        private static IEnumerable <(FunctionOverload functionOverload, ResourceScopeType allowedScopes)> GetScopeFunctions()
            // Depending on the scope of the Bicep file, different sets of function overloads are invalid - for example, you can't use 'resourceGroup()' inside a tenant-level deployment

            // Also note that some of these functions and overloads ("GetRestrictedXYZ") have not yet been implemented in full in the ARM JSON. For these, we simply
            // return an empty object type (so that dot property access doesn't work), and generate as an ARM expression "json({})" if anyone tries to access the object value.
            // This list should be kept in-sync with ScopeHelper.CanConvertToArmJson().

            var allScopes = ResourceScopeType.TenantScope | ResourceScopeType.ManagementGroupScope | ResourceScopeType.SubscriptionScope | ResourceScopeType.ResourceGroupScope;

            yield return(FunctionOverload.CreateFixed("tenant", GetRestrictedTenantReturnValue), allScopes);

            yield return(FunctionOverload.CreateFixed("managementGroup", GetRestrictedManagementGroupReturnValue), ResourceScopeType.ManagementGroupScope);

            yield return(FunctionOverload.CreateFixed("managementGroup", GetRestrictedManagementGroupReturnValue, LanguageConstants.String), ResourceScopeType.TenantScope | ResourceScopeType.ManagementGroupScope);

            yield return(FunctionOverload.CreateFixed("subscription", GetSubscriptionReturnValue), ResourceScopeType.SubscriptionScope | ResourceScopeType.ResourceGroupScope);

            yield return(FunctionOverload.CreateFixed("subscription", GetRestrictedSubscriptionReturnValue, LanguageConstants.String), allScopes);

            yield return(FunctionOverload.CreateFixed("resourceGroup", GetResourceGroupReturnValue), ResourceScopeType.ResourceGroupScope);

            yield return(FunctionOverload.CreateFixed("resourceGroup", GetRestrictedResourceGroupReturnValue, LanguageConstants.String), ResourceScopeType.SubscriptionScope | ResourceScopeType.ResourceGroupScope);

            yield return(FunctionOverload.CreateFixed("resourceGroup", GetRestrictedResourceGroupReturnValue, LanguageConstants.String, LanguageConstants.String), ResourceScopeType.SubscriptionScope | ResourceScopeType.ResourceGroupScope);
 public ArgumentTypeMismatch(FunctionOverload source, int argumentIndex, TypeSymbol argumentType, TypeSymbol parameterType)
     this.Source        = source;
     this.ArgumentIndex = argumentIndex;
     this.ArgumentType  = argumentType;
     this.ParameterType = parameterType;
 public void Deconstruct(out FunctionOverload source, out int argumentIndex, out TypeSymbol argumentType, out TypeSymbol parameterType)
     source        = this.Source;
     argumentIndex = this.ArgumentIndex;
     argumentType  = this.ArgumentType;
     parameterType = this.ParameterType;
        private static IEnumerable <FunctionOverload> GetAzOverloads(ResourceScopeType resourceScope)
            foreach (var(functionOverload, allowedScopes) in GetScopeFunctions())
                // we only include it if it's valid at all of the scopes that the template is valid at
                if (resourceScope == (resourceScope & allowedScopes))
                    yield return(functionOverload);
                // TODO: add banned function to explain why a given function isn't available

            // TODO: Add schema for return type
            yield return(FunctionOverload.CreateFixed("deployment", LanguageConstants.Object));

            // TODO: Add schema for return type
            yield return(FunctionOverload.CreateFixed("environment", LanguageConstants.Object));

            // TODO: This is based on docs. Verify
            yield return(FunctionOverload.CreateWithVarArgs("resourceId", LanguageConstants.String, 2, LanguageConstants.String));

            yield return(FunctionOverload.CreateWithVarArgs("subscriptionResourceId", LanguageConstants.String, 2, LanguageConstants.String));

            yield return(FunctionOverload.CreateWithVarArgs("tenantResourceId", LanguageConstants.String, 2, LanguageConstants.String));

            yield return(FunctionOverload.CreateWithVarArgs("extensionResourceId", LanguageConstants.String, 3, LanguageConstants.String));

            // TODO: Not sure about return type
            yield return(new FunctionOverload("providers", LanguageConstants.Array, 1, 2, Enumerable.Repeat(LanguageConstants.String, 2), null));

            // TODO: return type is string[]
            yield return(new FunctionOverload("pickZones", LanguageConstants.Array, 3, 5, new[] { LanguageConstants.String, LanguageConstants.String, LanguageConstants.String, LanguageConstants.Int, LanguageConstants.Int }, null));

            // the use of FunctionPlacementConstraints.Resources prevents use of these functions anywhere where they can't be directly inlined into a resource body
            yield return(new FunctionOverload("reference", LanguageConstants.Object, 1, 3, Enumerable.Repeat(LanguageConstants.String, 3), null, FunctionFlags.RequiresInlining));

            yield return(new FunctionWildcardOverload("list*", LanguageConstants.Any, 2, 3, new[] { LanguageConstants.String, LanguageConstants.String, LanguageConstants.Object }, null, new Regex("^list[a-zA-Z]+"), FunctionFlags.RequiresInlining));
 public Decorator?TryGetDecorator(FunctionOverload overload) => this.decoratorsByOverloads.TryGetValue(overload, out Decorator? decorator) ? decorator : null;
        static void Main(string[] args)
                /* My First Program in C# */
                Console.WriteLine("Hello World");

                /* My Second Program in C# */
                int num;
                Console.Write("\nEnter a value of N: ");
                num = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
                Console.WriteLine("\nValue of N: {0}\n", num);

                /* Area of Rectangle Program in C# */
                Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();

                /* sizeof in C# */
                Console.WriteLine("Size of int: {0} \n", sizeof(int));

                object obj;
                obj = 100;      // this is boxing

                // ast double to int.
                double d = 5673.74; int i;
                i = (int)d;

                // Addition of two numbers
                int new_i = 75; float new_f = 53.005f; double new_d = 2345.7652; bool new_b = true;

                Console.WriteLine("Integer value of i: " + new_i.ToString());
                Console.WriteLine("Integer value of f: " + new_f.ToString());
                Console.WriteLine("Integer value of d: " + new_d.ToString());
                Console.WriteLine("Boolean value of b: " + new_b.ToString());

                short a; int b; double c;
                /* Actual initialization */
                a = 10; b = 20;
                c = a + b;
                Console.WriteLine("\nA = {0}, B = {1}, Addition of A and B = {2}", a, b, c);

                // Constant declaration
                const double pi = 3.14159;
                double       r;
                Console.Write("\nEnter Radius: ");
                r = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
                double areaCircle = pi * r * r;
                Console.WriteLine("\nValue of Radius: {0}, \tArea: {1}", r, areaCircle);

                // Function overloading
                Console.Write("\nEnter value of X: ");
                int x = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
                Console.Write("\nEnter value of Y: ");
                int y = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
                Console.Write("\nEnter value of Z: ");
                int z = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
                FunctionOverload fn = new FunctionOverload();
                Console.Write("\nMax between X and Y : {0}", fn.FindMax(x, y));
                Console.Write("\n\nMax between X,Y and Z: {0}\n", fn.FindMax(x, y, z));

                // Array in C#
                int[] n = new int[10]; /* n is an array of 10 integers */
                int   ii, jj;
                /* initialize elements of array n */
                for (ii = 0; ii < 10; ii++)
                    n[ii] = ii + 100;
                /* output each array element's value */
                for (jj = 0; jj < 10; jj++)
                    Console.WriteLine("\nElement[{0}] = {1}", jj, n[jj]);

                //from string literal and string concatenation
                string fname, lname;
                fname = "Raju";
                lname = "Ingalgi";

                char[]   letters = { 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o' };
                string[] sarray  = { "Hello", "From", "Aryan", "Enterprises" };

                string fullname = fname + lname;
                Console.WriteLine("Full Name: {0}", fullname);
                string greetings = new string(letters);
                Console.WriteLine("Greetings: {0}", greetings);
                string message = String.Join(" ", sarray);
                Console.WriteLine("Message: {0}", message);

                Thread th = Thread.CurrentThread;
                th.Name = "Main Thread";
                Console.WriteLine("Thread Namer: " + th.Name);

                //formatting method to convert a value
                DateTime waiting = new DateTime(2018, 07, 22, 17, 58, 0);
                string   chat    = String.Format("Message sent at {0:t} on {0:D}", waiting);
                Console.WriteLine("Message: {0}", chat);
                StackView stackView = new StackView();
                QueueView queueView = new QueueView();
                BitArrayView bitArrayView = new BitArrayView();

                // Create delegate instance using anonymous method.
                NumberChanger nc = delegate(int X)
                    Console.WriteLine("\nAnonymous Method: {0}", X);
                // Calling the delegate using anonymous method.
                // Instanceing the delegate using the named method.
                nc = new NumberChanger(AddNum);
                // Calling the delegate using anonymous method.
            catch (Exception Code)
                Console.WriteLine("Error Code : {0}", Code);