public string get_work_form_list() { string function_code = Request["function_code"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(function_code)) { return(new AjaxErrorResult("function_code不能为空").ToString()); } FunctionCode = Convert.ToInt32(function_code); string page = Request["page"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(page)) { return(new AjaxErrorResult("page不能为空").ToString()); } H5Objects o = GData.GetObject(Convert.ToInt32(function_code)); List <H5Columns> list_column = GData.GetColumn(Convert.ToInt32(function_code)); List <SqlParameter> list_para = new List <SqlParameter>(); StringBuilder strsql = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder str_column = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder str_where = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder str_order = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder str_count = new StringBuilder(); str_where.Append(" and " + o.HO_USER_FIELD + "=@" + o.HO_USER_FIELD); str_order.Append(" order by " + o.HO_DATE_FIELD + " desc"); list_para.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + o.HO_USER_FIELD, Cookies.UserCode)); SqlConnection cn_count = comm_fun.get_cn(); string count = "0"; try { str_count.Append("select " + "count(1)" + " from " + o.HO_TABLE_NAME + " where 1=1 " + str_where); count = comm_fun.ExecuteScalar(str_count.ToString(), cn_count, list_para); } catch (Exception ex) { comm_fun.WriteLog(ex.ToString()); count = "0"; } finally { comm_fun.CloseConnection(cn_count); } int SAO_PAGE_SIZE = 20; int SAO_CURRENT_PAGE = Convert.ToInt32(page); str_column.Append(o.HO_ID_FIELD + " as id"); str_column.Append("," + o.HO_USER_FIELD + " as user_id"); str_column.Append(",dbo.fn_convert_datetime(" + o.HO_DATE_FIELD + ") as date"); str_column.Append("," + o.HO_STAUTS_FIELD + " as status"); str_column.Append("," + o.HO_MASTER_FIELD + " as master"); strsql.Append("select top " + SAO_PAGE_SIZE + " " + str_column.ToString() + " from " + o.HO_TABLE_NAME + " where 1=1"); strsql.Append(" and " + o.HO_ID_FIELD + " not in (select top " + (SAO_CURRENT_PAGE * SAO_PAGE_SIZE).ToString() + " " + o.HO_ID_FIELD + " " + " from " + o.HO_TABLE_NAME + " where 1=1 " + str_where.ToString() + " " + str_order.ToString() + ")" + str_where.ToString() + " " + str_order.ToString()); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); SqlConnection cn = comm_fun.get_cn(); try { dt = comm_fun.GetDatatable(strsql.ToString(), cn, list_para); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { dt.Columns.Add("user_name"); dt.Columns.Add("user_image"); dt.Columns.Add("status_name"); dt.Columns.Add("status_class"); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { dr["user_name"] = get_user_name(dr["user_id"].ToString()); dr["user_image"] = GData.get_user_image(dr["user_id"].ToString()); dr["status_name"] = GData.get_status_name(dr["status"].ToString()); dr["status_class"] = GData.get_status_class(dr["status"].ToString()); } } } catch (Exception ex) { comm_fun.WriteLog(ex.ToString()); } if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { return(new AjaxDataResult(dt).ToString()); } else { return(new AjaxErrorResult("").ToString()); } }
public string get_approve_work_form_list() { string function_code_list = Request["function_code_list"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(function_code_list)) { return(new AjaxErrorResult("function_code_list不能为空").ToString()); } string type = Request["type"]; string page = Request["page"]; StringBuilder str_table = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder str_table_column = new StringBuilder(); List <string> list = function_code_list.Split("_".ToCharArray()).ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { string function_code = list[i]; H5Objects o = GData.GetObject(Convert.ToInt32(function_code)); List <H5Columns> list_column = GData.GetColumn(Convert.ToInt32(function_code)); if (i > 0) { str_table_column.Append(" union all "); } str_table_column.Append(" select "); str_table_column.Append(o.HO_ID_FIELD + " as id"); str_table_column.Append("," + o.HO_USER_FIELD + " as user_id"); str_table_column.Append(",dbo.fn_convert_datetime(" + o.HO_DATE_FIELD + ") as date"); str_table_column.Append("," + o.HO_STAUTS_FIELD + " as status"); str_table_column.Append("," + o.HO_MASTER_FIELD + " as master"); str_table_column.Append("," + o.HO_DATE_FIELD + " as create_date "); str_table_column.Append("," + o.HO_BUSINESS_TYPE + " as business"); str_table_column.Append("," + "'" + o.HO_NAME + "'" + " as business_text"); str_table_column.Append(" from " + o.HO_TABLE_NAME + ""); } str_table.Append("(" + str_table_column.ToString() + ") as sp_view"); //H5Objects o = GData.GetObject(Convert.ToInt32(function_code)); //List<H5Columns> list_column = GData.GetColumn(Convert.ToInt32(function_code)); List <SqlParameter> list_para = new List <SqlParameter>(); List <SqlParameter> list_para_count = new List <SqlParameter>(); StringBuilder strsql = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder str_column = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder str_where = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder str_order = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder str_count = new StringBuilder(); //我的发起 if (type == "me") { str_where.Append(" and user_id=@user_id"); list_para.Add(new SqlParameter("@user_id", Cookies.UserCode)); list_para_count.Add(new SqlParameter("@user_id", Cookies.UserCode)); } //我的审批 if (type == "other") { str_table.Append(" inner join SP_WORK_FOLLOW on WF_BUSINESS_TYPE=business and WF_BUSINESS_KEY=id "); str_where.Append(" and WF_TO_USER=@WF_TO_USER"); list_para.Add(new SqlParameter("@WF_TO_USER", Cookies.UserCode)); list_para_count.Add(new SqlParameter("@WF_TO_USER", Cookies.UserCode)); } str_order.Append(" order by create_date desc"); SqlConnection cn_count = comm_fun.get_cn(); string count = "0"; try { str_count.Append("select " + "count(1)" + " from " + str_table.ToString() + " where 1=1 " + str_where); count = comm_fun.ExecuteScalar(str_count.ToString(), cn_count, list_para_count); } catch (Exception ex) { comm_fun.WriteLog(ex.ToString()); count = "0"; } finally { comm_fun.CloseConnection(cn_count); } int SAO_PAGE_SIZE = 20; int SAO_CURRENT_PAGE = Convert.ToInt32(page); str_column.Append("id"); str_column.Append(",user_id"); str_column.Append(",date"); str_column.Append(",status"); str_column.Append(",master"); str_column.Append(",business"); str_column.Append(",business_text"); if (type == "other") { str_column.Append(",WF_STATUS"); } strsql.Append("select top " + SAO_PAGE_SIZE + " " + str_column.ToString() + " from " + str_table.ToString() + " where 1=1"); strsql.Append(" and id not in (select top " + (SAO_CURRENT_PAGE * SAO_PAGE_SIZE).ToString() + " id " + " from " + str_table.ToString() + " where 1=1 " + str_where.ToString() + " " + str_order.ToString() + ")" + str_where.ToString() + " " + str_order.ToString()); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); SqlConnection cn = comm_fun.get_cn(); try { dt = comm_fun.GetDatatable(strsql.ToString(), cn, list_para); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { dt.Columns.Add("user_name"); dt.Columns.Add("user_image"); dt.Columns.Add("status_name"); dt.Columns.Add("status_class"); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { dr["user_name"] = get_user_name(dr["user_id"].ToString()); dr["user_image"] = GData.get_user_image(dr["user_id"].ToString()); dr["status_name"] = GData.get_status_name(dr["status"].ToString()); dr["status_class"] = GData.get_status_class(dr["status"].ToString()); } } } catch (Exception ex) { comm_fun.WriteLog(ex.ToString()); } if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { return(new AjaxDataResult(dt).ToString()); } else { return(new AjaxErrorResult("").ToString()); } }
public string add_work_form() { string function_code = Request["function_code"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(function_code)) { return(new AjaxErrorResult("function_code不能为空").ToString()); } H5Objects o = GData.GetObject(Convert.ToInt32(function_code)); List <H5Columns> list_column = GData.GetColumn(Convert.ToInt32(function_code)); StringBuilder strsql = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder strsql_field = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder strsql_para = new StringBuilder(); List <SqlParameter> list_para = new List <SqlParameter>(); foreach (H5Columns item_column in list_column) { strsql_field.Append("," + item_column.HC_NAME); strsql_para.Append(",@" + item_column.HC_NAME); list_para.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + item_column.HC_NAME, GetControlValue(item_column))); } strsql_field.Append("," + o.HO_USER_FIELD); strsql_para.Append(",@" + o.HO_USER_FIELD); list_para.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + o.HO_USER_FIELD, Cookies.UserCode)); strsql_field.Append("," + o.HO_DATE_FIELD); strsql_para.Append(",@" + o.HO_DATE_FIELD); list_para.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + o.HO_DATE_FIELD, DateTime.Now)); strsql_field.Append("," + o.HO_STAUTS_FIELD); strsql_para.Append(",@" + o.HO_STAUTS_FIELD); list_para.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + o.HO_STAUTS_FIELD, "0")); strsql.Append("insert into " + o.HO_TABLE_NAME); strsql.Append("(" + strsql_field.ToString().Substring(1) + ")"); strsql.Append("values"); strsql.Append("(" + strsql_para.ToString().Substring(1) + ")"); strsql.Append(" " + "select @ID=@@identity"); SqlParameter para_id = new SqlParameter("@ID", SqlDbType.Int, 8); para_id.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; list_para.Add(para_id); SqlConnection cn = comm_fun.get_cn(); try { bool b_reslut = comm_fun.ExecuteNonQuery(strsql.ToString(), cn, list_para); if (b_reslut) { int id = Convert.ToInt32(para_id.Value); add_work_follow(Convert.ToInt32(Cookies.UserCode), Convert.ToInt32(Request["to_user"]), Convert.ToInt32(function_code), id, string.Empty); return(new AjaxSuccessResult("保存成功" + id.ToString()).ToString()); } else { return(new AjaxErrorResult("执行失败").ToString()); } } catch { return(new AjaxExceptionResult("执行异常").ToString()); } finally { comm_fun.CloseConnection(cn); } }