    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int    ManageId = new BCW.User.Manage().IsManageLogin();
        int    gid      = Utils.ParseInt(Utils.GetRequest("gid", "all", 2, @"^[0-9]*$", "竞猜ID无效"));
        string act      = Utils.GetRequest("act", "all", 1, "", "");
        string jc = Utils.GetRequest("jc", "get", 1, "", "");
        string dr = Utils.GetRequest("dr", "get", 1, "", "");

        TPR2.BLL.guess.BaList   bll = new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaList();
        TPR2.Model.guess.BaList st  = bll.GetModel(gid);
        if (st == null)
            Utils.Error("不存在的记录", "");

        #region 立即更新水位 访问8bo

        string bo = "";
        if (st.p_active == 0)
            //读取SiteViewStatus 等于0时采用即时刷新,其他值时,通过刷新机刷新
            //黄国军 20160223
            if (ub.GetSub("SiteUpdateOpen", "/Controls/guess2.xml") == "" || ub.GetSub("SiteUpdateOpen", "/Controls/guess2.xml") == "0")
                #region 进入旧版更新
                if (st.p_basketve == 0)
                    if (st.p_type == 1)
                        if (st.p_ison == 1)
                            bo = new TPR2.Collec.Footbo().GetBoView_kb_old(Convert.ToInt32(st.p_id), true);
                            bo = new TPR2.Collec.Footbo().GetBoView_kb_old(Convert.ToInt32(st.p_id), false);
                            if (st.p_score != "")
                                bo = new TPR2.Collec.Footbd().FootbdPageHtml_kb_old(Convert.ToInt32(st.p_id));
                        if (st.p_ison == 1)
                            bo = new TPR2.Collec.Basketbo().GetBoView_kb_old(Convert.ToInt32(st.p_id), true);
                            bo = new TPR2.Collec.Basketbo().GetBoView_kb_old(Convert.ToInt32(st.p_id), false);
                else if (st.p_basketve == 9)
                    if (st.p_type == 1)
                        string s = "";
                        if (st.p_ison == 1)
                            bo = new TPR2.Collec.Footbo().GetBoView_kb_old(Convert.ToInt32(st.p_id), true);
                            bo = new TPR2.Collec.FootFalf().FootFalfPageHtml_kb_old(Convert.ToInt32(st.p_id), true, ref s);
                            bo = new TPR2.Collec.FootFalf().FootFalfPageHtml_kb_old(Convert.ToInt32(st.p_id), false, ref s);
                #region 进入新版更新
                if (st.p_basketve == 0)
                    if (st.p_type == 1)
                        if (st.p_ison == 1)
                            bo = new TPR2.Collec.Footbo().GetBoView1(Convert.ToInt32(st.p_id), true);
                            bo = new TPR2.Collec.Footbo().GetBoView1(Convert.ToInt32(st.p_id), false);
                            if (st.p_score != "")
                                new TPR2.Collec.Footbd().FootbdPageHtml(Convert.ToInt32(st.p_id));
                        if (st.p_ison == 1)
                            bo = new TPR2.Collec.Basketbo().GetBoView1(Convert.ToInt32(st.p_id), true);
                            bo = new TPR2.Collec.Basketbo().GetBoView1(Convert.ToInt32(st.p_id), false);
                else if (st.p_basketve == 9)
                    if (st.p_type == 1)
                        string s = "";
                        if (st.p_ison == 1)
                            bo = new TPR2.Collec.FootFalf().FootFalfPageHtml1(Convert.ToInt32(st.p_id), true, ref s);
                            bo = new TPR2.Collec.FootFalf().FootFalfPageHtml1(Convert.ToInt32(st.p_id), false, ref s);

            if (st.p_basketve == 1 || st.p_basketve == 3)
                bo = "1";


        if (act == "luck1")
            new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaList().Updatep_isluck2(gid, 1, 1);
        else if (act == "luck2")
            new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaList().Updatep_isluck2(gid, 1, 2);
        else if (act == "luck3")
            new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaList().Updatep_isluck2(gid, 1, 3);
        else if (act == "noluck1")
            new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaList().Updatep_isluck2(gid, 0, 1);
        else if (act == "noluck2")
            new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaList().Updatep_isluck2(gid, 0, 2);
        else if (act == "noluck3")
            new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaList().Updatep_isluck2(gid, 0, 3);

        TPR2.Model.guess.BaList model = bll.GetModel(gid);

        Master.Title = model.p_one + "VS" + model.p_two;

        #region 更新隐藏与显示
        if (act == "yes")
            string[] p_pageArr = { "act", "gid" };
            BCW.User.GameLog.GameLogGetPage(1, Utils.getPageUrl(), p_pageArr, "后台管理员" + ManageId + "号将赛事" + model.p_one + "VS" + model.p_two + "(" + gid + ")开放显示", gid);
            model.p_del = 0;
            new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaList().Updatep_del(model);
        else if (act == "no")
            string[] p_pageArr = { "act", "gid" };
            BCW.User.GameLog.GameLogGetPage(1, Utils.getPageUrl(), p_pageArr, "后台管理员" + ManageId + "号将赛事" + model.p_one + "VS" + model.p_two + "(" + gid + ")隐藏显示", gid);
            model.p_del = 1;
            new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaList().Updatep_del(model);

        #region 更新抓取与不抓取
        if (jc == "yes")
            string[] p_pageArr = { "jc", "gid" };
            BCW.User.GameLog.GameLogGetPage(1, Utils.getPageUrl(), p_pageArr, "后台管理员" + ManageId + "号将赛事" + model.p_one + "VS" + model.p_two + "(" + gid + ")开启抓取", gid);
            model.p_jc = 0;
            new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaList().Updatep_jc(model);
        else if (jc == "no")
            string[] p_pageArr = { "jc", "gid" };
            BCW.User.GameLog.GameLogGetPage(1, Utils.getPageUrl(), p_pageArr, "后台管理员" + ManageId + "号将赛事" + model.p_one + "VS" + model.p_two + "(" + gid + ")关闭抓取", gid);
            model.p_jc = 1;
            new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaList().Updatep_jc(model);

        #region 更新开奖方式:自动或人工
        if (dr == "0")
            string[] p_pageArr = { "dr", "gid" };
            BCW.User.GameLog.GameLogGetPage(1, Utils.getPageUrl(), p_pageArr, "后台管理员" + ManageId + "号将赛事" + model.p_one + "VS" + model.p_two + "(" + gid + ")设置为自动开奖", gid);
            model.p_dr = 0;
            new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaList().Updatep_dr(model);
        else if (dr == "1")
            string[] p_pageArr = { "dr", "gid" };
            BCW.User.GameLog.GameLogGetPage(1, Utils.getPageUrl(), p_pageArr, "后台管理员" + ManageId + "号将赛事" + model.p_one + "VS" + model.p_two + "(" + gid + ")设置为人工开奖", gid);
            model.p_dr = 1;
            new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaList().Updatep_dr(model);

        #region  除赛事
        if (act == "del" || act == "delok1" || act == "delok2")
            if (act == "del")
                builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div class=\"title\">", ""));
                builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "<br />"));
                builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", ""));
                builder.Append(Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + "&amp;act=delok1"), "删除,不包含下注记录") + "<br />");
                builder.Append(Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + "&amp;act=delok2"), "删除,包含下注记录") + "<br />");
                builder.Append(Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + ""), "先留着吧.."));
                builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "<br />"));
                string[] p_pageArr = { "act", "gid" };
                BCW.User.GameLog.GameLogGetPage(1, Utils.getPageUrl(), p_pageArr, "后台管理员" + ManageId + "号删除赛事" + model.p_one + "VS" + model.p_two + "(" + gid + ")", gid);

                new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaList().Delete(gid);
                if (act == "delok2")
                    TPR2.BLL.guess.BaPay bll2 = new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaPay();
                    new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaPay().Deletebcid(gid);
                Utils.Success("删除赛事", "删除赛事成功..", Utils.getUrl("default.aspx"), "1");

        #region 转换成滚球模式
        //转换成" + ub.Get("SiteGqText") + "模式
        else if (act == "once" || act == "onceok")
            if (act == "once")
                string p_oncetime = string.Empty;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.p_oncetime.ToString()))
                    p_oncetime = DT.FormatDate(Convert.ToDateTime(model.p_TPRtime).AddMinutes(130), 0);
                    p_oncetime = DT.FormatDate(Convert.ToDateTime(model.p_oncetime), 0);

                builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div class=\"title\">", ""));
                builder.Append("确定要转换成" + ub.Get("SiteGqText") + "下注模式吗");
                builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", ""));
                string strText = "封盘时间,,";
                string strName = "oncetime,gid,act";
                string strType = "date,hidden,hidden";
                string strValu = "" + p_oncetime + "'" + gid + "'onceok";
                string strEmpt = "false,false,false";
                string strIdea = "/";
                string strOthe = "转换,showGuess.aspx,post,1,red";
                builder.Append(Out.wapform(strText, strName, strType, strValu, strEmpt, strIdea, strOthe));

                builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", " "));
                builder.Append(Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + ""), "取消"));
                builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "<br />"));
                DateTime oncetime = Utils.ParseTime(Utils.GetRequest("oncetime", "all", 2, DT.RegexTime, "请正确填写封盘时间"));

                if (Convert.ToDateTime(model.p_TPRtime) > oncetime)
                    Utils.Error("封盘时间应大于开赛时间", "");
                string[] p_pageArr = { "oncetime", "act", "gid" };
                BCW.User.GameLog.GameLogGetPage(1, Utils.getPageUrl(), p_pageArr, "后台管理员" + ManageId + "号编辑赛事" + model.p_one + "VS" + model.p_two + "(" + gid + ")成为" + ub.Get("SiteGqText") + "", gid);

                new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaList().FootOnceType(gid, oncetime);
                Utils.Success("转换" + ub.Get("SiteGqText") + "", "转换成功..", Utils.getUrl("showguess.aspx?gid=" + gid + ""), "1");

        #region 赛事分析
        else if (act == "analysis")
            Master.Title = "赛事分析";
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div class=\"title\">即时赛事分析</div>", ""));
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", ""));
            string strAnal = string.Empty;
            if (model.p_type == 1)
                strAnal = new TPR2.Collec.Analysis().GetAnalysisFoot(0, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_id), gid);

                if (strAnal == "暂无数据。")
                    strAnal = new TPR2.Collec.Analysis().GetAnalysisFoot(1, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_id), gid);
                strAnal = new TPR2.Collec.Analysis().GetAnalysisBasket(0, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_id), gid);

                if (strAnal == "暂无数据。")
                    strAnal = new TPR2.Collec.Analysis().GetAnalysisBasket(1, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_id), gid);
            if (strAnal != "")
                builder.Append("" + strAnal + "");
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", Out.Hr()));
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", ""));
            builder.Append(Out.waplink(Utils.getPage("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + ""), "返回上级") + "");
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "<br />"));

        #region 波胆设置
        else if (act == "score")
            Master.Title = "波胆盘设置";

            builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div class=\"title\">", ""));
            builder.Append(model.p_title + ":" + model.p_one + "VS" + model.p_two);
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "<br />"));
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", ""));
            builder.Append("〓波胆盘〓<br />");
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "<br />"));

            string strText = "1:0,0:1,0:0,/,2:0,0:2,1:1,/,3:0,0:3,2:2,/,4:0,0:4,3:3,/,2:1,1:2,4:4,/,3:1,1:3,/,4:1,1:4,/,3:2,2:3,/,4:2,2:4,/,4:3,3:4,/,主净胜5球或以上,/,客净胜5球或以上,/,其他胆,,,,,,";
            string strName = "score10,score01,score00,,score20,score02,score11,,score30,score03,score22,,score40,score04,score33,,score21,score12,score44,,score31,score13,,score41,score14,,score32,score23,,score42,score24,,score43,score34,,score5z,,score5k,,scoreot,gid,act";
            string strType = "small,small,small,hr,small,small,small,hr,small,small,small,hr,small,small,small,hr,small,small,small,hr,small,small,hr,small,small,hr,small,small,hr,small,small,hr,small,small,hr,small,hr,small,hr,small,hidden,hidden";

            string strValu = "";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.p_score))
                string[] score = model.p_score.Split(',');
                string   other = "15";
                if (score.Length > 27)
                    other = score[27].Split('|')[1];
                strValu = "" + score[0].Split('|')[1] + "'" + score[1].Split('|')[1] + "'" + score[2].Split('|')[1] + "''" + score[3].Split('|')[1] + "'" + score[4].Split('|')[1] + "'" + score[5].Split('|')[1] + "''" + score[6].Split('|')[1] + "'" + score[7].Split('|')[1] + "'" + score[8].Split('|')[1] + "''" + score[9].Split('|')[1] + "'" + score[10].Split('|')[1] + "'" + score[11].Split('|')[1] + "''" + score[12].Split('|')[1] + "'" + score[13].Split('|')[1] + "'" + score[14].Split('|')[1] + "''" + score[15].Split('|')[1] + "'" + score[16].Split('|')[1] + "''" + score[17].Split('|')[1] + "'" + score[18].Split('|')[1] + "''" + score[19].Split('|')[1] + "'" + score[20].Split('|')[1] + "''" + score[21].Split('|')[1] + "'" + score[22].Split('|')[1] + "''" + score[23].Split('|')[1] + "'" + score[24].Split('|')[1] + "''" + score[25].Split('|')[1] + "''" + score[26].Split('|')[1] + "''" + other + "'" + gid + "'scoreok";
                strValu = "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''" + gid + "'scoreok";
            string strEmpt = "true,true,true,,true,true,true,,true,true,true,,true,true,true,,true,true,true,,true,true,,true,true,,true,true,,true,true,,true,true,,true,,true,true,true,true,true,true,false,false";
            string strIdea = "倍 '倍 '倍 ''倍 '倍 '倍 ''倍 '倍 '倍 ''倍 '倍 '倍 ''倍 '倍 '倍 ''倍 '倍 ''倍 '倍 ''倍 '倍 ''倍 '倍 ''倍 '倍 ''倍 ''倍 '''倍 ''倍 '倍 ''倍 ''倍 '''倍 ''倍 '倍 ''倍 ''倍 '''倍 ''倍 '倍 ''倍 ''倍 ''|/";
            string strOthe = "确定编辑,showGuess.aspx,post,3,red";
            builder.Append(Out.wapform(strText, strName, strType, strValu, strEmpt, strIdea, strOthe));
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div class=\"hr\"></div>", Out.Hr()));
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", ""));
            builder.Append("温馨提示:当某项不开放投注或无赔率时,请填写-1<br />");
            builder.Append(Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?act=scoreok2&amp;gid=" + gid + ""), "[取消本场波胆]") + "<br />");
            builder.Append(Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + ""), "返回上级") + "");
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "<br />"));
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div class=\"title\">", ""));
            builder.Append("<a href=\"" + Utils.getUrl("../default.aspx") + "\">返回管理中心</a>");
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "<br />"));

        #region 游戏日志记录
        else if (act == "scoreok")
            string[] p_pageArr = { "act", "gid", "score10", "score01", "score00", "score20", "score02", "score11", "score30", "score03", "score22", "score40", "score04", "score33", "score21", "score12", "score44", "score31", "score13", "score41", "score14", "score32", "score23", "score42", "score24", "score43", "score34", "score5z", "score5k", "scoreot" };
            BCW.User.GameLog.GameLogPage(1, Utils.getPageUrl(), p_pageArr, "后台管理员" + ManageId + "号将赛事编辑波胆" + model.p_one + "VS" + model.p_two + "(" + gid + ")", gid);

            decimal score10 = Convert.ToDecimal(Utils.GetRequest("score10", "post", 2, @"^-1$|^(\d)*(\.(\d){1,2})?$", "请正确填写1赔率,小数点后保留1-2位"));
            decimal score01 = Convert.ToDecimal(Utils.GetRequest("score01", "post", 2, @"^-1$|^(\d)*(\.(\d){1,2})?$", "请正确填写2赔率,小数点后保留1-2位"));
            decimal score00 = Convert.ToDecimal(Utils.GetRequest("score00", "post", 2, @"^-1$|^(\d)*(\.(\d){1,2})?$", "请正确填写3赔率,小数点后保留1-2位"));
            decimal score20 = Convert.ToDecimal(Utils.GetRequest("score20", "post", 2, @"^-1$|^(\d)*(\.(\d){1,2})?$", "请正确填写4赔率,小数点后保留1-2位"));
            decimal score02 = Convert.ToDecimal(Utils.GetRequest("score02", "post", 2, @"^-1$|^(\d)*(\.(\d){1,2})?$", "请正确填写5赔率,小数点后保留1-2位"));
            decimal score11 = Convert.ToDecimal(Utils.GetRequest("score11", "post", 2, @"^-1$|^(\d)*(\.(\d){1,2})?$", "请正确填写6赔率,小数点后保留1-2位"));
            decimal score30 = Convert.ToDecimal(Utils.GetRequest("score30", "post", 2, @"^-1$|^(\d)*(\.(\d){1,2})?$", "请正确填写7赔率,小数点后保留1-2位"));
            decimal score03 = Convert.ToDecimal(Utils.GetRequest("score03", "post", 2, @"^-1$|^(\d)*(\.(\d){1,2})?$", "请正确填写8赔率,小数点后保留1-2位"));
            decimal score22 = Convert.ToDecimal(Utils.GetRequest("score22", "post", 2, @"^-1$|^(\d)*(\.(\d){1,2})?$", "请正确填写9赔率,小数点后保留1-2位"));
            decimal score40 = Convert.ToDecimal(Utils.GetRequest("score40", "post", 2, @"^-1$|^(\d)*(\.(\d){1,2})?$", "请正确填写10赔率,小数点后保留1-2位"));
            decimal score04 = Convert.ToDecimal(Utils.GetRequest("score04", "post", 2, @"^-1$|^(\d)*(\.(\d){1,2})?$", "请正确填写11赔率,小数点后保留1-2位"));
            decimal score33 = Convert.ToDecimal(Utils.GetRequest("score33", "post", 2, @"^-1$|^(\d)*(\.(\d){1,2})?$", "请正确填写12赔率,小数点后保留1-2位"));
            decimal score21 = Convert.ToDecimal(Utils.GetRequest("score21", "post", 2, @"^-1$|^(\d)*(\.(\d){1,2})?$", "请正确填写13赔率,小数点后保留1-2位"));
            decimal score12 = Convert.ToDecimal(Utils.GetRequest("score12", "post", 2, @"^-1$|^(\d)*(\.(\d){1,2})?$", "请正确填写14赔率,小数点后保留1-2位"));
            decimal score44 = Convert.ToDecimal(Utils.GetRequest("score44", "post", 2, @"^-1$|^(\d)*(\.(\d){1,2})?$", "请正确填写15赔率,小数点后保留1-2位"));
            decimal score31 = Convert.ToDecimal(Utils.GetRequest("score31", "post", 2, @"^-1$|^(\d)*(\.(\d){1,2})?$", "请正确填写16赔率,小数点后保留1-2位"));
            decimal score13 = Convert.ToDecimal(Utils.GetRequest("score13", "post", 2, @"^-1$|^(\d)*(\.(\d){1,2})?$", "请正确填写17赔率,小数点后保留1-2位"));
            decimal score41 = Convert.ToDecimal(Utils.GetRequest("score41", "post", 2, @"^-1$|^(\d)*(\.(\d){1,2})?$", "请正确填写18赔率,小数点后保留1-2位"));
            decimal score14 = Convert.ToDecimal(Utils.GetRequest("score14", "post", 2, @"^-1$|^(\d)*(\.(\d){1,2})?$", "请正确填写19赔率,小数点后保留1-2位"));
            decimal score32 = Convert.ToDecimal(Utils.GetRequest("score32", "post", 2, @"^-1$|^(\d)*(\.(\d){1,2})?$", "请正确填写20赔率,小数点后保留1-2位"));
            decimal score23 = Convert.ToDecimal(Utils.GetRequest("score23", "post", 2, @"^-1$|^(\d)*(\.(\d){1,2})?$", "请正确填写21赔率,小数点后保留1-2位"));
            decimal score42 = Convert.ToDecimal(Utils.GetRequest("score42", "post", 2, @"^-1$|^(\d)*(\.(\d){1,2})?$", "请正确填写22赔率,小数点后保留1-2位"));
            decimal score24 = Convert.ToDecimal(Utils.GetRequest("score24", "post", 2, @"^-1$|^(\d)*(\.(\d){1,2})?$", "请正确填写23赔率,小数点后保留1-2位"));
            decimal score43 = Convert.ToDecimal(Utils.GetRequest("score43", "post", 2, @"^-1$|^(\d)*(\.(\d){1,2})?$", "请正确填写24赔率,小数点后保留1-2位"));
            decimal score34 = Convert.ToDecimal(Utils.GetRequest("score34", "post", 2, @"^-1$|^(\d)*(\.(\d){1,2})?$", "请正确填写25赔率,小数点后保留1-2位"));
            decimal score5z = Convert.ToDecimal(Utils.GetRequest("score5z", "post", 2, @"^-1$|^(\d)*(\.(\d){1,2})?$", "请正确填写26赔率,小数点后保留1-2位"));
            decimal score5k = Convert.ToDecimal(Utils.GetRequest("score5k", "post", 2, @"^-1$|^(\d)*(\.(\d){1,2})?$", "请正确填写27赔率,小数点后保留1-2位"));
            decimal scoreot = Convert.ToDecimal(Utils.GetRequest("scoreot", "post", 2, @"^-1$|^(\d)*(\.(\d){1,2})?$", "请正确填写27赔率,小数点后保留1-2位"));

            string score = "";
            score += "1:0|" + score10 + ",0:1|" + score01 + ",0:0|" + score00 + ",2:0|" + score20 + ",0:2|" + score02 + ",1:1|" + score11 + ",3:0|" + score30 + ",0:3|" + score03 + ",2:2|" + score22 + "";
            score += ",4:0|" + score40 + ",0:4|" + score04 + ",3:3|" + score33 + ",2:1|" + score21 + ",1:2|" + score12 + ",4:4|" + score44 + "";
            score += ",3:1|" + score31 + ",1:3|" + score13 + ",4:1|" + score41 + ",1:4|" + score14 + ",3:2|" + score32 + ",2:3|" + score23 + ",4:2|" + score42 + ",2:4|" + score24 + ",4:3|" + score43 + ",3:4|" + score34 + ",5z|" + score5z + ",5k|" + score5k + ",ot|" + scoreot;

            new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaList().Updatep_score(gid, score);
            Utils.Success("波胆设置", "波胆设置成功..", Utils.getUrl("showguess.aspx?act=score&amp;gid=" + gid + ""), "1");

        #region 清空波胆
        else if (act == "scoreok2")
            string[] p_pageArr = { "act", "gid" };
            BCW.User.GameLog.GameLogGetPage(1, Utils.getPageUrl(), p_pageArr, "后台管理员" + ManageId + "号将赛事清空波胆" + model.p_one + "VS" + model.p_two + "(" + gid + ")", gid);

            new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaList().Updatep_score(gid, "");
            Utils.Success("清空波胆", "清空波胆成功..", Utils.getUrl("showguess.aspx?act=score&amp;gid=" + gid + ""), "1");

        #region  注受限设置
        else if (act == "xz")
            Master.Title = "下注受限设置";

            builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div class=\"title\">", ""));
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", ""));
            string strText = "全场受限ID(全局设置|用#分隔):/,上盘受限ID(用#分隔):/,下盘受限ID(用#分隔):/,大盘受限(用#分隔):/,小盘受限(用#分隔):/,,";
            string strName = "ID0,ID1,ID2,ID3,ID4,gid,act";
            string strType = "text,text,text,text,text,hidden,hidden";
            string strValu = "" + model.xID0 + "'" + model.xID1 + "'" + model.xID2 + "'" + model.xID3 + "'" + model.xID4 + "'" + gid + "'xzok";
            string strEmpt = "true,true,true,true,true,false,false";
            string strIdea = "/";
            string strOthe = "确定编辑,showGuess.aspx,post,1,red";
            builder.Append(Out.wapform(strText, strName, strType, strValu, strEmpt, strIdea, strOthe));
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div class=\"hr\"></div>", Out.Hr()));
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", ""));
            builder.Append(Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + ""), "返回上级") + "");
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "<br />"));
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div class=\"title\">", ""));
            builder.Append("<a href=\"" + Utils.getUrl("../default.aspx") + "\">返回管理中心</a>");
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "<br />"));

        #region 设置受限ID
        else if (act == "xzok")
            string[] p_pageArr = { "act", "gid", "ID0", "ID1", "ID2", "ID3", "ID4" };
            BCW.User.GameLog.GameLogPage(1, Utils.getPageUrl(), p_pageArr, "后台管理员" + ManageId + "号将赛事设置受限ID" + model.p_one + "VS" + model.p_two + "(" + gid + ")", gid);

            string ID0 = Utils.GetRequest("ID0", "post", 3, @"^[^\#]{1,50}(?:\#[^\#]{1,50}){0,500}$", "填写错误");
            string ID1 = Utils.GetRequest("ID1", "post", 3, @"^[^\#]{1,50}(?:\#[^\#]{1,50}){0,500}$", "填写错误");
            string ID2 = Utils.GetRequest("ID2", "post", 3, @"^[^\#]{1,50}(?:\#[^\#]{1,50}){0,500}$", "填写错误");
            string ID3 = Utils.GetRequest("ID3", "post", 3, @"^[^\#]{1,50}(?:\#[^\#]{1,50}){0,500}$", "填写错误");
            string ID4 = Utils.GetRequest("ID4", "post", 3, @"^[^\#]{1,50}(?:\#[^\#]{1,50}){0,500}$", "填写错误");

            new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaList().UpdatexID(gid, ID0, 0);
            new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaList().UpdatexID(gid, ID1, 1);
            new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaList().UpdatexID(gid, ID2, 2);
            new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaList().UpdatexID(gid, ID3, 3);
            new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaList().UpdatexID(gid, ID4, 4);

            Utils.Success("下注受限", "下注受限设置成功..", Utils.getUrl("showguess.aspx?act=xz&amp;gid=" + gid + ""), "1");

        #region 全局封盘
        if (act == "luck")
            string[] p_pageArr = { "act", "gid" };
            BCW.User.GameLog.GameLogGetPage(1, Utils.getPageUrl(), p_pageArr, "后台管理员" + ManageId + "号将赛事" + model.p_one + "VS" + model.p_two + "(" + gid + ")全局封盘", gid);

            new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaList().Updatep_isluck(gid, 1);
            Utils.Success("全局封盘", "全局封盘成功,所有会员将不能下注本场,需要手工解除封盘才可以..", Utils.getUrl("showguess.aspx?gid=" + gid + ""), "2");

        #region 全局解封
        if (act == "noluck")
            string[] p_pageArr = { "act", "gid" };
            BCW.User.GameLog.GameLogGetPage(1, Utils.getPageUrl(), p_pageArr, "后台管理员" + ManageId + "号将赛事" + model.p_one + "VS" + model.p_two + "(" + gid + ")全局解封", gid);

            new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaList().Updatep_isluck(gid, 0);
            Utils.Success("全局解封", "全局解封成功,所有会员可以下注了..", Utils.getUrl("showguess.aspx?gid=" + gid + ""), "2");

            builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div class=\"title\">", ""));
            builder.Append(model.p_one + "VS" + model.p_two);
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "<br />"));
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", ""));

            builder.Append(Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("default.aspx?ptype=4&amp;fly=" + model.p_title + ""), model.p_title) + ":" + model.p_one + "VS" + model.p_two);

            #region 受限提示
            if (model.xID0 != "" || model.xID1 != "" || model.xID2 != "" || model.xID3 != "" || model.xID4 != "")

            #region 波胆
            builder.Append("<br />开赛:" + DT.FormatDate(Convert.ToDateTime(model.p_TPRtime), 0));
            if (model.p_type == 1)
                builder.Append("" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?act=score&amp;gid=" + gid + ""), "[波胆]"));
                builder.AppendFormat("|" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("plGuess.aspx?gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=100"), "{0}注") + "", new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaPay().GetCount(model.ID, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_type), 100));


            #region 完场比分
            if (model.p_result_one != null && model.p_result_two != null)
                builder.Append("<br />完场比分:" + model.p_result_one + ":" + model.p_result_two + "");
                if (model.p_TPRtime > DateTime.Now)
                    builder.Append("<br />比赛状态:未");
                    builder.Append("<br />比赛状态:" + Convertp_once(model.p_once) + "");

                builder.Append("<br />即时比分:" + model.p_result_temp1 + ":" + model.p_result_temp2 + "");
            builder.Append("" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?act=analysis&amp;gid=" + gid + ""), "[析]"));

            builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "<br />"));

            string hp_one = "";
            string hp_two = "";
            if (model.p_type == 1)
                if (model.p_hp_one > 0)
                    hp_one = "<img src=\"/Files/sys/guess/redcard" + model.p_hp_one + ".gif\" alt=\"红" + model.p_hp_one + "\"/>";

                if (model.p_hp_two > 0)
                    hp_two = "<img src=\"/Files/sys/guess/redcard" + model.p_hp_two + ".gif\" alt=\"红" + model.p_hp_two + "\"/>";

            #region 处理封盘状态
            int Min = 0;
                Min = Convert.ToInt32(model.p_once.ToString().Replace("'", "").Replace("+", ""));
            if (model.p_type == 1)
                if (Min > 41 && Min < 46 || Min > 87 || (model.p_once == "中" && model.p_basketve == 9))
                    model.p_isluck = 1;

            #region 让球盘
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div class=\"text\">", ""));

            if (model.p_ison == 1)
                if (model.p_isluckone == 0)
                    builder.Append("" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + "&amp;act=luck1"), "封"));
                    builder.Append("" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + "&amp;act=noluck1"), "解封"));
            if (((model.p_ison == 1 && model.p_isluckone == 1) || model.p_isluck == 1) && model.p_active == 0)
            else if (bo == "")

            builder.AppendFormat("<br />{0}" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("plGuess.aspx?gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=1"), "{1}注"), model.p_one + "" + hp_one + "(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_one_lu) + ")", new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaPay().GetCount(model.ID, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_type), 1));

            if (model.p_type == 1)
                builder.Append("<br />" + GCK.getZqPn(Convert.ToInt32(model.p_pn)) + "" + GCK.getPkName(Convert.ToInt32(model.p_pk)) + "");
                builder.Append("<br />" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_pk) + "");

            builder.AppendFormat("<br />{0}" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("plGuess.aspx?gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=2"), "{1}注"), model.p_two + "" + hp_two + "(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_two_lu) + ")", new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaPay().GetCount(model.ID, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_type), 2));

            #region 大小盘
            if (model.p_big_lu != 0)
                builder.Append("<br />〓大小盘〓");
                if (model.p_ison == 1)
                    if (model.p_islucktwo == 0)
                        builder.Append("" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + "&amp;act=luck2"), "封"));
                        builder.Append("" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + "&amp;act=noluck2"), "解封"));

                if (((model.p_ison == 1 && model.p_islucktwo == 1) || model.p_isluck == 1) && model.p_active == 0)
                else if (bo == "")

                builder.AppendFormat("<br />" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("plGuess.aspx?gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=3"), "{0}注") + "{1}", new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaPay().GetCount(model.ID, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_type), 3), "大(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_big_lu) + ")");

                if (model.p_type == 1)

                builder.AppendFormat("{0}" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("plGuess.aspx?gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=4"), "{1}注"), "小(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_small_lu) + ")", new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaPay().GetCount(model.ID, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_type), 4));

            #region 标准盘
            if (model.p_bzs_lu != 0)
                builder.Append("<br />〓标准盘〓");
                if (model.p_ison == 1)
                    if (model.p_isluckthr == 0)
                        builder.Append("" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + "&amp;act=luck3"), "封"));
                        builder.Append("" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + "&amp;act=noluck3"), "解封"));
                if (((model.p_ison == 1 && model.p_isluckthr == 1) || model.p_isluck == 1) && model.p_active == 0)
                else if (bo == "")

                builder.AppendFormat("<br />{0}" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("plGuess.aspx?gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=5"), "{1}注"), "主胜(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_bzs_lu) + ")", new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaPay().GetCount(model.ID, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_type), 5));
                builder.AppendFormat("<br />{0}" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("plGuess.aspx?gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=6"), "{1}注"), "平手(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_bzp_lu) + ")", new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaPay().GetCount(model.ID, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_type), 6));
                builder.AppendFormat("<br />{0}" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("plGuess.aspx?gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=7"), "{1}注"), "客胜(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_bzx_lu) + ")", new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaPay().GetCount(model.ID, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_type), 7));
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "<br />"));
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", ""));

            #region 统计 邵广林 20160817 增加机器人盈利分析
            long PayCents       = new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaPay().GetBaPayCent(model.ID, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_type));
            long PayCents_robot = new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaPay().GetBaPayCent_robot(model.ID, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_type));
            builder.Append("" + ub.Get("SiteBz") + "统计:<br />会员总注数:" + new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaPay().GetBaPayNum(model.ID, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_type)) + "/会员下注额:" + PayCents + "");
            builder.Append("<br />机器总注数:" + new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaPay().GetBaPayNum_robot(model.ID, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_type)) + "/机器下注额:" + PayCents_robot + "");
            if (model.p_result_one != null && model.p_result_two != null)
                long WinMoney       = new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaPay().GetBaPaygetMoney("bcid=" + gid + " and Types=0 and isrobot=0");
                long WinMoney_robot = new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaPay().GetBaPaygetMoney("bcid=" + gid + " and Types=0 and isrobot=1");
                builder.Append("<br />会员总返彩:" + WinMoney + "/会员盈利额:" + (PayCents - WinMoney) + "");
                builder.Append("<br />机器总返彩:" + WinMoney_robot + "/机器盈利额:" + (PayCents_robot - WinMoney_robot) + "");


            #region 〓管理〓
            builder.Append("<br />〓管理〓");
            if (model.p_active > 0 && model.p_result_one != null && model.p_result_two != null)
                builder.Append("<br />" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("openGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + ""), "重开奖"));
                builder.Append("<br />" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("openGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + ""), "开奖"));

            builder.Append(" " + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("editGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + ""), "修改"));
            builder.Append(" " + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + "&amp;act=del"), "删除"));

            builder.Append(" " + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("payView.aspx?gid=" + gid + ""), "记录"));

            if (model.p_del == 0)
                builder.Append(" " + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + "&amp;act=no"), "隐藏"));
                builder.Append(" " + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + "&amp;act=yes"), "显示"));

            if (model.p_jc == 0)
                builder.Append("<br />抓取状态:正常抓取<br />" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + "&amp;jc=no"), "关闭抓取"));
                builder.Append("<br />抓取状态:停止抓取<br />" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + "&amp;jc=yes"), "开启抓取"));

            if (model.p_dr == 0)
                builder.Append("<br />开奖方式:自动开奖<br />" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + "&amp;dr=1"), "人工开奖"));
                builder.Append("<br />开奖方式:人工开奖<br />" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + "&amp;dr=0"), "自动开奖"));

            if (model.p_ison == 1)
                builder.Append("<br />" + ub.Get("SiteGqText") + "状态:" + ub.Get("SiteGqText") + "");
                builder.Append("<br />" + ub.Get("SiteGqText") + "状态:非" + ub.Get("SiteGqText") + "");

            builder.Append("" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + "&amp;act=once"), "编辑"));

            builder.Append("<br />8bo:" + model.p_id + "<br />");
            if (model.p_isluck == 0)
                builder.Append("" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + "&amp;act=luck"), "全局封盘"));
                builder.Append("" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + "&amp;act=noluck"), "全局解封"));

            builder.Append("<br />" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + "&amp;act=xz"), "本场受限ID"));
            builder.Append("<br />" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("../forumlog.aspx?act=gamelog&amp;ptype=2&amp;gid=" + gid + "&amp;backurl=" + Utils.PostPage(1) + ""), "" + ub.Get("SiteGqText") + "失败日志"));
            builder.Append("<br />" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("../forumlog.aspx?act=gamelog&amp;ptype=1&amp;gid=" + gid + "&amp;backurl=" + Utils.PostPage(1) + ""), "操作日志"));
            builder.Append("<br />" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("../forumlog.aspx?act=gameowe&amp;ptype=1&amp;gid=" + gid + "&amp;backurl=" + Utils.PostPage(1) + ""), "欠币日志"));

            builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", ""));
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div class=\"hr\"></div>", Out.Hr()));
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", ""));
            builder.Append(Out.waplink(Utils.getPage("default.aspx"), "返回上一级"));
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", ""));
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div class=\"title\">", "<br />"));
            builder.Append("<a href=\"" + Utils.getUrl("../default.aspx") + "\">返回管理中心</a>");
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "<br />"));
    /// <summary>
    /// 球赛盘口历史数据
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="gid"></param>
    private void OddhistoryPage(int gid)
        #region 赛事分析 点击 析 字的操作 有抓取
        TPR2.BLL.guess.BaList   bll   = new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaList();
        TPR2.Model.guess.BaList model = bll.GetModel(gid);
        int t = Utils.ParseInt(Utils.GetRequest("t", "get", 2, @"^[0-12]*$", "类型无效"));

        if (model != null)
            IList <TPR2.Model.guess.TBaListNew_History> models = bll.GetHistory(int.Parse(model.p_id.ToString()), t);
            Master.Title = model.p_one + "vs" + model.p_two + " " + TPR2.BLL.guess.BaList.TYPE_NAMES[t + 1];
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div class=\"title\">" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("default.aspx"), "球彩首页") + ">" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + ""), "返回赛事") + "</div>", Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("default.aspx"), "球彩首页") + ">" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + ""), "返回赛事")));
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", "<br />"));
            string strAnal = string.Empty;
            builder.Append(Out.SysUBB(model.p_one + " VS " + model.p_two + " " + TPR2.BLL.guess.BaList.TYPE_NAMES[t + 1] + "<br />"));
            builder.Append("开赛日期:" + model.p_TPRtime + "<br />");

            builder.Append("<style>table{border-collapse:collapse;align-text:center;border:solid 1px #d7d7d7;}table tr td{padding:0px 3px;border:solid 1px #d7d7d7;text-align:center;}</style>");
            if (t == 1 || t == 4)
                builder.Append("<tr style=\"text-align:center;font-weight:bold;background-color:#1c5e84;color:#ffffff\"><td>序号</td><td>比分</td><td>时间</td><td>主队</td><td>让球</td><td>客队</td><td>变化时间</td><td>状态</td></tr>");
            else if (t == 2 || t == 5)
                builder.Append("<tr style=\"text-align:center;font-weight:bold;background-color:#1c5e84;color:#ffffff\"><td>序号</td><td>比分</td><td>时间</td><td>大球</td><td>大小球</td><td>小球</td><td>变化时间</td><td>状态</td></tr>");
            else if (t == 3 || t == 6)
                builder.Append("<tr style=\"text-align:center;font-weight:bold;background-color:#1c5e84;color:#ffffff\"><td>序号</td><td>比分</td><td>时间</td><td>胜</td><td>平</td><td>负</td><td>变化时间</td><td>状态</td></tr>");
            if (models != null)
                if (models.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < models.Count; i++)

                        TPR2.Model.guess.TBaListNew_History m = models[i];

                        builder.Append("<td>" + (models.Count - i) + "</td>");
                        builder.Append("<td>" + Out.SysUBB("[B]" + m.result + "[/B]") + "</td>");
                        builder.Append("<td>" + m.remark + "</td>");
                        if (m.lockflag == 1)
                            builder.Append("<td colspan=\"3\">" + Out.SysUBB("[绿]封[/绿]") + "</td>");
                            builder.Append("<td>" + Math.Round(double.Parse(m.v1.ToString()), 2).ToString() + "</td>");
                            string sr = "";
                            if (m.vs < 0)
                                sr = "[红]受[/红]";
                            if (t == 1 || t == 4)
                                builder.Append("<td>" + Out.SysUBB("[蓝]" + sr + GCK.getPkName(Math.Abs(Convert.ToInt32(m.vs))) + "[/蓝]") + "</td>");
                            else if (t == 2 || t == 5)
                                builder.Append("<td>" + Out.SysUBB("[蓝]" + sr + GCK.getDxPkName(Math.Abs(Convert.ToInt32(m.vs))) + "[/蓝]") + "</td>");
                            else if (t == 3 || t == 6)
                                builder.Append("<td>" + Out.SysUBB("[蓝]" + Convert.ToInt32(m.vs) + "[/蓝]") + "</td>");
                            builder.Append("<td>" + Math.Round(double.Parse(m.v2.ToString()), 2).ToString() + "</td>");

                        builder.Append("<td>" + Out.SysUBB("" + m.downloadtime.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + "") + "</td>");

                        if (m.zdflag == 0)
                            if (DateTime.Parse(model.p_TPRtime.ToString()).AddMonths(-1) > m.downloadtime)
                                builder.Append("<td>" + Out.SysUBB("[绿]临[/绿]") + "</td>");
                                builder.Append("<td>" + Out.SysUBB("[蓝]即[/蓝]") + "</td>");
                            builder.Append("<td>" + Out.SysUBB("[红]滚[/红]") + "</td>");

        builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", Out.Hr()));
        builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", ""));
        builder.Append(Out.waplink(Utils.getPage("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + ""), "返回上级") + "");
        builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", ""));
    private void LoadPage(int gid, string bo, TPR2.Model.guess.BaList model)
        #region 默认显示球赛内容

        int meid = new BCW.User.Users().GetUsId();
        builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div class=\"title\">", ""));
        long gold = new BCW.BLL.User().GetGold(meid);
        builder.Append("您现在有" + Utils.ConvertGold(gold) + "" + ub.Get("SiteBz") + "");
        builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "<br />"));
        builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", ""));
        string OnceText = "@";
        if (model.p_ison == 1)
            OnceText = "@" + ub.Get("SiteGqText") + "";

        builder.Append("<a href=\"" + Utils.getUrl("default.aspx?showtype=1&amp;ptype=4&amp;fly=" + model.p_title + "") + "\">" + model.p_title + "</a> " + OnceText + " " + DT.FormatDate(Convert.ToDateTime(model.p_TPRtime), 1));
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.p_score))
            builder.Append("" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?act=score&amp;gid=" + model.ID + ""), "[波胆]"));

        if (model.p_result_one != null && model.p_result_two != null)
            builder.Append("<br />完场比分:" + model.p_result_one + ":" + model.p_result_two + "");
            if (model.p_TPRtime > DateTime.Now)
                builder.Append("<br />比赛状态:未");
                builder.Append("<br />比赛状态:" + Convertp_once(model.p_once) + "");

            builder.Append(Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + ""), "[刷新]") + "");
            builder.Append("<br />即时比分:" + model.p_result_temp1 + ":" + model.p_result_temp2 + "");
        builder.Append("" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?act=analysis&amp;gid=" + model.ID + ""), "[析]"));

        builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "<br />"));

        #region 处理封盘状态
        int Min = 0;
            Min = Convert.ToInt32(model.p_once.ToString().Replace("'", "").Replace("+", ""));
        if (model.p_type == 1)
            if (Min > 41 && Min < 46 || Min > 87 || (model.p_once == "中" && model.p_basketve == 9))
                model.p_isluck = 1;

        #region 红牌显示
        string hp_one = "";
        string hp_two = "";
        if (model.p_type == 1)
            if (model.p_hp_one > 0)
                hp_one = "<img src=\"/Files/sys/guess/redcard" + model.p_hp_one + ".gif\" alt=\"红" + model.p_hp_one + "\"/>";

            if (model.p_hp_two > 0)
                hp_two = "<img src=\"/Files/sys/guess/redcard" + model.p_hp_two + ".gif\" alt=\"红" + model.p_hp_two + "\"/>";

        #region 让球盘
        builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", ""));
        if (model.p_basketve == 0)
            builder.Append("" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?act=Oddhistory&amp;t=1&amp;gid=" + model.ID + ""), "[析]"));
        else if (model.p_basketve == 9)
            builder.Append("" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?act=Oddhistory&amp;t=4&amp;gid=" + model.ID + ""), "[析]"));
        bool rqp = false;
        if (((model.p_ison == 1 && model.p_isluckone == 1) || model.p_isluck == 1) && model.p_active == 0)
            rqp = true;
        else if (model.p_oncetime < DateTime.Now)
            rqp = true;
        else if (bo == "")
            rqp = true;
        if (rqp)
            builder.Append("<br />" + model.p_one + "" + hp_one + "(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_one_lu) + ")");
            builder.Append("<br />" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("payGuess.aspx?gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=1"), model.p_one + "" + hp_one + "(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_one_lu) + ")"));

        if (model.p_type == 1)
            builder.Append("<br />" + GCK.getZqPn(Convert.ToInt32(model.p_pn)) + "" + GCK.getPkName(Convert.ToInt32(model.p_pk)) + "");
            builder.Append("<br />" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_pk) + "");

        if (rqp)
            builder.Append("<br />" + model.p_two + "" + hp_two + "(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_two_lu) + ")");
            builder.Append("<br />" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("payGuess.aspx?gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=2"), model.p_two + "" + hp_two + "(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_two_lu) + ")"));

        #region 大小盘
        if (model.p_big_lu != 0 && model.p_big_lu != -1 && model.p_dx_pk != 0)
            bool dxp = false;
            builder.Append("<br />〓大小盘〓");
            if (model.p_basketve == 0)
                builder.Append("" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?act=Oddhistory&amp;t=2&amp;gid=" + model.ID + ""), "[析]"));
            else if (model.p_basketve == 9)
                builder.Append("" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?act=Oddhistory&amp;t=5&amp;gid=" + model.ID + ""), "[析]"));
            if (((model.p_ison == 1 && model.p_islucktwo == 1) || model.p_isluck == 1) && model.p_active == 0)
                dxp = true;
            else if (model.p_oncetime < DateTime.Now)
                dxp = true;
            else if (bo == "")
                dxp = true;
            if (dxp)
                builder.Append("<br />" + "大(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_big_lu) + ")");
                builder.Append("<br />" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("payGuess.aspx?gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=3"), "大(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_big_lu) + ")"));

            if (model.p_type == 1)
            if (dxp)
                builder.Append("小(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_small_lu) + ")");
                builder.Append(Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("payGuess.aspx?gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=4"), "小(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_small_lu) + ")"));

        #region 标准盘
        if (ub.GetSub("SiteIsbz", "/Controls/guess2.xml") != "1")
            if (model.p_bzs_lu != 0 && model.p_bzs_lu != -1)
                bool bzp = false;

                builder.Append("<br />〓标准盘〓");
                if (model.p_basketve == 0)
                    builder.Append("" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?act=Oddhistory&amp;t=3&amp;gid=" + model.ID + ""), "[析]"));
                else if (model.p_basketve == 9)
                    builder.Append("" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?act=Oddhistory&amp;t=6&amp;gid=" + model.ID + ""), "[析]"));
                if (((model.p_ison == 1 && model.p_isluckthr == 1) || model.p_isluck == 1) && model.p_active == 0)
                    bzp = true;
                else if (model.p_oncetime < DateTime.Now)
                    bzp = true;
                else if (bo == "")
                    bzp = true;
                if (bzp)
                    builder.Append("<br />" + "主胜(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_bzs_lu) + ")");
                    builder.Append("<br />" + "平手(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_bzp_lu) + ")");
                    builder.Append("<br />" + "客胜(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_bzx_lu) + ")");
                    builder.Append("<br />" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("payGuess.aspx?gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=5"), "主胜(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_bzs_lu) + ")"));
                    builder.Append("<br />" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("payGuess.aspx?gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=6"), "平手(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_bzp_lu) + ")"));
                    builder.Append("<br />" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("payGuess.aspx?gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=7"), "客胜(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_bzx_lu) + ")"));

        builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", Out.Hr()));

        string purl    = "[url=/bbs/guess2/showguess.aspx?gid=" + gid + "]" + model.p_title + ":" + model.p_one + "VS" + model.p_two + "[/url]";
        string strName = "purl,act,backurl";
        string strValu = "" + purl + "'recommend'" + Utils.PostPage(1) + "";
        string strOthe = "分享给好友,/bbs/guest.aspx,post,1,red";
        builder.Append(Out.wapform(strName, strValu, strOthe));

        //builder.Append("系统在" + second + "秒前更新了数据");

        if (model.p_ison == 1)
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", Out.Hr()));

            builder.Append("提示:比赛开始后仍可下注的称为" + ub.Get("SiteGqText") + " " + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("help.aspx"), "球彩规则") + "");
            if (model.p_type == 1)
                builder.Append("<br />比赛状态时间仅供参考,与分析里的时间有可能不一致");
                builder.Append("<br />比分仅供参考,即时比分与直播比分(或8波、比分网)有可能不一致");
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", ""));
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int    gid      = Utils.ParseInt(Utils.GetRequest("gid", "all", 2, @"^[0-9]*$", "竞猜ID无效"));
        string act      = Utils.GetRequest("act", "all", 1, "", "");
        string jc       = Utils.GetRequest("jc", "get", 1, "", "");
        int    ManageId = new BCW.User.Manage().IsManageLogin();

        TPR3.BLL.guess.BaList bll = new TPR3.BLL.guess.BaList();

        TPR3.Model.guess.BaList st = bll.GetModel(gid);
        if (st == null)
            Utils.Error("不存在的记录", "");

        if (st.p_type == 1 && st.p_active == 0)
            if (st.p_ison == 1)
                new TPR2.Collec.Footbo().GetBoView(Convert.ToInt32(st.p_id), true);
                new TPR3.Collec.FootFalf().FootFalfPageHtml(Convert.ToInt32(st.p_id), true);
                new TPR3.Collec.FootFalf().FootFalfPageHtml(Convert.ToInt32(st.p_id), false);

        TPR3.Model.guess.BaList model = bll.GetModel(gid);

        Master.Title = model.p_one + "VS" + model.p_two;

        if (act == "yes")
            string[] p_pageArr = { "act", "gid" };
            BCW.User.GameLog.GameLogGetPage(8, Utils.getPageUrl(), p_pageArr, "后台管理员" + ManageId + "号将赛事" + model.p_one + "VS" + model.p_two + "(" + gid + ")开放显示", gid);
            model.p_del = 0;
            new TPR3.BLL.guess.BaList().Updatep_del(model);
        else if (act == "no")
            string[] p_pageArr = { "act", "gid" };
            BCW.User.GameLog.GameLogGetPage(8, Utils.getPageUrl(), p_pageArr, "后台管理员" + ManageId + "号将赛事" + model.p_one + "VS" + model.p_two + "(" + gid + ")隐藏显示", gid);
            model.p_del = 1;
            new TPR3.BLL.guess.BaList().Updatep_del(model);

        if (jc == "yes")
            string[] p_pageArr = { "jc", "gid" };
            BCW.User.GameLog.GameLogGetPage(8, Utils.getPageUrl(), p_pageArr, "后台管理员" + ManageId + "号将赛事" + model.p_one + "VS" + model.p_two + "(" + gid + ")开启抓取", gid);
            model.p_jc = 0;
            new TPR3.BLL.guess.BaList().Updatep_jc(model);
        else if (jc == "no")
            string[] p_pageArr = { "jc", "gid" };
            BCW.User.GameLog.GameLogGetPage(8, Utils.getPageUrl(), p_pageArr, "后台管理员" + ManageId + "号将赛事" + model.p_one + "VS" + model.p_two + "(" + gid + ")关闭抓取", gid);
            model.p_jc = 1;
            new TPR3.BLL.guess.BaList().Updatep_jc(model);

        if (act == "del" || act == "delok1" || act == "delok2")
            if (act == "del")
                builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div class=\"title\">", ""));
                builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "<br />"));
                builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", ""));
                builder.Append(Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + "&amp;act=delok1"), "删除,不包含下注记录") + "<br />");
                builder.Append(Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + "&amp;act=delok2"), "删除,包含下注记录") + "<br />");
                builder.Append(Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + ""), "先留着吧.."));
                builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "<br />"));
                string[] p_pageArr = { "act", "gid" };
                BCW.User.GameLog.GameLogGetPage(8, Utils.getPageUrl(), p_pageArr, "后台管理员" + ManageId + "号删除赛事" + model.p_one + "VS" + model.p_two + "(" + gid + ")", gid);

                new TPR3.BLL.guess.BaList().Delete(gid);
                if (act == "delok2")
                    TPR3.BLL.guess.BaPay bll2 = new TPR3.BLL.guess.BaPay();
                    new TPR3.BLL.guess.BaPay().Deletebcid(gid);
                Utils.Success("删除赛事", "删除赛事成功..", Utils.getUrl("default.aspx"), "1");
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div class=\"title\">", ""));
            builder.Append(model.p_one + "VS" + model.p_two);
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "<br />"));
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", ""));
            builder.Append(Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("default.aspx?ptype=4&amp;fly=" + model.p_title + ""), model.p_title) + ":" + model.p_one + "VS" + model.p_two);
            builder.Append("<br />开赛:" + DT.FormatDate(Convert.ToDateTime(model.p_TPRtime), 0));

            if (model.p_result_one != null && model.p_result_two != null)
                builder.Append("<br />上半场比分:" + model.p_result_one + ":" + model.p_result_two + "");
                if (model.p_TPRtime > DateTime.Now)
                    builder.Append("<br />参考比分:未");
                    if (model.p_type == 1)
                        builder.Append("<br />比赛状态:" + model.p_once + "");
                        builder.Append("<br />即时比分:" + model.p_result_temp1 + ":" + model.p_result_temp2 + "");
                        builder.Append("<br />比赛状态:进行中");
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "<br />"));
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div class=\"text\">", ""));
            if (model.p_ison == 1 && model.p_isluckone == 1 && model.p_active == 0)

            builder.AppendFormat("<br />{0}" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("plGuess.aspx?gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=1"), "{1}注"), model.p_one + "(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_one_lu) + ")", new TPR3.BLL.guess.BaPay().GetCount(model.ID, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_type), 1));

            if (model.p_type == 1)
                builder.Append("<br />" + GCK.getZqPn(Convert.ToInt32(model.p_pn)) + "" + GCK.getPkName(Convert.ToInt32(model.p_pk)) + "");
                builder.Append("<br />" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_pk) + "");

            builder.AppendFormat("<br />{0}" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("plGuess.aspx?gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=2"), "{1}注"), model.p_two + "(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_two_lu) + ")", new TPR3.BLL.guess.BaPay().GetCount(model.ID, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_type), 2));
            if (model.p_big_lu != 0)
                builder.Append("<br />〓大小盘〓");
                if (model.p_ison == 1 && model.p_islucktwo == 1 && model.p_active == 0)

                builder.AppendFormat("<br />" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("plGuess.aspx?gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=3"), "{0}注") + "{1}", new TPR3.BLL.guess.BaPay().GetCount(model.ID, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_type), 3), "大(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_big_lu) + ")");

                if (model.p_type == 1)

                builder.AppendFormat("{0}" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("plGuess.aspx?gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=4"), "{1}注"), "小(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_small_lu) + ")", new TPR3.BLL.guess.BaPay().GetCount(model.ID, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_type), 4));
            if (model.p_bzs_lu != 0)
                builder.Append("<br />〓标准盘〓");
                if (model.p_ison == 1 && model.p_isluckthr == 1 && model.p_active == 0)

                builder.AppendFormat("<br />{0}" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("plGuess.aspx?gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=5"), "{1}注"), "主胜(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_bzs_lu) + ")", new TPR3.BLL.guess.BaPay().GetCount(model.ID, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_type), 5));
                builder.AppendFormat("<br />{0}" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("plGuess.aspx?gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=6"), "{1}注"), "平手(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_bzp_lu) + ")", new TPR3.BLL.guess.BaPay().GetCount(model.ID, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_type), 6));
                builder.AppendFormat("<br />{0}" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("plGuess.aspx?gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=7"), "{1}注"), "客胜(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_bzx_lu) + ")", new TPR3.BLL.guess.BaPay().GetCount(model.ID, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_type), 7));
            if (model.p_d_lu != 0 && model.p_d_lu != -1)
                builder.Append("<br />〓单双盘〓");
                builder.Append("<br />" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("plGuess.aspx?gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=8"), "" + new TPR3.BLL.guess.BaPay().GetCount(model.ID, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_type), 8) + "注") + "单(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_d_lu) + ")");
                builder.Append("/双(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_s_lu) + ")" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("plGuess.aspx?gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=9"), "" + new TPR3.BLL.guess.BaPay().GetCount(model.ID, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_type), 9) + "注") + "");
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "<br />"));
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", ""));
            builder.Append("当前总下注" + new TPR3.BLL.guess.BaPay().GetBaPayNum(model.ID, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_type)) + "注,下注额" + new TPR3.BLL.guess.BaPay().GetBaPayCent(model.ID, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_type)) + "币");

            builder.Append("<br />〓管理〓");
            if (model.p_active > 0 && model.p_result_one != null && model.p_result_two != null)
                builder.Append("<br />" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("openGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + ""), "重开奖"));
                builder.Append("<br />" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("openGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + ""), "开奖"));

            builder.Append(" " + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("editGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + ""), "修改"));
            builder.Append(" " + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + "&amp;act=del"), "删除"));

            builder.Append(" " + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("payView.aspx?gid=" + gid + ""), "记录"));

            if (model.p_del == 0)
                builder.Append(" " + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + "&amp;act=no"), "隐藏"));
                builder.Append(" " + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + "&amp;act=yes"), "显示"));

            if (model.p_jc == 0)
                builder.Append("<br />抓取状态:正常抓取<br />" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + "&amp;jc=no"), "关闭抓取"));
                builder.Append("<br />抓取状态:停止抓取<br />" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + "&amp;jc=yes"), "开启抓取"));

            if (model.p_ison == 1)
                builder.Append("<br />" + ub.Get("SiteGqText") + "状态:" + ub.Get("SiteGqText") + "");
                builder.Append("<br />" + ub.Get("SiteGqText") + "状态:非" + ub.Get("SiteGqText") + "");

            if (model.p_type == 1)
                builder.Append("<br />8波ID:" + model.p_id + "");
                builder.Append("<br />球探ID:" + model.p_id + "");

            builder.Append("<br />" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("../forumlog.aspx?act=gamelog&amp;ptype=8&amp;gid=" + gid + "&amp;backurl=" + Utils.PostPage(1) + ""), "操作日志"));
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", ""));
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div class=\"hr\"></div>", Out.Hr()));
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", ""));
            builder.Append(Out.waplink(Utils.getPage("default.aspx"), "返回上一级"));
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", ""));
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div class=\"title\">", "<br />"));
            builder.Append("<a href=\"" + Utils.getUrl("../default.aspx") + "\">返回管理中心</a>");
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "<br />"));
    private void ViewPage()
        int gid = Utils.ParseInt(Utils.GetRequest("gid", "get", 2, @"^[0-9]*$", "竞猜ID无效"));

        TPR2.BLL.guess.BaListMe bll = new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaListMe();

        TPR2.Model.guess.BaListMe model = bll.GetModel(gid);
        if (model == null)
            Utils.Error("不存在的记录", "");

        Master.Title = model.p_one + "VS" + model.p_two;

        builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", ""));
        builder.Append("庄家:<a href=\"" + Utils.getUrl("/bbs/uinfo.aspx?uid=" + model.usid + "&amp;backurl=" + Utils.PostPage(1) + "") + "\">" + new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(model.usid) + "(" + model.usid + ")</a>");

        builder.Append("<br /><a href=\"" + Utils.getUrl("default.aspx?showtype=1&amp;ptype=4&amp;fly=" + model.p_title + "") + "\">" + model.p_title + "</a>:" + model.p_one + "VS" + model.p_two + "");

        builder.Append("<br />开赛:" + DT.FormatDate(Convert.ToDateTime(model.p_TPRtime), 0));
        if (model.p_result_one != null && model.p_result_two != null)
            builder.Append("<br />完场比分:" + model.p_result_one + ":" + model.p_result_two + "");

        builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "<br />"));
        builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", ""));
        builder.Append("<br />" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("kzlist.aspx?act=pay&amp;gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=1"), model.p_one + "(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_one_lu) + ")"));

        builder.AppendFormat("{0}" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("kzlist.aspx?act=plist&amp;gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=1"), "{1}注"), "|", new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaPayMe().GetCount(model.ID, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_type), 1));

        if (model.p_type == 1)
            builder.Append("<br />" + GCK.getZqPn(Convert.ToInt32(model.p_pn)) + "" + GCK.getPkName(Convert.ToInt32(model.p_pk)) + "");
            builder.Append("<br />" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_pk) + "");

        builder.Append("<br />" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("kzlist.aspx?act=pay&amp;gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=2"), model.p_two + "(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_two_lu) + ")"));

        builder.AppendFormat("{0}" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("kzlist.aspx?act=plist&amp;gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=2"), "{1}注"), "|", new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaPayMe().GetCount(model.ID, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_type), 2));

        if (model.p_big_lu != 0 && model.p_big_lu != -1 && model.p_dx_pk != 0)
            builder.Append("<br />〓大小盘〓<br />");

            builder.AppendFormat("" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("kzlist.aspx?act=plist&amp;gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=3"), "{0}注") + "{1}", new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaPayMe().GetCount(model.ID, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_type), 3), "|");

            builder.Append("" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("kzlist.aspx?act=pay&amp;gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=3"), "大(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_big_lu) + ")"));

            if (model.p_type == 1)

            builder.Append(Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("kzlist.aspx?act=pay&amp;gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=4"), "小(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_small_lu) + ")"));

            builder.AppendFormat("{0}" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("kzlist.aspx?act=plist&amp;gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=4"), "{1}注"), "|", new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaPayMe().GetCount(model.ID, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_type), 4));
        if (ub.GetSub("SiteIsbz", "/Controls/guess.xml") != "1")
            if (model.p_bzs_lu != 0 && model.p_bzs_lu != -1)
                builder.Append("<br />〓标准盘〓");
                builder.Append("<br />" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("kzlist.aspx?act=pay&amp;gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=5"), "主胜(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_bzs_lu) + ")"));

                builder.AppendFormat("{0}" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("kzlist.aspx?act=plist&amp;gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=5"), "{1}注"), "|", new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaPayMe().GetCount(model.ID, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_type), 5));

                builder.Append("<br />" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("kzlist.aspx?act=pay&amp;gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=6"), "平手(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_bzp_lu) + ")"));

                builder.AppendFormat("{0}" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("kzlist.aspx?act=plist&amp;gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=6"), "{1}注"), "|", new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaPayMe().GetCount(model.ID, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_type), 6));

                builder.Append("<br />" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("kzlist.aspx?act=pay&amp;gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=7"), "客胜(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_bzx_lu) + ")"));

                builder.AppendFormat("{0}" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("kzlist.aspx?act=plist&amp;gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=7"), "{1}注"), "|", new TPR2.BLL.guess.BaPayMe().GetCount(model.ID, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_type), 7));
        builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", ""));

        builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", "<br />"));
        builder.Append("【" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("kzguess2.aspx?gid=" + gid + ""), "编辑") + " ");
        builder.Append("" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("kzlist.aspx?act=del&amp;gid=" + gid + ""), "删除") + " ");
        builder.Append("" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("kzlist.aspx?act=wlist&amp;gid=" + gid + ""), "记录") + "】");
        builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", ""));
        builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", Out.Hr()));
        builder.Append(Out.waplink(Utils.getPage("kzlist.aspx"), "返回上一级") + "<br />");
        builder.Append(Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("default.aspx"), "返回球彩管理") + "");
        builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "<br />"));
        builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div class=\"title\">", ""));
        builder.Append("<a href=\"" + Utils.getUrl("../default.aspx") + "\">返回管理中心</a>");
        builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "<br />"));
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int    ManageId = new BCW.User.Manage().IsManageLogin();
        int    gid      = Utils.ParseInt(Utils.GetRequest("gid", "all", 2, @"^[0-9]*$", "竞猜ID无效"));
        string act      = Utils.GetRequest("act", "all", 1, "", "");
        string jc       = Utils.GetRequest("jc", "get", 1, "", "");

        TPR.BLL.guess.BaList bll = new TPR.BLL.guess.BaList();

        TPR.Model.guess.BaList model = bll.GetModel(gid);
        if (model == null)
            Utils.Error("不存在的记录", "");

        Master.Title = model.p_one + "VS" + model.p_two;

        if (act == "yes")
            model.p_del = 0;
            new TPR.BLL.guess.BaList().Updatep_del(model);
            string[] p_pageArr = { "act", "gid" };
            BCW.User.GameLog.GameLogGetPage(Utils.getPageUrl(), p_pageArr, "后台管理员" + ManageId + "号将赛事" + model.p_one + "VS" + model.p_two + "(" + gid + ")开放显示", gid);
        else if (act == "no")
            model.p_del = 1;
            new TPR.BLL.guess.BaList().Updatep_del(model);
            string[] p_pageArr = { "act", "gid" };
            BCW.User.GameLog.GameLogGetPage(Utils.getPageUrl(), p_pageArr, "后台管理员" + ManageId + "号将赛事" + model.p_one + "VS" + model.p_two + "(" + gid + ")隐藏显示", gid);

        if (jc == "yes")
            model.p_jc = 0;
            new TPR.BLL.guess.BaList().Updatep_jc(model);
            string[] p_pageArr = { "jc", "gid" };
            BCW.User.GameLog.GameLogGetPage(Utils.getPageUrl(), p_pageArr, "后台管理员" + ManageId + "号将赛事" + model.p_one + "VS" + model.p_two + "(" + gid + ")开启抓取", gid);
        else if (jc == "no")
            model.p_jc = 1;
            new TPR.BLL.guess.BaList().Updatep_jc(model);
            string[] p_pageArr = { "jc", "gid" };
            BCW.User.GameLog.GameLogGetPage(Utils.getPageUrl(), p_pageArr, "后台管理员" + ManageId + "号将赛事" + model.p_one + "VS" + model.p_two + "(" + gid + ")关闭抓取", gid);

        if (act == "del" || act == "delok1" || act == "delok2")
            if (act == "del")
                builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div class=\"title\">", ""));
                builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "<br />"));
                builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", ""));
                builder.Append(Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + "&amp;act=delok1"), "删除,不包含下注记录") + "<br />");
                builder.Append(Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + "&amp;act=delok2"), "删除,包含下注记录") + "<br />");
                builder.Append(Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + ""), "先留着吧.."));
                builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "<br />"));
                string[] p_pageArr = { "act", "gid" };
                BCW.User.GameLog.GameLogGetPage(Utils.getPageUrl(), p_pageArr, "后台管理员" + ManageId + "号删除赛事" + model.p_one + "VS" + model.p_two + "(" + gid + ")", gid);

                new TPR.BLL.guess.BaList().Delete(gid);
                if (act == "delok2")
                    TPR.BLL.guess.BaPay bll2 = new TPR.BLL.guess.BaPay();
                    new TPR.BLL.guess.BaPay().Deletebcid(gid);
                Utils.Success("删除赛事", "删除赛事成功..", Utils.getUrl("default.aspx"), "1");

        else if (act == "once" || act == "onceok")
            if (!Utils.GetDomain().Contains("tl88") && !Utils.GetDomain().Contains("168yy"))
                Utils.Error("不存在的页面", "");

            if (act == "once")
                string p_oncetime = string.Empty;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.p_oncetime.ToString()))
                    p_oncetime = DT.FormatDate(Convert.ToDateTime(model.p_TPRtime).AddMinutes(100), 0);
                    p_oncetime = DT.FormatDate(Convert.ToDateTime(model.p_oncetime), 0);

                builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div class=\"title\">", ""));
                builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", ""));
                string strText = "封盘时间,,";
                string strName = "oncetime,gid,act";
                string strType = "date,hidden,hidden";
                string strValu = "" + p_oncetime + "'" + gid + "'onceok";
                string strEmpt = "false,false,false";
                string strIdea = "/";
                string strOthe = "转换,showGuess.aspx,post,1,red";

                builder.Append(Out.wapform(strText, strName, strType, strValu, strEmpt, strIdea, strOthe));
                builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", " "));
                builder.Append(Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + ""), "取消"));
                builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "<br />"));
                DateTime oncetime = Utils.ParseTime(Utils.GetRequest("oncetime", "post", 2, DT.RegexTime, "请正确填写封盘时间"));

                if (Convert.ToDateTime(model.p_TPRtime) > oncetime)
                    Utils.Error("封盘时间应大于开赛时间", "");
                string[] p_pageArr = { "oncetime", "act", "gid" };
                BCW.User.GameLog.GameLogGetPage(Utils.getPageUrl(), p_pageArr, "后台管理员" + ManageId + "号编辑赛事" + model.p_one + "VS" + model.p_two + "(" + gid + ")成为走地", gid);

                new TPR.BLL.guess.BaList().FootOnceType(gid, oncetime);
                Utils.Success("转移走地", "转换成功..", Utils.getUrl("showguess.aspx?gid=" + gid + ""), "1");
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div class=\"title\">", ""));
            builder.Append(model.p_one + "VS" + model.p_two);
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "<br />"));
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", ""));
            builder.Append(Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("default.aspx?ptype=4&amp;fly=" + model.p_title + ""), model.p_title) + ":" + model.p_one + "VS" + model.p_two);
            builder.Append("<br />开赛:" + DT.FormatDate(Convert.ToDateTime(model.p_TPRtime), 0));

            if (model.p_result_one != null && model.p_result_two != null)
                builder.Append("<br />完场比分:" + model.p_result_one + ":" + model.p_result_two + "");
                builder.Append("<br />即时比分:" + model.p_result_temp1 + ":" + model.p_result_temp2 + "");

            builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "<br />"));
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div class=\"text\">", ""));
            builder.AppendFormat("<br />{0}" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("plGuess.aspx?gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=1"), "{1}注"), model.p_one + "(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_one_lu) + ")", new TPR.BLL.guess.BaPay().GetCount(model.ID, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_type), 1));

            if (model.p_type == 1)
                builder.Append("<br />" + GCK.getZqPn(Convert.ToInt32(model.p_pn)) + "" + GCK.getPkName(Convert.ToInt32(model.p_pk)) + "");
                builder.Append("<br />" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_pk) + "");

            builder.AppendFormat("<br />{0}" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("plGuess.aspx?gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=2"), "{1}注"), model.p_two + "(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_two_lu) + ")", new TPR.BLL.guess.BaPay().GetCount(model.ID, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_type), 2));
            if (model.p_big_lu != 0)
                builder.Append("<br />〓大小盘〓");
                builder.AppendFormat("<br />" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("plGuess.aspx?gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=3"), "{0}注") + "{1}", new TPR.BLL.guess.BaPay().GetCount(model.ID, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_type), 3), "大(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_big_lu) + ")");

                if (model.p_type == 1)

                builder.AppendFormat("{0}" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("plGuess.aspx?gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=4"), "{1}注"), "小(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_small_lu) + ")", new TPR.BLL.guess.BaPay().GetCount(model.ID, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_type), 4));
            if (model.p_bzs_lu != 0)
                builder.Append("<br />〓标准盘〓");
                builder.AppendFormat("<br />{0}" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("plGuess.aspx?gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=5"), "{1}注"), "主胜(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_bzs_lu) + ")", new TPR.BLL.guess.BaPay().GetCount(model.ID, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_type), 5));
                builder.AppendFormat("<br />{0}" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("plGuess.aspx?gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=6"), "{1}注"), "平手(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_bzp_lu) + ")", new TPR.BLL.guess.BaPay().GetCount(model.ID, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_type), 6));
                builder.AppendFormat("<br />{0}" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("plGuess.aspx?gid=" + model.ID + "&amp;p=7"), "{1}注"), "客胜(" + Convert.ToDouble(model.p_bzx_lu) + ")", new TPR.BLL.guess.BaPay().GetCount(model.ID, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_type), 7));
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "<br />"));
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", ""));

            long PayCents = new TPR.BLL.guess.BaPay().GetBaPayCent(model.ID, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_type));
            builder.Append("" + ub.Get("SiteBz") + "统计:<br />总注数:" + new TPR.BLL.guess.BaPay().GetBaPayNum(model.ID, Convert.ToInt32(model.p_type)) + "/下注额:" + PayCents + "");
            if (model.p_result_one != null && model.p_result_two != null)
                long WinMoney = new TPR.BLL.guess.BaPay().GetBaPaygetMoney("bcid=" + gid + " and Types=0");

                builder.Append("<br />总返彩:" + WinMoney + "/盈利额:" + (PayCents - WinMoney) + "");

            builder.Append("<br />〓管理〓");
            if (model.p_result_one != null && model.p_result_two != null)
                builder.Append("<br />" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("openGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + ""), "重开奖"));
                builder.Append("<br />" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("openGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + ""), "开奖"));
            builder.Append(" " + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("editGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + ""), "修改"));
            builder.Append(" " + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + "&amp;act=del"), "删除"));

            builder.Append(" " + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("payView.aspx?gid=" + gid + ""), "记录"));

            if (model.p_del == 0)
                builder.Append(" " + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + "&amp;act=no"), "隐藏"));
                builder.Append(" " + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + "&amp;act=yes"), "显示"));

            if (model.p_jc == 0)
                builder.Append("<br />抓取状态:正常抓取<br />" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + "&amp;jc=no"), "关闭抓取"));
                builder.Append("<br />抓取状态:停止抓取<br />" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + "&amp;jc=yes"), "开启抓取"));

            builder.Append("球探网ID:" + model.p_id + "<br />");

            if (model.p_type == 1)
                if (Utils.GetDomain().Contains("tl88") || Utils.GetDomain().Contains("168yy"))
                    if (model.p_ison == 1)
                        builder.Append("<br />走地状态:走地");
                        builder.Append("<br />走地状态:非走地");

                    builder.Append("" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("showGuess.aspx?gid=" + gid + "&amp;act=once"), "编辑"));
            if (Utils.GetDomain().Contains("kubao") || Utils.GetDomain().Contains("tuhao") || Utils.GetDomain().Contains("th") || Utils.GetDomain().Contains("kb288") || Utils.GetDomain().Contains(""))
                builder.Append("<br />" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("../forumlog.aspx?act=gamelog&amp;gid=" + gid + "&amp;backurl=" + Utils.PostPage(1) + ""), "操作日志"));
                builder.Append("<br />" + Out.waplink(Utils.getUrl("../forumlog.aspx?act=gameowe&amp;gid=" + gid + "&amp;backurl=" + Utils.PostPage(1) + ""), "欠币日志"));
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", ""));
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div class=\"hr\"></div>", Out.Hr()));
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div>", ""));
            builder.Append(Out.waplink(Utils.getPage("default.aspx"), "返回上一级"));
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", ""));
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("<div class=\"title\">", "<br />"));
            builder.Append("<a href=\"" + Utils.getUrl("../default.aspx") + "\">返回管理中心</a>");
            builder.Append(Out.Tab("</div>", "<br />"));