// Token: 0x06000099 RID: 153 RVA: 0x0000A608 File Offset: 0x00008808 private void method_6() { if (this.intptr_0 == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot dump process memory regions. No process loaded."); } this.dictionary_0.Clear(); IntPtr zero = IntPtr.Zero; GStruct8 gstruct = default(GStruct8); Console.WriteLine("Handle: " + this.intptr_0.ToString()); while ((long)zero < (long)this.intptr_1 && (long)zero >= 0L && GClass5.VirtualQueryEx(this.intptr_0, zero, out gstruct, (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(GStruct8))) != 0) { if (gstruct.int_2 == 4096) { if (gstruct.int_3 == 4 && (uint)gstruct.ulong_2 != 0u) { byte[] array = new byte[(int)gstruct.ulong_2]; int num = 0; if (!GClass5.ReadProcessMemory(this.intptr_0, new IntPtr((long)gstruct.ulong_0), array, (uint)gstruct.ulong_2, out num)) { throw new Exception("Failed to read process memory at search " + gstruct.ulong_0.ToString() + ". Error code: " + Marshal.GetLastWin32Error().ToString()); } this.dictionary_0.Add(new IntPtr((long)gstruct.ulong_0), array); } } zero = new IntPtr((long)(gstruct.ulong_0 + gstruct.ulong_2)); } }
// Token: 0x0600027E RID: 638 RVA: 0x01036BD4 File Offset: 0x01034DD4 public static byte[] smethod_4(IntPtr intptr_0, IntPtr intptr_1, uint uint_0) { byte[] array = new byte[uint_0]; uint num = 0u; if (!GClass5.ReadProcessMemory(intptr_0, intptr_1, array, array.Length, out num) || num != uint_0) { array = null; } return(array); }
// Token: 0x06000280 RID: 640 RVA: 0x01036C48 File Offset: 0x01034E48 public static string smethod_6(IntPtr intptr_0, IntPtr intptr_1, Encoding encoding_0 = null) { if (encoding_0 == null) { encoding_0 = Encoding.ASCII; } StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); byte[] array = new byte[256]; uint num = 0u; int num2 = -1; while (num2 < 0 && GClass5.ReadProcessMemory(intptr_0, intptr_1, array, array.Length, out num) && num > 0u) { intptr_1 = intptr_1.smethod_0((long)((ulong)num)); int length = stringBuilder.Length; stringBuilder.Append(encoding_0.GetString(array, 0, (int)num)); num2 = stringBuilder.ToString().IndexOf('\0', length); } return(stringBuilder.ToString().Substring(0, num2)); }
// Token: 0x0600009D RID: 157 RVA: 0x0000AA00 File Offset: 0x00008C00 public byte[] method_10(IntPtr intptr_2, int int_1) { if (this.intptr_0 == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot read process memory at " + intptr_2.ToString() + ". No process loaded."); } if (intptr_2 == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Cannot read process memory. Invalid memory address."); } if (int_1 < 1) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Cannot read process memory of size " + int_1.ToString() + "."); } byte[] array = new byte[int_1]; int num; if (!GClass5.ReadProcessMemory(this.intptr_0, intptr_2, array, (uint)array.Length, out num)) { throw new Exception("Failed to read process memory at readMemory() " + intptr_2.ToString() + ". Error code: " + Marshal.GetLastWin32Error().ToString()); } return(array); }