        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            GH_AssemblyInfo gsaplugin = Grasshopper.Instances.ComponentServer.FindAssembly(new Guid("a3b08c32-f7de-4b00-b415-f8b466f05e9f"));

            DA.SetData(0, gsaplugin.Version);
            DA.SetData(1, gsaplugin.Location);
            DA.SetData(2, Util.Gsa.InstallationFolderPath.GetPath);
        /// <summary>
        /// Each implementation of GH_Component must provide a public
        /// constructor without any arguments.
        /// Category represents the Tab in which the component will appear,
        /// Subcategory the panel. If you use non-existing tab or panel names,
        /// new tabs/panels will automatically be created.
        /// </summary>
        public SimpleDynamicLibTestComponent()
            : base("SimpleDynamicLibTest", "ASpi",
                   "Construct an Archimedean, or arithmetic, spiral given its radii and number of turns.",
                   "Curve", "Primitive")
            GH_AssemblyInfo info = Instances.ComponentServer.FindAssembly(new Guid("3a4acc40-c327-4de9-ac25-51b4014c9fd6"));
            var             path = Path.GetDirectoryName(info.Location);

            libraryHandle = OpenLibrary(path + "/libSimple.dylib");
        /// <summary>
        /// Each implementation of GH_Component must provide a public
        /// constructor without any arguments.
        /// Category represents the Tab in which the component will appear,
        /// Subcategory the panel. If you use non-existing tab or panel names,
        /// new tabs/panels will automatically be created.
        /// </summary>
        public LinkageComponentComponent()
            : base("LinkageComponent", "RodLinkage",
                   "Run deployment simulation.",
                   "XShells", "Linkage Simulation")
            GH_AssemblyInfo info = Instances.ComponentServer.FindAssembly(new Guid("b8a730a7-bdde-4d9b-b2b9-ea1b8e126bc2"));
            var             path = Path.GetDirectoryName(info.Location);

            // Setting the path to the current component directory, therefore `.dylib`s put on the same folder will be discovered.
        public ComTypeInfo(IGH_DocumentObject obj)
            this.Category    = obj.HasCategory ? obj.Category : LanguagableComponent.GetTransLation(new string[] { "<Unnamed Category>", "<未命名类别>" });
            this.Subcategory = obj.HasSubCategory ? obj.SubCategory : LanguagableComponent.GetTransLation(new string[] { "<Unnamed Subcategory>", "<未命名子类>" });
            this.Name        = obj.Name;
            this.Description = obj.Description;
            Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(obj.Icon_24x24, 20, 20);
            this.Icon = CanvasRenderEngine.BitmapToBitmapImage(bitmap);

            this.Exposure = obj.Exposure;
            this.Guid     = obj.ComponentGuid;

            Type            type = obj.GetType();
            GH_AssemblyInfo lib  = null;

            Isvalid = true;

            if (type == null)
                this.FullName = "";
                this.FullName = type.FullName;
                lib           = GetGHLibrary(type);

            this.PluginLocation = lib.Location;
            this.ShowLocation   = this.PluginLocation;
            this.IsPlugin       = !lib.IsCoreLibrary;

            if (lib != null)
                this.AssemblyName   = lib.Name;
                this.AssemblyAuthor = lib.AuthorName;

            this.Tip = CreateTip();
        public ComTypeInfo(IGH_ObjectProxy proxy)
            this.Category    = proxy.Desc.HasCategory ? proxy.Desc.Category : LanguagableComponent.GetTransLation(new string[] { "<Unnamed Category>", "<未命名类别>" });
            this.Subcategory = proxy.Desc.HasSubCategory ? proxy.Desc.SubCategory : LanguagableComponent.GetTransLation(new string[] { "<Unnamed Subcategory>", "<未命名子类>" });
            this.Name        = proxy.Desc.Name;
            this.Description = proxy.Desc.Description;
            Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(proxy.Icon, 20, 20);
            this.Icon = CanvasRenderEngine.BitmapToBitmapImage(bitmap);

            this.Exposure = proxy.Exposure;
            this.Guid     = proxy.Guid;

            Isvalid = true;

            Type            type = proxy.Type;
            GH_AssemblyInfo lib  = null;

            if (type == null)
                this.FullName = "";
                this.FullName = type.FullName;
                lib           = GetGHLibrary(type);

            this.IsPlugin = checkisPlugin(proxy, lib);

            if (lib != null)
                this.AssemblyName   = lib.Name;
                this.AssemblyAuthor = lib.AuthorName;

            this.Tip = CreateTip();
        private bool checkisPlugin(IGH_ObjectProxy proxy, GH_AssemblyInfo lib)
            PluginLocation = proxy.Location;
            if (lib == null)
                ShowLocation = PluginLocation;

            string loc2 = lib.Location;

            if (PluginLocation != loc2)
                ShowLocation = loc2 + "\n \n" + PluginLocation;
                ShowLocation = PluginLocation;
        private void AddOneObject(IGH_DocumentObject obj)
            bool showNormal = !normalExceptionGuid.Contains(obj.ComponentGuid);
            bool showPlugin = !pluginExceptionGuid.Contains(obj.ComponentGuid);

            if (showNormal)
                Font             nameFont = new Font(GH_FontServer.Standard.FontFamily, NameBoxFontSize);
                TextBoxRenderSet nameSet  = new TextBoxRenderSet(BackGroundColor, BoundaryColor, nameFont, TextColor);
                if (this.IsShowName)
                    Func <SizeF, RectangleF, RectangleF> layout = (x, y) =>
                        PointF pivot = new PointF(y.Left + y.Width / 2, y.Top - NameBoxDistance);
                        return(CanvasRenderEngine.MiddleDownRect(pivot, x));
                    this.RenderObjs.Add(new NickNameOrNameTextBox(this.IsShowNickName, obj, layout, nameSet));

                string cate    = IsShowFullCate ? obj.Category : Grasshopper.Instances.ComponentServer.GetCategoryShortName(obj.Category);
                string subcate = obj.SubCategory;

                if (this.IsShowCategory)
                    if (IsMergeCateBox)
                        string cateName = cate + " - " + subcate;
                        this.RenderObjs.Add(new TextBox(cateName, obj, (x, y) =>
                            PointF pivot = new PointF(y.Left + y.Width / 2, y.Top - NameBoxDistance - ((this.IsShowName ? x.Height : 0) + 3));
                            return(CanvasRenderEngine.MiddleDownRect(pivot, x));
                        }, nameSet));
                        this.RenderObjs.Add(new TextBox(subcate, obj, (x, y) =>
                            PointF pivot = new PointF(y.Left + y.Width / 2, y.Top - NameBoxDistance - ((this.IsShowName ? x.Height : 0) + 3));
                            return(CanvasRenderEngine.MiddleDownRect(pivot, x));
                        }, nameSet));

                        this.RenderObjs.Add(new TextBox(cate, obj, (x, y) =>
                            PointF pivot = new PointF(y.Left + y.Width / 2, y.Top - NameBoxDistance - ((this.IsShowName ? x.Height : 0) + 3) * 2);
                            return(CanvasRenderEngine.MiddleDownRect(pivot, x));
                        }, nameSet));

            if ((this.IsShowAssem) || (this.IsShowPlugin && showPlugin))
                string fullName = "";
                string location = "";

                Type type = obj.GetType();
                if (type != null)
                    fullName = type.FullName;

                    GH_AssemblyInfo info = null;
                    foreach (GH_AssemblyInfo lib in Grasshopper.Instances.ComponentServer.Libraries)
                        if (lib.Assembly == obj.GetType().Assembly)
                            info = lib;
                    if (info != null)
                        location = info.Location;
                        if (!info.IsCoreLibrary)
                            if (IsShowPlugin && showPlugin)
                                this.RenderObjsUnderComponent.Add(new HighLightRect(obj, PluginHighLightColor, HighLightRadius));

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullName) && this.IsShowAssem)
                    float height = AssemBoxHeight * 14;
                    if (IsAutoAssem)
                        if (obj is IGH_Component)
                            IGH_Component com = obj as IGH_Component;
                            height = CanvasRenderEngine.MessageBoxHeight(com.Message, (int)obj.Attributes.Bounds.Width);
                            height = 0;

                        if (IsAvoidProfiler)
                            if (height == 0)
                                height = Math.Max(height, 16);
                                height = Math.Max(height, 32);
                    height += 5;

                    Font             assemFont = new Font(GH_FontServer.Standard.FontFamily, AssemFontSize);
                    TextBoxRenderSet assemSet  = new TextBoxRenderSet(Color.FromArgb(BackGroundColor.A / 2, BackGroundColor), BoundaryColor, assemFont, TextColor);
                    string           fullStr   = fullName;
                    if (location != null)
                        fullStr += "\n \n" + location;

                    this.RenderObjs.Add(new TextBox(fullStr, obj, (x, y) =>
                        PointF pivot = new PointF(y.Left + y.Width / 2, y.Bottom + height);
                        return(CanvasRenderEngine.MiddleUpRect(pivot, x));
                    }, assemSet, (x, y, z) =>
                        return(x.MeasureString(y, z, AssemBoxWidth));
                    }, showFunc: () => { return(obj.Attributes.Selected); }));