private void OnEnable() { btnImage = GetComponent <Image>(); if (fuzeActionOptions == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Fuze Button is missing fuze Options", gameObject); } else { fuzeActionOptionsList = fuzeActionOptions.GetActionSequence(); if (fuzeActionOptionsList.Length <= 0) { Debug.LogWarning("Fuze Options in Button are empty.", gameObject); } else { currOptionIndex = ((int)(Random.value * 100)) % fuzeActionOptionsList.Length; if (!fuzeActionOptionsList[currOptionIndex].GetType().Equals(typeof(FuzeAction))) { Debug.LogWarning($"Fuze Options contians Element that isn't a Fuze Action. At Index {currOptionIndex}", gameObject); } else { currentFuzeAction = (FuzeAction)fuzeActionOptionsList[currOptionIndex]; btnImage.sprite = currentFuzeAction.GetFuzeImage(); } } } }
public void CycleFuzeActions() { currOptionIndex = (currOptionIndex + 1) % fuzeActionOptionsList.Length; if (!fuzeActionOptionsList[currOptionIndex].GetType().Equals(typeof(FuzeAction))) { Debug.LogWarning($"Fuze Options contians Element that isn't a Fuze Action. At Index {currOptionIndex}", gameObject); } else { currentFuzeAction = (FuzeAction)fuzeActionOptionsList[currOptionIndex]; btnImage.sprite = currentFuzeAction.GetFuzeImage(); } }