputTree = new GH_Structure <IGH_GeometricGoo>();

            if (!DA.GetDataList <IGH_GeometricGoo>(0, InputList))

            var Temp = InputList.GroupBy(item => item.GetType()).ToList();

            for (int Index = 0; Index < Temp.Count; Index++)
                OutputTree.AppendRange(Temp[Index], new GH_Path(Index));

            DA.SetDataTree(0, OutputTree);
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            GH_Structure <GH_String> ClassifyTree = new GH_Structure <GH_String> ();

            List <double> InputList = new List <double>();

            GH_Structure <GH_Number> OutputTree = new GH_Structure <GH_Number>();

            if (!DA.GetDataList <double>(0, InputList))
            if (!DA.GetDataTree <GH_String>(1, out ClassifyTree))
            List <List <double> > IntervalDataList = new List <List <double> >();

                IntervalDataList = Convert2ListInterval(ClassifyTree);
            }catch (Exception e) {
                this.AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, e.Message);
            int IntervalCount = IntervalDataList.Count;

            for (int Index = 0; Index < IntervalCount; Index++)
                List <double> IntervalBranch = IntervalDataList[Index];

                double min = IntervalBranch.Min();
                double max = IntervalBranch.Max();

                List <double> TempList = (from item in InputList
                                          where item >= min && item < max
                                          select item).ToList();
                TempList.OrderByDescending(item => item).ToList();

                OutputTree.AppendRange(TempList.Select(item => new GH_Number(item)).ToList(), new GH_Path(Index));
            DA.SetDataTree(0, OutputTree);
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            GH_Structure <IGH_Goo> TreeA        = new GH_Structure <IGH_Goo>();
            GH_Structure <IGH_Goo> TreeB        = new GH_Structure <IGH_Goo>();
            GH_Structure <IGH_Goo> InputTree    = new GH_Structure <IGH_Goo>();
            List <GH_Boolean>      InputPattern = new List <GH_Boolean>();

            List <int> IA_List = new List <int>();
            List <int> IB_List = new List <int>();

            if (!DA.GetDataTree <IGH_Goo>(0, out InputTree))
            if (!DA.GetDataList <GH_Boolean>(1, InputPattern))

            List <GH_Boolean> PatternList = this.PatternConstruct(InputPattern, InputTree.Branches.Count);
            int Branch_A = 0, Branch_B = 0, Index = 0;

            for (; Index < PatternList.Count; Index++)
                if (PatternList[Index].Value)
                    TreeA.AppendRange(InputTree.Branches[Index], InputTree.Paths[Index]);
                    TreeB.AppendRange(InputTree.Branches[Index], InputTree.Paths[Index]);
            DA.SetDataTree(0, TreeA);
            DA.SetDataTree(1, TreeB);
            DA.SetDataList(2, IA_List);
            DA.SetDataList(3, IB_List);
        public GH_Structure <GH_Number> DataTree()
            GH_Structure <GH_Number>  dataTree = new GH_Structure <GH_Number>();
            GH_Structure <GH_Integer> indices  = new GH_Structure <GH_Integer>();

            for (int i = 0; i < trainedVectors.GetLength(0); i++)
                GH_Path p = new GH_Path(Utils.ReverseArray(this.adressBook[i]));
                indices.Append(new GH_Integer(i), p);
            dataTree = new GH_Structure <GH_Number>();
            GH_Structure <GH_Number> valueTree = Utils.MultidimensionalArrayToGHTree(trainedVectors);

            for (int i = 0; i < indices.DataCount; i++)
                dataTree.AppendRange(valueTree.Branches[indices.Branches[0][i].Value], new GH_Path(this.adressBook[i]));