public Donation Create(Campaign campaign, Fundraiser fundraiser, DonationStatus status, double amount, string currencyCode, double amountInDefaultCurrency, string donorUserId, string donorDisplayName = null, string referenceNumber = null) { if (fundraiser != null && fundraiser.CampaignId != campaign.Id) // validate campaign { throw new InvalidOperationException("fundraiser campaign id does not match"); } var donation = new Donation { Campaign = campaign, Fundraiser = fundraiser, Status = status, Amount = amount, CurrencyCode = currencyCode, AmountInDefaultCurrency = amountInDefaultCurrency, DonorUserId = donorUserId, DonorDisplayName = donorDisplayName, ReferenceNumber = referenceNumber, DateCreated = DateTime.Now, DateLastUpdated = DateTime.Now }; if (currencyCode == campaign.DefaultCurrencyCode && amount != amountInDefaultCurrency) { throw new InvalidOperationException("invalid amount (does not match amount in default currency)"); } _context.Donations.Add(donation); _context.SaveChanges(); return(donation); }
internal Fundraiser Edit(Fundraiser newFundraiser) { Fundraiser currentFundraiser = GetById(newFundraiser.Id); if (newFundraiser.Goal == null) { newFundraiser.Goal = currentFundraiser.Goal; } if (newFundraiser.CurrentAmount == null) { newFundraiser.CurrentAmount = currentFundraiser.CurrentAmount; } if (newFundraiser.Active == currentFundraiser.Active) { newFundraiser.Active = currentFundraiser.Active; } if (newFundraiser.Link == null) { newFundraiser.Link = currentFundraiser.Link; } if (newFundraiser.Title == null) { newFundraiser.Title = currentFundraiser.Title; } if (newFundraiser.Description == null) { newFundraiser.Description = currentFundraiser.Description; } return(_fundraiserRepo.Edit(newFundraiser)); }
public Fundraiser SelectAllbyID(string id) { //Step 1 - Define a connection to the database by getting // the connection string from web.config string DBConnect = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ShimmerConnectionString"].ConnectionString; SqlConnection myConn = new SqlConnection(DBConnect); //Step 2 - Create a DataAdapter to retrieve data from the database table string sqlStmt = "Select * from Fundraisers Where id=(@paraId)"; SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlStmt, myConn); da.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@paraId", id); //Step 3 - Create a DataSet to store the data to be retrieved DataSet ds = new DataSet(); //Step 4 - Use the DataAdapter to fill the DataSet with data retrieved da.Fill(ds); int rec_cnt = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; Fundraiser obj = null; if (rec_cnt > 0) { DataRow row = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]; // Sql command returns only one record int Fdrid = Convert.ToInt32(row["Id"]); string orgBy = row["organisedBy"].ToString(); string name = row["name"].ToString(); string desc = row["description"].ToString(); double donationGoal = Convert.ToDouble(row["donationGoal"].ToString()); string cat = row["category"].ToString(); obj = new Fundraiser(orgBy, name, desc, donationGoal, cat); = Fdrid; } return(obj); }
public int Update(Fundraiser fdR) { string DBConnect = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ShimmerConnectionString"].ConnectionString; SqlConnection myConn = new SqlConnection(DBConnect); string sqlStmt = "UPDATE Fundraisers SET name = @paraTitle, description = @paraDesc, " + "donationGoal = @paraDonGoal WHERE Id = @paraId"; int result = 0; // Execute NonQuery return an integer value SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand(sqlStmt, myConn); sqlCmd = new SqlCommand(sqlStmt, myConn); sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@paraTitle",; sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@paraDesc", fdR.description); sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@paraDonGoal", fdR.donationGoal); sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@paraId",; myConn.Open(); result = sqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); myConn.Close(); return(result); }
public Fundraiser Update(Fundraiser fundraiser) { fundraiser.DateLastUpdated = DateTime.Now; var updatedFundraiser = _context.Update(fundraiser); _context.SaveChanges(); return(updatedFundraiser.Entity); }
public void AddFundRaiser(Fundraiser fundraiser) { if (fundraiser == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(fundraiser)); } context.Fundraisers.Add(fundraiser); }
public IActionResult SignUp_Donor_Entry(Fundraiser fundraiser) { if (fundraiser.f_password != fundraiser.f_password1) { return(RedirectToAction("SignUp_Donor", "Home", new { message = "Passwords do not match. Try again." })); } MD5 md5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider(); //compute hash from the bytes of text md5.ComputeHash(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(fundraiser.f_password)); //get hash result after compute it byte[] result = md5.Hash; StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++) { //change it into 2 hexadecimal digits //for each byte strBuilder.Append(result[i].ToString("x2")); } string connection_string = configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnectionString"); SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connection_string); connection.Open(); string query1 = $"Select count(*) from USERS where f_email = '{fundraiser.f_email}' and f_category = 2"; SqlCommand com1 = new SqlCommand(query1, connection); var count = (int)com1.ExecuteScalar(); if (count != 0) { return(RedirectToAction("SignUp_Donor", "Home", new { message = "Account already exists with this email!" })); } //connection.Close(); ////string query = "SELECT [f_id],[f_name],[f_email],[f_password],[f_phone],[f_about],[f_category] FROM [dbo].[FUNDRAISERS]" string query = "INSERT INTO [dbo].[USERS]([f_name],[f_email],[f_password],[f_category]) VALUES(@name,@email,@password,2)"; SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand(query, connection); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@name", fundraiser.f_name); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@email", fundraiser.f_email); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@password", strBuilder.ToString()); com.ExecuteNonQuery(); //ViewData["Total_fundraiser"] = count; connection.Close(); return(View(fundraiser)); //return RedirectToAction("donor_index", "Donor"); }
public IActionResult Update_info_fundraiser_password(Fundraiser fundraiser) { MD5 md5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider(); //compute hash from the bytes of text md5.ComputeHash(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(fundraiser.f_password)); //get hash result after compute it byte[] result = md5.Hash; StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++) { //change it into 2 hexadecimal digits //for each byte strBuilder.Append(result[i].ToString("x2")); } string connection_string = configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnectionString"); SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connection_string); connection.Open(); string f_pass = fundraiser.f_password; var f_id = fundraiser.f_id; string query1 = $"Select count(*) from USERS where f_id = {f_id} and f_password='******'"; SqlCommand com1 = new SqlCommand(query1, connection); var count = (int)com1.ExecuteScalar(); if (count == 1) { MD5 md52 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider(); //compute hash from the bytes of text md52.ComputeHash(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(fundraiser.f_password1)); //get hash result after compute it byte[] result2 = md52.Hash; StringBuilder strBuilder2 = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++) { //change it into 2 hexadecimal digits //for each byte strBuilder2.Append(result2[i].ToString("x2")); } string query = $"Update FUNDRAISERS set f_password=@password where f_id={f_id}"; SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand(query, connection); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@password", strBuilder2.ToString()); com.ExecuteNonQuery(); } connection.Close(); //return RedirectToAction("Create_event_entry","Fundraiser"); return(RedirectToAction("fundraiser_index", "Fundraiser", new { id = f_id })); }
public IActionResult donor_index(int id) { var fr = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Fundraiser>(HttpContext.Session.GetString("FundraiserSession")); ViewBag.d_name = fr.f_name; ViewBag.d_id = fr.f_id; string connection_string1 = configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnectionString"); SqlConnection connection1 = new SqlConnection(connection_string1); connection1.Open(); string query1 = $"select sum(amount) from DONATED where d_id = {fr.f_id}"; SqlCommand com1 = new SqlCommand(query1, connection1); var count = 0; if (Convert.IsDBNull(com1.ExecuteScalar())) { count = 0; } else { count = (int)com1.ExecuteScalar(); } ViewData["total_amount"] = count; //ViewData["message"] = message; connection1.Close(); string connection_string = configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnectionString"); SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connection_string); connection.Open(); string query = $"select * from USERS where f_id = {id}"; SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand(query, connection); //string connection_string1 = configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnectionString"); using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connection_string)) { conn.Open(); SqlDataReader rdr = com.ExecuteReader(); while (rdr.Read()) { var f = new Fundraiser(); ViewBag.f_id = (int)rdr["f_id"]; f.f_id = (int)rdr["f_id"]; f.f_email = (string)rdr["f_email"]; f.f_password = (string)rdr["f_password"]; f.f_name = (string)rdr["f_name"]; ViewBag.f_name = (string)rdr["f_name"]; return(View(f)); } conn.Close(); } return(View(fr)); }
public IActionResult Log_out() { var fr = new Fundraiser() { f_id = 0, f_name = "", f_email = "", f_password = "", f_phone = "", f_about = "" }; HttpContext.Session.SetString("FundraiserSession", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(fr)); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string id = Session["DonationId"].ToString(); lblID.Text = id; Fundraiser fdR = new Fundraiser(); Fundraiser fdRList = fdR.GetFdById(id); lblName.Text =; lblOrgBy.Text = fdRList.organisedBy; lblDesc.Text = fdRList.description; lblDonGoal.Text = fdRList.donationGoal.ToString(); lblCategory.Text = fdRList.category; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { string id = Session["DonationId"].ToString(); Fundraiser obj = new Fundraiser(); Fundraiser fdR = obj.GetFdById(id); lblId.Text = id; lblOrgBy.Text = fdR.organisedBy.ToString(); tbFdrName.Text =; tbDesc.Text = fdR.description.ToString(); tbDonGoal.Text = fdR.donationGoal.ToString(); } }
internal Fundraiser Create(Fundraiser FundraiserData) { string sql = @" INSERT INTO fundraiser (active, title, description, link, goal, currentAmount, organizationId) VALUES (@Active, @Title, @Description, @Link, @Goal, @CurrentAmount, @OrganizationId); SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID(); "; int id = _db.ExecuteScalar <int>(sql, FundraiserData); FundraiserData.Id = id; return(FundraiserData); }
public Fundraiser Create(string name, Guid campaignId, FundraiserType type, string creatorUserId, JObject extendedData = null) { var fundraiser = new Fundraiser { Name = name, CampaignId = campaignId, FundraiserType = type, CreatorUserId = creatorUserId, DateCreated = DateTime.Now, DateLastUpdated = DateTime.Now }; if (extendedData != null) { fundraiser.ExtendedData = extendedData; } _context.Fundraisers.Add(fundraiser); _context.SaveChanges(); return(fundraiser); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Fundraiser fdR = new Fundraiser(); fdList = fdR.GetAllFd(); DSFr = fdR.GetDSFundraiser(); // using gridview to bind to the list of Fundraiser objects GvDonation.Visible = true; GvDonation.DataSource = fdList; GvDonation.DataBind(); RptDonations.DataSource = DSFr; RptDonations.DataBind(); }
protected void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Fundraiser newFR = new Fundraiser(); int result = newFR.deleteForFundraiser(Session["DonationId"].ToString()); lblSuccess.Text = "Fundraiser has been deleted successfully"; btnReturn.Visible = false; Response.Redirect("Donations.aspx"); } catch { lblError.Text = "Error"; } }
private void Init() { var builder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <FundraiseContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase("FundraiseTestDB"); var context = new FundraiseContext(builder.Options); _donationRepository = new DonationRepository(context); var campaignRepository = new CampaignRepository(context); _testCampaign = campaignRepository.Create("test", "USD", null, null); var fundraiserRepository = new FundraiserRepository(context); _testFundraiser = fundraiserRepository.Create("test", _testCampaign.Id, FundraiserType.Individual, "test"); }
internal Fundraiser Edit(Fundraiser newFundraiser) { string sql = @" UPDATE fundraiser SET goal = @Goal, currentAmount = @CurrentAmount, active = @Active, link = @Link, title = @Title, description = @Description, WHERE id = @Id; SELECT * FROM fundraiser WHERE id = @Id && email = @Email; "; return(_db.ExecuteScalar <Fundraiser>(sql, newFundraiser)); }
public IActionResult Update_info_donor(Fundraiser fundraiser) { string connection_string = configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnectionString"); SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connection_string); connection.Open(); var f_id = fundraiser.f_id; string query = $"Update USERS set f_name=@name, f_email=@email where f_id={f_id}"; SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand(query, connection); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@name", fundraiser.f_name); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@email", fundraiser.f_email); com.ExecuteNonQuery(); connection.Close(); return(RedirectToAction("donor_index", "Donor", new { id = f_id })); }
protected void Btn_Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Fundraiser newFR = new Fundraiser(); = TB_Name.Text; newFR.description = TB_Desc.Text; newFR.donationGoal = Convert.ToDouble(TB_DGoal.Text); newFR.category = DDL_Category.SelectedValue; newFR.insertFundraiser(newFR); Lbl_success.Text = "New Fundraiser created!"; } catch { Lbl_err.Text = "Error"; } }
public ActionResult <Fundraiser> Edit(int id, [FromBody] Fundraiser Organization) { try { Organization.Id = id; string nameIdentifier = HttpContext.User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value; if (nameIdentifier != null) { return(Ok(value: _FundraiserService.Edit(Organization))); } else { throw new UnauthorizedAccessException("Unauthorized"); } } catch (Exception e) { return(BadRequest(e.Message)); } }
public ActionResult <Fundraiser> Create([FromBody] Fundraiser Fundraiser) { try { string nameIdentifier = HttpContext.User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value; if (nameIdentifier != null) { // Fundraiser.Email = nameIdentifier; return(Ok(_FundraiserService.Create(Fundraiser))); } else { throw new UnauthorizedAccessException("Unothorized"); } } catch (Exception e) { return(BadRequest(e.Message)); } }
public int Insert(Fundraiser FR) { string DBConnect = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ShimmerConnectionString"].ConnectionString; SqlConnection myConn = new SqlConnection(DBConnect); int result = 0; string sqlstmt = "Insert into Fundraisers(name, description, donationGoal, category) Values(@paraName, @paraDesc, @paraGoal, @paraCategory)"; SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand(sqlstmt, myConn); sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@paraName",; sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@paraDesc", FR.description); sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@paraGoal", FR.donationGoal); sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@paraCategory", FR.category); myConn.Open(); result = sqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); myConn.Close(); return(result); }
public IActionResult Update_info_fundraiser(Fundraiser fundraiser) { string connection_string = configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnectionString"); SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connection_string); connection.Open(); var f_id = fundraiser.f_id; string query = $"Update USERS set f_name=@name, f_email=@email, f_about=@about, f_phone=@phone where f_id={f_id}"; SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand(query, connection); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@name", fundraiser.f_name); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@email", fundraiser.f_email); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@phone", fundraiser.f_phone); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@about", fundraiser.f_about); com.ExecuteNonQuery(); connection.Close(); //return View(); //return RedirectToAction("Create_event_entry","Fundraiser"); return(RedirectToAction("fundraiser_index", "Fundraiser", new { id = f_id })); }
public IFundraiserCommandResponse GetFundraiser(string organismReference, string fundraiserReference) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(organismReference) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fundraiserReference)) { return(new FundraiserCommandResponse(CommandStatus.BAD_PARAMETER, "all parameter are mandatory", null)); } var organism = new GetOrganismCommand().GetOrganism(organismReference); if (organism.Status != CommandStatus.DONE) { return(new FundraiserCommandResponse(organism.Status, organism.Message, null)); } if (organismReference == "1" && fundraiserReference != "1") { return(new FundraiserCommandResponse(CommandStatus.NOT_FOUND, "This fundraiser doesn't exist", null)); } var options = new List <IActionOption>(); var infos = new List <IDynamicInfos>(); infos.Add(new DynamicInfos("1", "Numéro d'étudiant", null, true)); options.Add(new ActionOption("1", "Tarif étudiant", "C'est un tarif réduit pour les étudiants", 10, infos)); options.Add(new ActionOption("2", "Plein tarif", "C'est le tarif normal", 20, null)); infos = new List <IDynamicInfos>(); infos.Add(new DynamicInfos("2", "Pourquoi êtes-vous si généreux ?", null, true)); infos.Add(new DynamicInfos("3", "Combien gagnez-vous par mois", "C'est juste comme ça !", false)); options.Add(new ActionOption("3", "Généreux", "Comme le plein tarif mais vous êtes généreux", 100, infos)); var fundraiser = new Fundraiser(fundraiserReference, "collecte-" + fundraiserReference, "Collecte " + fundraiserReference, "Ceci est la description de la collecte " + fundraiserReference + " de l'association " + organismReference, "col-picture-" + organismReference + "-" + fundraiserReference + ".jpg", options, 10); return(new FundraiserCommandResponse(CommandStatus.DONE, null, fundraiser)); }
protected void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { double donationGoal = Convert.ToDouble(tbDonGoal.Text); Fundraiser newFR = new Fundraiser(lblOrgBy.Text, tbFdrName.Text, tbDesc.Text, donationGoal, "0"); = Convert.ToInt32(lblId.Text); int result = newFR.updateForFundraiser(); if (result == 1) { lblSuccess.Text = "Fundraiser Updated"; Response.Redirect("Donations.aspx"); } else { lblError.Text = "Error"; } } catch { lblError.Text = "Error"; } }
public IActionResult fundraiser_index(int id) { var fr = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Fundraiser>(HttpContext.Session.GetString("FundraiserSession")); //return View(fr); string connection_string = configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnectionString"); SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connection_string); connection.Open(); string query = $"select * from USERS where f_id = {id}"; SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand(query, connection); using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connection_string)) { conn.Open(); SqlDataReader rdr = com.ExecuteReader(); while (rdr.Read()) { var f = new Fundraiser(); ViewBag.fun_id = (int)rdr["f_id"]; f.f_id = (int)rdr["f_id"]; f.f_email = (string)rdr["f_email"]; f.f_password = (string)rdr["f_password"]; f.f_phone = (string)rdr["f_phone"]; f.f_about = (string)rdr["f_about"]; f.f_name = (string)rdr["f_name"]; ViewBag.fun_name = (string)rdr["f_name"]; return(View(f)); } conn.Close(); } //return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"); return(View(fr)); }
public List <Fundraiser> SelectAll() { //Step 1 - Define a connection to the database by getting // the connection string from web.config string DBConnect = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ShimmerConnectionString"].ConnectionString; SqlConnection myConn = new SqlConnection(DBConnect); //Step 2 - Create a DataAdapter to retrieve data from the database table string sqlStmt = "Select * from Fundraisers"; SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlStmt, myConn); //Step 3 - Create a DataSet to store the data to be retrieved DataSet ds = new DataSet(); //Step 4 - Use the DataAdapter to fill the DataSet with data retrieved da.Fill(ds); //Step 5 - Read data from DataSet to List List <Fundraiser> FdrList = new List <Fundraiser>(); int rec_cnt = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; for (int i = 0; i < rec_cnt; i++) { DataRow row = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]; // Sql command returns only one record int Fdrid = Convert.ToInt32(row["Id"]); string orgBy = row["organisedBy"].ToString(); string name = row["name"].ToString(); string desc = row["description"].ToString(); double donationGoal = Convert.ToDouble(row["donationGoal"].ToString()); string cat = row["category"].ToString(); Fundraiser obj = new Fundraiser(orgBy, name, desc, donationGoal, cat); = Fdrid; FdrList.Add(obj); } return(FdrList); }
public IActionResult SignIn_Panel(Fundraiser fundraiser) { MD5 md5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider(); //compute hash from the bytes of text md5.ComputeHash(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(fundraiser.f_password)); //get hash result after compute it byte[] result = md5.Hash; StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++) { //change it into 2 hexadecimal digits //for each byte strBuilder.Append(result[i].ToString("x2")); } string connection_string = configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnectionString"); SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connection_string); connection.Open(); string query = "Select * from USERS where f_email = @email and f_password = @password"; SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand(query, connection); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@email", fundraiser.f_email); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@password", strBuilder.ToString()); SqlDataReader dr = com.ExecuteReader(); if (dr.Read()) { var f_id = (int)dr["f_id"]; var cat = (int)dr["f_category"]; if (cat == 1) { var fr = new Fundraiser() { f_id = (int)dr["f_id"], f_name = (string)dr["f_name"], f_email = (string)dr["f_email"], f_password = (string)dr["f_password"], f_phone = (string)dr["f_phone"], f_about = (string)dr["f_about"] }; HttpContext.Session.SetString("FundraiserSession", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(fr)); connection.Close(); //return View(); return(RedirectToAction("fundraiser_index", "Fundraiser", new { id = f_id })); } else { var dnr = new Fundraiser() { f_id = (int)dr["f_id"], f_name = (string)dr["f_name"], f_email = (string)dr["f_email"], f_password = (string)dr["f_password"] }; HttpContext.Session.SetString("FundraiserSession", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dnr)); connection.Close(); //return View(); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Donor")); } } dr.Close(); connection.Close(); ViewBag.error_message = "Email or password did not match! Try again."; //ViewData["error_message"] = "Email or password did not match! Try again."; return(RedirectToAction("SignIn", "Home", new { message = "Email or password did not match! Try again." })); }
internal Fundraiser Create(Fundraiser Fundraiser) { return(_fundraiserRepo.Create(Fundraiser)); }