public void GetFunctionInvokeUrlTemplate_ReturnsExpectedResult()
            string baseUrl          = "https://localhost";
            var    functionMetadata = new FunctionMetadata
                Name = "TestFunction"
            var httpTriggerBinding = new BindingMetadata
                Name      = "req",
                Type      = "httpTrigger",
                Direction = BindingDirection.In,
                Raw       = new JObject()

            var uri = FunctionMetadataExtensions.GetFunctionInvokeUrlTemplate(baseUrl, functionMetadata, "api");

            Assert.Equal("https://localhost/api/testfunction", uri.ToString());

            // with empty route prefix
            uri = FunctionMetadataExtensions.GetFunctionInvokeUrlTemplate(baseUrl, functionMetadata, string.Empty);
            Assert.Equal("https://localhost/testfunction", uri.ToString());

            // with a custom route
            httpTriggerBinding.Raw.Add("route", "catalog/products/{category:alpha?}/{id:int?}");
            uri = FunctionMetadataExtensions.GetFunctionInvokeUrlTemplate(baseUrl, functionMetadata, "api");
            Assert.Equal("https://localhost/api/catalog/products/{category:alpha?}/{id:int?}", uri.ToString());

            // with empty route prefix
            uri = FunctionMetadataExtensions.GetFunctionInvokeUrlTemplate(baseUrl, functionMetadata, string.Empty);
            Assert.Equal("https://localhost/catalog/products/{category:alpha?}/{id:int?}", uri.ToString());
        /// <summary>
        /// It handles creating a new function or updating an existing one.
        /// It attempts to clean left over artifacts from a possible previous function with the same name
        /// if config is changed, then `configChanged` is set to true so the caller can call SyncTriggers if needed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">name of the function to be created</param>
        /// <param name="functionMetadata">in case of update for function.json</param>
        /// <param name="request">Current HttpRequest.</param>
        /// <returns>(success, configChanged, functionMetadataResult)</returns>
        public async Task <(bool, bool, FunctionMetadataResponse)> CreateOrUpdate(string name, FunctionMetadataResponse functionMetadata, HttpRequest request)
            var configChanged = false;
            var functionDir   = Path.Combine(_config.RootScriptPath, name);

            // Make sure the function folder exists
            if (!FileUtility.DirectoryExists(functionDir))
                // Cleanup any leftover artifacts from a function with the same name before.

            string newConfig    = null;
            string configPath   = Path.Combine(functionDir, ScriptConstants.FunctionMetadataFileName);
            string dataFilePath = FunctionMetadataExtensions.GetTestDataFilePath(name, _config);

            // If files are included, write them out
            if (functionMetadata?.Files != null)
                // If the config is passed in the file collection, save it and don't process it as a file
                if (functionMetadata.Files.TryGetValue(ScriptConstants.FunctionMetadataFileName, out newConfig))

                // Delete all existing files in the directory. This will also delete current function.json, but it gets recreated below

                await functionMetadata
                .Select(e => FileUtility.WriteAsync(Path.Combine(functionDir, e.Key), e.Value))

            // Get the config (if it was not already passed in as a file)
            if (newConfig == null && functionMetadata?.Config != null)
                newConfig = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(functionMetadata?.Config, Formatting.Indented);

            // Get the current config, if any
            string currentConfig = null;

            if (FileUtility.FileExists(configPath))
                currentConfig = await FileUtility.ReadAsync(configPath);

            // Save the file and set changed flag is it has changed. This helps optimize the syncTriggers call
            if (newConfig != currentConfig)
                await FileUtility.WriteAsync(configPath, newConfig);

                configChanged = true;

            if (functionMetadata.TestData != null)
                await FileUtility.WriteAsync(dataFilePath, functionMetadata.TestData);

            (var success, var functionMetadataResult) = await TryGetFunction(name, request); // test_data took from incoming request, it will not exceed the limit

            return(success, configChanged, functionMetadataResult);