        /// <summary>
        /// Called by the Visual Studio Shell to notify components of a broadcast message.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg">The message identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="wParam">First parameter associated with the message.</param>
        /// <param name="lParam">Second parameter associated with the message.</param>
        /// <returns>S_OK always.</returns>
        public int OnBroadcastMessage(uint msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
            switch (msg)
            case VSConstants.VSM_VIRTUALMEMORYLOW:
            case VSConstants.VSM_VIRTUALMEMORYCRITICAL:
                if (!_alreadyLogged)
                    // record that we had hit critical memory barrier
                    Logger.Log(FunctionId.VirtualMemory_MemoryLow, KeyValueLogMessage.Create(m =>
                            // which message we are logging and memory left in bytes when this is called.
                            m["MSG"]        = msg;
                            m["MemoryLeft"] = (long)wParam;

                    _alreadyLogged = true;


                // turn off full solution analysis only if user option is on.
                if (ShouldTurnOffFullSolutionAnalysis((long)wParam))
                    // turn our full solution analysis option off.
                    // if user full solution analysis option is on, then we will show info bar to users to restore it.
                    // if user full solution analysis option is off, then setting this doesn't matter. full solution analysis is already off.
                    _workspace.Options = _workspace.Options.WithChangedOption(RuntimeOptions.FullSolutionAnalysis, false);

                    if (IsUserOptionOn())
                        // let user know full analysis is turned off due to memory concern.
                        // make sure we show info bar only once for the same solution.
                        _workspace.Options = _workspace.Options.WithChangedOption(RuntimeOptions.FullSolutionAnalysisInfoBarShown, true);

                        _workspace.Services.GetService <IErrorReportingService>().ShowErrorInfo(ServicesVSResources.FullSolutionAnalysisOff,
                                                                                                new ErrorReportingUI(ServicesVSResources.Reenable, ErrorReportingUI.UIKind.Button, () =>
                                                                                                                     _workspace.Options = _workspace.Options.WithChangedOption(RuntimeOptions.FullSolutionAnalysis, true)),
                                                                                                new ErrorReportingUI(ServicesVSResources.LearnMore, ErrorReportingUI.UIKind.HyperLink, () =>
                                                                                                                     BrowserHelper.StartBrowser(new Uri(LowVMMoreInfoLink)), closeAfterAction: false));

                // turn off low latency GC mode.
                // once we hit this, not hitting "Out of memory" exception is more important than typing being smooth all the time.
                // once it is turned off, user will hit time to time keystroke which responsive time is more than 50ms. in our own perf lab,
                // about 1-2% was over 50ms with this off when we first introduced this GC mode.


        /// <summary>
        /// Called by the Visual Studio Shell to notify components of a broadcast message.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg">The message identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="wParam">First parameter associated with the message.</param>
        /// <param name="lParam">Second parameter associated with the message.</param>
        /// <returns>S_OK always.</returns>
        public int OnBroadcastMessage(uint msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
            switch (msg)
            case VSConstants.VSM_VIRTUALMEMORYLOW:
            case VSConstants.VSM_VIRTUALMEMORYCRITICAL:
                if (!_alreadyLogged)
                    // record that we had hit critical memory barrier
                    Logger.Log(FunctionId.VirtualMemory_MemoryLow, KeyValueLogMessage.Create(m =>
                            // which message we are logging and memory left in bytes when this is called.
                            m["MSG"]        = msg;
                            m["MemoryLeft"] = (long)wParam;

                    _alreadyLogged = true;


                // turn off full solution analysis
                if ((long)wParam < MemoryThreshold &&
                    _workspace.Options.GetOption(InternalFeatureOnOffOptions.FullSolutionAnalysisMemoryMonitor) &&
                    _workspace.Services.GetService <IOptionService>().SetOptions(_workspace.Options.WithChangedOption(RuntimeOptions.FullSolutionAnalysis, false));

                    // let user know full analysis is turned off due to memory concern
                    // no close info bar action
                    _workspace.Services.GetService <IErrorReportingService>().ShowErrorInfo(ServicesVSResources.FullSolutionAnalysisOff, () => { });

                // turn off low latency GC mode.
                // once we hit this, not hitting "Out of memory" exception is more important than typing being smooth all the time.
                // once it is turned off, user will hit time to time keystroke which responsive time is more than 50ms. in our own perf lab,
                // about 1-2% was over 50ms with this off when we first introduced this GC mode.


        public int OnBroadcastMessage(uint msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
            switch (msg)
            case VSConstants.VSM_VIRTUALMEMORYLOW:
            case VSConstants.VSM_VIRTUALMEMORYCRITICAL:
                if (!_alreadyLogged)
                    // record that we had hit critical memory barrier
                            m =>
                            // which message we are logging and memory left in bytes when this is called.
                            m["MSG"]        = msg;
                            m["MemoryLeft"] = (long)wParam;

                    _alreadyLogged = true;


                if (ShouldDisableBackgroundAnalysis((long)wParam))

                // turn off low latency GC mode.
                // once we hit this, not hitting "Out of memory" exception is more important than typing being smooth all the time.
                // once it is turned off, user will hit time to time keystroke which responsive time is more than 50ms. in our own perf lab,
                // about 1-2% was over 50ms with this off when we first introduced this GC mode.
