public int callFunc(FuncType funcType, string s) { int androidFuncType = (int)funcType; // TODO return(ao.Call <int>("callFunc", androidFuncType, s)); }
//public FuncSelector(string name, Action<List<string>> f, params string[] args) //{ // DisplayName = name; // FunctionB = f; // type = FuncType.STRLIST; // FunctionParams = args; //} public FuncSelector(string name, Action <IExperimentFace, List <string> > f, params string[] args) { DisplayName = name; FunctionC = f; type = FuncType.EXPERIMENTFACE_STRING; FunctionParams = args; }
public UMCAttribute(FuncType currentType, Type classtype, string key) { //构造函数 this.currentType = currentType; this.classType = classtype; this.key = key; }
public bool isFunctionSupported(FuncType type) //1暂停游戏,2进入用户中心,3进入论坛,4处理应用跳转(旧),5显示浮动工具栏,6隐藏浮动工具栏,7处理应用跳转(新) { #if UNITY_IOS && !UNITY_EDITOR switch (type) { case FuncType.QUICK_SDK_FUNC_TYPE_ENTER_BBS: return(quicksdk_nativeIsFunctionTypeSupported(3)); case FuncType.QUICK_SDK_FUNC_TYPE_ENTER_USER_CENTER: return(quicksdk_nativeIsFunctionTypeSupported(2)); case FuncType.QUICK_SDK_FUNC_TYPE_SHOW_TOOLBAR: return(quicksdk_nativeIsFunctionTypeSupported(5)); case FuncType.QUICK_SDK_FUNC_TYPE_HIDE_TOOLBAR: return(quicksdk_nativeIsFunctionTypeSupported(6)); case FuncType.QUICK_SDK_FUNC_TYPE_PAUSED_GAME: return(quicksdk_nativeIsFunctionTypeSupported(1)); case FuncType.QUICK_SDK_FUNC_TYPE_ENTER_CUSTOMER_CENTER: return(quicksdk_nativeIsFunctionTypeSupported(7)); default: return(false); } #elif UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR QuickUnitySupportAndroid androidSupport = QuickUnitySupportAndroid.getInstance(); return(androidSupport.isFuncSupport(type)); #else return(false); #endif }
private bool IsPredicate(ITypeSymbol type) { if (!ExpressionType.Equals(type.OriginalDefinition, SymbolEqualityComparer.Default) || !(type is INamedTypeSymbol namedType)) { return(false); } var actualFuncType = namedType.TypeArguments[0]; if (!FuncType.Equals(actualFuncType.OriginalDefinition, SymbolEqualityComparer.Default) || !(actualFuncType is INamedTypeSymbol actualFuncNamedType)) { return(false); } var returnType = actualFuncNamedType.TypeArguments[1]; if (returnType.SpecialType != SpecialType.System_Boolean) { return(false); } return(true); }
public DeclareFieldElement(VariableLexeme lexeme, List <TreeElement> body, FuncType type) : base(lexeme.File, lexeme.Position, lexeme.Line, lexeme.CharIndex) { FieldName = lexeme.Value; Body = body; Type = type; }
public Function(MethodInfo mi, object target, FuncType returnType) { if (mi == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } if (!mi.IsStatic && target == null) { throw new MethodIsNotStaticException(); } meth = (Func <object[], object>)mi.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func <object[], object>), target); Name = mi.Name; ReturnType = returnType; if (mi.GetCustomAttribute <DescriptionAttribute>() != null)//проверка на наличие атрибута описания { Description = mi.GetCustomAttribute <DescriptionAttribute>().Description; } if (mi.GetCustomAttribute <FuncGroupAttribute>() != null)//проверка на наличие атрибута группы { GroupName = mi.GetCustomAttribute <FuncGroupAttribute>().GroupName; } else { GroupName = "None"; } }
public Function(Delegate func, FuncType returnType, string Name = "") : this(func.Method, func.Target, returnType) { if (Name.Length > 0) { this.Name = Name; } }
public void callFunction(FuncType type)//only for android { #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR QuickUnitySupportAndroid androidSupport = QuickUnitySupportAndroid.getInstance(); androidSupport.callFunc(type); #endif }
public override LLVMTypeRef visitFuncType(FuncType funcType) { LLVMTypeRef retType = funcType.ReturnType.accept(this); int parameterTypesCount = funcType.ParameterTypes.Count; Symbol funcOwner = funcType.symbol.owner; bool isMember = funcOwner.kind == Symbol.Kind.STRUCT; if (isMember) { parameterTypesCount++; } LLVMTypeRef[] paramTypes = new LLVMTypeRef[parameterTypesCount]; if (isMember) { paramTypes[0] = HEAP_PTR(((Symbol.StructSymbol)funcOwner).llvmTypeRef); for (int i = 1; i < paramTypes.Length; i++) { paramTypes[i] = funcType.ParameterTypes[i - 1].accept(this); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.Length; i++) { paramTypes[i] = funcType.ParameterTypes[i].accept(this); } } return(LLVM.FunctionType(retType, paramTypes, funcType.isVarArg)); }
public FuncStandard(string path, bool isCoroutine = false, bool autoResetCoroutine = false, bool required = true) { Path = path; Required = required; //SplitPath = path.Split('.'); //IsCoroutine = isCoroutine; // AutoResetCoroutine = autoResetCoroutine; if (isCoroutine) { if (autoResetCoroutine) { FuncType = FuncType.AutoCoroutine; } else { FuncType = FuncType.SingleUseCoroutine; } } else { FuncType = FuncType.Function; } }
//Выбор функции private void BoxWithFunc_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { TValue.Enabled = true; MinValue.Enabled = true; MaxValue.Enabled = true; var selected = BoxWithFunc.SelectedIndex; switch (selected) { case 0: Type = FuncType.FrequencyResponse; //ачх break; case 1: Type = FuncType.PhaseResponse;//фчх KValue.Enabled = true; break; case 2: Type = FuncType.BodePlot;//лачх IValue.Enabled = true; break; } }
public FuncSelector(string name, Action <IExperimentFace, List <string> > f, params RomVersion[] args) { DisplayName = name; FunctionC = f; type = FuncType.EXPERIMENTFACE_ROMS; RomParams = args; }
/// <summary> /// 点击全部按钮 /// </summary> /// <param name="isClick"></param> public void ClickAll() { if (ItemMgr.Instance.itemList != null) { Ptype = 0; CollatingType(Ptype); } }
/// <summary> /// �f�V���A���C�Y���ꂽ�I�u�W�F�N�g��擾���� /// </summary> /// <param name="type">���̎��</param> /// <param name="bytes">�V���A���C�Y�ς݃f�[�^</param> /// <param name="offset">�f�[�^�̊J�n�ʒu</param> /// <param name="nextOffset">���̃f�[�^�̊J�n�ʒu</param> /// <returns>���s���I�u�W�F�N�g</returns> public static TimeFuncBase GetDeserialized(FuncType type, byte[] bytes, int offset, out int nextOffset) { // �I�u�W�F�N�g�쐬 var func = CreateInstance(type); // �f�V���A���C�Y nextOffset = func.Deserialize(bytes, offset); return func; }
public void DrawOsc(FuncType funcType = FuncType.Normal, int periods = 1) { OSCtype = funcType; Periods[0] = periods; PeriodsText.Text = Periods[0].ToString(); signal.SetPeriods(Periods[0]); OscToChart(); }
public static FuncModel Get(string name, FuncType funcType = FuncType.URLFUNCTION) { using (var db = new LiteDatabase(@"LiteDb/Funcs.db")) { var col = db.GetCollection <FuncModel>("funcs"); return(col.Find(m => m.Name == name && m.Type == funcType).FirstOrDefault()); } }
public FunctionBuilder() { localVariables = new Dictionary <string, LocalBuilder>(); localFinals = new Dictionary <string, LocalBuilder>(); methodBuilder = null; constructorBuilder = null; type = FuncType.DEFAULT; parameterAttributes = ParameterAttributes.None; }
public bool isFunctionTypeSupported(FuncType type)//1暂停游戏,2进入用户中心,3进入论坛,4处理应用跳转(旧),5显示浮动工具栏,6隐藏浮动工具栏,7处理应用跳转(新) { #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR QuickUnitySupportAndroid androidSupport = QuickUnitySupportAndroid.getInstance(); return(androidSupport.isFuncSupport(type)); #else return(false); #endif }
private HelpProperty GetFuncTypeHelp(FuncType type) { HelpProperty answer = new HelpProperty(_prefix: "{count}"); foreach (IInterpreterFunction f in Interpreter.GetFullLibrary().Where(func => func.ReturnType == type)) { answer.Add(f.Description); } return(answer); }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Bind ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public Func bind(List args) { if ( == 0) return this; if ( > @params().sz()) throw ArgErr.make("args.size > params.size").val; Type[] newParams = new Type[@params().sz()]; for (int i=0; i<newParams.Length; ++i) newParams[i] = ((Param)@params().get(; FuncType newType = new FuncType(newParams, this.returns()); return new BindFunc(newType, this, args); }
public void CreateFunc(FuncType type) { if (curFuncType != type) { if (m_CurFunc != null) { m_CurFunc.RemoveFunc(); } m_CurFunc = funcTypes[type].CreateFunc(); m_CurFuncType = type; } }
private static void GetFuncsFromType(Type typeWithMethods, FuncType funcType) { foreach (MethodInfo mi in typeWithMethods.GetRuntimeMethods()) { Function buffer; try { buffer = new Function(mi, null, funcType); AddToArray(ref library, buffer); } catch { }; } }
public ColumnSpec(string columnName, Func <T, HtmlString> htmlStringValueFunc, int gridWidth, DhtmlxGridColumnDataType dhtmlxGridColumnDataType, DhtmlxGridColumnFormatType dhtmlxGridColumnFormatType, DhtmlxGridColumnAlignType dhtmlxGridColumnAlignType, DhtmlxGridColumnSortType dhtmlxGridColumnSortType, DhtmlxGridColumnFilterType dhtmlxGridColumnFilterType, DhtmlxGridColumnAggregationType dhtmlxGridColumnAggregationType, Func <T, string> cssClassFunction, Func <T, string> titleFunction) : this( columnName, gridWidth, dhtmlxGridColumnDataType, dhtmlxGridColumnFormatType, dhtmlxGridColumnAlignType, dhtmlxGridColumnSortType, dhtmlxGridColumnFilterType, dhtmlxGridColumnAggregationType, cssClassFunction, titleFunction) { _htmlStringValueFunc = htmlStringValueFunc; _funcType = FuncType.HtmlString; }
public ColumnSpec(string columnName, Func <T, bool?> nullableBoolValueFunc, int gridWidth, DhtmlxGridColumnDataType dhtmlxGridColumnDataType, DhtmlxGridColumnFormatType dhtmlxGridColumnFormatType, DhtmlxGridColumnAlignType dhtmlxGridColumnAlignType, DhtmlxGridColumnSortType dhtmlxGridColumnSortType, DhtmlxGridColumnFilterType dhtmlxGridColumnFilterType, DhtmlxGridColumnAggregationType dhtmlxGridColumnAggregationType, Func <T, string> cssClassFunction, Func <T, string> titleFunction) : this( columnName, gridWidth, dhtmlxGridColumnDataType, dhtmlxGridColumnFormatType, dhtmlxGridColumnAlignType, dhtmlxGridColumnSortType, dhtmlxGridColumnFilterType, dhtmlxGridColumnAggregationType, cssClassFunction, titleFunction) { _nullableBoolValueFunc = nullableBoolValueFunc; _funcType = FuncType.NullableBool; }
void OnGUI() { var enumNames = System.Enum.GetNames(typeof(FuncType)); var newFuncType = (FuncType)GUILayout.SelectionGrid((int)_funcType, enumNames, enumNames.Length); if (newFuncType != _funcType) { _startRequested = true; _funcType = newFuncType; } if (GUILayout.Button("Restart")) { _startRequested = true; } _showError = GUILayout.Toggle(_showError, "ShowError"); GUILayout.Label("spring stiffness: " + _springStiffness.ToString("N4")); var log = Mathf.Log10(_springStiffness); var newLog = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(log, -3f, 4f); if (newLog != log) { _startRequested = true; _springStiffness = Mathf.Pow(10f, newLog); } GUILayout.Label("spring dumper: " + _springDumper.ToString("N4")); log = Mathf.Log10(_springDumper); newLog = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(log, -2f, 2f); if (newLog != log) { _startRequested = true; _springDumper = Mathf.Pow(10f, newLog); } if (_showError) { var exact = _positionFunc(_time).x; GUILayout.Label("euler error: " + Mathf.Abs(_eulerState.position.x - exact) / 300f); GUILayout.Label("semi-implicit Euler error: " + Mathf.Abs(_semiImplicitEulerState.position.x - exact) / 300f); GUILayout.Label("verlet error: " + Mathf.Abs(_verletState.position.x - exact) / 300f); } else { var eulerEnergy = _energyFunc(_eulerState.position, _eulerState.velocity); var siEulerEnergy = _energyFunc(_semiImplicitEulerState.position, _semiImplicitEulerState.velocity); var verletEnergy = _energyFunc(_verletState.position, _verletState.velocity); GUILayout.Label("euler energy: " + (eulerEnergy / _initialEnergy)); GUILayout.Label("semi-implicit Euler energy: " + (siEulerEnergy / _initialEnergy)); GUILayout.Label("verlet energy: " + (verletEnergy / _initialEnergy)); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Difinition of test functions var funcMap = new FuncType() { { "Linq 100", BindChecking(SortAlgos.BabbleSort, 100) }, { "Linq 1000", BindChecking(SortAlgos.BabbleSort, 1000) }, { "Linq 10000", BindChecking(SortAlgos.BabbleSort, 10000) }, { "Babble 100", BindChecking(SortAlgos.BabbleSort, 100) }, { "Babble 1000", BindChecking(SortAlgos.BabbleSort, 1000) }, { "Babble 10000", BindChecking(SortAlgos.BabbleSort, 10000) }, { "Shaker 100", BindChecking(SortAlgos.ShakerSort, 100) }, { "Shaker 1000", BindChecking(SortAlgos.ShakerSort, 1000) }, { "Shaker 10000", BindChecking(SortAlgos.ShakerSort, 10000) }, { "Comb 100", BindChecking(SortAlgos.CombSort, 100) }, { "Comb 1000", BindChecking(SortAlgos.CombSort, 1000) }, { "Comb 10000", BindChecking(SortAlgos.CombSort, 10000) }, { "Selection 100", BindChecking(SortAlgos.SelectionSort, 100) }, { "Selection 1000", BindChecking(SortAlgos.SelectionSort, 1000) }, { "Selection 10000", BindChecking(SortAlgos.SelectionSort, 10000) }, { "Insertion 100", BindChecking(SortAlgos.InsertionSort, 100) }, { "Insertion 1000", BindChecking(SortAlgos.InsertionSort, 1000) }, { "Insertion 10000", BindChecking(SortAlgos.InsertionSort, 10000) }, { "Gnome 100", BindChecking(SortAlgos.GnomeSort, 100) }, { "Gnome 1000", BindChecking(SortAlgos.GnomeSort, 1000) }, { "Gnome 10000", BindChecking(SortAlgos.GnomeSort, 10000) }, { "Shell 100", BindChecking(SortAlgos.ShellSort, 100) }, { "Shell 1000", BindChecking(SortAlgos.ShellSort, 1000) }, { "Shell 10000", BindChecking(SortAlgos.ShellSort, 10000) }, { "Shell2 100", BindChecking(SortAlgos.ShellSort2, 100) }, { "Shell2 1000", BindChecking(SortAlgos.ShellSort2, 1000) }, { "Shell2 10000", BindChecking(SortAlgos.ShellSort2, 10000) }, { "Merge 100", BindChecking(SortAlgos.MergeSort, 100) }, { "Merge 1000", BindChecking(SortAlgos.MergeSort, 1000) }, { "Merge 10000", BindChecking(SortAlgos.MergeSort, 10000) }, { "Merge2 100", BindChecking(SortAlgos.MergeSort2, 100) }, { "Merge2 1000", BindChecking(SortAlgos.MergeSort2, 1000) }, { "Merge2 10000", BindChecking(SortAlgos.MergeSort2, 10000) }, { "Quick 100", BindChecking(SortAlgos.QuickSort, 100) }, { "Quick 1000", BindChecking(SortAlgos.QuickSort, 1000) }, { "Quick 10000", BindChecking(SortAlgos.QuickSort, 10000) }, }; MeasureFuncs(funcMap, out List <Tuple <double, long> > results); ShowResult(funcMap, results); // Wait for a user input. Console.Read(); }
private AbstractFunc GetFunc(FuncType type) { AbstractFunc func; switch (type) { case FuncType.FrequencyResponse: func = new FrequencyResponse(DataInfo); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(type)); } return(func); }
public static int GetOrder(FuncType func) { switch (func) { case FuncType.Equals: return(0); case FuncType.Addition: return(1); case FuncType.Multiplication: return(3); case FuncType.Power: return(4); default: return(int.MaxValue); } }
public TypeSection(BinaryReader reader) : base(reader) { uint count = LEB128.ReadUInt32(reader); if (count > int.MaxValue) { throw new NotImplementedException($"Count larger than {int.MaxValue} bytes not supported."); } entries = new FuncType[count]; for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++) { entries[i] = new FuncType(reader); } }
/// <summary> /// Show result with good format /// </summary> /// <param name="results">list for showing</param> private static void ShowResult(FuncType funcMap, List <Tuple <double, long> > results) { for (int i = 0; i < results.Count; i++) { int maxKeyLen = funcMap.Keys.Max((key) => key.Count()); string result = ($"{funcMap.Keys.ToArray()[i]}").PadRight(maxKeyLen) + " :" + ($"{results[i].Item1:F1} [ms]").PadLeft(13); Console.Write(result + " |"); int ave = Math.Max((int)Math.Log(results[i].Item1, 1.2), 0); int max = Math.Max((int)Math.Log(results[i].Item2, 1.2), 0); Console.WriteLine(("").PadRight(ave, '#').PadRight(max) + "|"); } }
public Function(Position position, string name, FuncType type, IEnumerable<string> paramNames, IUnboundExpr body, IEnumerable<IBoundDecl> typeArgs, bool hasInferrableTypeArguments) : base(position, name, typeArgs) { if (position == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("position"); if (type == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("type"); if (paramNames != null) { ParamNames.AddRange(paramNames); } Body = new Expr(body); Type = type; HasInferrableTypeArguments = hasInferrableTypeArguments; }
/** * return 0 success, -100 false or not support such function */ public int callFunc(FuncType funcType) { int androidFuncType = 0; switch (funcType) { case FuncType.QUICK_SDK_FUNC_TYPE_UNDEFINED: // Do nothing break; case FuncType.QUICK_SDK_FUNC_TYPE_ENTER_BBS: androidFuncType = 101; break; case FuncType.QUICK_SDK_FUNC_TYPE_ENTER_USER_CENTER: androidFuncType = 102; break; case FuncType.QUICK_SDK_FUNC_TYPE_SHOW_TOOLBAR: androidFuncType = 103; break; case FuncType.QUICK_SDK_FUNC_TYPE_HIDE_TOOLBAR: androidFuncType = 104; break; case FuncType.QUICK_SDK_FUNC_TYPE_SWITCH_ACCOUNT: androidFuncType = 107; break; case FuncType.QUICK_SDK_FUNC_TYPE_REAL_NAME_REGISTER: androidFuncType = 105; break; case FuncType.QUICK_SDK_FUNC_TYPE_ANTI_ADDICTION_QUERY: androidFuncType = 106; break; case FuncType.QUICK_SDK_FUNC_TYPE_SHARE: androidFuncType = 108; break; } // TODO return(ao.Call <int>("callFunc", androidFuncType)); }
public UpdateRule(FuncType type, string ruleArgument, bool isInverted) { _ruleArgument = ruleArgument; _isInverted = isInverted; switch (type) { case FuncType.StartsWith: _checkFunction = (s, r) => FixPathSeparators(s).ToLower().StartsWith(FixPathSeparators(r)); break; case FuncType.EndsWith: _checkFunction = (s, r) => FixPathSeparators(s).ToLower().EndsWith(FixPathSeparators(r)); break; case FuncType.Equals: _checkFunction = (s, r) => FixPathSeparators(s).Equals(FixPathSeparators(r), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Unlnown argument value is received.", "type"); } }
internal Wrapper(FuncType t, Func orig) : base(t) { m_orig = orig; }
private Intrinsic(string name, FuncType type) { Name = name; FuncType = type; }
public FAtrAttribute(FuncType t) { funcType = t; //this.funcName = name; }
protected Indirect(FuncType type) { this.m_type = type; }
private Intrinsic(string name, OpCode opCode, FuncType type) : this(name, type) { OpCodes.Add(opCode); }
protected IndirectX(FuncType type) : base(type) { }
internal BindFunc(FuncType type, Func orig, List bound) : base(type) { this.m_orig = orig; this.m_bound =; }
public Function(Position position, string name, FuncType type, IEnumerable<string> paramNames, IUnboundExpr body) : this(position, name, type, paramNames, body, null, false) { }